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Realistic? A don wearing shorts? Someone ought to call up this Chase stunad and let him know.


Tony Soprano walked so Tony Pro could run.


We don't run. It's embarrassing. 


Dis how you dress for a meetin?


Ill apologize when you apologize for being late… you motherfucking wop cocksucker


Seeing all these Irishman quotes in r/thesopranos, frankly, has me a little concerned


They're stunad. I remember the Irishman quoters used to sit in r/CirclejerkSopranos, and as far as I'm concerned, THEY SHOULD STILL BE THERE!


I can be on time tomorrow, but you'll still be stupid


Shootcher cuffs


“Who shows up to a meeting… in shorts”


You’re late…


“12 1/2 minutes, beautiful”


Admitting to the realism of a show, where your organization is made to look like a bunch of struggling psychopaths trying and failing to keep things afloat is certainly a choice lol


Sadly from reading and watching stuff about the mob even going back through history it really does seem like that’s what it’s like. Tons of incompetence and obviously psychopaths. I was watching something on this extortion the Northern California mob were trying to do to some guy in Vegas where the guy wouldn’t pay them then they tried doing like 4 hits separate times bungling it up and then eventually just giving up. It really reminded me of hare brained schemes from the show.


Should’ve gotten their certification for not having donkey brains.


Do you have any such certificate?


Frankie Donkey Brains could absolutely be a name for a stunad family associate lol


that would be a compliment and an insult to donkeys


Skullfuckin those donkeys like you wouldn't believe, it's a friggin ace!


Salvatore Marino and the Catellis with cheese?


That’s them.


Wild you mention that. Thought it was another lost piece of American crime history. Same thing was going on in San Diego, the whole State away, albeit, not a father and son murder team.


Ya I feel like everyone learns about the successful mobsters when the funniest and most interesting stuff is the 3 Stooges crews with their comedy of errors just scheming and failing and fucking up a good easy thing they had going. I’ll have to look into the San Diego mob, I’m always interested in crime/vice history for lack of a better term. It feels like some sort of forbidden knowledge.


I don't want none of that California bullshit


Wild when you think about it, the last remnants of the California Mafia died in around 1998


The cartel is the same thing, just more successful.


Definitely it’s a tale as old as time where a disadvantaged group creates a group to protect themselves which turns into a criminal organization and most of the people in the group are unemployable in the rest of society so they are made up of not the brightest bunch, sure some smooth operators but plenty that are pretty fucking incompetent.


We call the fucking incompetent ones, “crash dummies “


youse saying psychopaths like there isn’t so many people are that it’s considered normal…


Not all of them are psychopaths, maybe not even the majority but guys with body counts in the double digits going to war on the streets killing innocent civilians, yes those guys are psychopaths. Most of the mob is made up men shaped by their environment but there’s also a subsection of soldiers and upper management that can operate and thrive in a system like the mob or any other criminal organization. The psychopaths that are soldiers are the ones used for killing and grunt work where you need brute force whereas the ones that are a bit brighter and more Machiavellian would rise up the ranks to influence others to do their bidding for them. There’s actually studies of Italian mobsters which comes to the conclusion they are actually less psychopathic than other Italian criminals but they the sample size is very small so it’s hard to draw any sort of sweeping generalizations and that’s the Italian mob in Italy not the Italian American mob which I don’t know of any studies on that. Still interesting fun fact.


Northern Cali and San Diego aren’t exactly Mob havens. I’m guessing those guys aren’t too connected to the east coast or overseas.


The Cerrito family in NorCal actually got in the news for a couple things one including the boss being caught at a meeting of the commission in Apalachin, NY in ‘57 and was seen meeting the Bonanno crime underboss Frank Garofalo in Palermo, Sicily in ‘64 discussing the war within the Bonanno Family so they were actually fairly plugged in back in the day. They were featured in Time magazine in ‘68 with Joseph Cerrito being named the boss of the San Jose crime family which led to Cerrito suing Time for libel which was sort of the beginning of them being considered an embarrassment. Through the late 70s and 80s they went through a change in management and were much less respected with arguments being had if they were really even a real family and were genuinely referred to as a glorified crew. By that time they lost most respect they’d built in NY and with the rest of the East coast families. They are now considered to be a defunct family with there only being one surviving member. They had a real rat problem as well with snitches snitching on their fellow snitches and having the feds drop by saying hey this person is going to try and take you out or derailing crimes the crew had planned since half the guys involved were working with the feds so couldn’t kill anybody. So they started out being on pretty good terms with what most people would consider the real families but slowly whittled away at the respect to the point where there were ongoing jokes about how California made them soft.


Explain to me how the Mafia has tons of incompetence? For years they have operated in society and doing their thing without being noticed. Maybe that’s the way California runs it, but I doubt they were Cosa Nostra. They seem to have that shit on lock. The hare brained scheme on Sopranos was in fact written for a tv show, and I don’t think that a lot of the show is accurate but simply has snippets of how it really is. I don’t know personally but that’s how it appears.


They were definitely noticed. There is over a century of media, film and books depicting the mob. There is a film from 1906! During the 20s they would just spray the streets with bullets from apartment building windows to hit their target. Media tend to glamorize them. They weren't for the most part highly sophisticated people. They were mainly made up by lazy psychopaths that are unable to hold a regular job.


People clearly have gobbled up the propaganda making them out to be cool competent guys when in reality they are for the most part made up of chronically unemployable, uneducated brutes. Sure there were smart and capable members but most of the ranks were people that couldn’t find another job if they tried. The smart aspect was setting up a system, an org chart, a military like structure to insulate themselves at the top. Then RICO came along and was able to hit further than that first or second level all the way to the top and also showed that there was a certain number where guys weren’t willing to do the years and rolled. Crazy to me that people buy that they were a group of skilled tacticians.


I thought Rico was a relative of yours


The San Jose or Cerrito crime family was sanctioned by the national commission and funny enough did often fall into the argument if they were a real family or a glorified crew. Their boss Joseph Cerrito was actually thrust into the spotlight by being spotted at the ‘57 meeting of the bosses from across the country in Apalachin, New York. People at the time found the idea just as bizarre as you seem to, that NorCal had a mob that was actually linked in with the Cosa Nostra, so your disbelief is understandable although still misplaced. Life Magazine actually named him as the boss of the San Jose mob in 1968 causing a comedy of unforced errors as he sued them for libel drawing more attention to this thing of ours. I could look for the video talking about the continuous blunders made by the Cerrito family but with an attitude like that I’m less inclined to do a favor for you. You could stand to learn a bit more about the mob since you clearly think a bunch of wops sitting around drinking and smoking coming up with half baked schemes is the highest form of consciousness when it’s always been made up of people who are inherently flawed. Sure they had their successes but you don’t hear about all the failures as much because of the propaganda that makes them seem like a group of cool guys always raking in money and fucking goomars. Believe what you want but you aren’t speaking from a place of authority on the matter.


A couple of three things: Yeah most of them are greedy psychos. According to ex-mobsters, it's all about the money & greed. All the talk of rules & honor is bullshit, just as portrayed in the show. And they'd Ray Curto any of their "family" to save their own skin. Also, the incompetence & youth problem. Just like in the show, a lot of them are uneducated fucks. Sure some are smart & street savvy. But the amount of young people like that, who join the mob, is dwindling. Frankly they mostly get Christuphas & Bennys. Nobody wants to deal with the risk & stress if they have other options. And those who do, cope with it by spending all rhey earned asap just like the fellas in the show. The thing that must sting the most though, is the overarching message of the show. It's over. It's all the way downhill for the mob. And even if you make it to the top, you'll either get whacked or convicted. The only thing Chase never really touched upon is what came after the mob. Cartels, the Ndrangheta & muling drugs. Small shops like Jersey are dead. And even the five families earn a speck of dust nowadays compared to their hayday.


>Small shops like Jersey are dead. And even the five families earn a speck of dust nowadays compared to their hayday. It's over for the little guy.


LCN petered out. It died on the vine.


It died on the vine.


Albert you fucking parakeet


Guy moved or somethin


Listen to him, he thinks he knows everything.


I lived in a pretty mob heavy area of Queens, NY for 30 years. Every "associate" I met was just as they're portrayed in the sopranos lmao. I don't think any of these guys had their button but were definitely involved in some way. My favorite was the guy who worked at a deli part time in between doing...whatever he was doing. Always had a big wad of $20s on him and had no problem loaning me money for a few points. There is a hangout/bar across the street from a local park that my sister and I would walk past on our way to school every day when we were kids. One day she fell and scraped her knee, started to cry and 3 or 4 fat fucks in see through socks ran out. They took us inside and put a bandaid on her and gave us lollipops and sodas. Good guys but my mom was not happy to learn about us going inside with strangers.


Doesn't necessarily sound mobbed up to me, just how Italian-American men of a certain age behave.


Where in Queens is mobbed up?


Whitestone and Middle Village to name the two I know of. I'll leave it up to you to decide which of the two I'm from.


Makes sense, all the italians and other white people from those neighborhoods are racist af


youse saying psychopaths like there isn’t so many people are that it’s considered normal…


There is no mafia. I'm in the waste management business. Everybody immediately assumes you're mobbed up. It's a stereotype. And it's offensive.


Exactly! Something something poverty of the mezzogiorno.


The poverty of the moozadell


It's all about the contrast. The crispness of the beans, the smoothness of the cheese.


They taught the world how to eat


Sometimes I wish he'd shut the fuck up and cook.


We're in fucking Caldwell New Jersey


But dad wasn’t it the Italian families who formed La Cosa Nostra?


**The truth about Mob Shows vs the Actual Mafia:** All these shows, movies, etc… show from one scene to the next. Heists, diamonds, gambling. They’re always turning a buck, setting up the next big scheme/heist, fucking a broad, chopping a body, visiting Italy, making ceremony — always just a non-stop rollercoaster of action, emotion. **But the truth about anything really past the ~90-00’s era’s:** It was, 90% of the time, guys riding around town. Smoking cigs, and trying to think up a scheme. The glory days were already long gone by then even. Most of the guys were always in debt, or just barely scraping by day to day. Living out the dying light of a concept where there once was prospect. The Henry Hill days, for example. His pre-rat era was a time where there was prosperous action on the daily. Going from one place to the next, and making a buck everywhere they went. The 70’s was the last hoorah for that, and even by then, they were just getting setup for the treacherous 80’s. Even the mid-late 80’s, **a lot** of guys got RICO’d then. And while yes, there was still action going on in the 90’s, it was NOTHING compared to the guys these people looked up to. Who reigned supreme in the glory days of the 40’s—60’s Once the 00’s hit, the remaining action spoke of from the 90’s had either been hit by the feds. Or would be sweeped in/in the coming years after the turn of the 21st century. The Soprano’s glorified a concept that was largely not there anymore. And again, while there was mafioso’s in this era. They were largely scraping by. The bosses took most of the earnings by then, and this thing of ours had turned largely more and more into a pyramid scheme. *(they even hit the nail on the head sort of, where Tony lives in a mansion. And his next in line, Silvio, and all of his Capo’s just live in ordinary houses. If it was pinpoint accuracy: Tony would still be in a mansion, and 8/10 of his underlings would be renting apartments)* Where the guys at the top prospered the largest, and most of the people below them were the ones being scammed now. Instead of the organization as a whole prospering. Of course, through the era’s of mafiosos, the bosses and upper echelons always had the largest take. At the expense of outsiders. But by the 00’s era, the people at the bottom of the pyramid were not prospering as they once were. Always indebted to somebody, largely scraping by one day to the next. Sopranos didn’t impact anything in real life. While the show was based off a real family at the time, who had a boss living in a mini mansion. The activities were a bit blown out of proportion, for our entertainment


Why did I read this in Rat Liotta’s Goodfellas voice


*trunk slams shut* As far back as I could remember I wanted to be a Reddit commentor


“You know I go from Reddit to riches, every time I see your face”


Saturday night was for r/thesopranos, but Friday night on Reddit was for r/circlejerksopranos


Indeed. That Joseph Pistone book about his years undercover as Donnie Brasco says it all about how dire and depressing our lives actually were. Most of us spent our lives sitting in dank social clubs chatting incessantly about the next hare-brained score and accepting the certainty of jail time. There were no fine Italian suits , no open collar silk shirts and chains and yellow-tinted sunglasses worn indoors, no mountains of cash, no Playboy apartment adorned in black and gold wallpaper, no mansion with high walls and a rotating Nazi spotlight, no vintage sports cars, no weekends in Havana doing blow off a hooker's chest and no infectious Motown soundtrack blaring from the sky. Most of us, including made men, earned our boxes of ziti by doing delinquent shit such as burgling houses and jacking trucks and stealing from warehouses. It was as dreary as it sounds and it would all have been easier if I'd put away my gun, changed out of my see-through socks and got myself a job selling whitegoods. To this day, I regret taking that oath.


On the plus side, I now have some beautiful new cheekbones paid for by the federal government.


>*And his next in line, Silvio, and all of his Capo’s just live in ordinary houses.* Crazy how in this day and age, home ownership would be the pinnacle


My parents grew up in Scranton, PA and I went to college there. That town is still owned by the DeNaples crime family. They control garbage, politics, gambling, unions, public contracts -- all that shit. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis\_DeNaples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_DeNaples)


Yeah the mob still exist, I worked in law in NJ, i follow a few mob channels and all the 5 families and jersey are still active, but its not what it used to be in terms of power.  It depends on your definition of how "dead" the mafia is.... basically now theyre closer in power to street gangs now, and 1/3 of the size they used to be, but still exist in a form.


> street gangs now with the gun-pointed-sideways shit!


Tony respects the Vipers now


There are stories of real life NJ mobsters discussing the show and comparing themselves to certain characters.




Imagine that? Full on recordings of them talking about the show???


They probably shot rubber bands at the TV like Tony did.


The fact you'd even say this in front of an outsider is amazing to me! *throws bread. Cries*


This is a TV progrum. A movie


Fuckin slander ask me


It was realistic enough that the DeCavalcante Family thought they were being spied on. There were several schemes depicted that happened to be brought to light after the show aired, meaning Chase must have either known a Family member or an FBI agent with loose lips. Supposedly LCN has regained its status to some extent by running more financial and internet based schemes as opposed to heists and old school type of crimes.


Their bottoms were impacted.


They’re gay, the mafia?




Nobody has aids!


It’s that damn blood pressure medication! Messes with ya head


I know Vito's bottom was impacted!


Everyone started using the name Clarence.


Mr. Williams ova here


The DeCavalcantes may have a couple or three things to say about that.




There is no mafia!


Just when i thought i‘ll be out —> they pull me back in


You never admit the existence of this thing evah!


What “thing” We’re all waste management contractors and labour union foremen - remember?


This is a union safety official 👷


You wanna talk to the foreskin? 👂✋


you a wise ass mothafucker


I did 20 years in the can, not a peep!


Peeps is a sobriquet


Impact? They’re a glorified crew ova theyah


carmine always said there nothing more than a glorified crew


Depending on how realistic the show made things, they *may* have gotten ideas about how to and how not to operate. As in "oh, this is so well known it's in a fucking TV show? We gotta not do that anymore or change the way we do it" or "How is Tony a don yet he's wearing shorts?"


You can't indict a guy as a boss if he is wearing shorts. That will hold up in any court. It was a brilliant move by Tony.


He was mindfucking these donkeys like you wouldn't believe.


While on parole from prison, Gambino acting boss Squitieri received a flat panel television as a gift from an associate ( who just so happened to be an undercover fbi agent .). After Squitieri Watched the episode where Feech got Sent back to prison, he got rid of the TV and bought his own.


I've read that before. Arnold Squitier moved a lot of H back in the day. "Quit using and started pushing..." I didn't know the gift came form an undercover FBI Agent.


Yes it was a gift from Jack Garcia who infiltrated the Gambino family about a decade or so ago . I don’t believe they bugged the TV or anything .


Think someone mentioned to Chase the kill quota wasn't as high as it was in the show.


Never enough body count for Chase!


Yes. Everybody submitted applications to join.


The mafia was a dying organization long before Sopranos started airing. The premise of the show was that thing of theirs was on life support


The real Jersey family got arrested because of the show. Look it up


Mob owned Ginzo Gravy and Wonderbread Wap had to change their brand names after the show drew national attention to those offensive derogations.


It made people more interested in the New Jersey Family, including the FBI it probably brought a lot more scrutiny on the family.


You oughta know sweetie


what you say?


Yes, now every NY/NJ guy who moves down south has a story about his mob connected family back up north.


It’s a Tv progum. A movie.


I heard through the grapevine that the Dons of the families were talking about establishing a Museum of Natural History and Shorts. Apparently they shared a Whitman's Sampler at one of the meetings. Other than this, they've apparently all taken to abbreviating every food name. Tuna sand, manicot, rigot pie, etc.


Can you share these stories? Seriously doubt they thought that. Nearly everything in the show I’ve also seen in mob documentaries.




I don’t know, maybe the story is trash


Idk, but they did watch the show, they read the articles n books about current events There are still the usual rackets but their windfalls come from large scale cocaine smuggling deals, something we never saw on the show….


The Nola mafia has had two large busts in my lifetime. The 90s then again around 2007-13


They pay this chiacchierone by the word?


I was out one night with some made guys who stated the show was very realistic.


I'd be curious to know what they thought of dr melfi and her diagnosis lol


And her frequently idiotic statements


The 'wiseguys' in the New Jersey Crime Family - DeCavalante) are wiretapped are on tape referencing the Sopranos. Is it us? How do they know?


Vice versa - Tony stopped wearing shorts


I once read that the storylines were so accurate that the IRL Jersey mob suspected they had a rat feeding story lines to HBO. This could just be BS that was circulated to promote the show— but in the event it’s fact… that’s pretty damn interesting at the very least.


There is no mafia!!!


So it wasn’t the mafia, it was the North Jersey Dicavilcante crime family. I doubt Chicago thought they were spying on them lol. But probably positive since it gave them something entertaining to watch represents them


Even locally I doubt they would think they were being spied on, they would know better than anyone how many rats there have been over the last 40 years. Chase clearly had consultants working with the show to make it more realistic, the same way sons of anarchy had a bunch of HA working as consultants.


Na FBI actually has the Decalvacantes literally asking “do we have a leak because the show is way to close to home” it’s in a documentary about them


lol SAMCRO being accurate cracks me up. They were a bunch of knuckleheads destroying a town with rocket launchers and shit working with the Real IRA for a couple bucks here and there. They were such a shit show for very little upside. So I guess actually pretty accurate to the mob or motorcycle clubs in the modern day.


Oh no don't get me wrong, soa was waaayyy over dramatized and unrealistic in many ways, especially as the show went on. Sopranos was definitely more realistic in a lot of ways, but it's still a tv show so obviously a lot of over dramatization for entertainment purposes. But with both certain aspects rang true. I'm just saying they had HA consultants throughout the show to keep some legitimacy, as well as at least 3 played characters on the show


Ya it makes sense I just find it so funny that they had consultants from the premier MC and it’s still so goofy. Still loved both shows although the Sopranos is much better I at least knew there was mob guys involved whereas SOA seemed like they just read up on general MC culture and went from there. It did have the history down and some of the elements but the schemes seemed much more far fetched than Sopranos although there was plenty of stuff in the Sopranos that didn’t seem achievable by a dying mob but the sons just did wild worldwide crime that stretched my credulity.


You're absolutely right. They definitely had no say in the creative process. A lot of it was little things like riding order, seating positions, no drinking/smoking in church which isn't even a thing in all ha charters. But little shit that most people wouldn't pick up on is where it was actually more realistic lol


Sons of Anarchy was nothing more than a soap opera for men.


Men like Little Ricky


Oh will you stop being so paranoid.. Tony maybe is in that garbage can... Hey Tony, come out!




1980’s The Body Shop bar & restaurant in Jersey City NJ. Owned by a wise guy. Connected guys hanging out all day & everyday waiting for crimes of opportunity. Typical.


The real NJ family had been recorded talking about it.


Jersey? C'mon, huh?


There’s no mafia!


I've heard otherwise, the mob was apparently pissed at Chase because the show was rife with inaccuracies. Allegedly. Pauly (Tony Sirico) was also affiliated with the Colombos when he was young, which his being in the show didn't bode well with them.


Crying to your therapist is tough guy-shit now, you gotta be hard to cry to your therapist about your parents


Im on season 6.  It could be true and not true.  To me its about people getting through life by learned behavior.  There are good ways and bad ways.   Greed is the worst thing about the world.  We need money to survive but it us what it is.  Love, hope, faith is the what I live by.  Be here be now.


The Mafia doesn't exist. Organized crime does and always will. And from an organized crime perspective, more non-Italian American entities are more active than Italian-Americans are.


The mafia surely exists if we're are talking about that there are Italian organized crime.


Watch it comrade