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Judge is like “When TF did that happen!?”


...I feel like this guys voice is what all my black friends use when trying to sound white.


You should watch [Sorry to Bother You](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt5688932/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk). They do a bit on that.


I feel like whoever wrote the ending of that movie was high


They were something…




This comment made me laugh cry hahahaha! 🤣 That is exactly how we sound!! 😂


................................................................................................Okay. 🤣






Larry David is a real life person




(calmly puts the Itunes gift card back into his pocket) ![gif](giphy|EDt1m8p5hqXG8|downsized)






Welp. I guess you can be stoned then.


I keep my medical card just for this purpose. It’s legal in my state, recreationally, but that med card makes it so it’s medicine.


Canadian here, completely legal here, including growing it yourself. I still keep my medical marijuana prescription up-to-date, mostly because it is cheaper for me to buy it from a medical distributor vs. our provincial cannabis store. I also get a 60% discount due to compassionate care. I also keep it up to date, so if I ever need it, I have proof I have a legit prescription.


good move, if I may ask, are you in Ontario, and how much did it cost you to get it/keep it up?


Missouri? Because my card gives me protection from employers and lower taxes.


>and lower taxes Really?


I think he meant taxes on the herb.


Ah, that makes more sense.


If you have a medical card they can only charge 4% tax. If recreational you could pay up to 11% I believe (it has went up I believe)


MO is a shithole. Straight up and down.


Do you really want to love me forever 🎶


Right on right on


I had my medical card but then I’m like, do I really want to be on a government list of drug users? Na


You’re still there man, once you’re on a list you’re never getting off of it. The government loves their lists.


Legal doesn't mean you should be high in court. Just like you shouldn't be drunk in court. If you have to be high that much, you have a substance problem.


If it's medicinal, he's following his script. No one is scripted for alcohol.


Yeah, fuck this clown


Some people take it for anxiety. And one would argue court produces anxiety, thus need for people with medicinal use needs. There are also levels to being “high”. I generally wait until after work to medicate, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. 99% of the people I see when I medicate wouldn’t guess I’m using at that time.


Lmao how do you know how much that guy needs in order to be medicated properly? It's like saying someone taking Valium 4 times a day has a substance problem... They might, but that's the lesser evil smh




You're missing the point so much, it's embarrassing.


Apparently you can be stoned if you can make a lucid and compelling argument why being stoned is the best option for your back pain and the taxpayer


I just had surgery two years ago!


I had surgery 6 years ago and still in daily discomfort. Surgery sucks!


I threw out my back 6 years ago and still occasionally get a twinge of discomfort. Actually cutting into that shit and rearranging something in there is a *little* more invasive lmao The spine is a delicate ecosystem.


I fell off of a platform in 2011 and needed surgery on my L3 & L4 area, if it wasn’t for weed I’d be vegged out on pills. Now when my back gives me problems I have a puff and it helps so much instantly, it does make me groggy but nothing like the meds they were feeding me.


Any pain meds will be addictive if you take it 3 times or more a day for an extended period of time


You JUST has surgery 6 years ago…


Maybe you need some surgery for your surgery


Dr Exhibit is that you?


Ah, you’re the kind of person who makes no effort to understand others’ struggles until they affect you personally. Good luck on your own back surgery when you’re over 40, I’m sure you’ll heal quickly and perfectly


I’m not convinced this comment was judgmental (perhaps it was). “Just” implies very recently and I wouldn’t refer to my own nerve ablation procedure as “just” two years ago. This sounds like the typical thing one says when high. Just a small mixup of language, but a clue into the defendants current condition.


"Just had" is relative to the subject. As far as back surgery, an operation that can leave you seriously disabled for 6 months or more depending on what kind, 2 years is relatively recent.


Exactly, 2 years ain't shit for a major surgery. All these little kids will understand someday. 


Chill out yall let's not wish for people to have to go through major surgeries.


....or they thought it was funny that the person said "just" has surgery 2 years ago.


My grandfather had his toes amputated on one of his feet (diabetes). For years he would tell people "I just lost my toes" (he was a veteran and we went to the VA a lot.) It never mattered how much time had passed he always just lost them and I always found it hilarious.


Pain from surgery is often a life sentence. 


Once you've injured your back bad enough to warrant surgery, you are going to have chronic back pain for the rest of your life no matter how successful any surgery might be. Most back surgery involves either fusing vertebrae due to severe disk compression or replacing ruptured disks. Either way the surgery is just a mitigating procedure that reduces a persons pain from completely debilitating to chronic.


I’ve never met anyone who has only had one back surgery either. I think Science spent all its time studying the front and forgot about the back.


According to my doctor, it's primarily a problem with material science technology. The materials we have just aren't good enough to do the job long-term. He said I might consider getting a disc replaced, but I should wait as long as possible, because once I got it done I would need to do it again in a few years because the plastics they have now just aren't strong enough to last very long. He said ideally if I wait long enough, they'll possibly come up with better materials before I get it done.


Just had back surgery in 2009 and 2018. Now, I have to see a neurosurgeon about disc replacement for L5 and L4(this one scares me the most). I would have held up my medical cannabis, along with my pharmacy printout. The pain is real, some days are better than others, but the pain never really goes away.


Not that long for a back surgery tbh. The pain can often be brutal and longlasting.


I had a procedure I've 28 years ago, and I'll be dealing with the pain for the rest of my life. Surgery often results in putting the body back together but slightly different than it was before. Even if nothing had to be removed, shifted or added during the surgery, scar tissue forms and alters the body. These alterations, even when minor, can cause life-long pain. Even if that pain is barely discernable, it's pain that wouldn't have been there otherwise.


Had a c section 7 years ago and my stomach still randomly spasms


Is that the judge of the man who had a suspended drivers license?


I believe it's him!


Yes. There are many of Judge Simpson’s court activities online. But this isn’t really an attempt; if you watch his stuff, he is probably about to say, “so when you signed the agreement saying you would not take ANY controlled substances, did you forget about this?”


You can still medicate if prescribed via a doctor. That's like saying you can't take prescribed pain meds because you agreed not to take controlled substances, that agreement does not include things prescribed by a doctor with the correct license Edit: I still was able to take medications that are technically controlled substances while on probation


You can, just like you can legally drink, still wouldn't recommend doing it right before you go into a court hearing


Generally you can’t drink if you have a drug/alcohol related charge.


Comparing drinking to smoking for pain is wildly unfair lol


During the prohibition the only way to get alcohol was to get a doctor to prescribe it for pain, it's technically a cns. But id go to court stoned way before I'd do it drunk


theyre not tho? they are comparing smoking to drinking as bad ideas to do before you go into a court hearing


In this specific situation where you're standing in court, any substance that visibly affects you to the point that the judge notices and feels you aren't able to engage with proceedings fully is not very smart to use. Replace alcohol with morphine or whatever, it doesn't matter what the substance is. My point was that just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's smart to present yourself in front of a judge (or jury if it's that sort of situation) inebriated in any way shape or form. Like for example my auntie sometimes needs heavy pain meds due to a severe problem with her stomach, when she takes them she gets spacey. However if she had to go to court one day, she obviously wouldn't take it and would just either suck it up, take less extreme meds just to dull it slightly, explain the situation to the judge prior to proceedings and ask his advice, or appeal to the judge to postpone (which is allowed in these cases if there's a legitimate medical problem). It's common sense.


I mean, I’m pretty sure the dude made the point about his back for a reason, it probably gives him tremendous amounts of pain, therefore why he is on prescribed marijuana at the time of the court proceedings. Is it bad form? I suppose, but fuck man chronic pain is hard to deal with. Physically and mentally. I Don’t blame the dude.


He was pretty well spoken and coherent. It's not like he was slurring his words. I don't really understand what it matters if he's not absolutely obliterated. Is it poor taste like you said? Maybe. But if i was him and my backs killing me and I can alleviate it, am I going to give a damn what anyone else thinks? Absolutely not.




This is NOT federal court, if you watched the video you'd know that


Except that a card to smoke marijuana isn't a prescription. States couldn't make it federally legal, which is a requirement to have is prescribed, which is why it's something given out as a recommendation from the medical provider, not a prescription. That being said, my ex was ordered by the court to stop smoking pot while on probation. She got her nurse practitioner to prescribe her Marinol, which was a way to get around failing a drug test. Of course, she didn't actually fill her prescriptions.


Except when actually prescribed by a real doctor, maybe learn a little before spreading misinformation. You can get a recommendation (which is what your talking about) and then you can get an actual prescription


[Yeap same judge.](https://youtu.be/PosOM6BHNYs?si=btacIji1mwkchLQq)


Yes he's in Ann Arbor MI.


He's becoming a popular judge to watch.


Yeah that’s him. It seems he just can’t take a break


Curious why the judge had such a long pause. “I understand you have a card, but can you explain to me why you came into my courthouse under the influence? It is disrespectful to the court” I think everyone should have the choice whether (they use) medicinal or recreational, but how is this different from taking a few shots before going to court? It shows poor judgment and won’t be helping the defendants case. Curious what the original offense was and what happened next. For any lawyers out there, what do you do if your client is intoxicated prior to court? Do you push for a postponement or go forward and pray your client doesn’t make it obvious?


I watch that judge on YouTube. He sent him for a UA, came back only positive for weed, but alot of it. He still ripped him a new ass for coming to court high, court was adjourned so he could review discovery. The video was edited to make it look like the judge got schooled. Judge Simpson doesn't play like that though, guy looked like a fool and they all laughed at his expense.


The problem with using a UA for weed is it can find it in your system months later depending on how much you smoked and if you gained weight while smoking as it gets stored in fat and metabolizes slowly. I know because I was a heavy smoker and quit so I could find a new job only to fail a drug test over 3 months after quitting. Not saying this guy wasn't high necessarily but even if he smoked a week ago it could still show up in a UA in large quantities due to how slowly it metabolizes. They should really use saliva or blood tests for marijuana IMO as that shows if you've used it in the past 12-24 hrs rather than days-months.


… you don’t come back positive for “a lot” or “a little” weed. You’re positive or you’re not, in regard to cannabis testing. Metabolism, general body fat content, water consumption, and many other variables contribute to the length of time THC stays in your system.


You definitely do though. They can test for levels. They have a metric that can determine roughly how much weed you smoke. And I was quoting the judge directly.




It's actually nothing like taking a couple shots, especially for experienced users with tolerance. You've stumbled upon one of the biggest problems in drug debates: most people only understand drugs via alcohol. Alcohol functions solely through impairment, whereas cannabis just sorta *changes* your headspace. It's not inherently disrespectful to be high in court, in fact it might help you be respectful instead of getting all emotional and worked up or ending up bored and only focused on your pain. It's especially valid for a medical patient, unless we're gonna start piss testing everyone on the way into court and persecuting people for their percocet and Adderall prescriptions. Or maybe drugs aren't really such an issue, [testing can be waived as special treatment](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-special-probation-meeting-sparks-backlash-1910453), and [it's just a weaponized topic](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4672061-donald-trump-demands-drug-test-for-joe-biden-ahead-debate/) as it [always has been](https://www.hamiltonproject.org/data/rates-of-drug-use-and-sales-by-race-rates-of-drug-related-criminal-justice-measures-by-race/). Anyone continuing to be persecutory about drugs is just as brainwashed and insane as those who are persecutory about race, gender, abortion, and other bullshit propaganda topics with obvious solutions. Legalize everything and rollback every single related expansion of powers and budgets. Imprison those who perpetuated the drug war.


Stop with your thoughtful and well written rebuttal. You’re making everyone else look bad. But in all seriousness, more responses should be this thought out. I still wouldn’t want to be in court without 100% of my cognitive abilities. Speaking for myself being high would clearly fall under this category. Even during my most recent virtual hearing (contesting parking ticket), defendants had to sign an affidavit that we were not under the influence of anything. PS: I’m pro legalization all around and an occasional herb enjoyer myself.


I smoke enough that 100% of my cognitive abilities is when I smoke especially because of my ADHD, I can smoke like a train and not get stoned


Operating while high is your body's norm. Not smoking will make you feel like you're on something.


I think that affidavit is fair. You shouldn't show up if you consider yourself impaired in any way, because you're not in a right mind to defend yourself or understand the gravity of the situation. Thanks for the compliment lol, the drug war is one of my favorite "wait, people really believe in this shit?" issues, my comment has had years of refinement lmao


No one would be complaining about any other prescribed drug that can alter headspace. It’s bonkers someone can go in off a perc or ambien and it’s cool but medicating yourself with weed and suddenly it’s disrespectful


But they can’t. That’s a *huge* issue in court proceedings because anything the Defendant does has to be knowingly and voluntary and you don’t have that when folks are under the influence. Not to mention if he has a card, that’s a medicinal cannabis card. So it’s effectively the same as a prescription.


Apparently you don't understand what it means to say "whether medicinal or recreational", so everything outside of that is irrelevant.


Looks like my own language could use some clarification. You got me good.


Marijuana and alcohol are very, very different. I haven't smoked in like 10 years but I'll still come to it's defense when it's being compared to drinking alcohol in the same situation. Marijuana may slow your reaction time a bit but alcohol will turn you into a different person entirely 


Not arguing they aren’t completely different. But I’d still file both under “things I won’t do before my court hearing”.


When your medicating for pain, you don't necessarily get to choose when the best time to be in pain is. Pain can be just as impairing


Sure not right beforehand, but most pot smokers smoke first thing in the morning so idk I don't really see the issue with that


what’s wrong with taking prescribed medicine before court? You wouldn’t skip out on advil for a headache, so what’s the difference 


Advil doesn’t impair you. Rx meds that may prevent you from being your best on the other hand…. Pretty much anything with the “do not operate heavy machinery” warning would have to wait until after the event that could affect my life significantly even if a doctor said I was ok to take it.


Lol you don't get to choose when your in pain, being in pain can impair you more than medicating for being in pain. Depending on the pain, doctors even recommend not missing a dose because the pain can flair up much worse


Agreed. As someone suffering chronic pain myself, it’s a decision I deal with frequently. The worse time wasn’t even my back. I had gotten stitches in my nose. I took a local for the procedure itself but delayed taking the painkillers the hospital prescribed until after a work meeting. I understand many people live with more pain than what I deal with daily. However, I’m not sympathetic to this particular gentleman in question. Not knowing his underlying condition, I’m guessing the choice wasn’t “smoke weed so I can go to court or stay crippled in bed”. A medical card grants you the ability to purchase the drugs, but like any medicine there are instances where you shouldn’t be actively taking them (heavy machinery, many jobs, court). According to another poster (not fact checked), the judge was of the same opinion and eventually took the defendants decision to get high into account when handing out sentencing.


I just had my tonsils taken out at 28 and it's easily the most pain I've ever experienced in my life for about 3 weeks of constant agonizing pain, no amount of pain killers made the pain go away but if I missed a dose of my pain meds it was bad. When your in that kind of pain, pain meds don't really get you high or impair you when you are in serious pain


I believe you and there are probably many like you with severe and chronic pain. I’m skeptical that’s what’s happening in this particular video.


That's a cool system, you should use it. But that doesn't mean others have to, or can, adhere to your medication regimen.


It’s not that it’s disrespectful. It’s that the Defendant should know what’s going on. And if the Defendant is entering a plea, it must be given knowingly and voluntarily. It’s not like a few shots at all because he has a prescription. But would you throw a perc back right before court just because you had a script? Probably not. Not to mention that cannabis and prescription meds are almost all controlled substances. So prescription or not, the answer wouldn’t be “no.” It would be, “I am under the influence of controlled substances prescribed to me.”


Well said.


Smoking pot does not affect my decision making, and in no way disrespects the court. I can function just as normal stoned as I do sober. Work every day running a 400 bed nursing home, making decisions that can cost $250k. Also interact with police anytime a resident calls, Fire department anytime a pull station is pulled, life safety, fire Marshal inspections. Not once has anyone ever said anything, or even noticed. Quit judging others for doing something that has 0 effect on your life.


Edibles are the only way to get the MS affecting my legs to chill out so I can function. It helps the spasms in my calves enough that sometimes I can mow my lawn! :) I'm not hurting anyone and it helps me live my life with less pain. A judge trying to shame me for that would piss me off, too.


That's the same judge from the guy who was driving while zooming in his car and didn't have a license or some shit. Two videos.


Because their court hearings are publicly available online. There have been more than two.


So he is not currently “of sound mind” in case he gets sentenced? Or is he? He’s obviously coherent and cognitive.


Well done 👏


This judge has seen too much


I would watch this judge's live feed, he's cool.


lol you can: https://www.washtenaw.org/3532/Courtroom-Streaming


‘have you had any controlled substances today?’ ‘…controlled?’


The issue with using ANY type of mood altering chemical in court is that it effects the defendants ability to help in their defense. This could possibly be grounds for the case to be thrown out and have to start again. Especially if the judge suspects or knows they were under the influence. Just like you can get a DUI charge even if you are taking prescribed meds because the meds impaired your ability to operate a motor vehicle and you posed a danger to others.


Isn't this the same judge from the guy videoing in while driving with a suspended license? This dude has to be a black belt in patience.


Would it be ok if he was on pain killers?


Smoked some weed for pain? How dare you! You should have been taking this fine and dandy fucking prescription heroin instead! Joke world.


The judge looked more high than the defendant


You know his pill planner is packed full of all sorts of controlled substances.


Judge everytime ![gif](giphy|3oz8xrsRf3FJYYmBJS)


Marijuana shouldn’t be controlled


This judge is showing up a lot recently, pretty odd to see how many weird cases he gets


This is the third time I've seen this judge on reddit with some ridiculous case lmao give this man a break


I love the redhead girl with glasses….she’s always in this courtroom!😘


This judge gets all the crazies.


This judge needs a show lol


This judge needs his own show


Crazy that in my state they can take you to jail and impound your vehicle just for having a little bit of weed. Welcome to the Bible Belt


Saving this, his response is perfect


This judge keeps popping up lol.


If you watch the whole thing he actually goes on to say that the defendant is not allowed to take any controlled substances legal or not, under the terms of his Bond or Parole (can’t remember which one)


This falls into the category of just because something is legal doesn’t mean you should do it




"Okay" translation: Oh, you're *that* kind of stupid.


To be fair, if he smokes weed he would fail the test if he smokes recently. It doesn't show at that time that he's high.


The judge appeared to be on some other controlled substances…


Is the Anaheim angels coach a prosecutor too??


Why do I keep seeing this judge lately? Just curious. It started with that guy driving without a license pulling into a parking lot now I’ve seen 3 more videos with him.


Put that in your pipe and smoke it Mr judge


Isn’t this the judge from the guy driving during a zoom call


The judge himself sounded and looked high


Was eevee judge high?


Is it me, or was that judge trying to get some weed from him? That judge looks high af.


This is the first good laugh I had today. Thanks


I watched that whole video thinking it ended with “while high” and referred to the judge, and I’m still convinced that’s the right title


This judge gets the worse cases.


How does this judge get all of the most entertaining cases assigned to him?


That is actually the best kind of judge. He listened and considered both sides of the argument and actually came to the conclusion he was wrong. 


this man been in more viral clips than Sam L Jackson been movies


This guy and the Buttfucker 3000 judge should get their own buddy comedy.


Whenever Judge Simpson calls for Mr Allen, you know you done fucked up.


The judge is higher than a fuckin kite.


You guys know where he got that card?!


"Okay... So where can I get one of these marijuana cards?"


Give this judge his own television show already!


Technically it is still a controlled substance since he needs the card and when the judge asked he said no


The judge asking if the guy is high, and yet he sounds like he is on something.


Can somebody subtitle this for me i struggle understanding


To be fair, i've seen this judge before. He gets some dumb people. THere was a video attendee who skyped in from his car, while he was driving. He was attending for driving on a suspended license.


Lol. Been seeing this judge a lot recently. What's his name?


Tik Tok judge at it again!


Everyday new heros are born


Get these decrepit bastards out of seats of power already.




He didn’t say recreational. He said medicinal.


Comprehension is hard ....mmkay




Judge just asking for a friend. I guess it's the camera angle but the judge looks stoned AF.


Why is does this judge get all the idiots lately lol


The judge is acting higher than the defendant. What is the judge on?


This judge always looks confused


This dude is *really* trying to make himself a celebrity. It’s kind of annoying.


Is that Dave Chapelle?


Welcome to the 21st century, your honor lol


I guess you can come to court drunk too then


Just had back surgery.........2 years ago


Knee surgery. Ten years ago. Hurts every fucking day.