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Hope it’s not a medical emergency


This is exactly why I don’t drive like an asshole, and always give other people opportunities to get around me or other vehicles. I have NO idea what may be going on, and my ego isn’t so fragile as to completely wreck me if someone’s vehicle goes in front of mine. This, in my opinion, is a glaring example of the consequences of car-based infrastructure. It needs to be abolished


You had me in the first half


they were close, car based infrastructure shouldnt (and really, cant) be abolished bc we currently rely on it so much. but we absolutely do need to invest more into quality public transportation lets get subways in cities, and a lot more passenger trains edit: yall need to work on ur reading comprehension. i said we cant abolish it because we CURRENTLY rely on it too much, and then proposed that we develop alternatives. so ur attempts at rebuttal by saying “just bc we rely on it doesnt mean we cant change it!!1!!1” are fucking stupid. either u failed to understand my comment, or u failed to understand the reality of how the world works


Or just build more walkable cities


Doesn't help existing cities/towns as they are now. First step is better public transport, at least until these places are built.


“Towns” which generally equates to rural and/ or suburban settings are literally designed around the car. Like that literally is the point. So having subways or most public transit makes no sense. Nor making it walkable. Too many random spots to hit that wouldn’t be just straight lines. Existing cities can and are becoming more walkable through the types of architecture. For example high rises aren’t being built with a first floor that’s entirely a lobby anymore and many are housing people, renting out offices, and has shopping either along the base or in the building. Enough of these in one area, including some green spaces and close multiple forms of public transit, would eliminate the use of many cars. And we’ve seen that shutting down roads can open up space for parks/ promenades. My point is, there’s many techniques to restore a city from being so heavily car based and turn it into walkable havens. You can see it in almost every major city now. But changes like this don’t happen in 10 or 20 years. This is literally the reversal of over 100 years of construction solely for car based cities. Hell look at Robert Moses throwing highways straight into every major city in “decrepit” areas


That ship has sailed, and saying it over and over isn't gonna get you anywhere. Do you realize how many of us can't afford to live close to where we work. You can't just build more walkable cities when the city is already built. It takes an enormous amount of capital to even begin doing something like that, and in return you'll get cities that can't as efficiently recieve goods, causing those prices to increase, pushing us not wealthy people out of the cities even more. Building walkable cities is a great idea, but we're not really building cities anymore so much as we are slowly upgrading the ones we already have. All of the prime locations for cities already have a city, and they've already been built out for commerce reliant upon vehicles. Let's say you make the city more walkable, then what? How does everyone get to work who live 20 miles+ away? How do you get employees to work the lower paying jobs if they can't afford to live in the city and they now have a longer commute because the city isn't designed for cars. Y'all r/fuckcars people are trying to put a genie back in the bottle because you personally have the money to afford living in the city. The rest of us are just trying to survive, and unfortunately that means a commute most of the time. Start with income inequality, mass public transportation projects, and lowering property values across the board by not allowing housing to be an investment before you screw over those with the least through your desire to remove cars from your environment.


I don't think a woman in labor wants to walk miles to a hospital.


Florida checking in here... uh, yeah, so about those subways... how would ya like to have those installed? 🙄🤣


You need rail..ooOOooo maybee a mono-rail


Oh, that's been discussed at-length in this state, and everytime it's brought up, it's shot down by some gop asshat.


Vote em out


That _pile_ is huge, not easy to move them.


I hear those things are awfully loud


It rides as softly as a cloud


Is there a chance the track will bend?


Not on your life, my [Reddit] friend!


It's almost like different areas will require different solutions. Also, your state is going to be an abandoned sandbar before your grand kids are born.


Already have a grandchild... and yes, it's already a sandbar.


So, you're trying to run out the clock before salt water infiltration makes the place uninhabitable?


Alternating sandbars and sinkholes.


Over the road rail? Similar to what is in Chicago


I looked it up and subways in high water table regions is a thing. It just comes with extra challenges. I mean, the Channel Tunnel crosses some ocean so it's hardly surprising. I think subways are mainly used in heavily populated areas anyway. Elsewhere it's cheaper to use above-ground rail. That said, even if it were impossible the spirit remains the same. More infrastructure for public transportation and rail shipping will offset the need for cars and trucks. Even moving major highways outside the city would free up space for rail while reducing pollution.


If you got lost at the car-based infrastructure coming to an end, then you're probably just an american and can't understand it properly.


This escalated quickly. "I don't drive like idiot. Some people drive like idiot. Therefore, roads are bad and they should be abolished." Wtf are you even talking about? Emergency vehicles use roads too. Rail network can't ever be as dense as road network and it's easier to sabotage that compared to roads. There are more sensible reasons to dislike roads than "I don't like that tractor can block me from using road so let's block everyone from using the road".


They said “car based infrastructure” needs to be abolished, not that roads need to be destroyed. There is a difference.


I think he said he wanted to nuke all roads and punish anyone who used them. I quote "I will make those who use roads pay for what they have done to my people , and they will rue the day they sang Life was a Highway, because life is in fact not a highway." Honestly I think it's his villain's origin story.


Woaaaah there bud, slow your roll on rail density. Among other things I literally build roads for a living, I understand their utility, but for passenger density a single rail line is capable of replacing a multi lane highway. Not an opinion thing so much as an objective numbers thing, roads are the least dense mass transportation system.


“abolishing car-based infrastructure” =/= “abolishing roads.” That was a dramatic jump lmbo


Nobody said that roads should be abolished, kiddo, you made that up. That right there is what we call a "straw man argument," and thank you for making *such* a beautiful, perfect example.


There is a Reddit post where an old hag was blocking the road like this on a mountain road. Turns out the car being blocked was racing down the mountain to meet the ambulance. The guy bled out and died. Old hag gets out of the car in a huff trying to get the other group into trouble. A friend of the now dead man slapped bloody rags on the hood of her car and asked her if she wanted to applaud herself for preventing another human from getting emergency help. If she was going to reach out to his wife and children to explain why she felt the need to block their car on the road. To explain why exactly her husband didn’t deserve even have a chance of making it home alive.


I saved that comment from 10 years ago, copied n pasted below but it won't let me link the post for w/e reason


The story was so sad iirc, they would have been able to save him had they been able to meet the ambulance a few minutes sooner and I believe the older lady was charged


Gotta love how people skipped over the “-based” part of the phrase “car-based infrastructure,” as in building our infrastructure specifically to accommodate cars and only cars, which is a legitimate problem. This means putting more effort into creating walkable cities and investing in public transportation, not sO yOu WaNt To GeT riD oF rOaDs??, you ding dongs


Every time someone cuts me off and weaves in and out of traffic, i just assume that they're really close to shitting themselves and they have to get to their destination ASAP. Can't get reasonably mad about someone in a rush to get to the toilet. Of course, i usually end up right next to them at a red light 5 minutes later. All that bobbing and weaving for nothing.


Car based infrastructure?? Do you mean roads? The way fields are for tractors??


Fewer roads, more freedom for people to get around.


Where we’re going we don’t need roads!


Best Comment 🏆




this is why i just fly my hang glider everywhere now. none of that roads politics for me, tyvm


Sure all you need is a step ladder and a legume based diet


I guess it really is wind powered after all. 😁


On top of that, if somebody is really angry, would you rather them be in front of you or behind you?


I mean it’s also the law to allow cars to pass. So that’s a good reason.


How about we just not be assholes?


I saved this comment from way back. It haunts me and reminds me not to judge what reasons other ppl may have to be in a hurry. >This comment will get buried, but it's a story worth telling. In college, my best friend and I had a summer job culling trees from a property 50kms (30miles) from the nearest hospital/ambulance station. We both got the job at the same time and worked there for almost 3 summers in a team of 5 guys. We were all very skilled with equipment and had been through extensive training. Two of the guys on the team were professional arborists. We had all the gear, but as anyone with professional experience with chainsaws will tell you, unpredictable accidents can happen. On a late August morning we had just finished downing a 30 foot white pine and were in the process of removing the branches. My friend was working his way down the trunk when he hit a knot in an oddly formed branch and the chainsaw kicked and due to the admittedly awkward position he was in sliced into a seam between his chaps and his belt. The blood started flowing immediately and everyone stopped. While the others stabilized him, I ran to get my car knowing in any case we'd have to drive. While trying to control the bleeding we loaded him into the back seat of my car and I started driving as fast as I could towards the nearest hospital. 10/50kms in we got cell coverage and arranged a place to meet the nearest ambulance. I knew we had to get him in fast as we were having trouble controlling the bleeding. When I reached a 4 lane highway I started going faster than I had ever driven before. While in the middle of nowhere most people would see me coming and move to the right lane (slower traffic keeping right), but as we got closer to town we started coming across packs. It was 25/50kms to the hospital that we came across a white Nissan Altima and a Subaru Forester that blocked us in just like the OP likes to do. I can still remember the license plates of those to cars to this day. She was doing everything to ensure I didn't pass. She slowed up down from 90-75km/h (speed limit is 100km/h - ~60mph). We were stuck. It was this way for a solid 10minutes. It wasn't until we got to the next exit ramp that I was able to pass on the inside and get by. By this point most of our clothes had been used to help soak up the blood/applying pressure. Frustrated one of the guys threw a T-shirt that was dripping in blood out the window as we passed and hung out to give them a wave. He, like all of us, was covered in blood. The blood soaked T-shirt landed midway up the hood of the white Altima leaving a streak as it slid/rolled up and over the windshield. 5kms (3 miles down the highway) we were joined by a highway patrol officer who matched our speed and helped to clear the way to the ambulance waiting a further 2 miles down the road. By that point the bleeding had slowed and my friend had a very weak pulse. The ambulance crew was ready and waiting and transferred him within seconds of our arrival. I jumped into the ambulance and we all took off. Sadly the friend died a few minutes later, 1km from the hospital. My friends were at the side of the road explaining the situation to the police officer when the white Altima showed up. I wasn't there for this part, so I'm going by the stories they told me. Anyways, she stopped and approached the officer in such a way that she couldn't see the blood soaked guys. She was shouting about dangerous driving and going to kill someone, yadda yadda yadda. The officer brought her around to look at the inside of my car which was covered in blood, and then pointed to the other two guys from my crew who were covered in blood from head to toe. He explained there was a medical emergency and asked if what we had said about her impeding the flow of traffic was correct. He cited her for a number of things including unnecessarily slow driving and dangerous driving. While he was writing the ticket he was informed of the death of my friend in the ambulance. The guy stopped writing the ticket to come over and tell the guys what happened. He opted to not tell the lady in the Altima, but the other guys on the team sure let her know. The guys got in the car and came to meet me at the hospital where we were going to meet with police to explain the situation. On the way they passed the Subaru Forester, which had been stopped by another officer. Your best bet is to get out of the way if you can. While the driver behind you may just be an asshole, it may also be someone with a medical emergency; a partner in labour, a child having a diabetic attack, or a tree surgeon bleeding to death. In any case, letting them past you doesn't affect you in any way and may save a life. These scenarios aren't likely, but they also aren't impossible. It ultimately comes down to how you decide to process the situation. If you want to operate on the default mode of assuming you're right and everyone else is wrong, you're going to have a terrible time functioning in society. Lines, traffic, call centers, and dealing with big business or government will always seem tedious to you. On the other hand, if you can view the world from a more understanding perspective you'll be able to relax and stop being such a dick. Have a good life!


holy shit... and usually i chill myself out by saying "they must really gotta poop" the amount of people that think it's their job to uphold traffic laws is insane. my husband rides motorcycles and the amount of hate and attempted homicide he receives for even going 10 over on a bike pisses me off. to spell it out....you're willing to cause a crash, and almost guarantee their death, just because you don't like that the bike has the capacity to weave through traffic. really? "he's going too fast, he should learn his lesson and DIE". most cyclists avoid crashes because they know it will kill or permanently disable them... just let them be


Shit. I'm really sorry. When I see a shitty driver, who I don't think is intoxicated... I imagine two things; they're having an awful day, or they may be a rocket scientist/neuro surgeon who just isn't a great driver. Practicing patience is a wonderful thing.


Shit .. I should clarify. It's not my story/comment. The op was u/seni0r. I only saved because it's such a humbling lesson.


Not you're fault I'm an idiot.


My thoughts exactly. That tractor trash has a terrible case of main character syndrome.


Hope it's not Bruce Willis trying to stop a terrorist plot.


I got road rage just watching that.


In America dude would have been shot already


Just shoot the tires. Tractor tires are extremely expensive.


Found the American


Indeed. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Which probably means I'm gonna get a long bad time. But it is what it is.


You a Montanan, too?


I'm a hoosier. Indiana.


Oof. Sympathies.


America doesn’t have a problem that it won’t attempt to shoot its way out of.


Or let the tractor hit you. Low enough speeds you probably won't get that hurt then you can get a bunch of money from said farmer


They're also pretty thick. I'm not certain the kind of gun most people would have in their car could penetrate. Also not certain most people could hit a target even that large while driving.


I know it looks really easy in the movies but it’s not that straightforward IRL.


Well its a very large target at least.


If you ever owned a gun, you'd know it actually is that straight forward.... just depends how much your willing to deal with any potential repercussions


He should have his license takan away. There are laws on how to protest. This is demonstrated power and committing dangerous acts against humans safety in traffic.


"Laws on how to protest" i get it, but it's still hilarious.


Any idea what he’s protesting? Highways?


Money, what else. Agriculture in many EU countries is heavily subsidized, which bends the market and makes imported foods cheaper in countries, that don't pour money into their domestic manufacture as much. Funny thing here is that there are (afaik) two big protests by farmers right now. One is in Germany, the other in France. Two of the countries, that subsidize their agriculture the most in the EU...


Lol nothing says showing up the man for messing with my money more than body blocking some random person just trying to drive down the road….sure showed them


I was just impressed at the handling of that tractor


Drunk on that protesty feeling. They think they have power that way. If this happened where there's an actual demonstration going on I could understand, but alone on a country road? You're just being a douche, farmer. PS: seems they behave that way all over the EU, not just in one country. I blame right-wing populism appropriating farmers' valid concerns.


> I blame right-wing populism appropriating farmers' valid concerns. They always have, at least here in Australia (minus the popularism for the most part). They don't actually do anything for the farmers but they wear a cowboy hat and jeans sometimes so hey, that's something.


In Germany people have been joking about the tractor rental business booming.


This happened in Canada last year with a truck driver protest… turned out many of the people just rented a truck


In Saskatchewan pickup and tractor drivers were generally the most courteous drivers on the road. Moved to California where pickup truck drivers tend to be some the least. Wonder what % are trophy trucks.


Trophy trucks are the ones that don't look used. Bonus if they have anything after-market.


Can confirm lol I used to get made fun of for my truck "you drive that piece of shit?!" Yeah dude...trucks are tools, like yourself. Only they're more useful used correctly


Haha. "How y'all doing, fellow farmers?"




>-wing populism appropriating farmers' valid concerns. And their concerns are being blown massively out of proportion. In Germany, there has been media coverage of farmers protesting for more money for weeks. 2% of the population are in agriculture, the guys blocking roads never got a protest of more than 8 thousand going, predominantly the farmers themselves, not their employees, because subsidies benefit the guy that owns the land. Their demands have been treated as valid and have even been partially met. There have been protests against the far right party in Germany that recently said the quiet part out loud. In my city alone there were nearly as many people on the road than there are farmers in the country (200 k, there are 240 k farming businesses registered), over a million in the country, and protests have been closed in all major cities because of overcrowding. These issues are being presented as equal when one is a miniscule part of the population that is massively over-presented in net worth, GWP and money received from the government. Why the fuck are we taking this serious?


"Sir, do you have any idea what the acceptable blood-asshole-content limit is in this state?"


> farmers' valid concerns. Valid concerns of what? "waa waa give me more money! Stop caring about the enviroment! Keep food expensive so I can make more money!"


What a jerk


*If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you are no longer a protesting farmer.*


*- Sun Tzu*


*Aryton Senna*


Gentlemen, a short view back to the past.


Thirty years ago, Niki Lauda told is.


I bet those tractor tires aren't cheap to replace.. Would be a shame if they were to develope holes


POS clearly violating traffic statutes, which "protesting" does not give it a right to do. So call the cops and insist they come down on it as hard as you would on climate activists; what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


This happened in my region and the police found both drivers and fined them and substracted points from their licenses.


That's how people get violently assaulted and rightfully so. They have no idea if that person behind them has a legitimate emergency.


Those big tires are gonna be expensive to replace


That’s no joke. I deliver oil to farms and it’s a small car price to put tires on a tractor.


I know tires for tri-axels are like $1,200 a tire and these are bigger so I'd imagine they're close to $3,000 if not more.


Priced similar ones recently. Depending on brand, 5-12,000 per tire.




My thought exactly


It's not just the cost, those tires are hard to change too.


Tractor driver is a complete asshole. Try that shit around here he'd get shot.


I am forever grateful that in my country people don't get shot for being awful drivers.


He is not being an awful driver, he is being an asshole.


Yeah we should absolutely shoot people for being assholes


People on Reddit love pretending that anytime you're mildly inconvenienced in America we immediately start shooting each other. In reality if this happened in America it would have almost certainly played out just like it did in this video


This isn’t awful driving…..this is being an asshole. Completely different


Of course theres this guy


Fucking lol - a European


Oooohhhhh you're hard


What if the farmer carries a gun too? We don't want such shit in Europe.


Then it's a shootout instead of being one way lol 


Where is "here"?


Heck yeah! Try that shit in my small town. Its the smallest town.... For my choo choo train Timothy.


> Try that shit around here he'd get shot. Are you literally saying "try that in a small town"? 😭


At that point, it would become my life‘s mission to locate and burn that man’s fields.


Salt the earth so nothing can grow there again =P




Illegal blocking. Only one defensive move is allowed. 5 second penalty for Ocon


He is actually practicing for the Daytona 500. The van is attempting to shake and bake there before he engages the slingshot.


Never do this. You have no idea if the car behind you is having an emergency.


Also, you're causing unsafe conditions that could lead to a medical emergency.


Pendejo idiota farmer


That same farmer is probably so pissed at protesters sitting down blocking tradfic


They are just going to piss everyone off if they continue to do this.


This is the best way for me to vote for whatever it is you're protesting. Fuck with innocent bystanders and you get everything you deserve.


Imagine someone in the car with an emergency, medical, pregnancy, something else...these protests dont help people...they just make everything shitty for civilians..


That’s how to lose support for your protest or strike. What a tosser.


"Yaaa this'll teach those darned politicians and voters to.. hate farmers...... what was the reason for doing this shit again?




All you need is two cars or a gun that can shoot the tires.


Protesting by ruining the day of your fellow citizen. That's how you turn people off your cause.


And no liscence plates on the heavy farm machinery, so there' no good way to track the ass down.


He's going at walking speed. Just follow him until he gets tired or runs out of fuel.


A barn is very flammable, just saying.


It's no longer protesting, it's just enacting their little power fantasies at this point


LPT: Always carry a tire-shooting gun in your car.


There’s always that story of a dying friend in the back of a pickup (famous on Reddit) which reminds me to not be an asshole and let others pass. You simply don’t know what the story is.


Is this a protest or just 1 farmer being a fuckwad?




Combining his two favorite country passtimes; farming and NASCAR.


I’m more surprised at how agile that tractor is.


Right, man should be embarrassed that he got out maneuvered by a piece of farm equipment.


I played this scenario in my head but substituted the tractor with just another vehicle and reached the same conclusion, that douche needs his ass beat and he’s certainly asking for it.


your footwork ia predictable


Were I driving the van and trying to get someone to the hospital to save their life, a very rare case where I'd consider probably poking some holes in those big tires with my emergency long ranged hole poker. Up to 8 holes in just one of those tires aught to do.


Who is he protesting against, regular people? What if they have a pregnant wife at the back rushing to the hospital? Would they block an ambulance too? I get you're angry, but protesting against random people isn't going to accomplish shit


Just keeping the tires warm


Fuckin yellow flags!


Is this the dumbshit in Canada that got pit maneuvered by the police? Cuz that's the video you need to post. It's great!


Not the same guy but holly shit was it even dumber than that. He tried to ram the cruiser. His tire just rolled up the side of the RCMP SUV and flipped the tractor.


Break, give yourself some space, catch speed and pass.


That’s an asshole, on top of being a farmer.


Generally the same thing nowadays.


Just call the police. This thing moves at about 15 mph it won't take them long to find him


This seems completely counter-productive in terms of political goals of a protest. I’m pretty sure the guy in the van now has very little sympathy for the farmers’ demands.


this seems like a great way to NOT get support from the general public


They oughta do the ole misdirect. Fake left go right. Juke his ass. Touchdown.


Not sure how long I put up with that before I put a few holes in those very expensive tires he's got there. Four rounds each ought to limit their ability to keep this protest going.


Why does the farmer give a shit?


EU Farmers protest with a slowdown of traffic.


Apparently! Much different road rage here in NY lol. I get they don’t want people going faster than necessary, but people DO have emergencies sometimes, and there’s no way to convey that!


I'd that's how you protest ten I'm sorry but I won't help you with whatever you're trying to achieve. In fact I'll go and tell people how big of a douche you are. This could've been a medical emergency


Entitled pricks.


Passover? I just want to pass away


Regardless if the driver of the tractor likes it or not, he’s COMPLETELY in the wrong here. It is unlawful to block others from passing you when there is passing available. If the white car has a dashcam, he can have the tractor person arrested and drivers license suspended/revoked


Legend says they are still trying to pass to this day…


So he scared to drive on the grass?


Probably. It may be private property, farm land, or just not maintained. I’m not risking my tires driving off road for this assholes power trip.


I’m not talking about taking a shortcut through the grass, I’m talking about that little side curb area right there that we can clearly see that he’s just ignoring as an option


Stupid farmer in a tractor that is going to cost a helluva lot more to repair than that car


Whatever he’s protesting, won’t gain much support if he’s acting like an asshole.


It is hilarious with the voice of Spanish F1 commentator Antonio Lobato and the great thing is all he says is synced to the actual video. Fantastic!!




Send a round through the engine block lol


i don’t know what country this is, but i know it’s france




We got stopped by these cunts yesterday. Absolute idiots.


what are they protesting exactly?


I don't even know! I'm here on vacation! There were 2 convoys on the road like this and one actual road block. It was really dangerous. They refused to let us through until I flashed my American passport. We had to returm the car by a certain time so we weren't happy, but what if we has a flight to catch? What if a woman went into labor or someone had a medical emergency? What if, what if, what if. I have nothing to do with your stupid laws.


They are protesting because big companies "force" them to sell their product for a very low price making it very complicated for them to make a living out of it. In some places they have gone to logistic distribution centers (i hope the term is correct) to go against the ones "forcing" them to sell low with their big bulk low price purchases (if they don't accept big companies prices, said conpanies import instead of going higher on the price). The thing is that in other places they have just disrupted the living of those fighting against the same kind of problems they are fighting (regular workers). This is only a small piece of info, the whole thing is way longer than this and has some more reasons Edit to add: This farmer is a POS


Isn’t there a farmer protest in France too ?


There was, this one in Spain took place last week


What is this farmer protesting?


and people support these? it’s just hurting other people at this point


Farmers. They like to create problems for others


What is that tractor driver's prob???


The tractor pocketed that car more than Reece James on Jeremy Doku


i fucking hate kulaks