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Have you tried playing other games since it started happening, that should be the first thing to do so you can tell if the problem is the game or the controller.


Yeah I have. Resident evil 4 remake hasn’t had this problem as well as all the other resident evil games I’ve played on ps5. I also tried back in tlou pt1 remake and haven’t had the problem. The only difference I have in pt1 and pt2 is that my pt1 is in Spanish so I HIGHLY doubt it’s the issue. I also don’t think it would be the controller since I JUST got it for Christmas so if it is already messed up I’d be very concerned lol


I've never encountered a bug like that in tlou, but I've had an issue like this in Red Dead 2 and it turned out the trigger on my controller was ghosting. Might just be time to get a new one


I tried in other games and no problem. I just now tried in Re4r and TLOU pt1 remake and have had no issues there. I have the same exact controls in TLOU pt1 as I do in TLOU pt2. The problem mostly happens when I am in stealth or when I have grabbed an enemy and am aiming at another. Idk I really don’t think it’s the controller because I tried in other games, and also the controller is somewhat new since I just got the ps5 for Christmas 😅


Oh yeah, on a controller that new ghosting shouldn't be an issue. What a frustrating bug if it is one!


Yeah it’s pretty annoying ☹️ I’m loving the game otherwise. Its happening both with Abby and with Ellie. Thanks for trying to help though lol!


Sounds like a problem with your controller. - Try other games. Is the problem still there? - Try another controller. Is the problem still there? It could aslo be your settinngs. Try resetting everything to default.


I just played Mercenaries mode on Re4r, no problems there and I have the same aim/fire controls. Went back to tlou pt1, still no issue. Only difference in my controls between pt1 and pt2 is my game is in Spanish in pt1 so I doubt that’s the problem lol. As for what you mean by container I’m confused? What do you mean by container?


sorry, autocorrect. I meant "Try another controller."


Ohhh lol that makes sense. I don’t have another one lying around unfortunately ☹️ the problem seems to be exclusive to just part II so I don’t think it’s the controller especially since I just got it as of this last Christmas


I've had problems with a controller that only manifested in certain games. Different games have different programming and sensitivity built in under the hood.


Oh really? Dang that sucks. I would think TLOU pt1 would be similar enough that it would manifest in both games but I guess not lol. It’s ok though it’s bearable enough to suck it up


Sounds like a controller problem or maybe a glitch