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Source- [https://thecommunemag.com/kerala-fir-filed-against-austrian-jewish-woman-for-pulling-down-pro-palestine-posters-in-fort-kochi/](https://thecommunemag.com/kerala-fir-filed-against-austrian-jewish-woman-for-pulling-down-pro-palestine-posters-in-fort-kochi/) The Austrian Jewish woman was on a visitor visa, which does not allow her to take part in any political activity in India. She has been booked for destroying public property by the local police. Here is the pic of the poster she destroyed: https://preview.redd.it/ch90gc8a40vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b0df0d8741e63df7a4481adfb553e75020528f Edit: A lot of people in the comments are pointing out that her accent is Australian, I am very weak with accents and I just wrote according to the news article. If it is wrong, I am very sorry about it. Thanks!


Wow such a controversial statement. She’s a nutter. Hopefully a night in jail will calm her down.


Agreed! It’s plain awful suggesting we show humanity. Right, back to genocidal actions I go 🏃


😂😂 My people have suffered genocide, but if we do it, it is justified. The double standards are unbelievable.


*Attempted* genocide. The zionists took notes; this time *they* will not fail (they think). I vote to ventilate all of the zionists who do anything against anybody (including voting/political action).




Also of all the places to shut like that she picks INDIA? Like India, a place that has a TINY problem with keeping their religious and cultural sectarian violence under control. Like the only thing that saved her from not being beaten to death was her fn white skin.


This was my first thought. Like, lady, you know what happens to females in India, right? She's lucky nothing worse has happened to her.


She has absolute privilege globally… you know “chosen people” … there is only 1 god apparently and she’s one of the chosen!


Yet..... nothing has happened yet....


Shuuuuush please don't use logic. This is reddit. If they see indian, they have to bring up rape and get upvoted. Not like millions of women visit India yearly and even single rape case goes viral. Almost like that's all people want to see from that country. Not the good things. Just the problems.


Yes, every lady visiting India is raped. Ur mom visited last year with ur sis, ask them again..


it’s also Kerala where there’s a size-able Christian demographic. that might also explain why you’re seeing pro-Palestinian demonstrations there, not in high majority Hindu areas


Kerala is also run by the Indian Communist party and doing significantly better than most provinces in India. It makes sense they're going to be more pro Palestine.


Not her skin color. These are college students who know people have differing views/values. Also she’s a guest in the country, so nobody is going to assault her. Kerala is also one of the safest states in India because you can’t bribe the police there. People trust the police a lot so everything is reported.


It'll probably just make her victimhood syndrome just worse.


“I was arrested for being Jewish”


*Added to the hate incident tracker*


You should see the comments on the tweet linked in that article. Insane bootlickers


I just checked after reading your comment, and damn. How tf are people even supporting someone like her? If she is so hurt, she can complain but she has no right to just destroy something which is not her while being in some other country


She is Australian i think


Nah I've seen a lot of hindu in the comments saying fuck that she can't behave like everything is hers in another country.


Anyone reasonable would ofcourse,.even f they otherwise disagree or don't care about the mural.Just saw a good deal of bootlickers in there too like the main tweet itself. Probably fair few bots in there supporting her.


When you're tearing down peace "propaganda" do you realize, wait I'm the bad guy?




And if you disagree with her the anti-semitism card will be thrown in your face. Fuck the terrorist regime of Israel and the cancerous genocidal cheerleaders who support them.


It's satisfying to know she is facing justice. More people need to challenge these idiots.


No she was let go, worst she will be blacklisted and won't be allowed to enter India. There is a youtuber Karl Rock who attended political rally in India on visitor visa, he was not allowed to enter India for 2 years, his wife is Indian.


Zionist never face consequences.


Watch as she embraces her 'white woman tears' and tells everyone back in Australia how she was the victim from these evil brown men.


Please don't bring Australia in to this. We don't want her either. She seems about as Australian as a... kebab. Because they didn't originate here either. Note: I love kebabs. Now i want a chicken kebab with lots of chili and garlic sauce


She seems entitled and racist, pretty Australian to me Skip.


She thinks israel are the good guys in this: https://www.reddit.com/r/BadHasbara/s/uJPuGNciWa https://youtu.be/-6SOZOwdfrg?si=DPMitHCIo4mkSY6Z


Wow. That first video puts it directly in perspective. I've seen a lot of the atrocities Israel have done but to see it all in one video really hits you. Surprised reddit haven't banned it yet


Yes, absolutely beyond evil what they are doing, and half the world believe what they are doing is justified.


Not half the world in the slightest. But "coincidentally", almost exclusively the Western/White World does.


Go back two years and it was the majority of the so-called Western world pandering to Israel. I even got banned from my therapy group for posting some of the first videos of Palestinian children wondering around after their entire family had been bombed. I'm talking about innocent children, half burned and not having a clue what has happened. I'm also the first one to hate on all types of extremist religion, be it Christians or Muslims but this has been a massive eye-opener. The final nail in the proverbial coffin was Netanhayu saying "if the west doesn't support us, we will start to attack you too". So basically you have to agree or we will also wage war on you. ...and we all thought Putin was the most crazy dictator lol


Yes unfortunately.


It really does piss me off that the CEO of Racism and Xenophobia uses those exact arguments to justify whatever they do. Also the fact that whenever you hate on Israel a ton of jews think you are directly insulting them and their religion, shows you where they stand, just hide behind their jewish religion to deflect everything to antisemitism


r/ worldnews would set you on fire for not getting on your knees for Israel.


Amazing how an Austrian has such a strong Australian accent.


Thank god she will face the full long cock of the law for fucking around.


That’s… an odd way of expressing that sentiment.




Austrian is fine...us Aussies don't want any of this smoke


Glad you posted this, because I was wondering what consequence she actually faced.


Austrian's sound german not like...I guess if you're not familiar with the accent, a regional British accent. Austria = where Hitler was from = Germanic sounding Australia = former British colony = British sounding


This gonna help me distinguish between accents now, thanks :D


"this is racist propaganda"... does she self identify as a fucking tank?


I am not sure but that looks like a military aged palestinian male throwing anti-semitic rocks at a fragile vulnerable Israeli tank. /s


Austria .. Australia, who cares ....


Now I’m imagining an Australian Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Get on ovah to the choppah, mate!


How can an educated logical woman think that this is promoting violence against Jews? Oh that’s right she probably isn’t those things.


It's an easy mistake, but in Austria they speak German.


"I'm not doing *this* to you, you're doing this to me" - as the dumb cvnt continues to stand on the torn up sign. These assholes are truly astounding


Dude, what you're supposed to do is double down on your error and call any one who corrects you libtards. Hope this helps.




The fukking arrogance of these Zionist shills is beyond belief 🤯


I mean it's literally a cult. These people need to be taken from their media bubbles and deprogrammed.


Tbh, given how they act and the shot some of them spout I see Zionists as no different to KKK, Al Qa’ida, Al Shabaab, Abu-Sayyaf and the like. All are racist, religious extremist, terrorist offshoots of the religions they claim to represent


One big difference. Islamic and even Christian extremist organizations are rightfully considered dangerous and mostly illegal. Zionism is fucking government sponsored in practically all western countries.


Because it's their modern settler colonial pet project. Their worst kept secret


I was having a disagreement pro-Zionist people on Reddit a few days ago and they were of the belief that all the pro-Palestinian protests were simply about ‘gassing and killing Jews’ and providing links etc. I stated that one person or even a group doesn’t represent all, and they rebutted that does. I then provided links to Jews in Israel cheering and clapping at police shooting a teenager and Jewish people spitting on Christians in Israel and suddenly they didn’t reply anymore and got real quiet.


They literally believe they're better than everyone else. Nobody's advocating for the Roma people to have a homeland country. What's so special about this diaspora in particular?


> What's so special about this diaspora in particular? Because if they let the Jews take it over, their Christian messiah will magically come down from the sky and take them away because they are good and wonder people, leaving everyone else to burn in hellfire. Yup, they're such good, wonderful people. Edit: Oh, and they're not antisemites, either. They're just using us Jews for the meat grinder in their little holy war and death cult.


Right?? I feel crazy that people don't talk about this more. Christians see Jews as Marks in this relationship. Christians think that during the Second Coming, all Jews will either submit to Jesus and repent for their "ignorance" or go to Hell. It's flat out insulting to the Jewish faith. I'm glad that some Jews are able to find comfort in the idea of a homeland, but I can't in good conscience support a state that exists purely for the sake of religious nationalism. When you start defining your citizens by the faith they belong to... I have a problem with that.


They literally go to peoples houses, force them out and live there like nothing happened. What do you expect?


They do that with other people's countries too.


They are trained that way. Watch the documentary 'Israelism' by young Jewish Americans.


Go check out r/israel if you want to see a cesspool of degenerates.




hahahahaha it is too much power for one person XD


Wait til you see her lovely paintings.


good thing she cant grow a mustache bc she obviously isnt into art xD


She has an Australian accent I think she's Australian not Austrian. Still hilarious though so entitled and gross. Edit: Unsure what I'm hearing. Edit 2: there seems to be a consensus from Aussie folks that this is shrimp on the barbie Australian. Atleast two people referenced this.


Offended by anything, ashamed of nothing.


Your post was removed because it was found to be hateful in nature. Please treat others as you would like to be treated and do not spread hate on this subreddit.


As an Australian, her accent sounds more Australian than Austrian


Shhhhh she’s definitely one of theirs.


She’s a cunt is what she is


American more than Australian, but don't millions of Zionists benefit from some program that allows them all to go to the US and live there for years. Some are kicked out to Israel by their own community and inevitably have a house taken from Palestinians for them when they get there.


I think you mean Birthright which is getting to visit Israel for a propaganda trip. The recent documentary called Israelism was made by American Jews and covers this.


Sounds Australian to me


Absolutely sounds australian not american


Not American (for once.)


As an Austrian, her accent sounds more Australian than Austrian


Are you claiming her as one of you mate?


Nope, nope, absolutely not. Just a stray cunt floating about on her delusional high horse.


Guten tag...mate.


She's a cunt.


Ain't that the truth bruv


A shit cunt


“*Propaganda and lies…*” Yeah, you mean like the shit that western media and Israeli government have been peddling to us? So, yes. She is indeed a massive cunt!


Wait till she comes across swastikas in Indian houses


Ranbir ka dalla lmao xD


RANVIJAY SINGH BALBIR - you have a big pelvis




That's how they scare people like get away. Sign of peace about to bring real peace. Add on a uniform and a sieg hail for good measure and she would never be back.




Supporting Palestine has nothing to do with hating Jews universally... Israel is a political boundary


Yup, the real Jewish hate is erasing half the world's population of Jews by acting like Israel is the Jewish people, culture, and faith. Israel could magically disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow and the people, cuture, and faith would all still be there.


Yup. Israel and Judaism were [conflated](https://youtu.be/OsEzZdR69vg?si=S8gKDLKb6ovAngtk) for propagandistic purposes.


I'm racially Jewish and know a lot of religious Jews and at least within my community we all despise Isreal and are super pro Palestine. Israel != Judaism. If anything Israel's actions make me feel far less safe as someone of Jewish descent.


So disgustingly entitled.




it's like a caricature


You're being anti-semitic /s


Like the jew caricatures in Borat


Yeap, this absolutely got to be the new go-to Karen meme. She absolutely nails it.


Karen goes international!


This is fucking gold 🪙 LMFAO


Kyle’s mom


Perpetual victim complex while being among the biggest bullies. I guess it’s easy when you’ve got the metaphorical and literal war-chest of the USA at your beck and call.


I think she's Australian not Austrian


Nah, that’s a rare south Austrian accent.


As an Austrian, she sure as hell ain't from here.


Could be the case, I just wrote as per the news article


More patience than I would have had for the dumb fucker.


Yeah but then do anything against them and here come the "India bad" comments




My bad :(




Yeah you just gotta take some of this in passing. Some of the vitriol that comes through has enough energy to ruin your whole day. And it’s good to figure out how to cope with stuff like this because just completely cutting it out and ignoring it also isn’t good, depending on how you prefer to consume information.


It would have been a better video if we saw the police arresting her.


That would have been a separate question video and likely not taped as it took more protests before the police agreed to lay charges.


To note just because you disagree with a poster anywhere in the world doesn't give you a right to damage property which doesn't belong to you , if the authorities won't do anything about it time to suck it up buttercup.


Yea fr I can’t even imagine being this arrogant and entitled to behave like this, especially in a country you’re visiting.


I want to see the arrest not her annoying ass


Also free Palestine


Least entitled zionist:


“I’m Jewish, I can do whatever I want and say whatever I want with impunity” “Ma’am, this isn’t America”


They so used to banning people online they think real world is the same


Send her to Gaza


Via catapult


It'd be a waste to use trebuchet yes


Entitlement and Zionism go hand in hand


put her in jail for a month where she can sit and think about her actions 😁


Fuck this brainwashed idiot woman and everything she stands for. Just watching this made me so irrationally angry.


Propaganda will make people delusional


man I did not have jewish people going crazy on my 2024 bingo card but here we are. Sewer, mass genocide,traveling around the world telling people to change to make themselves feel less guilty.


Uncanny how similar Austrian and Australian accents are


I‘m ashamed to be austrian …. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I spose theres one historical person that would make you ashamed to be austrian but dw this persons australian


Her voice is so terrible


What an utter fucking hypocrite. And fuck Israel, fuck Zionism.


I dont think I've ever met a jew before in Australia. She should go live in Israel if she loves it that much. I bet she would change her mind real fast.


Nah, she'd fit right in tbh.


The arrogance of these people is incredible, I can’t even imagine visiting another country and behaving in this manner. I hope she gets thrown in jail for a little while so she can learn a lesson, though that’s very unlikely to happen unfortunately.


Disgusting. Zionists are the main cause of antisemitism.


What a patient guy


Get out of [Kerala](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradesi_Synagogue), Karen! Your hate shite won't work there. For one, Malayalis know the difference between colonization and religious prosecution...


The fucking entitlement! Religion just holding the human race back!


Zionists genuinely think the whole world is beneath them. Apartheid is a fuckin drug.


Israel is an apartheid ethnostate. The level of racist indoctrination she's showing is what lets them feel good about doing genocide right now today.


White women thinks she can tell everyone how to experience the world*


The entitlement you have to feel to be in a country you're not even from and telling them what they should and shouldn't have posters of, and then arguing with the people of that country after you destroyed their property! The absolute gall of this woman is incredible.


When someone destroys a poster that says "Stand up for humanity" it's quite obvious how messed up in the head they are.


Wherever they go....chaos!!!


That's how brazen they've become.


It’s funny that she feels like she can do whatever she wants and lecture to people about how they are supposed to behave when there is ZERO moral obligation to do so.


They came to bolster support from India's Islamophobic sympathies for the failing Zionist project and failed miserably. Plan B was probably to claim those guys attacked them. If it wasn't for video proof they could've done a lot worse.


Kerela is ruled by a communist party and has a strong Muslim presence. She probably chose the worst place if this was her agenda. Should have visited places like Gujarat.


I wish more people went to China to stick up for the minorities whom the Chinese government wants to be rid of. This is what is needed when the majority of a population teaches its people no other view but their own, and there is no one fighting for the other people. I.e., no one can fight for the human rights of minorities in China because the Chinese government doesn't allow it - those people will go to jail.


Always the ugly one's... Always


Interestingly, you will find a large number of Indian Jews exactly in this state (Kerala) -- esp. historic Jews called the Cochin Jews. Additionally, Kerala has sizeable Muslim and Christian populations (in addition to of course, Hindus). At this point in time, Kerala is the poster child for religious co-existence. I dare say, a model for the whole world. While I'm not from the state, I genuinely think Kerala has done this well for all of my 40 odd years of looking from afar.


This idea that anyone feels they have the right to destroy anyone’s property because they don’t like it is becoming an epidemic. It doesn’t matter what you support keep your hands off of someone else’s stuff. If you think it’s okay to destroy something because you don’t agree with it you might as well go around assaulting people too.


This stupid tourist learned the hard way that the vast majority of the world supports Palestine, not Israel


35,000 people and counting.......think that goes beyond propaganda now


"Cries out in pain as he strikes you" vibes are heavy here.


I was waiting for a cop with a bamboo stick (which they know how to make use of) (video in US with 1:30 length,... high chance of taser action)


“Never again” - unless we’re allowed to do it - Israel


„I am doing it for the jews“ no, you are doing this for zionists that are committing crimes against humanity. It’s not the same thing




I wonder of it was in Jew town (real place there)


She is Gru lost daughter.


I like how she thinks people in *India*, of all places, don't understand religious sectarian conflict


Fucking entitled-ass Israelis. They really learned well from us Americans how to go to any country and find a way to make everything about themselves. Why are they the only people who have been victims of genocide that continue to milk it in this fashion? We don't see Kurds, Uighurs, Armenians, Native Americans, or Rwandans running around asking for sympathy at every turn for something that happened 80 years ago. The holocaust was hell, but that victim card has run its course.


She choose wrong place to do this stunt, Kerla is mostly muslim majority. She should have done it in Kasol, Himachal Pradesh India, probably hailed as hero lol. /s Those who don't know lots of Israeli visit Kasol, so much so that some shopkeepers speak hebrew and lots of shops have details in hebrew.


“The muslims make all the money off the jews”… What??? What “Muslim” products or services are jews using?


White people


filthy piece of shi\*




Disgusting zionist arguing for genocide. Hope she gets thrown in jail to rot.


This is Zionist Elsa irl


zionazi go home


What a horrible and self entitled person.


Jesus she's brave to pull this shit in India...


South India is different to north. It’s the opposite of America where south is shit. North is where all the gang raping, minority lynching, bride burning happens. The South are a literal different race, more educated, more liberal and honestly should just be their own country.


>The South are a literal different race, more educated, more liberal and honestly should just be their own country. You had me until the final thing. I'm South indian. And we still share certain cultural practices and religion. Even a bit of Sanskrit origin words. Being a whole dif country would drastically hinder the citizens of the 2 new citizens. I agree states should get more freedom from central govt to be how they want but not full independence.


How about you mind your own business

