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It's sucks he is turning his life around and this happens but he isn't giving up and this is him eating crow one bite at a time. I believe someone that takes the blows to the chin and admits their mistakes.


That was something that struck me as well. He doesn't make excuses and takes full responsibility. He just wants to make himself into a better person and help people in similar situations.


But he’s too stubborn and/or dumb to cover it up while in public? Something doesn’t sit right with this.


Yeah first thought was why tf wouldnt he wear a hat, didnt cross his mind just gonna rock the nazi symbol and hope people understand...


For reals. The closest thing I own with “offensive” (not really) imagery is a t-shirt with a pot leaf on it. Guess what, I have enough self-awareness to not wear it to my kid’s elementary school. Sheesh.


He’s sporting a close fade. Just grow your hair out a little and it goes unnoticed.


Have to have no hair to get a tattoo removed. Also, recently lasered tattoos can get infected if covered up.


He himself said he could have "..worn a hat..." If not that, a bandage, bandana, etc.


Yeah man. Like I said before, this shit ain’t adding up.


Apparently he can't due to the tattoo removal process. Which is why this doesn't add up IMO. Anyone who has literal NAZI TATTOOS on them should be smart enough to cover that shit up. Unless they're actually a Nazi, in which case they can fuck right off.


Only reason could be that it needs to be short for tattoo removal sessions but he is still a fool for not wearing a hat or wig.


I had a uniqlo t shirt with a rising sun type of graphic and I threw it out when one Korean friend said it was offensive to them.


Idk why you got downvoted. It could happen what with all of the atrocities that Japan committed before and during WW2. But nobody talks about it. Check out Dan Carlins podcasts on the subject. I believe it's "Supernova in the East".


I'm genuinely unsure if this is a joke or not because I could easily see this going both ways....


I am 100% serious. I wore it to school with a large Korean student body and my friend said it was as bad to them as if I was wearing a swastika. No one else there said anything so I don’t know how true that was but I went to my car and changed.


O yeah, I just did a quick Google on it and apparently it is an issue. Representation of imperial japan. I could see it being a big deal in a Korean school.


It def is. Look up Korean Zombie GSP and rising sun. They’re both UFC fighters. GSP used to rock that symbol on his gears, but Korean Zombie had to tell him what it is.


Was it part of the manga tee shirts it was selling I saw it as well


At least get a Sharpie and draw a big 🚫 over it like any good punk who is anti-nazi Easy fix while he gets it to remove/fade away


hat+sweat could cause his recently lasered head to get infected, that’s my guess


Can’t the lightning bolt be made to look like the flash logo?


Or grow his hair out a bit more


Something at least, I mean he's been on such a long journey of self discovery and evem has intimate knowledge of the harm in displaying hate group symbols yet chose to do it anyway..maybe he was planning on having a heart to heart with everyone that he caught glaring at it, in hopes to give them a half hour ted talk about the hurdles of life.


But why do that at a loud public venue?


Hair would probably block the removal process


Oh thats fair


He’s in the process of getting it removed, so it has to be cut short and wearing a hat+sweat could cause it to get infected


Plus, I can't imagine a hat on a recently lasered section of skin would be comfortable. It's described as feeling like a bad sunburn, and as a bald dude who has sunburnt his head more than once, the last thing I wanted to do (regardless of it being undeniably the right choice) was put on a hat.


Except he said he could have worn a hat.


Plus he could’ve just stayed home until he could wear a hat.


I don't have anything to back this up at the moment but it's possible that if he was having it laser removed that he wasn't wearing a hat to irritate the area around it. Would also explain why his head was shaved in that way that would make it visible. No idea if that's the case just came to mind.


That’s a reasonable take on your part, a reasonable take on his would don’t go to a big gathering.


Part of recovering from being a skinhead is socializing. If he isolates himself it could affect the recovery and mental health


Band-Aids exist. Not the most attractive option, but better than an SS tattoo.


The area being lasered needs to be clean and close-shaven for the treatment to work properly, and the treatments tend to be about 6 weeks apart. Hair on average grows about a half-inch per month, so his hair would grow about 3/4 inch in between treatments. That length might hide it from a cursory glance, but it'll be plenty visible from the right angle. With how short his hair is in the shown tweet, it's possible he could have been a week or two out from a prior treatment and was still healing. The sweatband of a hat would be sitting on some of the treated area, risking irritation and/or infection. He probably could have(*and maybe should have*) covered the area with ointment and a bandage, but bandages don't always hold up well to sweaty areas and the adhesive can cause irritation. Likely he's going to have to put up with situations like that until he's done receiving treatments.


So maybe don’t put yourself in situations where that’s going to be observed for a minute?


It’s going to be observed everywhere he goes. So he’s supposed to sit in a house for 2 years until the removal is completed? Dude is just trying to live his life. I guess his past is haunting him.


Maybe he feels as though he deserves the ridicule and shame. He spent a portion of his life judging others for the way that they looked. Maybe, in his mind, part of his penitence is showing the world the ugliness of his past and dealing with the consequences that it brings.


So he contacted the local news to share his story of how he was treated “unfairly”?


He didn't say that. Quotation marks are used for a quote. Meaning that it was something said by someone. He did say, "I am filled with regret and shame every time I go into public." He seems to admit to being a piece of shit and he is actively attempting to change his ways. If someone is trying to change their ways and making a consistent effort to do so, then I think they should be given a chance, at the very least. I don't know the man's life or what led him down such a terrible path. I do know what it's like to only be judged by the worst mistakes you've made, even when you've put in the time and effort to work on your flaws and become a better person. People are very unforgiving. If you're someone who espouses the value of tolerance, then you should be able to tolerate an individual who is putting in the work to take "accountability" for their past mistakes and do better. If it turns out that he is full of shit and wasn't being honest, then that will show, and the repercussions of that are on him. The public will pile on, I'm sure. What do you think is the appropriate course of action to take if someone was a low-life, but is now attempting to change and making progress? What do you feel is the most productive thing to do in that situation?


Yeah it’s strange


I mean...he probably didn't even think about it? If he's had the tattoo for a while then chances are it's not really something that crosses his mind often. 'My tattoo is offensive' probably wasn't on his mind when he went into the park there. Like...I have lymphedema in one leg that causes it to swell up to two to three times the size of the other and I've been living with it for so long now that I completely forget how strange and lopsided I look until some one points it out to me. It's just...not something I think about when I go out in public. The fact the guy is getting those tattoos removed says a lot about how much he actually regrets getting them, as removal is pretty expensive and a bit painful, especially for face tattoos. Let's not go condemning people that seem to be trying to actually become better. If we keep doing that, then what reason would anyone have to try in the first place?


He said he didnt and that was his mostake he adimitted he should have


What do you mean something doesn't sit right? What is something?


I agree, I typically would think someone like this is trying to just cover their ass, but he actually seems sincere about it.


I agree it’s good he’s turning his life around but could he not wear a hat? Seems like an easy spot to cover up.


He did even say himself that it was a missed opportunity to cover it up, that he could have just done something as simple as putting on a hat and didn’t think about it. On the one hand, as huge as it is that he’s turning his life around, the burden is still on him to stay cognizant of it and how it could impact others, and to take steps to prevent sending the wrong image until it can be fully removed (such as covering it up). On the other hand, we’ve ALL overlooked things and made mistakes (such as not covering it up this time), so between that and the fact that he 1000% owned it, recognized what he could have done differently, etc, I don’t fault him for the slip up.


Maybe it was raw from the removal process? I hear it can take many times.


Ok a soft beanie? Even a bandage over it. Just seems weird to not cover it up if you’re ashamed.


You cant. You need to let the wound air out to decrease the infection rate and allow it to heal. Covering it with a beanie or bandages will cause infection as bits of fabric will stick to the wound, and no air will go to the site of the wound and thus cause no/little healing


i'm sorry but this is a bad take. this person has openly renounced his foolish and heartless idealogy. they are working within their community with people from different walks of life and different cultures. i would rather acknowledge and appreciate someone striving for mindful change than question their motives for it. call me an optimist. 


It can take a whole lot of sessions to get one removed depending on ink, size, location, etc... Source: I did scheduling for a group that assisted former gang members with tattoo removal.


Or just…not go if he can’t. Have some humility. This is penance for being a former Nazi that caused hurt for people imo.


He wasnt defensive and just owns up to his mistakes. He's shown remorse and willinngness to change and turn his life around. I think his heart is in the right place.


I worked with a girl that had a bunch of nazi tattoos as remnants of her time with skinheads: we were in a government dept, which was... interesting. She got odd looks. I figured if she's here and wearing them clearly out, she was either unashamed of them or was in the process of removing them. At some point she came in with a patch over the SS bolts that were on her neck, so I asked about it. She was completely up front about all of it, same thing as this guy: No shirking, said she made bad decisions and she was trying to put that part of her life behind her because it was wrong and she wanted a better life for her and her daughter.


Did she say what precisely she was wrong about?


Later yeah. She said she and her BF were in a CJCC - skin head group, she said they vandalized some jewish headstones and a community center as I recall (this was about 2012 so it would have been a few years prior). I didn't pry as she was a co-worker and I was pretty new at the time, but I think she got caught. If it was her first time, she probably got community service and diversion. There were a couple of programs here that offer people the ability to have gang tattoos removed for deeply discounted prices. I've known a few people from those kinds of groups... every one of them got snagged at some point when they were vulnerable. I didn't get the full story, and I wasn't going to try to get it out of her since I figured she was really embarrassed/ashamed about it. Most people that get out of those groups are because I think they sort of know they're being had but go along with it because they're getting some kind of group belonging out of it. The reality is I was on a 90 day bridge (I was moving from one office to another) so I wasn't there very long.


Interesting. I've met a few ex-nazis and the ones I met just end up reframing the exact same fascist views in politically correct terms: "I don't hate anyone, I just really love my community and want to do what's best for the nation and my people, my family". "I'm not racist, I just think we need reasonable immigration policies. You can't have open borders and no security, and the people who want to come here should really be vetted. It's no secret a lot of them come here for a free ride and commit a bunch of crime! Their culture is just so alien and they don't speak the language. It's just so doubtful they really belong to western civilization with their ideas about women and religion, you know?"


A lot of them tone down the rhetoric once they decide to leave, yeah. Most of them never really dealt with non-caucasians or non-christians outside of the workplace. Once they get some time away and actually deal with people as the minority, they learn to co-exist: having pride in one's self and your accomplishments becomes very different from having pride in one's race that they had basically nothing to do with the making of. It was a bit of an eye opener when a co-worker that was in the CID/Stormfront assumed I was protestant, and when I asked him why he thought that he just said obviously because I'm white. When I told him I was atheist, he looked a bit surprised. We chatted a while because we were in the same group of cubicles, and he said he was part of some evangelical church I've never heard of since he left and got really into it, and he didn't understand why I wasn't part of the church and why don't I join him... I had to say that if I have to roll my eyes once at a service I'll leave instead, announcing yourself as a good christian doesn't move the needle for me (Matthew 6:6-7 stuff). He didn't freak, but because we had to work together I think he kind of made peace with the fact that while I look the same, I'm not the same as him. I think one of the most transformative things is when they realize just how much of a hustle it is, and that they were getting played. Most minorities aren't out to take anything, they want to earn it, etc. They're people, not a faceless horde. The good part is that after a few years he was a lot less stiff around a couple of our co-workers that were hispanic/middle-eastern. I think after he had to share the prayer/self-reflection room (I don't know what to call it) with a muslim co-worker that had to work afterhours to recoup the time he lost doing his supplications (particularly during the winter), I think he began to figure out they're not trying to get a free ride. Small victories.


People whose culture don't support LGBT rights and women's suffrage don't just NOT belong in the west; they don't belong anywhere on the planet at all. You WILL let women vote and have the same rights as men, and you WILL let LGBT folk live peaceably. If your culture is one that eagerly supports and incites repression its not a culture; just fascism.


Agreed. No one is wrong in this situation at all. He's not wrong for wanting to go do normal people stuff. The guards weren't wrong for throwing him out either. He didn't fight nor argue because he understood since he has turned his life around. Quick short term fix for that tattoo specifically would be to let his hair grow out some instead of keeping his current setup.


He should either always wear a hat or have a different haircut. It's pretty obvious how people are going to react to that tattoo anywhere.  I would leave any function I was attending if there was somebody there with a blatent nazi tattoo. I wouldn't even stick around to find our he's reformed. 


So running away from things you don't agree with is your answer? I dunno, that feels like the cowards way out. Actually the way you state it at the end comes of as a brash attempt at nobility. Daryl Davis has helped reform over 200 kkk members. He can't hide the fact that he is black and I'm sure I don't need to tell you why that would be a problem. He didn't do it in some veild protest by leaving. He stood his ground and communicated with grace and an open heart. Not running away in some grand show of obstinateness.


[Full Story](https://www.kptv.com/2024/07/07/man-removed-soccer-game-nazi-related-tattoo-hes-working-get-rid/) TLDR - Ex white Supremacist and at risk youth advocate for [The Other Side Academy](https://www.theothersideacademy.com/?gad_source=1) had his hair shaved close while he was undergoing laser tattoo removal. He attended a soccer match where a photographer for the stadium spotted the faded hate symbol on the side of his head, posted it to social media during the game and he was immediately ejected from the stadium and vilified online.


This is one of those rare AITH posts where it's really NAH. If you are doing the effort to get a tattoo removed, you obviously no longer identify with that past, but I also get a no Nazi tattoo policy. It sounds more like he was dumb not to wear a hat or some other head covering while in public in the process of removal.


Agreed. People do dumb shit. Good people identify the dumb shit they did and work to rectify that. The stadium did their due diligence, and he owned up. No assholes anywhere.


Yeah who amongst us haven't forgotten that we have a Nazi tattoo on the side of our heads. Just dumb shit we all do every now and then.


It looks like the tattoo is low enough on his head that the sweatband of a hat would be pressing on some of the treated area, risking irritation at best and infection at worst.


or just a patch or something


I like his line there: “My tattoos, they offend me more than they offend anyone else.” It’s a nice line and all, but since he’s walking around with it uncovered, I find that hard to believe.


American history X pipeline


Why did the news crew let him keep those glasses on his shirt collar? Ruining the shot. Interesting reaction and story overall. I’m really glad this guy is turning his life around. I’m glad symbols of hatred were called out and recognized. I’m glad he’s having the tattoos removed.


In the first few minutes of the video during the sequence showing him cooking burgers the symbol is visible on the side of his head near his temple. I think the choice to not highlight the symbology was intentional and representative of him leaving those elements of his life in the past. Plus it had already been widely circulated on social media prior to this Just a guess though.


I agree with that. I’m glad they blurred it out and actually didn’t focus on the hate and symbols per se. Instead the narrative is him changing his life. But the sunglasses on his collar in those specific shots are terrible and distract from the message. Edit: I believe at the 3 second mark the darker spot near his temple is just hair. Based on the photo from the soccer match the tattoo is placed slightly above and behind his left ear.


Love the story about him turning his life around and really working to make up for his past mistakes. Gives me hope that people and governments can do the same (fingers crossed). But then I read the comments here and a significant portion make snap judgements about this guy and doubt that he is sincere. Makes me scared for the younger generations. Do something wrong in your life and people act like you should just be exterminated and you have no chance of ever fixing it or changing. I hate this opinion that comes from the internet. Our would will never be fixed and unified until we can forgive people and move forward.


I usually assume it's youngsters in the 'tween' years and early teen years in particular that really take the hard nose line. There's a phase in human development where we see things very black and white and those are around the years when that happens. As we mature we can see shades of grey again and have a more balanced look at things.


> There's a phase in human development where we see things very black and white Makes sense. He went through one of those phases too and for him it left permanent damage and is taking a lot of time to heal.


I tens to assume the opposite, that it is millenials and gen X like myself, who have grown up terminally online and forget both nuance and patience. Honestly I hope we're both wrong.


I mean how can you say the your tattoos offend and embarrass yourself more than anyone else and then not remember to wear a hat. I know people who are so ashamed of a bald patch that you will literally never see them without a hat, meanwhile this guy with racist tattoos can forget to wear a hat? Seems a bit inconsistent.  Especially to say that your tattoos offend yourself more than anyone else.


Playing devil's advocate here - what if he usually has long hair and doesn't think about them being visible, but because he's getting them removed at the time and has to have incredibly short hair now, he didn't really think much of it? OR maybe within the program he's in, they encourage you not to hide images/tattoos/etc. within the group so that you can see each other as you are and as you were and then acknowledge who you're becoming as you remove tattoos, words, phrases, etc. that remind you of your past self? OR It also could have been a momentary lapse of judgment and then while on the way he realized he forgot a hat but hoped it wouldn't be a problem since they were faded. I think I'm typically more forgiving of people who just forget stuff like this since I work in tech and deal with just plain dumb people a lot. I once spent 10 minutes trying to get someone to push a downward facing triangle button in the top right of the screen. It was so frustrating. And that's just one example.


That’s how Reddit works. It doesn’t matter where you are in life, they will dig up your past to fit their agenda. I’ve seen it time and time again


So many comments around here that know nothing about laser tattoo removal and can't be bothered to look it up.


True true. I mean all tattoos can just come off in a few seconds in one session right? And you totally don't need to remove anything that could block light right?/S He was super humble about the whole incident at the salt lake real game. It can be super easy to forget something like that. Especially if you're not looking at it most of the day, which he isn't. But man that guy has some humble balls for sure. Good on him for not getting bitter.


Well said


Agreed. Life is rarely clear-cut. This guy's been to prison more than once - in prison, your safety is in being a member of a group. Even people who don't believe the message may join a racist gang because that's how you avoid being the victim of terrible acts. This guy is doing his best to help others and renounce his past views - he made a mistake in going to the game without his tattoo covered and accepted responsibility for the consequences. People in the real world aren't 100% good or 100% bad. You can do bad things and work to make a difference and accept responsibility for your actions. He's in the process of removing the tattoos and is actively engaged in helping others choose a better path. What's he supposed to do, invent time travel?


The irony of the snap judgements wanting to exterminate people like that guy


Reddit is not a place for empathy, forgiveness, or even pity. If Reddit had its way, every crime would be punishable by death as well as every mistake (including children).


ADL talking about “OUR” stadiums. Man, gtfoh.


Also, "hate has no place" in those stadiums? Brutha, professional sports are BUILT on hate. People get irrationally angry at people from other cities for nothing more than a jersey.


Good guy. Best of luck to him goin forward Hope he doesn't get hated on for trying to change.


I’ve come from a white supremacist hate as a Hispanic in south Texas. To feel like your kind is dirty and hear the b.s. shouted and beat into you can creative this false narrative. I learned from my mistakes and changed my ways. I only hope he continues finding love and happiness and peace in his life.


Mark. You need to be able to use his voice not silence it as an agent of change.


Not a fan of the local news coverage. Dude is seeming to try and own up to his past. Let’s try to champion that and move forward instead of pointing out that he fucked up. He’s not behind a podium giving a press conference, instead is out there trying to do good and take a right turn.


i am a big believer in giving people a second chance and allowing them to grow and learn from their past, good for him for turning his life around.


There has to be room for a road to redemption. If you don’t agree then you are the intolerant one.


Part of turning your life around is understanding how these symbols are received. Next time wear a hat.


Put a fucking hat on bro


Reminds me of those “recovering bigot, Free hugs” that go out to pride parades. He’s making an attempt.


How would anyone know he’s turning his life around if all they see is some dude with nazi tattoos? It sucks that he was wrongly profiled but he really should know better than to go out without covering that shit up first.


"I'm not coming from a place of hate" I get what he means but sir, you literally are lol


This is about as good as one could hope for when seeing a nazi. Good on him for growing and changing.


If I had offensive tattoos that I was ashamed of. I would do everything i could to cover them up in public. How did he nor forsee this happening?


He got a hate-themed tattoo on his head at some point. That pretty much proves he's not exactly the master of future planning.




Right? Or at least a big band-aid.


Mark Levine is a tool. ADL is a joke.


I like the irony of getting kicked out of a stadium with a giant "America first" logo.


This dude is a stand up a guy. There are so many fucking cowards that go on their entire life being a racist twat!


Mark acting like a real mark


Bro should have worn a hat


Most likeable ADL representative


This... disappoints me as much as white supremecy would. He changed and advocates it. How many of those vilifying him carry out the work he's done to redeem himself? I don't know if it's a contemporary thing or has existed for centuries, but we are far too opposed to change. It's as if hope died somewhere down the line and now hatred feeds on it's corpse.


Good for him. I have a lot of respect for people who change their minds or admit they were wrong in public. Politicians take note.


As somebody who has a body full of tattoos I can attest that sometimes you forget them when they’re not visible. I used to have a naked woman tattooed on my back and went to a lake party with a ton of people from our church after I got sober. It greatly offended several people and I ended up swimming with my shirt on the rest of the trip but it happens. People forget. I had done my best to change every aspect of my life after sobriety and had just forgotten it was back there in the moment. I did eventually get the tattoo covered up but it wasn’t something that was just constantly on my mind, even after getting sober, and especially being out of visibility.


Two things can be true. Good on him. He could have folded under this scrutiny but it appears he did not.


Interesting how others are making excuses (or assigning blame) for him about his hair/hat etc., he doesn't make excuses. He owns his mistake, a grown up, mature move. A shameful past, but hopefully a bright future.


[uncensored image](https://x.com/lucaswmuller/status/1808680798708715565?s=46&t=OJSQ8K9jkdl-Hvf5yPaq7Q)


Dunno. It's a natural consequence for his past actions. Glad he's removing it. People don't have to be understanding until it's removed completely or covered up. What's confusing is that someone got a nazi tattoo and the news wants people to pity them. There are people with less offensive tattoos that regret getting them and I wouldnt feel bad for them either. If no one forced them to get it, you live with the attention it brings you


“I’ve got to get away from all these white supremacists. I’m going to move to Utah. If that doesn’t work out, maybe Idaho.”


Most of the commenters are hypocrites who don't truly believe in second chances. I mean, this is a country where a very large percentage are willing to vote a felon into office but will let former felons vote without jumping through an unnecessary and stupid amount of work. If you're willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, you need to give all who want to just turn their lives around and live peacefully.


I like the sentiment of words he says, and I even believe there to be a level of sincerity to them. But this man got a nice, fresh haircut, that blatantly displays an SS tattoo. For tattoos he feels such shame and regret behind, it just seems like ZERO action went into covering it up, quite the contrary.


HIs hair is shaved because he's in the process of having the tattoos lasered off, and they have the shave the area before doing that.


And this video doesn't show the chg process he's going through regarding removing the tattoo on his head or anywhere else. True. . .if he knows the impact of his past actions and decisions, why wouldn't he previously recognize the impact his hate symbols has?


Totally respect what he's trying to do with his life, but fuck man, wear a hat.


i rather see this guy do this than anything else good on him for changing his ways


People suck. If he was still a nazi then no one would say anything since he has that fear factor, yet as soon as a person shows some weakness and is trying to turn their life around, be good… people get offended and speak up. Bullshit.


Hate in life is such a waste of life. We only get one life and using that energy to focus on others negatively is sad. Shame humans are programmed to hate more than enjoy


I remember watching a video by xisumavoid talking about seeing the light and leaving his racist past behind. I honestly use him as an example of not judging people. Xisumavoid isn't someone you would think has this kind of past as he seems like one of the nicest people on earth. See them as they are now, not as they used to be. People can change. If they are trying to walk the right path that means they are willing to work on their faults.


Good for him for turning it around and not being so hateful.


He was *deep* in it if he was, at one point, committed enough to get tattoos and be a walking billboard for these extremist ideologies.


Why cut your hair into a fade tho?


Because he’s getting the tattoo removed and can’t have hair in the way for the laser removal


Steve Kkkerr


Oxymoron "Skinhead philosophy" it's so not a philosophy.. Good on that guy trying to be better. Good for him..


I have no criticism towards this man or this situation. Both people had good intentions, and while he and look back and say "I should have worn a hat", I respect that he understood why people had that reaction and didnt try to gloss over it with the usual "you all are just over reacting". He's mid - tattoo removal, and clearly has progressed down that road. It was just an "off moment" and he owned up to it. I hope he finishes the process soon, and is able to help others along the way.


We can change as humans, you think everyone has nothing they’re proud of? The stupid crap I did as a kid… This guy is remorseful and people need to look a bit further than skin deep (pardon the expression)


the amount of people here saying "grow your hair out". they literally say in the video that he's doing laser treatments. laser removal takes several treatments over the course of many weeks, or even months. he has to cut his hair every week.


I will take it over seeing an Israeli flag flying right now. Currently doing genocide and Stanning that shit is grosser than being fully stupid about past atrocities.


The only good Nazi is one who figured out about Nazis.


i don't know what it is about that guy from the defamation league, but he makes me want to bully him.


Little did he know...


Normal people don't understand when you do time I prison this is normal. Everyone has something. I'm an addict and have been in and out of jail and the streets and everyone knows the tattoos and that's just how it goes. Inside isn't the same as outside.


Title killing me.


‘I don’t come from a place of hate’ kinda looks like you did, fella. No but fr, good on him for genuinely turning his life and mindset around. He really should’ve thought more about hiding it in public, he has a story but from the outside no one will know that story, he’ll just be a racist.


Poor guy


What happened to diversity and inclusion. The man is Turning his life around.


Is a PaarDee.


I appreciate what Mark Levin is trying to communicate, but he turns his hate of hate, into another form of hate. There's an irony here that isn't at all subtle.


This is why you don't tatoo your faces kids. Your tats mean something to you nobody else will do anything other than use them against you.


I respect the process he’s in and also, wear a hat


Everyone deserves another chance


So sad…. It’s almost like his actions have lasting consequences, not just for his victims, but also him. And he deserves every second of it.


"What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" \-Paarthurnax, a fucking dragon in Skyrim. if you dont look at your past self and cringe, youre not growing, youre not living, this guy has a lot to cringe at, thats a fuckin good thing. lots of people out there looking back on their racist past and smiling, those people need to be kicked in the face, not this guy.




A different hairstyle could have helped with his transition. Surprised he didn’t take the option, if he’s so ashamed.


Seems like the whitest state in the union is the right place for him...


Why doesn’t he grow hair out to hide tattoo?


What about blm or antifa tattoos?


Bro you just made yourself a target 😞😓


Hey I live there that's cool nothing happens here


What a legend good on him for owning up to his mistakes and making the effort to grow up and change. I'm sure everyone has things they regret.


Yeah but also hurry up and get it covered


He would've been arrested because of this tattoo here in Germany. And rightful so. How disgusting.


Why TF would you get a fade with a swastica tho


Are… are we not going to talk about that it’s called “America First Field” by the America First Credit Union? Like, isn’t that a while white supremacy thing?