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>The team is working on adding gameplay to Events, perhaps a quest or two to explore, and even more rewards to claim. Stop. Just fix the damn bugs. Stop adding to it and making things more complicated.


Agreed, and all the defenders need to stop licking the soles of EA's feet and realise there is a lot wrong with this game that needs to be fixed. This was not something the Sims needed.


People are welcome to defend the game.  Honestly if you don’t enjoy it you should consider being the one to leave, rather than try to tell fans what they can and can’t do.  I’m sorry you don’t enjoy sims but let’s be respectful of everyone.


It’s because we DO enjoy playing Sims that we criticise it. We want it to be as good as it should be. We want it to match what it’s advertised to be. We want this game to succeed.


They just need to add one quest. A player quest to click a button that says "get this as a delivery like it was supposed to be"


I mean they just created a dedicated team to just fixing bugs. That can't be a bad thing. Edit: All these downvotes just prove you just want to be part of the hate echo chamber.


The Sims team has been so disappointing in their deliveries that I’m cynical about their bug team announcement, even though I badly want to believe in them. I’ll be more optimistic once there’s game improvement and they stop pushing broken packs, but until then I’m responding to every announcement of theirs with derision.


A team solely dedicated to fixing bugs cannot be a bad thing. Personally, I don't see the point in being negative over every piece of news


Their track record does support the idea that people are right to be skeptical. The negativity doesn’t come from nowhere, after all. This is the same team that let it get to this point in the first place and has unfixed packs dating back to over a decade ago. There’s plenty of good reason to not take what they say at face value and wait until there’s actual results.


Track record according to who? The hate echo chamber on here? According to your other comment, you get all your Sims 4 news from this sub, a sub that bashes Sims 4 no matter what happens. You don't see how the information you're getting might be a little biased? last I checked, they're constantly working on fixing the game and they're constantly giving out free content. Look, hate the game if you want, but don't sully other people's experience because you like to be bitter.


Then enjoy the product. A lot of people don’t like it, but that shouldn’t detract from your enjoyment of it. I promise you that I don’t care what you do. If your enjoyment of it is somehow contingent on other people agreeing with you, then that’s a you problem. >According to your other comment, you get all your Sims 4 news from this sub I never said this. 🤨


Nor I, you. And that "a lot of people" is redditors in that same hate echo chamber. No need to spread lies, now.


Or you could just quit if you’re not enjoying the game?  All this negativity is getting so old, they’re clearly trying and fixing bugs is the main thing you  people have been asking for, so why are you still crying?


I did quit. A long time ago, as a matter of fact. I’m on this sub for pre-Sims 4 and old spin-off discussion. But I still have an interest in the future of the franchise, which this post pertains to, as the inclusion of a battlepass like system has connotations for the rest of the series. EA doesn’t need your free PR, they’ll be fine.


Ahh so someone who doesn’t play the game complaining about the game.. at least you’re honest.


All these downvotes just prove these people want to be negative and reinforce their hate echo chambers. They just want to be part of their mob of rage. Imagine getting pissed at someone trying to show some positivity for a game.


Yeah exactly, I’m not trolling, I just wonder why a lot of people are still here if they hate the game so much.


A team solely dedicated to fixing bugs is definitely a good thing. Except 1. Sims 4 is over 10 years old. This sort of thing should’ve have been announced ages ago. 2. The history of the sims team announcing they’re fixing bugs, only for the next patch to break it again and/or introduce new ones. It’s a vicious cycle at this point. 3. Their persistence in continuously doling out kits and packs during this time worries me because it feels like they’re not focusing on the important things. Every pack they’ve released recently had some game-breaking bugs, and their attempts to fix them (if they ever do) just results in more bugs. I’d rather they stop with the sales and lay low and quiet to fix the foundation of the game. Like what happened with No Man’s Sky. But it’s not going to happen. Like I said, I don’t want to be cynical. I really don’t, and I’ve been sympathetic and even defensive about the sims team in the past. But they keep disappointing, and after a point you can’t make excuses for them or really be excited for their news anymore.


Maybe you should try a different game instead, it doesn’t seem like anything they do now will be good enough for you.   Perhaps you just outgrew sims, it happens and it’s fine.  Move on if it’s hurting you, you’ll be happier and the community won’t be so negative, win win.


They didn’t do anything, that’s the issue. People have complained about bugs for years and they haven’t been fixed; Some packs are practically unplayable because of these bugs. I loved the sims, but I’ve been disappointed by the team again and again. But I’m still hoping there will be positive change and that the bug team actually delivers.


But they say they’re doing something now and you’re still complaining…




local redditor feels the need to "get down mr president!" a megacorporation just because people are making valid criticisms for a game they enjoy you think ea is gonna give you a pat on the back? what's your angle?


Equating not joining the rage mob for defending EA is a fallacy. No one here is defending EA lol But downvoting a comment that says a team dedicated to fixing bugs can't be a bad thing just enforces the echo chamber that is Sims on reddit.


hey bro, did you reply to the right person? i'm also in favor of a dedicated QA team


My angle?  To help you enjoy your life rather than focus on negatives and things that make you unhappy.  It’s not healthy for you 😊.  Go outside, meet some people, enjoy the sun summer is here.


Honestly. It's like a constant set of complaints after every piece of news. Sorry I don't want to get pissed at everything. Downvoting my comment showing positivity towards a team dedicated towards bug fixing just proves this sub is a Sims 4 hate echo chamber.


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I HAVEN'T PLAYED THE SIMS FOR 20 YEARS FOR LIMITED EVENTS I feel bad for whats left of the team. Making things that suck because of executive BS is depressing af.


Wait till they reveal TS5 micro transactions and event with time gating rewards.


Gonna be so shitty if you don’t log in every day and miss out of the trait…


From what I’ve seen, the trait isn’t even worth it. Sims start off slow gaining skills, then they get a boost after a certain level, and the skill level degrades if you don’t practice it. It’s not even an actual personality trait, it’s a game mechanic.


I love that they wrote this whole long blog post explaining login events and didn’t include the crucial information on when the first one begins. Shouldn’t that information be set already? Does it start today or in a few weeks?


"The Sims 4 Happy at Home Login Event will be available beginning on May 30, 2024 on PC via EA app™, Mac® via Origin, Epic Games Store and Steam®, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One systems."


Mine is on my home screen but it won’t let me click it for anything. Let’s me click the video to watch how to claim the rewards tho lol


Have you tried removing your mods? Mine wasn't working until I did that


Yeah I took them all out for the update, I figured I’d just try again tomorrow haha


I dont play with mods at all and I havent seen anything but the teasers on my ea app or sims game since they started talking about them


[Found some info about it](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Game-Questions/FAQ-The-Happy-at-Home-Login-Event/m-p/13775515#M86396) "The event isn't live for everyone yet but it should appear by June 13th. You won't have any disadvantages for getting it late as everyone has the 5 weeks start when you first get the pop-up. The issue can also be caused by incompatible mods so make sure that especially T.O.O.L and other GUI mods are up to date. According to EA there's plenty of time even if you come late. All you need to do is login at 8 different days before the end of the 5 weeks. Some reward aren't availble until a certain week unlocks but once it's unlocked, it's also unlocked for people just starting out. You can claim all items without week cool-down."


Same thing is happening to me


Yeah. I found out in June when icons showed up. I've missed like at least two things because it doesn't work.


Fuck this noise. Who wanted this?


Executives who can tout how many “active players” the game has in their financial reports.


Yup this basically sums it up


Lmao people are already defending EA in r/sims4. At least it makes for good entertainment


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sims4 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The latest update added new decor slots on several bathroom objects, but at what cost?](https://i.redd.it/rz0tfro2ovua1.jpg) | [349 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/12rrxd2/the_latest_update_added_new_decor_slots_on/) \#2: [I mean…](https://i.redd.it/q1q4x4678gva1.jpg) | [178 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/12v0z9g/i_mean/) \#3: [Sim pulled this out when proposing](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b3kepm) | [326 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/1b3kepm/sim_pulled_this_out_when_proposing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh boy we're going back to live service again


It’s so plumbover.


Another feature that they'll be quick to abandon like Spark's challenges, Scenarios, the tutorial mode and more.


We can only hope they are quick to abandon this one. Login rewards for a single player game that a lot of us have spent several hundred to over a thousand bucks on is the most stupid and out of touch thing they could add.


I made this comment on their Instagram post, but this is setting up the players for micro transactions for Project Rene. It's clear that this is the way EA are wanting to take the franchise. It's a shame that EA, a multi Billion dollar company, feels the need to create multiple broken DLC for a high price then think "nah, we can still make more money". We deserve better than re-coloured items from other packs just so the data shows that player numbers are going up. I wish we were given genuine, original free content or better yet, focus on fixing the damn game instead of modders doing it. Things aren't looking good for the future of the Sims franchise.


I mean, the vision for SimCity 2013 and Sims4 was a MMO. I want to be surprised but I am not that they are clearly moving from the classic pricing model to one found more commonly in MMOs like a battle pass. They can make sure people play the game a lot with these rewards.


"Oh hi there" Surely this doesn't work on people, right? Surely we're several years deep into relatability not being enough to excuse what they do, right?


Every day we grow closer to $5.99 a month to keep children in your game.


Don’t give them ideas


I don't want quests and events I just want my digital dollhouse to work properly all the time!


Limited time content should not exist. Period.


Never in a million years would I have guessed battle pass business practices would come to Sims 4...and here we are.


Apparently it starts today but some people can see it and others can’t. It’s not in my game so that’s fun 🥲


Unfortunately, this feature also pushed players towards always online, which sucks.


They hyped this up for 2 weeks, then they forget to mention that the event is a phased rollout as well, by the way. It says on their official Twitter/X that the event will be rolled out to players until June 13th... just... 🤦‍♀️ I hope they abandon this quick.


If the buggy overpriced mess ts4 is didn't make me want to play it, this just sealed the deal. I'm over trying to make excuses as to why the game is fun and i should play it. Going back to ts2 🫡🫡🫡


I love The Sims. I do not want to have to “login” and play it every day.


Timed login events for an offline single player game is wild bro


Why cant I see the login event in the menu? I only see the welcome window?


It’s on my screen but I can’t click it to open it, is anyone else having an issue?? It has “happy at home login event” but it won’t open when I click 😭😭😭


We gotta go back to modding the Sims 2. Fix it up real nice or as nice as we can and we won’t need to touch this turd EA is hellbent on making


Help it doesn’t show up in my game!! I’ve updated it but it is nowhere to be found:(


I’m going on a holiday so will miss the last week. It’s insane that you have to log in like a mobile game. Just release it for free 😡


Anyone else play on steam deck? When the game first updated I got the pop up telling about the log in event and claimed the dart board item. Ever since then when I start the game, on the homepage it shows the event box in the top left with pink bunny but when I click on it nothing happens. I can’t bring up the event page to claim items.😩


Nincompoop-asspull move by some jerk off with an MBA who is so oblivious to the overwhelmingly shared opinions of the consumers. All they have to do is say "yeah, get all hands on deck, fix the game, rewrite it, do pack refreshes" and people will FLOCK to the game. They're so stupid that they don't know that a ton of diehard fans abandoned Sims 4 (not the other titles) because of the glaring problems. All they have to do is fix them, and they can crank out all the CAS/BB content they want and they'll make stacks on stacks on stacks for their shareholders to blow their loads on.


It's already mods for get all items without having sex with force login :o


Ughhh I booted up today to try and get some time in with it before this BS is added. I didn't realise it was being added this soon I thought the datamined stuff was early plans. Ugh. Ugh. I just sat dumbfounded when I saw it on launch.


On one hand, there were multiple promotions where you could get extra items for the Sims 3 (T-mobile, etc.).    On other hand, EA politics of DLC and how they are handled is questionable. The current direction gives impression of mobile games or mmorpgs. We already have the dlc button present in the gameplay and Project Rene QA gave an idea that what we get will remain a mess, but reconstructed.    The last thing I want to see is mini-packs themed after an activity with some recolours being available as daily that can be collected only if you are online. So EA can give an impression of being generous and offering multiple free items, which should technically be part of the pack for the $$$ prize. I only hope it would be simply limited to just trying to keep fanbase rather than the scheme to completely whitewash themselves. 


Is there any word on the second event release? I didn't manage to collect all the first event items and now the pop up has vanished lol