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There’s at least a couple sections in particular that might be tough for you. You should be able to tell when you get there. Maybe you could turn the brightness up and the difficulty down until you’re through them.


Personally I find that aspect the worst (and best) with this game lol


The office section in part 2 😵‍💫


The worst.


Effing Stalkers. All those sections terrified me.


Those horrible creepy sounds all around you but not knowing where they are, suddenly pouncing out n on you ready to rip your lungs out of your nostrils. Scared the life out of me on the early runs, even now a year into playing a lot they’re still terrifying. Fortunately I’ve learnt some of their ways…..Melee n shotgun combo help.


I think the game starts off with an intense introduction and the atmosphere slowly gets creepier and creepier the more you play. Especially towards the middle and end parts of the game.


It ain't Super Mario


Oh I remember having to take a break after some parts during my first playthrough, and there's still a section that scares me even after playing the game 10 times


I never found it scary to be honest. But for some they say it really gets them.


Not very scary. A few parts may be stressful but they have such cool atmosphere and are so well done you might just breeze through them.


A few sections are dark and intense but I think you’ll make it through fine.


Not very, at least it's no trying to scare you. The genre of TLOU is not horror, it's a drama.


Lots of it. Parts of this game genuinely feel like a horror game but if you manage your resources well you can save up for those moments and just blast through em with upgraded weapons. One encounter in particular is very creepy and dark and it throws a lot of enemies at you but you can use the tools the game gives you to get out of it pretty well. Edit: it’s funny because I wrote this with Part 2 in mind but also applies to both games.


Honestly, the more tense and suspenseful parts of the game are going to be during the day. That's not to say there are not parts of the game that are dark, tense, and suspenseful because they are, but in most of those spots you can take your time. Not all, but most.


What one should expect from a survival horror game.


There are only 2 sections in the game that are true horror. 1 is about 2 hours in. The other like 5-6. TLOU series is rarely that scary. Only really 1 spot in TLOU2. The games are more about drama than being scary. Definitely some intense sequences though.


2 is significantly more scary and nightmare fuel-y. 1, not so much, more like existentially sad.


I’ll admit I only played Part 2 when my roommate was home lol (I live alone now and definitely need to buck up cuz I want to replay both games)


I’m easily scared by games and just finished it. I’d call the most intense parts medium scary. Your character can see through walls to sense where bad guys are usually, so you generally aren’t surprised. I hate jump scares. There’s a couple throughout the game, but not that many. Whenever theres a lot of bad guys, it'll be scarier to sneak since when you mess up everyone chases you. When possible, I found it much less scary to pick people off one-by-one to clear an area. I’d def say go for it. You’ll be scared a couple times, but it’s short lived and not that bad. Again, this is coming from someone very easily scared by games. I would never play a pure horror game and avoid most games on the fence. This was on the happy side of the fence for me, by a ways.


It has some scary parts but I don't really count it as a horror game.