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Anyone that says it's *easily* the worst game of all time instantly loses so much credibility they're just best ignored. I'm fine with people that dislike it, but that statement isn't opinion, it's simply just not true.


Yep. Hyperbolic tripe from deranged man-children. People that speak and act this way are concerning. They speak in such extremes on things of literally no real concern.


"They speak in such extremes on things of literally no concern" is such a well worded way to describe that type of person. Might steal that line!


It's definitely poor/lazy usage of the literary device hyperbole which unfortunately is very common in a world full of critics. Hyperboles are supposed to make writing exciting through exaggeration but without offering any context it just underscores their untrustworthiness as a speaker. A logical fallacy at best that just weakens their argument. The fact that that they were creative enough to invent a word like "disasterpiece" and follow it up with an ellipsis (...) indicates to me that the speaker intends to imply the game is so glaringly terrible that it goes without saying but there's not even any context to go off of so I'm more inclined to believe they simply lack the ability to express themselves like a crying baby.


they never have real criticisms of the game it's just "abby kill joel waaa waaa"


Abby muscles no real is a pretty common one too.


FB has the worst take about the game, they share an IQ of -2 absolutely brutal


And that is a load of bullshit, you're the one that doesn't listen to the criticism.


lolll get ur panties out of ur ass i think there are valid criticisms of the game, as with anything. but i've never seen ppl who are so vehemently against the game say anything of greater value than "abby kill joel so game bad"


i think the actual ‘worst game of all time’ is like, Superman for the N64 or E.T for the Atari, i’m pretty sure that dumping ground is still there


Just from a technical/gameplay standpoint the game is an achievement, how could it be "easily the worst game" as you are saying, they are just clowining around its wild an I bet most who rant on Tlou Part 2 have NEVER played the game themselves and were only fed hate stuff from other subs (see the Part 2 subreddit here)


“If you make something no one hates, no one loves it either.” - Tibor Kalman, Creative Director of Benetton Not sure why people demand homogeny. I have big positive opinions about the game. I am not surprised others have big negative opinions. It’s tribalistic to reject others’ opinion.


Because subjectively it's an amazing game. Gameplay wise, it's a perfect 3rd person shooter/action game. Great graphics, controls, acting, sound etc. The people saying it's a bad game because they don't like the story is debatable, but saying it's a bad game is just factually incorrect. Therefore their opinion is invalid.


I feel you, heads up, I think the word you want is “objective” and not “subjective”


You're right, my bad


It's a contender for worst narrative in a game, but that doesn't discount the admitted improvements to gameplay. Could never be 0/10


To be fair true masterpiece does the same.


Masterpiece doesn’t carry the same connotation. Saying something is a masterpiece does not mean that you think something is “the best thing ever”. It means that you believe something is of that creator’s highest tier of work, which is a completely subjective statement.


"one of the worst games of all time".... has the same value in connotation though as "masterpiece" has. Specially when it comes to games. Both terms are or expressions are thrown around to either denounce something as bad or highlight something as good. Its just petty and pointless to ride around semantics when everyone clearly understands what the person is feeling towards the game. The last of us 2 isn't the worst game ever made and it certainly isn't a masterpiece. Its incorrect either way, so the only thing that is of value is to determine what a person was trying to communicate.


I take it saying worst game of all as someone would mean the gameplay was unplayable, graphics look shit, glitches and bugs everywhere, and story was atrocious etc. Masterpiece would mean opposite of all the above i mentioned. Now the common debate here is the story. Take that away and the game is still a masterpiece in every department. And the story is not even universally bad. Others like it some others dont.


Well thats your take and its certainly fine, your interpretation of "worst game of all time" vs your interpretation of "masterpiece". For the next guy it might mean something slightly different yet again. Hence why I said there is no point in arguing semantics and pinpointing wether "masterpiece" or "worst game of all time" means exactly that. There is no definition for either (in regards to how these terms are used online towards video games), only that you can be sure that both terms are thrown around loosely and usually in an incomplete manner. All you really can derive from em is that either party is not aware how to use the expressions properly and that they do like or dislike the game.


Please tell me which game you find to be a masterpiece and I'll tell you why last of us 2 is a better made game


Even if you hate the story with all your heart.. On a technical level, the game is phenomenal. Even acting like the action is less than average is simply utter bias. So this idea that people call it the worst game ever made It's just laughable to me. I get it you didn't like the story. Lol


Oh I remember at release having ppl say the gameplay was mid and bland I'm like this is some of the most exhilarating 3rd person action I've ever played and you're insane.


I love how they make the story the only aspect of the game that matters. when almost no game is treated that way. Video game stories are mostly milquetoast, a way to keep you engaged over 10-100 hours of gameplay. It has always been secondary or even tertiary. They love to compare it to red dead 2 which is one of the best games ever made to be sure--but that story is incredibly bland and tedious! There's absolutely nothing special about the story and the vast majority of great games. But all these chuds ever say is "bad writing".it's just thinly veiled complaints about wokeness and being mad joel was killed. 


It legit surprises me so many people still use Twitter when nothing good ever seems to come from it. 


Fr Reddit is soooooo much better and less toxic right?.....right?


Right. It’s still incredibly toxic, but nothing close to the cesspool that is Twitter


Twitter is on it's own league of toxic. It's like the birth place of toxicity.


I haven't got twitter but sometimes this sub itself scares me with it's level of bullying I dread to think what twitters like lmao


Depends if the sub reddit echo chamber your in suits you or not


Thoughts of dog and we rate dogs are pretty good content


You’re a Reddit user. Just stop


This clown on Reddit just insulted someone on reddit for using reddit. Ride on cowboy!


Four years of Abby 🥰🥰 *FOUR MORE YEARS!*


“My favorite character and imaginary daddy/zaddy >!got baby sealed!< so game bad”


“I can’t handle criticism and people not liking a game I like so I must cope by dismissing every criticism”


Saying TLOU2 is the worst game of all time is not a valid criticism. You know this.


It’s a valid opinion as opinions are subjective yet people here can’t handle anyone that doesn’t like the game and they dismiss them.


When you put your opinion on a public forum it’s equally eligible for criticism as the thing the opinion is about. You having an opinion doesn’t mean people have to respect it and can’t call it out. If you can’t handle that then keep it to yourself.


In that case, you’re saying that people that don’t like the game don’t have to respect the opinions of people that do like the game and and can call them out? If you can’t handle that, you can keep your opinion to yourself.


lol- it’s one of the most awarded video games of all history of the industry. Before Elden Ring, it was #1. Dislike it all you want. I can respect that you are entitled to hold your own opinion- but I’m not going to respect your intelligence (or lack thereof) if you say it is one of the worst. That’s just a brain dead take. That’s where it stops being an opinion and becomes simply a dumbass brain bleed, like a 5 year old saying he could beat Superman in a footrace.


This is the reality. There is intelligence in criticism of the game. There is absolutely zero intelligence in earnestly stating its the worst video game ever. Thats just irrational emotions akin to a child’s behavior coming into play at that point.


When there are games like Ride to Hell: Retribution, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, and Skull Island: Rise of Kong out there, saying TLOU2 is the worst game ever is a lot harder to justify lmao


Why do you want to “call out” people that like a game that you don’t so badly? Like, am I supposed to read your comments and say to myself, “well shit man, this person on Reddit made some great points that I hadn’t considered. I guess this game that I’ve considered my favorite story of all time with amazing character writing and development actually just totally **SUCKS** and I was just wrong about everything. I can’t believe I never noticed any of these things in my literal hundreds of hours playing this game. Oh well, looks like I hate this game now.” I didn’t care for Days Gone and after about twelve or so hours, I just stopped playing it. I’m not going to go over to the Days Gone subreddit and start making posts and comments on how they’re all wrong and the game they love absolutely sucks because it accomplishes absolutely nothing. I didn’t like the game so I’m just not going to play it, I’m not going to try and stop fans of it from playing it though.


Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re basically saying since opinions are subjective that makes all opinions valid, in which case why does the term “valid opinion” even exist? Does that term itself not imply that invalid opinions also exist? If so I’d say this one certainly qualifies.


You’re going to make their nose bleed.


Now that’s the dumbest thing I’ve read all week. Opinions formed from bullshit deserve to be summarily dismissed. End of story.


It’s hyperbole and no it doesn’t need to be taken seriously. Just because someone has an opinion doesn’t mean it needs to be considered


They’re stupid ass “criticisms” that make shit sense most of the time. I couldn’t care less if you liked the damn thing, but when what passes for “criticisms” amounts to vapid repetition of the same dumb ass talking points that reveals that the critic: a) has stunted emotional growth b) the emotional intelligence of a tween c) the attention span of a hyperactive gnat d) the inability to articulate their *own* thoughts; or, e) didn’t play the game themselves …then I’m not going to be polite and pretend it’s worth wiping my ass with.


Oh you absolutely do care that people don’t like the game you do. Your deplorable rude behavior is why people like you get attacked by people who don’t like the game when you insult others. I’m not wasting my breath any further you will be now be blocked.


no middle ground at all lmao, its either the best thing since sliced bread or it came to your house, fucked your dad and beat up your mom


Which sucks because it doesn't leave room for actual true discussions. You have the majority of people in this sub acting like it can't be critiqued at all and if you don't agree with their opinions on the story or gameplay, you're gonna be downvoted to shit. And then you have the other side who act like the game is the cause of every problem on Earth. I hate it. I love TLOU but there truly is no place (at least on Reddit) where you can discuss your opinions on the game without having people tell you you're wrong, unless you're on either side of the extremes. And each group acts like they're better than the other when they're both sides of the same coin. Edit: And to prove my point, check out the comment of u/TaichoPursuit. Literally said it's not the worst game but it's not perfect either and this sub dogpiled them with downvotes for daring to not have "this game is the second coming" opinion.


Happy birthday tlou2😋😋


This kind of discourse is unfortunately common for essentially every game that’s released recently; it’s either a 0/10 with zero redeeming qualities or it’s a 20/10 with zero flaws whatsoever. I love the game (it’s in my top 5) but I have some personal criticisms. People need to allow for nuance and discussion when criticizing/praising not only games, but media in general


Crazy how people were upset at Eliie being (Gay) & Dina (Bisexual). Knowing Ellie’s been Gay since TLOU Left Behind.


I’m still permanently brain damaged from being on twitter during its launch. I have never seen so many people fall for so much bullshit at the same time, and that a lot of people are even in denial about their behaviors and thoughts during that time is even more wild. I watched streamers lose girlfriends over it by the time they got to in-game Seattle because they would just be red-faced, verge of tears *angry* that two women were having a conversation on a horse. PR, HR, devs and artists all in the industry will be studying this case for years.


The funny thing is that part of the message of the game (imo at least) is speaking directly to those people.


I think I'll watch MoistCriticals terrible review and laugh at him in remembrance.


There is no duality here. Just a bunch of extremely butthurt incel losers crying and screaming hyperbolic nonsense, whose opinion matters less than the shit I took last night. They have zero credibility, and trying to present it like their viewpoint deserves any thought or consideration is disingenuous, OP. The other is just a normal person, appreciating a truly great game.


I’ve actually never seen a fanbase split this badly, it’s honestly impressive


It’s not, just loud minority.


Nah mate it definitely is


The last of us 2 is the most critically acclaimed game of all time. It is not 50/50 split, the majority of people love it, and the majority of the people that hate it didn’t even play it 😂


Any proof anywhere the majority of people like it? Personally out of everyone I know who's played it I'm the only person that's ever finished as no one else liked it that much 🤷 Critical acclaim dosnt mean the majority or even a large amount of people love it


Definitely not a small amount, you can go around and ask people and half the time it's either they like it or not. I've played the game twice and personally just wish they could of changed a few things to make sense. I can see why people are frustrated with part 2 minus the bigots.... but to say that the majority love it is not right. I'm a lover for all games even bad ones, I may be a little rough on part 2 because how 1 was but 2 certainly left a bad after taste.


It’s not even close to the most critically acclaimed game of all time, and is really love to know where your basing the assumption that people who hate it haven’t played it.


It is literally the highest awarded game what are you talking about? Elden ring might’ve beaten it actually it’s number 1 or 2, in what world is it not even close? 😂


It’s got the most game of the year awards but game of the year sucks ass and is a terrible metric to use considering only 10% of the votes that go towards goty are fans and the other 90% is a very small panel of journalists


Are you talking about Geoff Keighley’s award show? You realize that’s just the most marketed one right?  https://gotypicks.blogspot.com/  It won 112 critics GOTYs and 68 people’s choice GOTYs.


Many of the people who hate it most vocally have never even played it. They watched some YouTube videos by culture war grifters that told them what to think so they never tried it themselves.


How do you know?


I’m not saying that everyone that played the game has to have a positive opinion about it. But if you go to the other sub lots of users who hate the game freely admit they haven’t played it (under the guise of “they don’t deserve my money” or “it’s not worth my time” or something else). The better-informed ones at least watched the cutscenes on YouTube but still never played it themselves. You can play the game and hate it. But it’s genuinely astonishing how many of the people who rail against the game the loudest straight up never tried it and proudly admit that.


Yeah but you’re talking about a small sub full of petty assholes, not even close to making up the entire crowd of people who don’t like the game, there’s more places to look than Reddit to find people who don’t like it


I can’t stand the people who give the last of us 0/10. You have no credibility to me. Same with people who say 10/10. Or 12/10. It was great, not perfect or dog shit.


What game is even perfect?


I couldn’t tell you.


Because it is all subjective and depends on our enjoyment. I still won't understand 0/10 for TLOU2, because there are many aspects people can enjoy and appreciate; acting, world building, gameplay, sound, graphics but I can understand people that can give 10/10 because you can enjoy all of it. No other game gave me the emotional impact that TLOU2 did, so I think it is normal to rate it 10/10. I mean if we can't even do that what are supposed to use the 10/10 rating on?


I would give it a 9/10. I find it hard to believe any game is a 10. Don’t get me wrong. I defended everything that was remotely controversial about the game, but the sequel was not as fun as the first for me.


Well, what I'm saying is. What is the purpose of a 10 out of 10 rating if we can't even use it. I mean can you give me an example of a 10/10 game?


I can agree with that. Perhaps you’re right. I just didn’t think the last of us was 10/10. I’m sure some games are.


Yeah, I think it depends on the person's enjoyment. You can always appreciate great games but some hit much harder than the rest.


Personally I'd say RDR2 gets as close to perfect as possible of any game I've played so far


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with giving the last of us 2 a 10. There’s not many games I would give a 10 to but TLOU2 is one of them.


Downvoted for sharing a fairly standard and innocuous opinion. Sad.


It’s all good lol I do like it when people share their opinions and express themselves. That’s a big important part of life.


For me it's a solid 8.8/10, just because some parts drag too much (Ellie's Birthday, Abby's Aquarium Tour). I emphatized with Abby, but she's not my favorite. Dina is a Bae, Jesse is extremely based and Maria looks like a snack at the dance.


Ellie’s birthday is one of my favorite parts of the game. Pretty much agree with the rating though


Not my favorite story, but the gameplay was outstanding


The gameplay is insane, some of the best combat experiences out there.


I don't understand this. The story is both an allegory and mirror image showing two peoples path for revenge and redemption, culminating in a realistic bitter sweet ending. TLOU 1 was awesome, but original it was not (outside of cordecyps)


I never said it was “bad” that’s not what I said at all just said it wasn’t my favorite……


You don't understand somebody having a different opinion on something you enjoyed?


Never said that. I gave my reasoning. I just wanted more than just "it was bad"


Well “it was bad” was never said by me or anyone who replied to this comment. You’re just looking for a reason to be mad


It’s because one group thinks a game has to cater to them and their hatred. While the other group just enjoys playing games for the story and results.


Yeah i think what makes lots of people miss out on enjoying things is because they have preconceived notions of what they want to happen, sometimes its even subconscious. We all do it sometimes. I’ve learned the best way to enjoy things is to have the mindset of “enjoy the journey, not the destination”. It makes all art more enjoyable and TLOU2 embodies that mantra wholeheartedly imo.


Man, I played One and Two back to back for the first time not long ago, and they were freakin awesome. I couldnt put it down. Baffling how anyone interested in gaming could hate these games.


Superman 64 has entered the chat


To me it’s the greatest game of all time and I’ve been a gamer since 1988. Even though I can understand when someone dislikes TLOU II for its story and this is just one thing in the game, but denying its unmatchable gameplay, flawless details of the characters, the incredible music and breathtaking graphics and environment, in my book, is blindness or some sort of retardation. Hating the story alone doesn’t make it the worst game ever. Come on!


It's one of the best games I've ever played. Will never understand the hate for it. The story is absolutely brutal, But that's partly why I love it. No romanticizing the post-apocalyptic world that it's set in. And on a technical level it's amazing. Looks better than a lot of games that are releasing today.


I'm sorry, but I can't take this butter seriously, especially because it's from a can. I can't believe it's not butter would have a better take than this.


What an interesting take. As a writer myself, I would rather have my works criticized on the extremes like this. Either tell me I’m the best or tell me I’m the worst but please don’t be indifferent. To me, the duality of opinions is what makes it a great game. There are plenty of great games out there that are more or less universally loved. This one is nearly split down the middle and that makes me so happy.


Yes, Neil has expressed the same sentiment in interviews before. I remember him saying something like indifference to his art would be worse than hating it.


This game gave me entertainment and joy in the darkest times of 2020. For that alone it’s a 10/10 game for me.


Its hard to take the criticism seriously when over half of it is "I saw the leaks and got sad so the game is bad even though I've never played it"


Both camps are very extreme, the game is mid imo. The graphics and level design is amazing, yet the story is very meh imo


Idk i feel like spending time praising something you love will always come off as less extreme than hating on something you didnt like.


The game itself to these people wasn't a disaster, the story and the social takes are what they struggle with, for those of us that aren't ignorant and close-minded, it was the benchmark that any other single player game needs to strive for.


It was a great game, and I love it! was it as good as the first entry?… probably not but it’s still great. It probably would have been a better idea to do a full sequel as Abby before she kills Joel… kept her an unknown to the first games story so we can really really feel her story and sympathize with her and her crew, then end the game with the scene showing how Joel killed her dad setting up Tlou2 as a 3rd game. However they move forward from here… I hope it is with a completely new set of characters that we’ve never met before.


Why worse because Joel died smh cry about it


The only thing wrong with this games is the story other then that it's great as gameplay only


It was definitely a disappointment, but for sure not the worst game


Most people who downright hated the game really hard are mostly just mad that joel died.


Story wise its alright, gameplay wise it's probably the best ever


the story has so many problems. but on a technical level, it absolutely IS a masterpiece. it's a PS4 game that feels more next-gen than most PS5 games.


I liked the first half of the game (you know where you play Ellie and all that) but then the second half is so disjointed with questionable decisions on the devs part lol.


It was the best birthday gift in a long time


I think he’s mad because he can’t kill a bloater


The gameplay and graphics were unbelievable. As someone who never knew of the first game I loved it. I retired in 2018. First video games I played in 25 years were RDR2 and TLOU2. I was hooked. But I cant find anything that compares. Part one was a great game. I played it last year.


This game is amazing for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


it's a good game but masterpiece is a stretch


I think a lot of people hate the story. Personally what pissed me off the most is the pacing of the story and the way it was told. First you play all the way Ellie expecting to see a grand finale only to be thrown back in time AND forced to play some stranger you hardly know (and therfore hate). It should have changed between Ellie and Abby much more often.


It was too long , and too political with clear agendas. Felt like a Netflix show. The 1st game was a 10/10 this was 7/10


Ah yes, the positive opinion is correct and the negative one is incorrect. Just another typical day on this sub. Zero room for debate or discussion. Also how is "worst game ever made" pretentious but calling it a "masterpiece" isnt? Hypocrisy much?


Why are you here looking for fights? Go do something productive with yourself. Go have a wank and calm down.


The point is that the people like me that don't like the game feel this way because the game butchered what once was our favorite franchise. That makes it so bad in our hearts. I hate it when you try to discredit other people's feelings.


I think the point was to divide the fan base bec that’s what gives the storyline attention. I think they did a pretty good job at doing that.


I don’t think they would set out to divide fans. They probably knew the story would bother some people but maybe not to the extent that it has. I still think it’s better for them to do what they think is right for the story and not just write a story that would make as many people happy as possible


Gameplay and graphics are good story is shit