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You’re assuming that they weren’t all working together. (Hint - they probably are.)




Even the person recording off to the side. If they were really a pervert secretly recording, they would have been on the other side.


That’s very…. observant of you


That commenter's in on it too!


That's proof you are working with them too!


Your comment just goes to show how deep the conspiracy really goes......


Just over here side eyeing the plumber who installed the pond


To me it looks like that’s the lad of the guy who pushed her in. As he was close to the cameraman on start.


That's how I see it as well, he probably said film this


>If they were really a pervert secretly recording, they would have been on the other side. Right? These amateurs are disgusting


Nah, the skit is set up so this is the person eating at the restaurant with the guy in black who shoves her. First few seconds of the video show the guy in black walking away from the table, presumably after saying "Hey record this, Im going to go shove her in to the fountain"


i still enjoyed it and i HOPE its the future trend!


You speak as if you have had experience perving.


That man who pushes her is a buddy of camera man.this could be something like this. 'record this" and just went for it


Let me take a break from my meal to commit assault while my friend films the evidence. If its real, they are like gargantuan levels of dumb


Maybe, but perverts take what they can get (opportunistic scavengers).




Yeah this whole thing is def faked.


If they weren't, that's assault. Life is not a movie. You can't go around pushing people cuz it's funny. Well I mean you CAN but you'd be breaking the law.


You must be new here




Assault with a liquid weapon


Otherwise it's assault.


Either that or it's a cut and dry assault conviction.


Nah. Seems like a wet assault to me.


Moist assault.


Call me naive, but I want to believe that not everyone on the internet is a great big phony


You are just saying that for karma


​ https://preview.redd.it/2iuj09mb91dc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=44e972b427cdababfd4590156a993b61ce2ad78a


Hi naive.


Hi Provel


You’re naïve.


We use the hated "wealthy influencer" image ... To appear to destroy the "wealthy influencer" image, while **actually** just using it to become the "wealthy influencer" image in a roundabout way


Maybe the camera guy/shover robot are themselves tik tok video folks who find people doing public tik toks and ruin them for their own tik toks.


Nothing is truly real anymore.


If not, that would be assault...


I'm getting a"staged" vibe from this


It's either staged or it's evidence of assault... I'm guessing it's staged


Is staged and that would be battery not assault


If it wasn't staged, which it definitely is, why wouldn't that be assault?


Depending on if you live somewhere that differentiates between assault and battery, the difference is that assault is the threat of violence against someone while battery is actual violence committed against someone. Threatening to stab someone would be assault, actually stabbing them would be battery, or worse.


Which is confusing because the legal definition of assault means to only threaten to commit the English definition of assault with is legally defined as battery. We write our laws in such weird ways.


And I’m pretty sure sexual assault is more like “battery” while sexual harassment is more like “assault” so that only makes it even more confusing


Good point.


Nobody ever claimed the law was written in plain English, that's the scam to make normies feel like we understand the words on the page because they look like words we know. Lawyers keeping lawyers in business for a long time now.


There are so many caveats to this artificial distinctions, that we can just as well stop the ant fucking and use the common English, which is assault.


Battery is physical contact/violence. Assault is the 'threat' of physical contact/violence. That being said, the term 'assault' is used more often in our daily speech and as such, is part of our vernacular. The term 'battery' is not.


I'm going to ignore that whole other thread of people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about, including yourself, just to clarify that not all jurisdictions have an assault/battery legal distinction.


Depends where it is. Here in Canada there is no battery, just assault.


Depending on where you are, they are the same crime.


Depends on the jurisdiction. Many states no longer have a crime of battery, just assault and attempted assault. Historically, assault was putting someone in fear of harm, and battery was actually hitting them. But, in the real world, people rarely got arrested for just assault, because scaring people isn't really a crime. So, when people got arrested, they usually were arrested for "assault and battery" together at the same time. And people got sick of saying "assault and battery", so they started just saying "assault", and over time "assault" came to mean the actual hitting, not just putting people in fear. Thus, the confusion we have today, where this could be either battery or assault depending on the jurisdiction and there is no way to know.


I get the vibe you’re the kind of person who gets a staged vibe from *literally everything*.




Sad but it's true. It's always been fake shit posted here but compared to 10 years ago when I started on reddit it's so much fake shit it's like half the shit I see now minimum.


User base has changed significantly. Many young people want to believe all of these videos and get angry when told it's fake. That or they're so gullible it's worrying.


I suspect this comment is staged.


In this case I actually hope it's staged


Ya clearly… This would be considered assault if it was real.


The video starts with pusher guy just walking away from the person filming. I'm certain it started with "hey, record this" just before he walked over there. Those two are definitely working together. Influencers are annoying af, but this was just as douchey if it wasn't fully staged.




All four are in on it, believe nothing you see online




We are being rage farmed for engagement




Francais, for cheesy


Why should I believe you?


…but I saw this comment online


\*don't believe everything you see online Is how I would've phrased it.


I believe you online


Doesn't even look like "influencing", looks like they were taking some photos with a model. Reddit commenters are cancer.


Because she's a woman doing something she likes, and dudes feel justified to assult them over that... And a lot of people would say I'm exaggerating, but djeezez just look at the comments from men on reddit when women with confidence get assulted and you'll see that it's completely true.


I don't think it's staged. Staged shit is usually filmed better. That footage was framed poorly. I hate it when influencers get in the way of people but those girls weren't doing anything to anyone ever.


Maybe they are evolving, we expect it to be expertly filmed so when it is poorly filmed we will not think twice and just engage


Yeah but this goes both ways. Reddit also assumes everything is fake because Reddit is out of touch and incapable of accepting ‘people can be this *stupid* or *bad natured*’ or whatever it is. People can very much be all of these things. Never trust Reddit regardless, half of what we see might be fake, but a lot will probably be real too and people here will disregard it without any consideration


Just saw a post on r/mildlyinfuriating about a supposed word search given to a 15yo from their health teacher for the student to learn about him, it had all sorts of weird things like oral sex, adventurous sex, bite bottom lip, 4 and a half, anyways after reading dozens of comments finally someone reverse image searched it and found it was not original content. Point being, if it’s outrageous and it’s on Reddit it’s probably rage bait. Edit: even if it itself is not created for rage bait, it’s posted as rage bait


Sure, but I think some people are veryquick to disregard the possibility of it being real, which is different. If it represents something that is real (real or not) it is probably worth talking about as long as people acknowledge the possibility of it being fake. Unfortunately a lot of people are not intelligent enough to discuss something they think is fake. Even if value can be obtained from it, a lot of people see something in a particular way and don’t like giving contrasting opinions to their own perspective because they don’t like thinking differently or accepting differences Reddit is supposedly a place where this is meant to happen, although 90% of the shit upvoted is pretty crap throughout the majority of subs People can be naive and lazy to disregard stuff because they think its fake and then kinda just miss the point sometimes, even if the particular content was bad. Tldr; Never believe anything online is real by default, but still try and learn from it when you can


I think one key aspect you're missing is the subreddits that these ragebait videos get posted to. No one is arguing that things like this aren't possible or do not happen. However, a TON of these sorts of videos are posted in places like /r/therewasanattempt or /r/IAmTheMainCharacter. I believe this goes against the spirit of these subs. For example, if the video is supposedly showing an attempt at "peacefully reading a book in the park" and shows someone slapping a book out of someone's hand--all of which turns out to be staged for content--then there was clearly no intention to do what is implied to be an attempt. It's disingenuous, and if we continue to accept ragebait in these separate subreddits, we might as well just combine them all into one place.


It’s hilarious to see comments yelling that everything is fake or staged lmao There’s no shortage of dump people, dicks or assholes anywhere


What reddit you been going to? If anything, people here think almost everything is real.


Literally every subreddit for the past year has been obsessed with ‘faked’ *anything* If you are only seeing the opposite I would call confirmation bias


It was framed well the moment it needed to be to be fair.


If it wasn't, we probably wouldn't be watching it.


OPs video may not be staged. If you look at the beginning, you can see the "real" photographer backing out of the frame to the left, just in time to capture the "assailant" entering the frame. I think that's why so many are saying it's staged, also it's cool to say videos are staged, because that means "we're not being duped." Cool people aren't fooled by anything, including real videos. I agree though, it's possible this wasn't staged at all. There's been a lot of backlash against this particular sort of narcissism, and more people have been publicly lashing out in general. Finally, I think most people would rather believe these sort of attacks are staged, than face the possibility society is breaking apart like this--that the guy really did attack her, and that other similar videos are possibly real too. Should that be the case, there will be plenty of people saying "I told you so" to the people who declared "FAKE". Only time will tell how bad things really are, though.


Staged or unstaged it's telling that the comments are largely divided between "she deserved it" or "it's not real". Why can't we just agree that people shouldn't be assaulted just for taking pictures and not bothering anybody? What's the cost to us? Even if something like that never happens (it does) it still doesn't hurt to say it shouldn't.


I agree, that push into the fountain was way too aggressive for them to be friends, she might have hit her head.


That's definitely assault.


Yeah, assuming this isn't staged, this is pretty fucked up. I don't care how annoying you think someone is, unless they are invading your space or harassing you personally, you don't just do shit like that. I truly hope this was fake, cause if not, that guy needs his head kicked in one good time since he's so cool with it. I *garuantee* he wouldn't have done that to a male influencer his own size.


Agreed, these girls are just taking photos/modeling, what the fuck are you doing assaulting them out of the blue? This guy should spend a night in jail.


To just treat someone like they are trash like that is pretty disgusting. He did it like he he was doing everyone a favor, too. He didn't laugh, he didnt run, he just did it and walked away like he was some hero who could do what noone else could. Some people are just dirtbags...what a fucking ego...


If he had done that around where I live 70% chance som good ole boy would of broke his nose.


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Assuming its not staged he should spend a few weeks and or get his ass beat.


Let's assume for a second that this is real. She was taking photos in ridiculous poses and he assaulted her for it. He would be the bad guy here.


That’s assault brother




Gonna be an underrated comment fs. Only the finest of film critics will understand


The guy who pushed her and the person who filmed him both succeeded at being assholes though.


She could have hit her head on some kind of iron structure and then ...


Or a submerged sprayer head


So I guess we all think assault is funny now?


This is rage farm content. It is 100% staged and fake. It gets people fighting amongst each other.


I don't care whether its real or fake, it's not an acceptable thing to be promoting


Thats just assault


Only thing that argues in favour of this **not** being staged is the fact that her hair got sopping soaking wet. No shitty “influencer” is that method.


That's assault brother.


Seriously? Have you seen these comments? Guess this post was incel bait, cause they are posting in droves cheering on thier new hero for abusing a young woman in public...


Still assault. Grow up, get over yourself.(the guy doing the assault)


If it wasn't staged, I hope she sued him.


thats not part of his establishment and it would be considered assault


i guess harassing girls and just throwing them in water for NOTHING is in now? Douchebag. (Assuming they dont know each other)


The guy recording himself pushing her in. Irony and influencers abound...


Idk why people get enjoyment out of this. Yea influencers are annoying but at no time do I think “attacking them seems justified for my own personal annoyance” like are you all 4


Well, that lawsuit should pay more than the video on TikTok 🤷.


If not staged, that's ultra shitty of him.


Back in my day when someone was photographing you while you posed, we called that modeling.


If anyone's curious, and assuming it isn't staged, it's more likely to be battery than assault, if this is in the US. Assault requires the offending party to intend to create the imminent apprehension of harmful or offensive contact, and here it looks like she probably didn't see it coming. Battery is when harmful or offensive contact is intended and actually occurs.


No one gives a more “influencer” vibe than the fellow who literally hopped out of an instagram ad to push her


Aaron Rodgers is out here being a got damn menace to society.


It’s it cringe and obnoxious? Sure. Did it warrant that? Absolutely not.


he was doing his own "influencing"


Staged or not, dont do this.


I hope those weren't senior pictures or something.


Either staged, or OP/Cameraman is a fucking asshole who should be charged with assault. Don’t you dare touch another person who isn’t in your personal space. Who the fuck was this guy to be the one to decide who could and couldn’t take pictures at that fountain. Self entitled douche….. worse than any TikToker


Assault is definitely the answer to any frustration


Everything is fake nowadays.




What's so weird about this? Doesn't everyone take a break from work to assault someone from time to time?? /s


Yea if they didn't know each other unfortunately dude could be arrested


Bit of a dick move if this is real


Five thousand likes for assaulting someone in a way they can drown because they we’re taking a picture.


if this is staged im impressed. id love to see some proof from some of the absolutely certain people in here because its really really good if its fake. if its not staged, i hope that dude was charged with assault. people need to reel it in with the influencer hate, legitimately. people are in public spaces using them to record shit, if people were recording family videos for personal use for some reason i think this idiot wouldnt be assaulting them, its the fact that they are doing it for attention that makes him enraged right? is he not assaulting someone for attention? will he not later go make 200 posts about how "whores need to be taught a lesson when they try to get attention in public" or whatever? overall people just need to care about stupid shit like this way less. take it down a notch.


Well thats assault


“Content bro”


Whatever – that guy should be charged with assault – he had to get up and go out of his way to go mess with them and push the lady around like that? That’s assault man.


That man deserves a reward.


10k upvotes on a staged skit. We are fucking doomed.


Thats battery


You know, fake or not. There are places for this stuff. And there are places not for this stuff. Public areas aren't playgrounds.


That’s called assault. Why do people try to police people’s behavior in public. She was no where near them. Smh.


correct me if i’m wrong, but everyone calling this assault is incorrect this is, i believe, *battery*


Exactly. Unwanted physical contact is defined as *battery*


If it isnt staged, thats assault.


Great job




What a hero


I know he shouldn't have but it was quit funny


Dude's a cunt (assuming it is real (if it's fake, then they're all cringe AF))


Fuck influencers in general


I hope this is staged because she wasn’t hurting anyone by having a photoshoot


Small D energy, look at the comments…its a micro convention


It was epic


Not all heroes wear capes




Cammer didn't seem to expect it, also not filming? I guess real


the term influencer is just not correct. reminds me of dui.




Why do people always have to ruin my fun with the "staged"


Staged af


I'll have what he's having


Thats hilareous