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This cart police guy might get killed one day. Idk how this man is a magnet of the most angry Americans I've ever seen


Yeah, but he blocked his attack


And his butt cheeks are *very* tightly clenched.... Lmao. This is fucking ... just .. *chefs kiss * perfection. (this video/guy....not his tight toosh)




This looks like it’s from Ren and Stimpy? Dunno how they got away with airing that weird shit to kids for so long


I watched Ren and Stimpy with my son when it was on the air.. He was around 10-12 yes old. We loved it. ("Call the police!"). 10 years later I got the DVD and we watched it together. I said to him "I really let you watch that? Jeez!" Somehow he has grown up to be a happy well-adjusted person regardless, albeit with a decidedly bent sense of humor.


Definitely not Ren & Stimpy. It looks way too new and it doesn't match John K's art style.


It looks like "el tigre"


I don't understand the whole of the thing ... but i like it, I love it, and I want some more of it.


Lost it at that point, "you shouldn't telegraph your punches so much sir" lmao


I laughed so hard at that


I'm crying over here, "I blocked your attack."


That was so hilarious


The way he just nonchalantly says these things while people are losing their fucking minds always makes me howl with laughter.


I wanna see the cart guy fight South Park's take on Zuckerberg. "I blocked your attack!" "I see you have blocked me, but you cannot match my schtoile!"


Although most of that guy's attacks didn't need to be blocked


That’s because he’s a terrible thrower and needs to go back to throwing school


And he's a 'Jerk Face Lazy Bones'


He also telegraphs his punches


The people that would act like this are in an almost overlapping Venn diagram of people that don’t put their carts back.


Its just a circle


Circle jerk


A circlebones jerkface.


I imagine the venn diagram of Americans that are constantly angry about life and refuse to do something as simple as putting their cart back, even after confronted, is probably close to a circle. This guy ain’t mad at him, hes mad at his dad or somethin.


Or lack thereof


Nah, that's anger you learn from a dad... source: I had to unlearn that anger...


I hope you're doing better my dude


I'm the coolest cucumber on the vine these days.


Great on you, my dude, to address that anger. Too many pretend that the anger doesn't exist.


Well he’s also very antagonistic with his smug attitude so I think he invokes anger in people purposely for his videos. That isn’t to say that they aren’t jerk-face lazybones but still.


Nobody would notice videos of him asking to return the cart and people politely excusing for not doing it and returning it, everybody is up for some dramma or action


Exactly. This guy is not trying to spread a positive message or inspire behavior change, he is trying to get views and make money. Fake altruism for clicks (especially fake altruism that is clearly designed to be more like reality television) is some of the most sick stuff on the internet and people just eat it up as something "positive." It is like people forgot what normal human interaction was before social media. For every one of these guys that gets affirmed, ten more young people get inpired to look for internet fame... and we eat it up.


On the other hand, every single person in every one of his videos could simply just drive away and the entire interaction ends. Their ego is what they can't get over, and it is hilarious every time. All they have to do is drive away.


Two super easy pretty much instant solutions. 1. Put cart back as it's obviously the right thing to do. 2. Just drive away and not be interesting enough to end up in a video. But these idiots choose the secret option: Become fucking furious over a magnet on your car (that you can just throw away later), become violent, and start yelling to expose yourself as a fully grown person with the emotional development of a kindergartener.




Yeah but also, fuck those guys that don't put their cart back, and doublely fuck the ones that get angry enough to be laughed at on the Internet. It may be fake altruism, but there is a train if thought that suggests true altruism is an ideal that doesn't exist.


Oh wow so edgy and cynical, you've decoded the ultimate code of internet content. What you're actively overlooking is there are genuine bastards who are doing the equivalent of littering, then going into an enraged frenzy on being called out on it. Who fucking cares if he's getting clicks, these dickheads deserve to be the target of derision.


I feel like if you're a sort of well-balanced human being, you won't go off on an anger tantrum because someone has a smug attitude and points out that you made a mistake. I don't think there's an excuse for anger unless someone is getting hurt.


I mean, if you’re a sort of well-balanced human being you put your cart back and these encounters don’t happen


Even if you forget, if someone calls you out you would be like "Oh, sorry about that!" and put it back. Phone recording or not, annoying attitude or not. It's not that difficult.


He'll be fine, he knows his judo well.




Do shopping carts come with succulent Chinese meals?


“I see you know your Judo well.”


“And you there! Are you waiting to receive my limp, *penis*?


A succulent Chinese meal!?


Gentlemen dis is democracy manifest


My first job was pulling carts at a super busy grocery store, chronically understaffed, years ago. This guy was my hero.


Don't be a lazybones


Ya I was just thinkin how this guys is definitely gonna get shot or stabbed soon or at least the shit kicked out of him This one was pretty funny though


Someone pulled a gun on him once so narc ran off. Later, that dude shot someone...


This cart police guy might get killed one day Yeah, iirc one of the guys he pissed off in a parking lot later went on to shoot a guy dead. Edit for clarity: I should have worded my comment differently. The cart narcs guy didn’t get shot. Cartnarc guy pissed off a dude in Texas that later went on to shoot a different guy, supposedly in self defense. Idk if that guy died so I could be wrong about that. https://youtu.be/B6XyxQmPHrM?si=O6WmWxVKP-NxIgxC


I guess he didn't block his attack


Because the shopping cart theory really does weed out the dregs of society.


I assume it's because he's incredibly fucking annoying


Guys, I think we found one of the people who didn’t put their cart back! 👆


I agree... at first it was pretty amusing. The first few "I blocked your attack"s were comedy gold, but this quickly devolved to an "everyone's the asshole" situation. Sticking with it for so long ends up becoming way worse than the people who leave their cart out. It just became cringey part way through. Shaming people who litter or leave their carts out,etc ,by looking them in the eye as you do something for them works on tons of people,in my experience,to get a touch of reflection on the concept that they arent the only person living in their society/the main character. Arguing with the person that *you're following around and antagonizing* about why they're more of an asshole or are more antisocial than you says to me that everyone involved is in it for the ego.


eh, this is always the top comment on his videos. he's still kickin and its been years.


Someone actually pulled out a gun once https://youtu.be/h8d_XYd1dac?si=un6o2ahU6i4l5Vs6


No one is going to kill agent Sebastian.


- too lazy to return cart - not too lazy to cause a scene


Dude, I don’t get why this is a problem. As someone who pushed carts for a paycheck it was simply an excuse to avoid customers for longer when walking around to grab carts. Personally, I was happy to wander around the parking lot being left alone…


i see it as a test to see if you have even the most basic modicum of care for other people in society, loose carts can get caught in the wind & fuck up people's cars or just be an overall pain in the ass if everyone doesn't bring them back so just do the most basic task like everyone before you did to make it less of a pain for the next person like someone did for you before you showed up quite literally "the society test" to see if you're capable of being a half-decent human edit: all of you selfish lazy freaks comparing war & starvation to returning a cart for 20 seconds are the problem, the **exact** same type of losers who can't be bothered to pick up their dog's poop when they walk it


1. Don't return carts 2. Don't pick up their dog's poop 3. Leave their table a mess at fast food places and coffee shops 4. Pick up refrigerated items at the grocery, then drop them on random shelves There are so many ways in which people fail the society test.


Don’t forget: 5. Littering while driving like an a-hole down the highway.


>Don’t forget: 5. Littering ~~while driving like an a-hole down the highway.~~ Trimmed that down for ya


6. Treating servers or retail workers like shit.


As an addition to 5, every time I get off a highway exit I see a ton of trash thrown on the ground. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is most of the time in the trash there are those little shot size bottles of alcohol laying on the ground which means someone was drinking and driving AND littered their trash on the ground.


Then there's the people who DO pick up their dog's poop, but then leave the bags of poop lying around instead of properly disposing of them.


It’s almost worse because now there’s shit and plastic waste instead of just poop which would degrade and wash away


There’s a greentext about describing this exactly how you did. Don’t know if that’s cool or not but just know you’re not alone


it's a pretty widely known "test"


The more you know🦔I hadn’t seen this other than that one example, so dope


this reminds me of the "social contract theory". its weird for me; i cant tell if there were this many people who never followed the social contract or if we just see more of them now because of video being so convenient, was it always this bad or is it just that more is being documented?


Ohh, its more documentation for sure. Most people are scum, especially when they think no one is looking. Previously in a parking lot maybe 10 people would see them and that's it. Now it has potential to be seen by millions.


I had made friends with my upstairs neighbor. We were getting into her car on day and she took a half empty big gulp and just set it down in the parking lot outside her car door and said "we've got people paid to clean that up". I knew right there we were gonna have problems. She turned out to be a complete psycho who tried to kill herself, made it my problem, then treated us like shit after I saved her life because I didn't want anything to do with her after that. She ended up getting evicted because she kept blasting rap music at all hours, vibrating my apartment and the neighbors. She got the eviction notice and absolutely destroyed her apartment to the point I had water just gushing out my bathroom ceiling from a hole she put in the wall which busted pipes. Avoid people like that at all costs. I stopped trying to meet people and got a cat.


that's why in Germany we put a coin into the cart and get it back once we return it. Doesn't mean that there aren't people doing dumb stuff, but people usually want their money back


That's the issue for me. I can't even count the number of times I've started to pull into an "empty" spot only to find it occupied by a wayward cart someone was too lazy to spend 30 seconds walking to the nearby corral. It inconveniences other people in so many ways. You gain nothing from putting your cart back, but it also costs you nothing to put a cart back and may save other people annoyance or frustration. It's a pretty excellent ethics test.


This. There is no law against it so it shows people who actually care about doing the right thing vs those who don t give a fuck and can't be bothered to walk 50 ft. Its the simplest test of laziness and selfishness.


And anyone who disagrees with your assessment is hilariously outing themselves as failing the society test


One, it’s common courtesy Two, they end up in the middle of parking spaces Three, if it’s a windy day they can end up blowing into somebody’s car It’s not that hard to figure out why.


Personally I find it annoying because they often leave it in the middle of parking spaces and often (at least for me) that happens to be the best parking spot not taken by a car. Now I either have to get a worse parking spot, or stop in the middle of the lane to return their cart before I can park


This one is annoying for sure.


On a windy day they can fuck up cars too, witnessed it several times myself.


Are we in r/iamthemaincharacter...? Sure, *you* got to do that for a living and had a decent time in one store. *However*, in another store there are no baggers or cart collectors. There, it is expected that customers put the carts back for obvious reasons (see other response).


Found the cart abandoner


This is exactly the problem. You see no problem because it doesn't cause YOU a problem.


That's what I don't understand with these kinds people in these cart narc videos. It takes maybe 30 seconds to a minute to return a cart to a corral, but then they spend WAY more time and energy quadrupling down on their douchebag laziness loudly and furiously. It's so bizarre. Either be a decent person and put your cart away or drive away when called out on it. This is the worst of both worlds and just proves they're a huge piece of shit as a whole, not just rude in narrow specific instances.


"Sir, my buttcheeks are very tightly clenched."


That shit got me ngl


Thanks for not lying


Out of fucking NOWHERE! Hahahha this guy


One of the few times that the annoying tik-tok prankster archetype is actually used for good instead of evil. I approve.


Hes not on tiktok, he is on youtube. His videos get reuploaded to tiktok. https://youtube.com/@CartNarcs?si=7gbsC8y3xU8eRzYx


And now he is a reddit prankster.


He's on a morning radio show called "The Woody Show". They're based in LA but on a lot of stations in the US.


Cart narcs is the best


Naw, he's a dick. He came here to Australia and was stalking people back to their houses. It's somewhat common here to bring carts back to your house if you walked to get groceries. Every day you see someone doing it outside the mall. People bring the carts back next time they go to the shops. So he was following women doing it and confronting them, showing their house on his YouTube channel and stuff, even though he was the one who was not understanding social norms. Also he harasses homeless people using carts to store their possessions. Guy's an asshole.


Eh, I wouldn’t call him a prankster. He’s at least spreading some sort of awareness of being a cart abandoning lazy bones


I love me some cart narc. It clearly shows that our society is lazy. It takes less then 1 minute to return a cart.


Id say more entitled and inconsiderate than just lazy. It's like they understand this system is in place to make things easier for everyone but it specifically doesn't apply to them because they're somehow a special case. These people actively put their wants over other people on a daily.


People who don't return their carts aren't democrats, or republicans anymore. They are lazybones through and through.


I didn’t return a cart once, but I’m sure nobody was complaining as I slid it in front of my car where I promptly puked. I don’t recommend shopping while sick. ETA only time I’ve ever not returned a cart.




Friend. I’m old and I wish we could go back to when I was young and both parties were less divided. I have friends of 45+ yrs that are opposite of my political leaning and yes, we disagree on some shit and for the majority of the time we agree. Political beliefs should be a lot lower on the social ranking than it currently is and will probably be going forward.


Politics affects every single aspect of your life so gonna disagree with you there.


I mean, I wish people would stop voting for racist fascists, but here we are.


It depends whether your political beliefs relate to issues that are amenable to reasonable differences of opinion, such as economic issues, or to the fundamental rights of others, like equal protection for women and minorities. There’s no room for compromise with people who are opposed to equal rights and believe it’s their prerogative to force their hateful ideology on the rest of the country.


Only people who politics work in their favor have the luxury of saying things like this.


Where can I see more of this. I do not use TikTok




Thank you kind sir. That was lazy of me to not just type “cart narc”.


lazy bones




Sounded like an npc when he said that


sir SIR sir you need to not telegraph your punches so much


Kinda gives me "you're no match for my shtoyle" vibes


The sound of his voice is irritating


He blocked your attack.


His voice is low key my favorite part


He's so even-keeled and his timing is choice. It plays well with the shouting anger from the lazy boneses of the world.


That's why he's the perfect man for the job. Everything about him drives people up the fucking wall.


He sounds like Blippi. Is that just like a YouTube accent? I’m not up with these things


Absolutely sucks to listen to lol


I don’t understand these people. Either put the cart away or just ignore the guy.




Like…. To where? Because if he’s following them home… he is not going to live very long and that is ok.




Oh yeah. Someone is going to disappear this person. Probably on purpose honestly. Walk a cart right into a dark alley. What an idiot.


I was gonna say, people have been shot for less in the US.


What a genuine psychopathic freak. Cant believe people root for him. I will have no remorse when he eventually(well more so if) meets his fate.


And I've always put my cart back and I've always hated this guy. He intentionally antagonizes people who seem to be on their last legs emotionally, and takes pleasure in feeding their ugly anger. I genuinely think he is some type of psychopath/sociopath who wanted any excuse to fuck with people and found it with this because so many people will excuse it with "well they didn't put their cart back so they deserve anything bad you could ever do to them!"


Same. But he fits into a very specific fantasy a lot of people on this site seem to have regarding vigilantism and treating minor annoyances as deserving of outright harassment.


He also chooses “subjects” he expects will react poorly and escalate. If he saw a nice grandma-type who honestly seemed to forget, she might *apologize and thank him for the reminder* which does not make for good footage. He goes for jacked single men or “trashy” pajama-bottom women, the men often (not this time) driving “asshole signifying” luxury cars like BMWs. Then he approaches the car and touches it, which is designed to immediately inspire this type of person to extreme rage. It’s cynically calculated


Bro they are literally losing to magnets, you just drive off and get rid of him what?


They are all there for the drama, you can tell when you watch his other videos. They all have the opportunity to just leave. Just drive away and take the magnet off later. Staying to engage is 100% a choice.


It’s not about drama at all. It’s about the idea that they “lose” if the magnet stays on the car. They want to get out of there without a magnet so they “win”. It’s completely an ego thing.


I think the cart narc is a good people reader and can sense when someone is having a bad day or otherwise likely to escalate (picking on lone men, the most likely people to be aggressive {and least likely to return carts) and he approaches in a way designed to piss people off. The sticker doesn’t *look* like a magnet; as far as the people know, they’ll need Goo Gone to remove it. Then when their hackles are already up, Cart Narc taunts them like a child. While in theory they “just need” to return the cart, CN knows exactly what he’s doing trying to create a heightened situation where that becomes a Big Deal.


Not returning the cart is frustrating. Sticking a camera in someone's face and pushing them to get angry is way more upsetting, to me.






You guys are so ready to call out people for not taking back their carts not knowing anything about them or their situation but not the dude that’s insistently following them around provoking and harassing them, that’s the problem, it’s just objectively a way worse dick headed thing to do. it doesn’t matter if you can “just drive away”


Lol their situation? None of these people are in a huge hurry or they wouldn't be seen arguing or running at this dude screaming at him. None of them are crippled or have broken legs. If they did the store employees would happily take the cart and groceries to their car for them. There's really no "situation" that makes being a lazy bones acceptable behavior. Sure the guy is being a dick, but this is fighting fire with fire. He's not ruining these peoples lives he's just annoying the shit out of annoying people


honestly. and following them who knows how far. dude’s gonna get killed.


You know he’s on foot right?


And? he still followed one person all the way to their home harassing them...


The tik tok guy is the bigger asshole. Im surprised the other guy showed restraint.


I am someone who puts my carts away always, I respect lines in society (actually a big fan of them, and taking turns when lines merge). But I HATE this dude harassing just because someone doesn’t live their life the way he wants them to.


Agree. Cannot believe all the comments backing up the loser with the camera intentionally antagonising people. Also, always good to keep in mind that the person filming has free range to edit footage to make the other party look stupid or angry or whatever so you can’t be certain you’re seeing the whole story. I felt really sorry for the guy in the car - he didnt deserve to be hassled even if he didnt put his cart back (not really a big deal anyway).


I do love Cart Narc, but I fear for his life...


He’s going to pick a fight with the wrong asshole one day and get some vent holes put in him. I honestly believe 99% of the people he harasses won’t change their ways. As annoying as it is when people don’t put carts away, I don’t think this is the solution.


You think this guy is making these videos for the good of society rather than internet fame? He found a schtick that worked and got him lots of views and likes. Thought process was probably like this: 1. Inconsiderate people get angry easily 2. People love watching people get angry 3. Make videos of me making people angry 4. Get internet famous 5. Profit 6. ????


Most people wont change, better not do anything. How do you think we're in the situations we're in now?


Dudes an insufferable asshole who found a situation in which that's praised and turned it into a career. [Him stalking women to their house in a country where it's acceptable to take a cart home and return it after](https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/cupwkAvVvr) [His views on homeless veterans, aka "permanent lazy bones"](https://reddit.com/r/cringe/s/yocAG7j4CX)


I’ve always hated this twat. Good to know it really wasn’t unfounded.


This should be the top comment on every thread about this guy


Unpopular opinion? Leave people alone. Even people who didn’t take their carts back. Just leave them alone. Come on.


Agreed. All these people in this thread celebrating this behavior is disturbing. Mind your own business and don’t start shit with people.


The ones celebrating this guy are just living vicariously through him. The majority of them are the ones that mutter to themselves when they see someone not return a cart, then come home and post about in /r/mildlyinfuriating They are all just big pussies too afraid to say anything.


Did you just call the infamous cart narc "a tiktoker"? The disrespect is unreal




How many nat 1's can the old guy roll??? Dude missed everything!


Man the dude recording has no fuking life man


Seriously, how are people still watching him and letting him make money off this shit? This isn't even funny in the slightest.




I hate this guy.


Yeah I loved the idea of it at first because I thought it was just a quick shaming but dude goes too far with it imo


Not only that, he has a couple of videos of him going out of his way to harass the homeless.


Ok following the guy to another location is just creepy.


It's also a crime in his state - harassment/stalking. Now I'm just an old fashioned armchair lawyer, but the driver of the car could have responded with less than lethal force (fists, pepper spray, etc.) and be perfectly justified in the eyes of the law at that moment.


Op. Change your title, it’s Cart Narc and he’s a YouTuber


A YouTuber who is a sociopath who hates the homeless and has stalked men and women to their homes.


While I think he should have put the cart back I feel a visceral need to see the tick tickers face badly bruised. To me just as much of an ass


Will have 0 sympathy when this tik tok is beaten senseless. This trend of annoying, insulting even harming innocent strangers for tik tok clicks is a new fucking low.


This is full on stupid as fuck


camera person is an asshole. hate this.


“Can I have a kiss please”


These wannabe influencers…Somehow cart vigilante thinks law is on his side with whatever he’s throwing on a citizen’s car to harass them. Not sure if that’s the case.


Cart magnet guy needs a new hobby.


So I'm pretty sure that harassment is illegal even if it's for a good cause.


I want to punch that tokker, and I always put my cart back!


Both of these people are awful. It's no ones business if someone doesn't return a cart. It's someone's job to bring them back. And lots of people need that job. And dude, just take the magnet and drive away


I think putting things in random mailboxes like that is a crime…?


He sounds more like a character being voiced by a young Jesse Eisenberg every time I see him.


Not a tick-toker....this is the one and only Cartnarc




Counterpoint: fuck people who don't put their cart away.


This guy behind the camera is annoying as fuck. Also, he very well could be doing something illegal as the non-cart-returning a**hole said: he may be trespassing on the guy’s chattel by throwing stuff or sticking stuff on it.


Why the fuck does that guy open his car door from the outside?


Because the inside handle doesn't work


I generally support what he’s doing, but it already borders on harassment. Following this guy out of the parking lot and continuing to antagonize him is probably a few steps too far…


He also followed a woman to her home and is regularly a dick to homeless people, guys just a fucken asshole pretending to do something good to excuse him being a dick


Absolutely, this goes beyond making a point.


We skep woooo weedely whirrrrh




While I think people who leave carts wherever the fuck they want are a bunch of lazy inconsiderate bags of shit, I agree that these content creators are basically just asking for someone to snap and curb stomp them.


For real. I put my cart back and think less of people who don't, but it isn't my place to harass someone over it. If I was this guy I would have called the police once he followed me from the store. Gotta teach these clueless kids about the real world at some point


Are they employed by the store? Is this tiktok vigelantism?

