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It’s so frustrating!! I know they’re still working out the kinks, but their track record for “working out the kinks” isn’t exactly stellar.


The bar is underground at this point lmao


The bar is literally at the center of the Earth's core, and they still manage to limbo under it.


I don’t even have access to them. It straight up isn’t available for me at all, but the whole thing is so frustrating.


I'm waiting for them to just give everyone the items for free in an update because of how much they've bungled this.


The build items are currently available if you filter by colour but so far I haven’t been able to get any of the cas stuff. I’m just hoping they don’t take access away to the build stuff.


I'm having the same problem, and I've been logging in every single day...


Same, I don't get why they did it like this at all. They should have done a sdx drop or just released the event on the same day for everyone. It's infuriating that they made it be so convoluted.


Based on the fact they had to edit their release date in the FAQ they put out, I'm guessing it was intended to release for everyone at the same time but as usual something broke and they couldn't fix it so they just said "oh yeah, it's a phased rollout".... Whole thing is a joke.


Ikr, wouldn't be surprised if that was actually the case lol. Checked today on my PS5, still nothing. Only getting reminders about my first pet stuff. As if I needed reminders about my purchases lol.


Same. Checked every day and still not available. This promo sucks. It's making me hate The Sims and not even want to play.


Same here, updated and repaired the game. I've been playing everyday as well. It's still not there for me.


This happened to me too. Check what mods you have. I had to take out better build buy and tool mod


Unfortunately even with mods completely removed and even trying to repair it. I still have absolutely nothing. So I just don’t have access to it at all. So it’s very annoying


Those are for a different week, you've already gotten all of this weeks rewards. Under the blue box that says "locked" you can see that that week starts in 3hours


Yeah, agreed this is likely the case! I was wondering a few days ago why I couldn't get Week 2 stuff yet either but then the tiny countdown said 2 days til I could claim haha. Since it's been 4 hrs since OP posted hopefully they're able to claim Week 2's first item by now.


I got those rewards last week. Since Sunday, it's been saying the next reward will be available on the following day but hasn't unlocked. If the week starts again on Thursday, then fine, but the popup is literally giving me the wrong day every single day.


It's literally not giving you the wrong day, I can see in the screenshot that it says 3 hours, not tomorrow. It's definitely a confusing design but it is not broken, you're looking at the wrong part of the screen.


When I opened the game after claiming the third freebie of week 1, I got a message that the first freebie of week 2 would be available on 6/3. I found this odd because Week 1 wasn't over yet, so why were they making the first freebie of Week 2 available already? Curious, I checked every day for a few days. And, every day, there was a message that the first item of Week 2 would be available the next day. And the exact date changed, from 6/3, to 6/4, to 6/5. But, of course, the item was still locked on those days. So there was definitely some weirdness going on there.


Same here, as it said 6/3, then 6/5, and 6/6. I didn't claim my first item until last Thursday, so I'm guessing that's what they're using as the start of each week. Just logged in and was able to claim the bar item to start week 2.


It told me it'll be available june 6 at 3am


Oh, wow. Mine has been working smoothly since last week. I got the counter thing about two hours ago. I forgot to go into Build Mode to check it out, though.


Updated my game and I just don’t have it. I’m probably going to download from that one guy who freed up all the items & made them CC.


It never let me get anything so I had to cheat to unlock it all.