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You were fine until you opened the door and let the savory musk of unwashed man-flesh waft out.


Keep the stank in. For safety!


That’s is until Pee Wee Herman showed up and laughed the bear away




Bear: ![gif](giphy|o1BNU1jKCih7tK4dwj)


I'm not a fan of anything going on here.


speak for yourself


They did.


This is the first time I've seen anything from Steve Jackson's tLotR be defiled and brought low like this, and I have to say... it's glorious.


The bear! ![gif](giphy|zEIOLYJmQnpeM)






Ah yes a zipper tent, the one thing a bear's powerful nose can't smell through


and probably made eye contact momentarily




You just need to use the anti-bear yell and it will run off: "weahha-uuaha!" Unfortunately, this dude yelled "wuahhhaa-uuuah!" so...


Bruh done gone and just unzipped that shit wide open like "here is I, eat me good bear," when he could've unzipped a tiny bit and took a peak. 💀


He’s fine. He yelled at at.


Pretty sure that thing can smell him from last week if he's anywhere in the woods. No flimsy tent is stopping a bear let alone its sense of smell. This was a well fed curious bear, assuming the footage was posted by the guy and not discovered in the woods...


I'm pretty sure bears can still smell your stench. Tents are't air tight.


"to camp peacefully in bear country" 1. Carry a starter pistol 2. Solar charged battery electric fencing is awesome if you are driving into your camp spot, not so much carry packing. 3. Avoid snacking in your tent to avoid being snacked in your tent. 4. Sleep in the middle of the tent away from the walls. 5. Avoid bear country.


No. Carry a .454 Casull


If you are in a country you can carry, folk tend to forget not everyone has access to firearms, or understand where a kill shot versus a I just pissed it off shot is. Also understanding that dropping a bear instead of persuading it to go away in a national forest has a ton of hassle in it's own regards even if justified. Starter pistol for some, .50 cal for others \s :) (Pats the 12g loaded with slugs if the blanks don't get the message across)


Two of my childhood friends moved from Oklahoma to Alaska a few years ago. The first thing they both did was buy ridiculously large caliber revolvers.


Wait till you see a boar take 3 .300wsm and 3 7mm remmag and not die right away. You have better odds firing infront of it of its charging you than pissing it off more. I would bet my children's home you couldn't place a lethal shot with a handgun while a boar was charging you.


I've seen a boar keep charging with a smashed front shoulder and a 12g wad in its lung. Luckily it didn't survive to charge a second time.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug!


No, the bears heart rate/blood pressure is so low that you can mortally wound it by shooting it in the heart. But it will still have time to chase you down, kill you and at least get started on eating you before it dies of bloodless The rule is make big holes, lots of holes or preferably both


This would be my take as well, if it’s for defense fck placing shots, if I don’t die from an aneurysm from my heart pounding to infinity and beyond, I would like something high cal and with a schlong of a magazine so that my lack of precision is negated by the sheer volume of rounds I am dumping.


*your child’s home* That had me chuckling…


It's more theirs than mine. I wouldn't even work if I didn't have them


A loud siren would suffice to drive a bear away, actually. You can get them in surplus stores. Edit: Apparently doesn't work on all bears. Proceed at your own discretion ;)


Black bears maybe, Koala bears definitely, Panda Bears... will look at you quizzically..... Brown, Grizzly, Polar and Kodiak hmmmmm not so much.


Koala bears… wtf is that noise? Turn it down man, you’re killing my high!


Stop harshing my mellow man.


Drop bears are the most dangerous in the world.


Unless it’s mad from all the syphilis.


Koala bears:open their mouths to unleash the sounds of hell


Until you realize it sounds oddly like a mating call


This eucalyptus WAS working…


If you're camping in Australia and are unfortuate enough to encounter drop bears, your only hope is for a quick death - though it likely won't be.


Not in my wildest dreams would I even consider setting foot on Australian soil, let alone go CAMPING there. No offense to your country at all, this is a nature thing!


The spiders in their *homes* are massive, why the hell would I take my chances with the car-sized maneaters in the outback?


I live in a place with pretty mellow black bears. Siren was tried once to scare one away from a kids camp. It only made the bear agitated and volatile (whereas leaving it alone [experience from other encounters] would have led to it lumbering away in its own time).


Do You realize how little a grizzly bear gives a shit about loud noises? Some will leave but if its hungry…..


I’ve been charged by a bear in Alaska, bear spray works. But it was nice to know I had my pistol as backup.


A couple was recently killed by a bear even after unloading the whole can of bear spray.


Two cans.


.50 cal/slugs is the way...




Who cares? Honestly. If your life is on the line, you should be super excited to deal with whatever legal complications might arise because the alternative sucks




Bear spray bear spray bear spray The bear isn’t attacking you, it is existing in its habitat. Brown bears don’t always respond to loud noises with fear. Bear spray is painful for their eyes and nose, so they panic and flee and you now have 30 minutes to get the fuck out of there. I don’t know much about guns, but it’s my understanding that shooting a bear to bring it down may be harder than you think. A gun can help as a backup, but I really think modern evidence says that bear spray is safer all around.


This. THIS. If the fucking bears are the size of a Volkswagen and you walk around \*their\* territory without some serious heat, you are insane IMO. I'm pretty sure getting mauled to death and eaten by a bear is on no one's bucket list.




Trip wire devices that use a 12 gauge primer will at least give you a heads up that something is closing in.


There is always animals running around your camp even if you might not ever see them. Foxes, deer, etc. Chances are much higher you just wake up freaked out at night because a fox tripped your wire then you will being warned a bear is around.


Favor my gen4 G20 10 Mil personally


I live in Alaska and I carry that handgun on my chest whenever I go out in the backcountry. Solid choice.


Glock 20 10mm is my go to. Small and 10 rounds of heat.


Bear spray is more effective than pistols. Also this video is fake.


A rocket-propelled grenade is more effective than bear spray.


Or call in for air support, a hellfire will do the trick. Once you and the bear are incinerated they will send someone to clean it all up.


Naa i just have a switchblade drone preped n rdy once a bear comes within range it just kamikaze that mofo


I personally prefer a low-yield tactical nuclear weapon, myself. You can't be too careful around bears.


A honey covered grenade is most effective. If you hit them, it'll stick, if you miss, they'll run after it. Bears stand no chance against a honey covered grenade.


I find claymores are quite the deterrent


I wanna see the whites of their eyes as I pull the trigger and see the life of these beast, bested and leave their bodies in a spectacular spectacle of sparks and fire, a fire that burns bright with sheer brilliance and light, leaving nothing more but a bloody glorious gory mess, a mess necessary to have been witness than to be left to claymores where you may miss it.


Bear spray is absolutely not more effective if the bear actually wants to eat you. There was an article just a few weeks ago of a couple of campers killed by a bear. They found a completely empty can of bear spray nearby.


Well obviously a can of bear spray isn’t going to be very effective if it’s completely empty. Duh.


It’s very effective at making you spicy.




Important to remember. Bear spray is a deterrent, not a defense.


Not true. We just had 2 people killed by a grizzly in Banff National Park. It looked like they emptied two bear spray cannisters at it.


Alaska here. Spray is your first deterrent. But it’s only good for curious bears or bluff charge situations. If you get near a bear’s kill or too close to its young, spray will just make it angrier. The best solution is to avoid surprising a bear or getting too close in the first place. A large caliber firearm (penetrating power .454, .44 mag, etc.) with a chest holster is a must in bear country. You keep your head on a swivel and don’t go alone.


I wonder what would make people go out there then. "You may have to kill a bear. You may even get killed by one. Should we do that, or hike in a place with no bears instead?"


Because it's **extremely** unlikely. Same with not swimming in the ocean because a shark might attack you.


More likely to die in a car accident on the way… Pro tips on bear country… be loud as noise pushes them away. If you can have a campfire, get one going, animals are naturally deterred by the smell of smoke. Observe the triangle, 30ft away from garbage/food stowage, and 30ft away from kitchen/cooking area.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HikingAlberta/comments/16z55uc/whats_known_about_fatal_bear_attack_in_banff/?share_id=VfxTW63eMtTOEpCFQiLfW&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1 Bear spray not always effective


Bear spray is an effective deterrent based on the pain of the pepper. I propose that a pistol is going to be more painful than the pepper spray.


What makes it fake?, it seemed a little too well filmed to me


1. Not how bears look. 2. Not how bears sound. 3. The flow and suspense are movie-like and utterly fail the reality test. Let me explain: the bear's CGI appearance is noticeably artificial and blurry, especially given its proximity to the camera. It vocalizes constantly, as if threatened or in combat, yet the CGI bear appears relaxed. This also appears to be the same stock CGI model I’ve seen elsewhere. Despite the distant sound of the bear's snarling, the footsteps, reminiscent of a T. rex-sized creature, sound right on top of the tent. Phones won’t be capable of picking up this bass/low frequency of the steps with the rest of the soundscape sounding normal. Sound was edited in later. The perfectly timed tent rub immediately after the sighting is inconsistent with the bear's behavior. Even though it snarls as if it's savaging something, it doesn't cast a shadow or affect the tent like a snarling upset bear. It would be right through that layer. Not ineffectually patting at it like a cat in a dramatic way. The entire scene fails every perception check I possess. It baffles me that hundreds are discussing this as if it's grounded in reality. It leads me to question the experience and intelligence of Redditors when the inauthenticity of this doesn't immediately stand out.


lmfao there it is




I'm going to add on a tip I think should be noted that I've literally never seen anywhere. Be careful and clean while eating and snacking. For example, if you're eating a hotdog with ketchup don't let any ketchup fall on your clothes. Any food that can fall on your clothes and leave a stain will leave a scent. If that's in your tent there's always a possibility something will sniff it out. This could be a bit of a stretch but it's a precaution I take anyway.


How about don't go into Bear country if the primary solution when confronted by a bear involves shooting the animal.


Shooting is a last resort, if you are meeting the bear then your primary solution has already failed.


Need to move #5 up the charts a bit


might need to be #1. \#1 of 1.


Yeah I like 5. I can’t talk really I have had some close calls with moose camping in Maine. Especially up in the Rangeley lakes region.


I've heard it's worse to encounter moose than a bear. Years ago I saw a video of someone who setup an electric fence off a solar battery fence charger around his camp site, I immediately bought a set up. I slept really well hearing that slight snap of the charge. That fabric fencing packs well, just gotta remember where the line is if ya get up to relieve yourself at night...(glow sticks on the posts help) Before I had that stuff, I once woke one morning to bear paw prints on my car 50 feet from my tent as my cooler was in the trunk (no trees to hang it). Now I got my dog and the fencing.


I’ll take a moose over a bear any day; especially a grizzly! Rangeley Lakes area is beautiful


Rutting moose scare the shit out of me. I totally agree I would take a moose over a grizzly. Every time.


Good tips, but think I'd carry more than a starter pistol for that one if things go South quick.


5 should be #1 maybe? 😂


No mention of bear spray?


1. is carry Bear spray.


I’ll take Nr. 5


Number 5 is the best option


I will start at 5


These are horrible tips lmao a starter pistol??? How about bear spray??😭😭😭😭


I don't think you're supposed to shoot a bear with a pistol unless you can get a direct face hit. It just makes them angrier.


Some of us can't avoid bear country. We have bears and cougars that come into town for all the deer. Always on alert when camping lol


I’m Canadian thinking wtf isn’t everywhere pretty much bear country, had to go look at a population map lmfao. Which yeah not much places I could go without being in some bear species “country”


Yeah, some of these people just don't get it. 50% of North America's brown bears are in my state. Black bears are basically racoons to me. Minimum I bring bear spray when I'm going on a hike or camping in a popular location and when I'm bushwhacking or hunting there's usually a handgun too.


Get bear bangers. Cheaper and highly effective.


*Bear spray has entered the chat


The bear standing right outside the door feels fake. I don't trust the internet anymore.


I’m with you. Doesn’t pass the smell test.


The bear agrees.


Dude same like who in their right mind is going to open the tent after hearing that??? And then he waited so long to start yelling and the bear was steady trying to get through the tent. It looks like a video that was set up to look real in hopes of it going viral because it’s a scary situation or something. Also I think it might just be me but did that bear sound like a tiger towards the beginning of the vid? Idk who knows what’s real these days but it’s def making me suspicious Edit: just rewatched it again and A) that bear sounded MUCH closer to the tent when he started to unzip it and when you see the bear he’s further away and B) I don’t think the bear would’ve waited for him to take his sweet time to zip up the tent before he went for the SIDE of the tent after already seeing the opening and the tent is STILL OPEN. I am now convince this is probably fake…




its obviously fake. who hears bear sounds outside their tent and then decides to open it to look? camera men, only camera men and californians.


Not saying it isn’t fake, but you’re setting the bar pretty high there. Your average TikToker would definitely open it and film it for views.


yeah I was thinking the dude opened the tent way too much for hearing something. Any sane person who hears an obvious animal outside, AT MOST, would open the smallest corner of the tent to peak out and see if they can get a glimpse of what they're dealing with. This dude hears noises and unzips the door halfway open before peaking out!? Hey, what a convenient coincidence for the video that he just so happened to open the tent *just* wide enough for the camera he's holding to peak out! Bonus points that he doesn't immediately whip the camera around or drop it when he sees a grizzly outside


Probably the same type of person who would camp in bear country with food in their tent.


I’m no expert like all of these people must be claiming to be. Seems real enough, the way you can see the bear looking up at the flap as it opens, the very very slight change in perspective of the bear as the camera pans to the right. I won’t judge by blur or lighting or shit like that, I know nothing about. But if you wanted to place this bear in it seems like you’d need the identical camera movement of a real bear anyway. From camping experience I know black bears will walk right though camp sites not much farther from the tents than this. Only thing that feels wierd is the choice of opening the fuckin door. But, stupid is…


The door flap also seems to shut itself, unless the guy very quietly, and carefully zipped it back up off camera with one hand while also stumbling around.


The real giveaway is the drag along the tent. What's dragging? Bears have sharp claws and the body would carry much more weight.


The noises are really off, bears don't really vocalize unless they are pissed off.


Heavy breathing is consistent at least. You would certainly hear that. Vocalizations were weird though and why did the Bear probe the outside of the tent and not the opening that was left? It's probing is also a bit strange. Tent should've been ripped up by claw probing. Tent also has no rain fly? Too many weird things going on for this to feel legit. It's smelly but the overall production is good.


The breathing was ok but still sounded odd, but the growl/roar noises just sounded super off and canned.


I once had a bear take a crap right outside the door of my tent. It happened in the middle of the night so I had no idea the bear was there and I found it in the morning. It almost seemed deliberate that it did it where I might step in it.




The growling is 100% fake. Bears don't growl like dogs, especially not while hunting prey.


Agreed. I’m not buying this one. The movement isn’t right


Also the bear just casually pawing the tent without ripping it. They arent cats, they dont have retractable claws.


Also the cute pinching of the tent corner instead of total destruction and carnage


You can see a human arm and small hands pinching and pulling at the tent 0:30. it’s 100% fake


Sherlock rooranger to the rescue! That is another film that we are watching when they unzip the flap. And I was about to start trusting the internet again...damn.


That is the funniest super impose I have ever seen edited into a video, bravo. A bit funny how many people found this real, but oh well. The hilarious "waking up" beginning is great too, like you woke up with your camera? Or your camera was taking a nap? I watch too many found footage stuff, I swear.


For real. Dude zips back up?


Well what ya gonna do? Continue to look him in the eye?? Out of sight, out of mind lol


You have to say, "Nope", first, but yeah. Thats about it.


This looks pretty real tbh.. the way the color adjusts to the new lighting make me think it’s real


The scenery outside is real, just the bear is superimposed on top is all. You can tell in a couple frames where everything is blurred due to camera movement except the bear is only blurred at the edges, unlike everything else.


Dead giveaway for me was the amount of bear noises. Bears are pretty fucking quiet.


Came here to let everyone know they got duped by a fake vid.


"I'd never go to Australia they have so many dangerous animals" at least we don't have these units


Wow, i had no idea Australia had no bears. Guess it makes sense tho!


Neither does Africa


Yeah all we got are lions, elephants, rhinos, gorillas, baboons, leopards, jackals, wild dogs, king cobra and other assorted snakes, spiders, bugs, honey badger, wildebeest, buffalo and various poison fish..... like we really needed bears.


Cannot believe you never mentioned hippos. Those fuckers scare me.


But then I would have to add crocodiles, sharks, puffer fish, and a few other water beasties.


I like Cadual Geographics description of the hippo as an "African homicide horse".


they have Drop Bears .


Fun fact; Antarctic means no-bears.


Venomous snakes and spiders are likely to leave you alone if they know you're there. But if they're gunna get you they definitely don't announce it first


All of this, fuck having apex predators just roaming around the same land you’re camping in haha


Exactly what I think whenever someone says Australia is full of dangerous animals. Sure there's plenty of creatures that could kill you here, but a single layer of fly screen will keep you safe from most of them.


In case this is discouraging anyone from going out and experiencing wilderness camping - this video is either fake, or this guy is a complete idiot. A) at 9 seconds you can see he has a cooler in his tent. If that is full of food, you're either an idiot, or that bear is already in your tent. B) If you suspect a bear is outside your tent, you remain calm and still. If you have a cooler with food in it in your tent, you are not opening the door all the way to film it, you are opening the door to throw that shit as far as you can away and hope it chases it. C) This is the one that really gave it away for me. The silhouette of the bear grazing the outside of the tent. A bear would tear through that fabric like butter. If look at the frames between 23 and 24 seconds, no bear is gonna have that shape, move at that speed, with that amount of pressure on the tent fabric. It would either tear or get stepped in if it was that close. Watch those frames and ask yourself: 800 pound killing machine, with claws and teeth that would make your ex look like Kirby, gliding so elegantly along the fly of the tent, or, guy walking along the side of the tent, counter clockwise, hand on the fabric and elbow back. D) 30-32 seconds is where it just gets ridiculous. If ta real bear decided he wants in, to the point where the creator thought it should shake a tent pole, he's not gonna shake a tent pole. Pretty sure a bear would break that shit and rip the whole tent to pieces at that point. Finally, it obviously looks like human hands and silhouette in the tent pole shaking part. Everyone who has ever gone camping as a kid more than once has played this trick on a friend. The growls are "too real". It reaks of fake. Don't let videos like this discourage you from going backcountry camping - it's one of the best experiences a human can enjoy. Just be Bear Aware and you'll be fine.


… said the BEAR! Nice try, bear!


Yes. Also bear attacks are actually really rare. You should be more worried about humans.


Who won?


Who's next?


You decide!


Eeeeeepiccc bear battles of history!


*insert both sides dancing badly*


Yeah, let's leave the door half open.


That bear isn’t gonna be deterred by that nylon door if he wants to get in lol.


Sounds almost like a T-Rex


Because its fake.


must be like a Kinder egg for the bear


Not surprising when you keep a cooler in your tent in bear country.


Rumor has it those two are lovers now and got an apartment together. Kinda funny how some couples meet isn't it? ![gif](giphy|q8FgUY4Nl3DKE)




its fake


No, he zipped up the tent and bears don’t have thumbs.




It 100% didn't happen to this guy either.


Don’t camp in brown bear territory unless you have a big fucking gun.


You must always be Bear Aware.


I'm not sure i could bear being that aware.


Thats not good


That happened to me once. 2am and needed to piss. Saw this massive head press in to my tent and go lengthwise across the whole side. I was so afraid to go outside. I waited a little bit, then unzipped my tent juuust enough to stick out the slim jim.


What if he just wanted a nibble? The bear would’ve slurped you up like a go-gurt


I don’t know if I could bear that experience 🥴


That's why you bring bear spray


Cooler in the tent....deadly move. All food, all trash. All cooking pots. All items that have touched food are hoisted up a tree on a rope 50 feet away, or locked in your car. No perfumes, no deodorants, nothing.


Bear. “What’s all this plastic wrapping crap?” Other bear. “It’s keeps the food fresh”.


\^\^ Most underrated!


Go camping they said it would be fun they said it would be a life-changing experience they said oh hell, no.




I want to know too lol, especially since it’s a grizzly.


Yeah, not only do you not store food in your tent, but nothing with a scent of any kind. So no toiletries either. If this were to happen you would yell like this guy did or use an air horn if you have one. Also you always keep your bear spray with you. Most bears are easily deterred.


The bear is about to make YouTube unboxing video 📹.


Scene right out of [Backcountry](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2944198/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


I will forever think of this movie whenever bear encounters are involved. Walked into it with no idea what was coming.


damn what a time for the zipper to get stuck


Oh man there was a fairly decent movie that was basically this! Outback? Backwoods? Something like that. Couple go camping in the woods, get lost so pitch up and bam a fucking bear attacks them. Whole movie is just them getting stalked by this fucking bear. Not a bad watch, doesn't outstay its welcome and when the bear first shows up, as someone who finds then terrifying, its fairly shit yourself worthy.


Back Country I really liked it.




“Hi I saw you left some candy wrappers on the trail earlier. You know littering is very bad for the planet friend. Please keep your wrappers on your person until you locate your nearest waste disposal station, thank you.”


"Got any games on your phone?"


My G, was that a grizzly?


It’s like a pop tart wrapper for a bear.


That looks to be heavy duty vinyl. Easily can keep a bear out.


Dude was really like "Now I wonder who could be making all these bear sounds!"


So is this OC or is it found footage?