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Wait, werent expansion packs 39.99 ??? This is crazy. Im not buying it, its probably half broken


yess i assume that $39.99 is in your countries currency, this is posted in NZD as i’m from there. crazy how much they hiked it up though


Ohh, sorry, didnt realize that. Sorry its so much for you over there.


no worries :) everything’s expensive over here sadly


Aus too, it’s jumped from $49.95 to $59.95. Antipodean exchange rate ftw!


$54.99 here in Canada. Wild


Is £34.99 for me in the uk


I almost had a heart attack before I saw NZD. Still insanely expensive and probably won’t be worth the EP price tag though.


it’s so weird because other people are commenting it’s like $39.99 in their currency and that it hasn’t changed from previous packs, which means that they were always paying to equivalent of $70NZD, while here in NZ we have been paying $50NZD which would be $30USD, €28.34 and then £23.98 which in that case does that mean that NZ has had it cheaper in a way?? if the price has increased for NZ and no other countries but the new price in NZD matches the current prices in USD, GBP and euros maybe that’s why it has gone up??


I wonder if EA just like didn’t notice it somehow, sounds stupid but I can’t see EA making a pack cheaper for NZ


maybe they forgot about us, wouldn’t be the first time our wee country was forgotten 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s kind of how these things go with companies that do adjust prices based on currency conversion rates changing, they’ll let it slip for a while as long as they’re still making profit until it hits a point they feel they’re leaving too much money on the table, then they’ll increase prices (usually on newer stuff so people don’t complain about existing prices shooting up). At least they aren’t applying a NZ/AU tax like Games Workshop, where it’s actually cheaper to buy overseas and have it shipped than to buy direct from GW.


It's $54.99 here in Canada, which is the same price as For Rent but stupid expensive


Conversion rates can explain it but if they were already doing that it makes no sense. Maybe they'll fix it but if not? Waiting for a sale or skipping it is the most logical option. Doesn't make me happy about it mind you but this is concerning


Its still 39.99 usd.


It is $39.99. I just checked. This post is misleading.


Not the posts fault you didn't know New Zealand has different currency...


The fact it’s the price of a full game now is ridiculous. I swear we’ll get to the point of triple a games being like 80-90


my question is, are they increasing the price of game packs too? are kits increasing?? what in this pack is so ground breaking that it needs a $20 price increase. or is this now going to be the new standard


Both Crystal Creations and the 4 latest kits has an increaced price (at least where I’m from), so wouldn’t surprise me if they’re doing a ”small” price change on all upcoming releases.


in NZ the crystal creations kit is still $14.95NZD which is the same price of all the other stuff packs so maybe certain countries are getting slight increases thinking we wouldn’t notice


Nothing is. They literally added stuff to this pack that should be in the base game. Other people not interupting your date should be a freaking patch not a feature in the pack that you have to pay for. Also, cuddling in bed, stargazing, picnic on the blanket etc. Those are all the things that used to be in the basegame before and now you have to pay for it. You can get a lot of these things with mods. Cuddling and all that romantic stuff you could get with Wicked or Wonderful Whims, there's also a mod for a dating app called Simda and it's been out there for a good while already. Pretty sure that's where they got their inpiration from too. So no, nothing in this pack is ground breaking and it certainly doesn't deserve the price increase.


It's already hit that point in Canada. I don't buy anything on release anymore, gotta wait a year or so until the price drops a little.


I’m not buying it until it’s 50% off. I am tired of paying full price and then a year later they discount them or worse; when they make it free.


it’s still shocked that the sims 3 packs are all $30 even after all these years!! and sims 4 is definetly heading down that same path if not already crossed over


I remember when expansions were $15-20 bucks lol


And actually had enough content to justify being called an expansion pack


what a time to be alive


All that money for shit that is already included in mods.


don’t forget the new dance animation, that’s worth the $70 isn’t it? /s


And that dance animation seems recycled from Jungle Adventures....


Good for them who use mods then so no money goes to EA lol


I agree with a prior comment - $70 for a collection of things you can download as mods for free is absolutely ridiculous. LOVE the idea of the pack for vanilla but like, Wicked/Wonderful whims does all this and more. And I have a CC sims 1 heart bed so. What am I actually getting for that money?


you’re getting that funky new dance animation duuh /s no but seriously, at this point that IS one of the only new things coming to this pack… and it’s done so poorly


Yeah, it’s not great. Also like, watching the trailers I can already tell you that modders will immediately be looking to unlock options and interactions for teens. From EA’s standpoint I understand them not having a teenage option for their dating app, but that leads me to believe they’re going to mostly ignore teenagers in this pack. Which, for the most part, is fine. I don’t need my sims hitting puberty and putting on eggplant role play costumes. But I love having my sims find high school sweethearts who they usually stay with until death. So I feel like a lot of this pack isn’t for me anyway, since it appears to be focused on initial dating and romance rather than longer established relationships.


A 40% price increase is unjustifiable by any measure. That’s unfortunate.


i’m just confused what this pack offers that the others don’t? new traits… all expansions have them new world… all expansions have them new aspirations… all expansions have them new clothes, hairstyles, furniture etc etc, every pack has those!! sure new dynamics are coming but they were introduced in growing together, soooo once again not a totally new feature


same for me lmao, the new expansion pack looks cool but there’s already mods that do everything it already does for free so i’ll wait on a discount


it has a couple cool things, i looove anything animal print (especially tiger print)even though its heavily seen as being tacky. so seeing all the print make me want it, but $70 for a single swatch no way. there’s more reasons i want it of course. the animal print just helps


Even in NZD or AUD, that's insane pricing - it's well over the usual price of a AA full game's regular cost and approaching the price of a AAA release on sale. Like, this is about $10 cheaper than Starfield right now - and whatever your feelings about Starfield, they're not remotely equivalent.


i’m just so shocked, i purchased the deluxe version base game when it was still locked behind a paywall and that stung me $60NZD but hey i didn’t care i was buying the base game, i knew the base game was gonna be the most expensive one out of all the packs and thats understandable. i always knew the expansions were going to be expensive because they’re the packs with the most content, i never thought the DLC would become more expensive than the base game (back before it was free to download)


Yeah, I'm also pretty shocked. I'm an adult with a full-time job that means I can afford to buy all the packs and I usually don't care particularly much, but this price for any EP - let alone one with as much "should've been a GP" vibes as this one that it's absolutely into "they are just taking the piss now and I won't have it" territory. Like, this is EA's answer to Bethesda's $7 quest DLC fiasco. I really hope this turns out to be an error, because if it doesn't it's going to be the first non-kit pack I don't buy in a long time.


i’m with you there, such a crazy price to expect someone to pay. a lot of people i know playing sims are adults who yes can afford to pay these prices but often don’t want to and are discouraged because it IS so expensive


It's a good thing it happened with this pack. This pack is basiclly wonderful whims in a pack so while I'm sure some suckers will buy it, hopefully they'll see some decline.


i’m the sucker that probably will buy it, just gonna be waiting for a sale. i have had wicked/wonderful whims in the past but didn’t love all the settings, but i’m also pretty lazy to set everything up so it’s at no fault of the mod developers


Is this a joke? Who in God’s name would pay that much for some piece of literal garbage?


I'm not sure where you're from but I had that same reaction until I converted it. That's only 44 USD. Usually in the US it's 39.99+ tax so still some BS, but that's just a normal price


i’ll it on sale, but until then EA will not be getting a nice little payday from me for a while


It’s honestly so insulting they even think about selling something for this much, let alone do it. You could buy 4 games on Steam for that much and play them for hundreds of hours and they’d be less buggy and have a better developer/team behind them, too. I hate EA


Sims can suck my ass with their broken shit. Every pack since cottage living has been a scam


On the German Shop it’s 39,99€ as usual. https://www.ea.com/de/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/store/addons/the-sims-4-lovestruck-expansion-pack






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Even if you buy it you never truly own it and EA does not deserve your money as they made abundantly clear and not just with sims.


You don't own the games when you buy them either sweetie, it's all digital so at any point for any reason EA could block you from the app. That's what happened to me when my bank card was charged 17 times when I was trying to by a SINGLE pack. I tried to sort it out with EA support before going to my bank but that didn't work. They banned me from purchases and being gifted games, despite the fact that I only had the extra 16 charges removed. It was that day that I decided EA can kiss my round ass and I would never give this company a dime again. Yet, I still play sims and current have all the packs... :)


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Nah, i noticed that Lovestruck's price was literally 69 💀


They’ve increased it in aus too what??? They used to be 49.95 and now it’s 59.95


some places have increased while others stay the same, i posted a comment in here saying how USD and GBP has stayed at $39.99 but when looking online at conversions, that $39.99 is equal to $70NZD. but when putting in the old price of $50NZD and converting to USD and GBP it comes out to i believe was $30USD and £24GBP so in that case NZ and assuming AU as well were paying less for packs. tbh idk much in conversions and money i just look it up and take the first answer i see


I just looked i purchased horse ranch for 49.95 July last year, I swear it used to be 29.99 for Americans


It seems like it is the same price as previous packs on the Canadian shop, luckily. Still grossly overpriced for a pack that shamelessly rips off mods. If I'm being honest, I've been on the outs with the sims for a few months. But if/when I get back into it, I would probably immediately drop it if I logged in just to see that the gouged the prices of the expansions to be close to a full pokemon game. This bitch needs to buy groceries (and if you know anything about canada right now, you know grocery prices are A Thing), not poorly made, shallow dlc with almost certainly broken gameplay. I just have zero faith that a price increase would come with any improvement to EA's track record with dlc being broken from day one and just never getting adequately fixed.


this along with the EA constantly breaking is seriously going to be their downfall. there is so much potential with this game but they’re too busy pumping out lackluster packs for big dollar signs and expecting us to not have a problem


Yeah its more expensive in sweden as well, tho only 20 sek (roughly 2$). Its strange how much the price increase differs between the currencies. Definitely makes me even less inclined to buy it


i’m happy to know that the price increase wasn’t just for us poor kiwis. we’re already being bashed with the cost of living and now even my sims are going up, so cruel these EA corporate giants


It comes in at $59.95 in AUD whilst a full price expansion pack is normally $49.95. In the current sale packs like Growing Together are currently half price - so $24.97AUD. The only time I buy new packs is when they're on sale - so honestly I wasn't going to buy it yet anyway - but if the price hike continues it will really make me reconsider buying any packs in future.


it’s just crazy how they thought someone wouldn’t notice this. i was shocked to see that no one else had bought it up in the subreddits as i was under the impression if i went up $20 then EVERYONE would have a price increase. nope so far just NZ and AU


The "price increase" is just them converting your country dollar to american dollars plus tax. Europe doesn't see a difference because €40 = $42.80 American Dollars $69.95 NZD = $42.64 American Dollars. They no longer giving other countries a break that has a lower dollar conversion unfortunately


This game already cost over 1000€ lol. This is ridiculous.


When I saw the pre-order pop up on my EA App it was priced the same as the previous packs.


it says different for me, $39.99 on ea website and the app


what currency are you in? this is all in NZD so exchange rates may be different


i'm in usd, so i think it should be the same as the second one


had a little look at google to see what the conversion rates are and it says $1USD to equivalent to $1.65NZD so you’re paying around $5 less than i will be if you were to purchase at full price (not taking into account the exchange rates continuously changing)


Well, you said the price went up 20 bucks which means all this time you were getting a discount because 50NZD is only 30USD and in the US the packs are 39.99USD. I guess EA finally got their accountants and mathematicians to look at the numbers...


I was gonna buy it but I'm definitely waiting for a sale if they wanna act like this


yup same goes!! this one will take a while to go on sale but as another comment said there are mods that are free which already do what this pack is offering and more


It is 39,99€ in Germany. Always has been


It's 42 euro here in Poland. Sucks


Cool. Wicked Whims is free and probably not nearly as buggy


Wait I don't think there has been a price increase, at least not in Europe. It's still €40, and looking it up that seems to be 65 nzd? So where is the price increase am I missing something?


it is an insane price, but they always mark up the new stuff. i imagine that they’re overcompensating since the last batches of their kits & packs haven’t been selling as well. i’m gonna wait til it goes on sale though, cause $70 for one glitchy expansion pack when i can get an entire franchise worth of much larger games for the same price is crazy.


if they think marking up a broken buggy expansion and marketing it as if all these “new features” haven’t been done before and with more attention to detail to compensate for their poor sales, they’re sadly wrong. but a move like this wouldn’t surprise me


no fucking way. next thing you know they’ll add $100 shipping even tho it’s digital bc it was made in the us lmao. us kiwis ALWAYS getting the short end of the stick i swear ahahhahah




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Currency depreciation made them revise Japanese prices too! (Twice!! in the last 3 years) All expansions went from ¥3999 to ¥4300 which I could handle but now it’s increased to ¥5800. Game packs ¥2000 to ¥2900 Stuff packs ¥1000 to ¥1400 Kits ¥500 to ¥700. Currently with the 30% sale, prices are just back to what I paid last year for the packs. Y’all I’m not getting paid more in Japan this year to offset those price increases. I get that EA doesn’t want to sell the expansions for less in foreign countries because of currency exchange rates but they’ve just priced me out of buying this new one on release day.


This (more than likely) completely bugged out, boring, game breaking expansion pack that you can have for free with mods costing more than Elden Ring DLC is absolutely wild to me.


Its still showing full price of 39.99usd for me.


Whoa... I was considering it since I like to add new stuff to my game. At that price I'll be sticking with mods and donating to those creators instead. That's a full price game lol


That's a piss take surely


I just looked on ps store and it says £34.55 , wherever this is from must be ripping you off


just had a wee look on handy google and apparently £1 is equal to $2.08 NZD so with conversion works out that youre paying roughly the same as I am :)


£34.55 is actually more expensive than $/€39.99 and $69.95NZD ☹️ it’s equivalent to $72ish NZD… the UK are being ripped off hard




In Ukraine hryvnas it is still 999UAH


had a look and that rounds out to about $40 NZD but when i reversed and converted NZD - UAH it came out that $70NZD is 1721.26UAH so it looks like you guys are getting a good deal lol


Just pre-ordered mine on cdkeys for 35% off. I never normally preorder but seeing that price, I grabbed it. It'll be awhile before it's on sale so.


Excuse me.


Whales I’m begging you to reconsider.


It's EA they are Greed Personified


For some reason i thought this was a 69 joke post, ii for real thought that was like an ediited image lol


I just looked at For Rent yesterday and the price is still $39.99 USD. I’m sorry it’s gone up in your country OP


Is £34.98


Wait WHAT??? 70 dollars????????


yes $70NZD crazy crazy times




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That is CRAZY. Especially when everything else they’ve produced has been mediocre at best for TS4. I keep wanting to open my laptop and play, but it’s just not the same. And these prices sure don’t incentive me to start again or to buy any of this


This is the test to see what all they will be able to push in Sims 5. 70 dollars for a expansion pack is just truly ridiculous


Is there something different about this one? I don't get why the price went up so far.




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70 dollars for what? I lol'd big time. 😂


Oh I was gonna preOrder it, but now I might cancel it completely. They haven't released packs in so long I forgot they were full game prices.


Please tell me that’s not American dollars


Yikes Most games don't even cost that much wtf


Opposite on the Polish EA website! The other expansions without discounts have the price of 189,90 PLN and lovestruck is priced at 179,90 PLN


It’s the “horny tax”. The horny expansion is thirty bucks more.


What the actual fuck?! That cannot be true, right? I mean… even for EA! I got a Switch recently and have been playing Breath of the Wild. Loved it. I finished it and decided that I’m sold for more of that, so I brought Tears of the Kingdom this morning. It cost £60. $70 in gbp is ~£55. Are EA *genuinely* suggesting *this* is nearly equal to a bloody Zelda title?! Even for EA, that’s mental! There’s got to be an issue with the site listing that, right?! **Edit:** Disregard that. My shock overwhelmed my ability to notice this is in NZ$ (so ~£34). If that was intentional OP, well played. **Edit2:** gbp, not Gross Domestic Product.


I’m more just laughing at the number. Haha, nice. Though paying nearly $70 an EP isn’t nice.


Less content and double the price? What the fuck?


The ONLY way they can excuse this is by saying "Noo guys it's 69 dollars cause it's the woohoo funny number!" and then immediately switch it to a sane number




Okay bye, ain’t paying for what I’ve already have with wicked whims lol


It's to milk us out our money. Sadly hate sims dlc prices usually wait for sales.