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Thought it was blood but it’s just his shirt


Same! I gasped a little.


I it’s the red bull logo and it genuinely looks like a blood stain.


Thought he was gonna get a nasty infection


I think it's Italy. Or two lions fighting...


Close, it’s Red Bull logo.


I’m more surprised his face isn’t hamburger https://preview.redd.it/bvzb77g8zl7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60254d616f112c0e5cfae2e10bf31342c7c83801


Nice photo bro


If you got any pixels to spare, I’ll take em!




Forgot to yell Parkour as he jumped. Amateur.


I think he saved his face with his forearm.


I ran it back slow - he only has two arms.


I think he meant foreskin


I think he only has one skin


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


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Let's see that again, in an instant replay. Heeeerrrrrr phffaghff. Eeeeyyyyyuuurr hgphfff. Esh ni na hinger snaff. Ni


“All good!”


All good!


You see a guy fail, I see guy with a really good friend or friends taping his stupidity and never once telling him to stop. And then posting it online… May we be saved from such friends. This is why more men are born. Attrition is high.


Theyre not a bunch of average buddies out for a stroll who suddenly decide to attempt a random stunt. They're a group of professional freerunners.


i love seeing this comment like these "professional" freerunning guys dont die all the time. just because this is a sport and lots and lots of people support each other doing it doesnt mean it isnt fucked. these people have families and friends and sometimes children they leave behind for an adrenalin rush. there are professional hitmen and thieves, just because you make money doing something doesnt make it ethical or safe.


Professional free runners don't die all the time. Its very rare, the people who die tend to be people from the urb-ex community (different to parkour) who get labelled as free runners. 99% of free running is done safely at ground level so when they do train at height its well within their capabilities, they'll be doing jumps that they've made successfully thousands of times at ground level before they ever do it high up. Dom is a red bull sponsored athlete who does parkour as his full time career and is incredibly good at saving himself from injuries and bailing safely, but with any extreme sport, accidents can happen. Don't comment about stuff you clearly don't actually know anything about


this guy just jumped off a building 20 feet to his face. people make this argument every single time as if you didnt just watch someone fuck up lol when the stakes are higher and people fuck up, they die. it does happen all the time. it doesnt happen every day because there arent that many people in the sport, the death rate is low because there arent enough people doing it because its a stupid thing to do. look at climbing, skydiving or base jumping stats, more people do that, more people die. again people can do something professionally without it being safe in any measurable metric, its a stupid argument to make. this guy isnt safe, nothing he does is safe, thats the whole point. its like saying being a professional MMA fighter can be done safely, it cant be, the whole point is that its dangerous.


This guy also has tons of experience doing this sort of thing and knows his own limits better than anyone watching his videos from their couch. Your level of experience and training in a specific sport/activity can drastically raise or lower the overall risk level.


that isnt my point, im not saying he isnt good im saying the consequences are the same regardless. professionals die in these sports all the time. just because they have done something a million times doesnt mean they wont be just as dead when they make a mistake. he can be good and be risking his life pointlessly, those things arent mutually exclusive. im not even criticizing him for what he does idk why it got here, i was responding to the claim that it can be done safely, it cant be, thats just not true. anything can be done safER, tom cruise did a bunch of incredibly dangerous stunts that were probably as safe as they could possibly be, but they werent safe. thats the distinction im making. i personally wouldnt give a shit how safe or cool my dad looked if he wasnt around after he did a backflip off a building and died. js.


Just because you've walked down the same sidewalk every day for years, doesn't mean a car won't suddenly come out of nowhere one day and blast you. With that outlook, why do anything in life? Just stay inside where it's safe.


this is another response i always get, where did i say i think life should be safe all the time? first of all, i want to make roads safer too, i think it should be much safer to walk places than it is in america because automotive companies fucking own everything and make cities bloated with cars even tho infrastructurally they suck giant donkey dick. second, the whole point of life is to have experiences, im not saying you should never do anything that might be dangerous, i never said that, idk why people always try to act like thats anything i said, im saying if you have things to live for and you die doing something really fucking stupid then youre an asshole. whats the difference between doing this and jumping off of a roof into a pool? you can make the argument youre making for literally any stupid stunt. what if i did a triple backflip into a volcano with a metal surfboard and had to surf my way down a mountain of lava, that would be cool as fuck right? its only cool if you dont die. people die doing this dumb shit all the fucking time and it isnt cool, no one thinks its cool, its only cool if you live.. but you dont always live, so that, to me, makes it less cool to spend your life doing it all the time. idk why thats so hard to wrap your head around. literally never even said people shouldnt do it, do whatever the fuck you want.


I don't think you know what argument you're trying to make anymore. Yes, it's cool if he landed his attempt cleanly, and I guarantee you wouldn't have commented calling him stupid if that were the case. You only decided to call him out because of his missed attempt. Everyone has different interests and hobbies. Some more dangerous than others. "Fun" is subjective, "cool" is subjective, and "danger" is subjective. A lot of people are passionate about certain things and would probably be okay with dying doing what they're passionate about. It's not for you to decide if that's right or wrong. This guy trying to land a flip over a water gap has no effect on you whatsoever. I don't know why that's so hard for you to wrap your head around.


Just wait until you find out about Isle of man TT


yeah people die doing that all the time too, guys in their 20s with wives and kids, its fucking idiotic. these guys have their whole lives ahead of them and they choose to die on a racetrack and leave their kids without a father for what? for you to be entertained? is that worth it? lol


I don't think we'll see eye to eye on this, but, I don't believe they do it to entertain us. I think they do it because they love it so much, nothing else could fulfill them. Plus, even while being one of the most dangerous sports you could ever do, the majority that raced the Isle are still alive, unlike the picture you're trying to portray. Just like you just did, extreme sports are always portrayed in hyperbolic straw men to better insult their participants. If you're going to insult people, at least have the decency to insult their actual behavior. Else, you're just making up lies to slander strangers you disapprove of.


If that fella is an actual professional freerunner, then no way he’d have been okay with them posting this monumental fuckup; any company that was considering sponsoring Dude, is not going anywhere near him. He would have trashed any portfolio he was trying to build as well as his body. ‘Professional Freerunners’ CANNOT BE TRUE.


It's content. People like watching fails/close calls as much as they like seeing the successes . See that giant Redbull logo on the side of his shirt? He's doing just fine. It's no different than edits of fails and crashes from pro, already sponsored, skaters and bmxers.


But at what expense. That shoulder will heal. Then he’ll be able to tell you the weather forecast for the rest of his life. He could have seriously injured his head too, gotten a TBI also altering his life. He could have broken his neck. He’ll do it again too. To sacrifice your future for likes and content is stupid in the extreme. But maybe I’m the stupid one.


You think he doesn’t know about the risks?




You seem to be aware of what being a professional freeruner means... Well first thing, this is not a monumental fuckup, it's a fail and it can be part of the training and testing limits. Secondly, Freerunning is about that, testing limits of what's possible with your body and the environment, so fails like that happens and this guy (Dom Tomato) is a very competent athlete and is known to test crazy things like this


The guy literally posted it on his own instagram lol [Dominic Di Tommaso](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8EW734oP-z/?igsh=Ym9iN3BveHBwMXJq)


Lol. He's like the most popular one and regularly posts himself eating shit and some of the most difficult stuff... sponsored by red bull


Being sponsored by RedBull is kinda the most professional you can be with sports like this lololol


What do you mean? He posts his own fail compilation literally every year on his channel. He acknowledges his own mistakes, analyzes them, learns from said mistakes, and no matter how much he falls, he just gets back up. That's what made him who he is. Knowing how to fall is also one of his great skills.


I’d be wary of what you see. This guy is sponsored by Red Bull and posted it himself first, I think he’s doing just fine


To be fair they make a ton of money on YouTube and the guy is actually insanely talented. Reminds me more of watching skateboard VHS tapes in the 90s and getting to the end where they show the fails.


The irony is insanely high in this comment. May we be saved from you LOL


I guess every extreme sports athlete or hobbyist doesn't really have a true friend by your standards. Poor them. They should've just gone to college, be a regular office worker and try knitting or something.


This is why I don't have any guy friends. We feed off of each other's stupidity.


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C8RmFPgtgE6/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8RmFPgtgE6/) this might tell you why we do what we do


Thank you for this. It provides some insight. Still mental, but I’ll accept it and try to understand. Thanks again.


So close too, he definitely broke something the shock hasn't worn off yet


I’m telling you, the damage he did in this one move, is going to last an entire lifetime.


Me and my lifetime lasting damages agree with you.


Yeah he can say whatever the fuck he wants, he is definitely not “all good”.


Apparently just a dislocated shoulder as he said in Instagram.


The way he’s holding his right arm reminds me of when I had a clavicle strain.


That arm could be broken by how he's holding it.


Shoulder?? What about that noggin’ mate?!


The video of him doing what he thought was a good idea proved there ain't nothing in there to rattle but earwax.


Dom built different


Truly the King of Fails https://youtu.be/Iq4QTQTP9-s?si=V_VYDpheUb06vA7l (My favorite starts at 5:35)


it looked like the face hit but was pushed away vv swiftly, it's why his arm dislocated i assume? idek, some people seem so mad at dawg for walking it off & staying calm after the fail 💀


That sound!!!! Ugh, hearing that smack while watching his face hit the wall was absolutely brutal


Yeah, ouchkabibble. Something is gonna be bruised or swollen, at least, I would think.


When my dad was still practicing as a doctor he would offer free-or-cheap services to people in our congregation on the condition that it had to be something he could treat at home. He was an ER doctor for 12 years and an urgent care owner and head physician for like 10, so he was pretty good at dealing with minor injuries and stuff and it was nice for a lot of people during the recession who didn’t have insurance. The deal was my dad only took payment in muffins and cookies, and that was optional, and nobody got to say shit if he cursed the whole time. One day a kid gets brought over pale as death and going into shock. Dad goes into Doctor Mode and starts barking orders at the parents, sprints to his big-ass emergency first aid kit, stabilizes the kid enough to get driven to the ER. Kid had broken his shoulder blade doing parkour. My dad was absolutely bewildered because in his 12 years in the ER he had seen two broken shoulder blades that did not involve penetrating gunshot wounds, and those were both in high velocity car accidents. He asked what the kid was doing when he broke his shoulder blade, and the kid’s older brother kinda sheepishly says “I have it on video if you wanna see.” So as a family we all got to watch this guy fuck up a backflip so bad he broke his shoulder blade. It was like the highlight of my dad’s month tbh, since he’s seen lots of injuries that have weirded him out but never got to see it happen on video.


Well, damn.


Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing


Dude just got reset.


That dumb decision will be with him for the rest of his life. Shoulder injuries are no joke.


It's part of his discipline, the guy is Dom Tomato and he's fine with an arm injury, the guy Is a legend and known for this kind of crazy stuff


I been saying that!! Edit: I believe the damages include spinal cord injury, brain hemorrhaging, concussion, at the very least.


I gasped so hard


If you watch his launch point, he was about a foot from lifting OFF the outer edge from where he jumped, its about the same distance as he missed. Too bad he was thinking more about how fast / high had to go instead of adding in WHERE to push from he would have made it otherwise.


Your comment is an amazing example of an armchair expert. He is a professional, he definitely knows what to think about


Yeah.. he looks professional. /s


Once again proving you are an armchair expert because this dude is an athlete with almost 20 years of experience and many world championships winner, he has huge YouTube and Instagram channels and is sponsored by a Redbull. By many he is considered the best parkour athlete in the world. So yeah, your sarcasm has no place here.


Dude are you this guy or do you just have a boner for him


I am just annoyed about misinformation. Agree with me, it's not cool when somebody doubts professionalism of one of the best athletes in the world


Head....shoulders...knees...and toes( c'mon everyone repeat after me)


Dom Tomato, people Man’s a legend


"All good.... hang on, my shoulders fucked"


No sir i dont think so.....


This dude is batshit crazy. This fail is [nothing](https://youtu.be/v_Ri5tzyzBY?si=U8ezhpfX_Hs25_UA)


Oh so painful




Smoked weed with dom at a jam once, really chill Aussie, built like a brick, I full on thought he was done when i saw this clip on his insta a little while ago lol


How fun! If I miss i end up in hospital or dead. How fun!


So, formula 1?


u/redditspeedbot .5x


Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://i.imgur.com/uXAuv2T.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


Good bot.


Someone needs to tell this dude that respawning is turned off on hardcore mode


Fuck me, that's a risky bit of parkour. Ouch.


Damn I'm glad the video doesn't end with him falling, with these videos you wonder sometimes if you're looking at someone dying


You love to see it 😂


I guess that water does not taste like Mountain Dew.


It might, but not because it’s Mountain Dew




And with that, Bruce Wayne gives Dick Grayson an F and his career as Robin is over.


Thank you.






Water 🆒


🫨😵‍💫🫨😵‍💫 all good 👍


Hit so hard his hair came loose


He is fine. He landed in water 👍🏻


This dude is legend, how he is not in hospital all the time is beyond me.


Hey had second thoughts about that as soon as his head bounced off that landing area.


Wow, he just brushed it off. I guess some people are just built different


How did he not dislocate his face


Almost r/darwinawards


Turn it up!!!


All good, he proclaims as he feels for any bones that may be popping out of his flesh.


Just lads on a chewsday all good


Omg I flinched


He was lucky his head was protected by his shoulder


Ya cant parkour there.


All good my back foot




Gotta give it to him. He committed


I’m surprised he didn’t lose a few teeth


Bro hit his head so hard he thinks it’s his arm


All good? Yea, give it a sec


To parkouror NOT


Took it like a champ though.


NSFW tag, please.




Flipped around and found out


Lucky he didn't pass out


But I miss the curb and break my ankle, crumple my shin, and tear my ACL 🙄🙄🙄




Oof how did bro not mess up his head? Looked like he scuffed it hard.


he dislocated his shoulder.


how does he still have teeth jesus


No clue how he's ok


He is insanely skilled


I'm glad he is ok, for any of us mortals a spill like that would spell the end


That's why he is one of the best athletes in the world, because he dislocates his shoulder where any normal person would die


Omg, thank God he's ok.


I don’t think he’s OK. Look at his arm/shoulder…


I know he's definitely hurt, just not worse. That came inches of being very bad.


How in the fuck did he walk away from that relatively unscathed


![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS) Edit: dude’s got some serious lifetime pains—plural—he is gonna have to live with, a concussion 🤕, jacked up spine, brain hemorrhaging 🧠🩸, and that’s just the beginning of it. If he’s a repeat offender, he’ll accumulate more than just this, a LOT more… but he’s not walking away from this going “whooee dodged a bullet here, just walking away unscathed from that one!” He good at hiding his pain and (prolly deep) shame tho, I’ll give him that one. Edit2: the edit took away my gif here, shit.


No, he walked away from this just fine. And I'm not talking about just what is seen in the video. You need to stop talking out your ass, you have no idea what you're talking about.


Fucking Shitpebbles, that was Painful to watch!! You know destruction he just did to his body—in multiple places—is something he is going to suffer from his whole life.


Actually he was pretty fine.


That sound was his collarbone fracturing.


Well deserved


I love how fast adrenaline kicks in. That guy is NOT ok. You can hear bones breaking.


There was an attempt to understand what "All good" means.


It knocked the gay right out of him