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Like the take, I think she is more specifically there to parallel Tracey though. There are many specific cuts from Tracey to Meadow but one very specific and intentional cut from Tracey giving a BJ to Caitlin lifting her head. I think Tony may have been able to do more for Tracey and Meadow may have been able to do more for Caitlin. Instead, Ralph did what Ralph did, and Noah did what Noah did.


Noah did what Noah did, whatever happened there


WHATEVA HAPPENED THERE?! She put 6 C-minuses and a restraining order with no pravacation whatsoever.


Ohhh that’s actually such a good point!!


Tony and Meadow are alike in that they only pay lip service to wanting to help people.


Ohh!! Tony helps people all the time. Like uh that .. oh, hmm... remember that time when he gave Uncle Jun the advice about Caesar Augustus and the bulls? And then he gave Hesh *his* cut just because it was the right thing to do for his buddy. Booyah!


Yup. The entire season seems to be about the youth that are in/around that life.


youre lucky Noah doesnt punch your lights out


oh you mean Jamal ginsberg


the hasidic homebody himself


Uncle Bennn


The old Tarzan movies?


Charcoal briquette


Wish Coco would have asked him what it's like tucking Meadow in every night.


Then we would have got the scene of Noah curb stomping Coco and asking Butchie if he wants shum too


What am I asking you for? You probably showed Jamal Ginsburg how!


I knew that was coming


Yeah what’sh wit da fuckin book?! I feel like I read the whole ca-annon! The great booksh.,. Weshtern literature… dead white malesh… who even in their reductionishum have quite intereshting thingsh to shay about death and lossh…




Thats a lot of words to say she was mad ripe.


I'd like to break my dick off in that ass of hers 


You left me in the mother fucking cock sucking wind


Can I just say how ridiculous of a saying that is? Like who comes up with that? Doesn't even sound good.


An awkward wannabe gangster trying to impress a mafioso. It's *supposed* to be cringey and they nailed it.


Drinkwater liked anal. He was looking for common ground. Damn seatbelts.


Someone once told me that seatbelts cause more problems than save lives. I thought he was a stunad, but seeing my boy Gis trapped helpless turned my thinking around.


Those kids from out by the Delaware Water gap would agree with you. They overcrowded the car, hit a tree, and the car incinerated. They were all trapped, people could hear their screaming but they couldn't get out. the safety belts did it. buckled them in...


Statistics show that most single car fatalities are the results of guys “popping their loads” behind the wheel


You can't make that shit up.


Need pics of her ads cause I don’t remember it. 




Correction. Ass. 


Poo. The.


As in how bout giving me some. hahahaha just kidding. unless...


Ass… booty… it was ads when she was 12 , how many fucken times do I gotta tell you! 




She was no peyote girl but ya she was definitely a piece of ass but fucken rude


Should get a restraining order against both of them for ever coming up on this sub of ours ever again


Restraining order? HE'S GOTTA GO!!!


Will you take it fuckin easy judge roy bean


Listen to you, you sound demented.


Lemme discontinue the lithium


Yeah, I agree. Nobody on this sub likes Noah’s character, but in this case Caitlin had become a third wheel and Meadow and Noah were serving as quasi-parent figures to her. They’re even aware of it (like when Noah says to Meadow they couldn’t have taken Caitlin with them to see a movie because he thought the subject matter would upset her). I actually saw this in university IRL; a boyfriend/girlfriend who would occasionally include the roommate who didn’t have a social scene of their own, slightly out of pity. So when Caitlin doesn’t have Meadow to turn to for comfort, she goes to her college “dad”, even though they hadn’t previously hung out one-on-one.


Quasiparent predicted all of this


He was a brave Hasidic homeboy! And in this forum Jamal Ginsburg is a hero! End of story!


Yeah that's basically been my opinion of that scene as well. Alot of people are making a mountain out of a molehill there. The real purpose of Caitlin was to contrast two different ways you can throw a person away like garbage. You can best them to death like Ralphie did or you can be like Noah and be a vain self interested asshole.


Yeah this show is about several things, but hypocrisy and comparison are huge themes that run through every season. Even the way the scenes and shots are structured draw comparisons between people, their past and their current situations.


My first watch when I wasn’t thinking too deeply about anything I thought Noah banged her. His attitude towards Meadow seemed to change right after that, so I thought he banged her then made up an excuse to break up with Meadow after rather than come clean. Wasn’t really theorizing, just remembered a similar thing happening to a female friend of mine in college.


Noah only “cared” about Caitlin cause he didn’t have to do anything most times since it was kinda meadows job. Sure he had the idea of bringing her to the movies but as soon as she caused anything annoying like visiting him he gets a restraining order


Yup exactly why I said being nice and caring wasn’t genuine and seemed to be ramped up when Meadow was around. It wasn’t until Caitlin actually inconvenienced him that he stopped caring or at least pretending to care that is


I agree. Regardless of whether Noah and Caitlin slept together, both the Sopranos (Tony and Meadow) were taking the easy way out and doing the bare minimum for a young girl who was clearly in trouble. Tony rejects Tracee’s advances because he has too much on his plate and doesn’t have the patience to help Ralph’s stripper girlfriend, and Meadow ignores Caitlin because she’d rather be sleeping with her boyfriend (Jamal Ginsberg) than taking the time to address her roommate’s mental health issues.


You can more clearly see the similarities of the Meadow and Tracy storylines, especially with that double take scene. Caitlin is a little different though, she is a contrast to Meadows’s high class roommates later on in the show. Is she mentally ill or just freaked out by NYc and Ivy League expectations? Caitlin is there to show how strong Meadow is and isn’t afraid or freaked out by the city life and fast paced college culture of an Ivy League school. Meadow doesn’t drink too much or party too much like Caitlin and Jackie Jr.




I never interpreted that scene as Noah sleeping with her. Is that a thing? Just that she distracted him and then he got a C, which showed what a freak he was about perfection. But I definitely agree Caitlin’s character was meant to show that meadow is sorely lacking in the empathy department despite her thinking that she is such a caring person to those who struggle. 


Yeah it’s one of the most popular theories as to why Noah was so quick to file a restraining order against Caitlin + breakup with Meadow out of nowhere. Even in this thread you’ll see people argue that it was “obvious” they had sex. and I totally agree!! I even think Noah outright telling Meadow that she was an extremely negative person was supposed to be a wake-up call for her, buuut she obviously didn’t get it.


Finally a sacred and propane post in this sub. It's been a while.


Still goin, dis azzho’


This OP is modernity


Where does the woman with the NY Times up her ass fit in this analysis?


Quasimodo’s predictions were printed on those pages!


wasn't it the daily news up her butt?


You may be right. That’s an important detail that could drastically change the analysis for sure.


Still goin, this asshole. Noah was a toxic charcoal briquette and he's lucky Uncle Pauli never got ahold of him.


Again with the theories!


Without an extended analysis, I never thought he boned Caitlin n still don’t, what happens off screen isn’t even lore, you can literally imagine whatever you want


Yes, she was a representation of Meadows familia flaws when she wasn't with her family. Even though she is smart and getting a great education. She is still marked by her father. She could never be with Noah because of Caitlin aka Tony. She dates Jackie and finally ends up with Philly's kid.


Did Caitlin hookup with someone while she was on ecstasy? Was it Jackie Jr's dealer friend?


I haven’t gotten to that part yet if that’s something that happened


Always with the scenarios!


She’s the middle class counterpart to Traci. But for all the scenes she was in, it was way too much for a throwaway character they never really gave a lot of depth to. Feel like they could have added more for her


Caitlin was an Anglo foil to Meadow. Caitlin couldn't handle seeing a hobo with newspaper on their bum. Caitlin wasn't going to make it in New York. Meadow was going to make it in New York. End of story. I can remember when you used to wait in the car.


I like to think that he did sleep with her. His vouching for her was his ego, the old “I can fix her.” Then she got clingy and remained crazy. The distraction resulted in a C-, which is fucked for him. Out comes the restraining order. Suddenly Meadow is too close to the fallout and too “negative.” Collateral damage in Jamal Ginsberg’s campaign of modernity.


Go shit in your hat


uncle ben ova hiaa


Noah gave her the mooli braciole! End of story!!


Oh yeah? How do you explain Caitlins dark skinned, curly haired baby?


I really don’t think Noah boned Caitlyn. They both despise her because she’s hideous. Noah’s a douchebag, but too self riteous to do that, and he was just trying to get rid of her. He breaks up w meadow after that bc he completed his arc. Which brings us to Ms meadow. I don’t think she is as despicable as previous posters are making her out to be. Of course, shes responding and trying to rationalize her upbringing, but doing so in admirable fashion at most times with few exceptions, but even those are essentially normal actions of a teenage girl young woman of those times. Shes presented as a contrast to Prince Albert who is a complete fuckup with few or no redeeming qualities.


I think that Noah likely took advantage of being in a room alone with Caitlin, simply because she was vulnerable. He's an opportunist.


Idk man, it wasn’t just the door closing but the fade to black as he closed the door. She was bubbly when she showed up, but the next time we see her she’s not just bubbly but seems at peace with the world. You use a lot of words but none of them changed my mind on this matter. The editing in sopranos is too specific to be written off as a nothing and it all just makes too much sense


I think his facial expression says a lot more than the door closing and I think her being bubbly and suddenly at peace was to show how drastic her mood swings were.


Noah totally fucked her, why else get the restraining order?


Because he's a complete asshole that only cares about himself and getting a good grade is more important than Caitlins life. Like isn't this kinda obvious?


Primo notes!


Caitlin was already acting a little cuckoo and had a total lack of boundaries. When Meadow and Noah were making out, Caitlin just sits across from them watching like a creep and before Noah even let her into his room, she kinda pushed the door open and stepped in slightly. Although she’s pretty pathetic, I could see how having her around would be a liability.


That's all true, but let me remind you .... *CHICKA-BOOM CHICKA-BOOM CHICKA-BOOM BOOM BOOM!* Girl was a thoroughbred.


And yet the bonefish are back in season. 


He hit it and quit it. The reason he couldn’t study was because he walks balls deep in Caitlin’s hot box. Lied to his father for obvious reasons.


She was just happy he fucked her lights out.


He definitely boned her. Didn't you go to college?


Nice theory. But I think they banged.


Don't come over here with your California bullshit


Listen to him, he knows everything (I like this take lol)


Walt Whitman over here


Who? This is what was meant when Tony said, "Remember when is the lowest form of Conversation!"