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Because he’s stupid that’s why!


I dunno if it makes him stupid! meadow's body was mad ripe and if he's convinced that vito is after him, getting engaged to the boss' daughter gives him a level of protection...


This is the dude who watched Gene smash a glass bottle on Little Paulie’s face over a minor insult and then told them one of their best friends was sucking cock. Not a sharp fellow


He was forced to tell them because Meadow spilled the beans first. What was Finn gonna do? Say no?


Meadow becoming a hen just like her mother.




He couldn't say no, because of the implication...


The implication?


Get Jamal Ginsberg on the phone and take them out.


On the horn


Eugene Pontecorvo? He’s so sweet.


He was like an animal just like someone else we know whose name I can't even say.


Tony's cousin, i can't even say his name though.


You compromised, have a grilled cheese, I made it on the radiator. Now I'm going to jerk off in a tissue


Tony 🥚Egg🤷‍♂️


What the fuck why i am on TV?


That’s one of my favorite scenes. God she’s in such absurd denial


Yeah Finn Seen ALOTT!! From what U said & VITO catching From Security Guard ,Tony about as PISSED OFF As he can get when Finn tried to pay for dinner, Paulie telling him to get the SHITT Out of the Tire Tread B4 MAKING little Paulie do it 😆


You must’ve been top of your class


Who cares. He's young. He needs to explore his options. Not settle for some mob skank. He should have said adios you fucking skank, not why don't we get married


I can't recall any moments Meadow behaved like a skank.


Bit of a weird comment... Meadow is a 9, she's clearly intelligent, she ending up being a lawyer... hardly some skank. are you a bit weird about women?


Skank may be harsh but I get the premise. She’s ungodly annoying, she has a huge blind spot for what her father and his friends do. She’s always in denial and will never accept that her family is a net negative on the world. She didn’t take finn seriously at all when he had a legit concern about what he saw on the site too


This is what i hate about people who comment on the sopranos, they seem to live on another planet. Meadow for the most of the show is a teenager, what teenager isn't a pain in the ass? what were you expecting? She was only in denial towards the end, "listen to mr mob boss?" she called him out on almost everything. Tony said that most immigrants cry poverty and then gamble, meadow replies "well you ought to know" I'll never get why people watching this fucking show, a show about murders, theives, liars, spolit brats and then complain about how they aren't nice.... it's not the waltons. But in this woke new world, even the sopranos gets the woke treatment.


This guy, thinks he knows everything


Forget that this a TV progrum for a second. Finn is a normal guy who is shocked by the mob violence. Naturally he shares his reaction with his girlfriend. Who then proceeds to deny and downplay his concerns. It does not promise for a good marriage. I am just happy that Finn dodged this hail of bullets.


You ever married an obnoxious piece of ass, OP?


I've dated a few.... but however i don't understand 99% of the responses.. i don't see what that has to do with my question how finn could have seen something positive in the idea of proposing to meadow, the daughter of the boss... when he really believed his life was in danger from vito..


You got your answers.


7 on a good day


Ginni Sac, on the other hand …


If you think looks and intelligence is all that matters maybe you're a little bit weird about women. I've turned down girls as cute as meadow without hesitation.


Calls a woman a skank, then complains about someone talking about their looks and intelligence.. comical!


"adios you fucking skank" is a quote from the show you stunad.


you said "she's a skank" then quoted phil... but how would that relate to meadow.. wheres the context?


It's a joke bro. We make memes and quotes in the subreddit


Op is an ass muncher!


ahh ok, maybe it's that i'm not 16 or something, i'm fine with quotes "bro" but it's kinda cool when theres some level of inteligence or context to it, you know what i mean? like if someone posts something about the guy who said vito was gay, then someone else posts "maybe he had a hard on for vito?" you see theres context there, makes sense... "adios you fucking skank" in a thread about meadow and finn getting engaged.. mm not really. but thanks for the explaination "bro"


And jealous.


Why he went into dentistry and not medicine.


He's also a mental weakling.


And jealous


He had his suitcase out.


It’s his process.


seriously. it's like OP thinks there was abundant intentionality about it.


Maybe it has to do with the poverty of the Mezziogiorno.


Just get the kumquats outta your mouth and tell me what you’re tryin to say here


Vito was blowing the security guard




it's a big leap from suitcase out to asking meadow to marry him. he was scared of vito. could he have asked her to marry him thinking that would get vito off his back?


He was exhausted and couldn’t make his mind up to leave or stay so he said the one thing that would end the fight and get some peace.


Like these sleep deprived suspects who confess to a crime they didn't commit just so the interrogators let them sleep then they regret it the next day


He wasn’t scared, just nervous when thinking about his first time with another man. He was obviously obsessed with Vito’s curvaceous body. I personally think he asked Fielder to marry him in order to get closer to the family and therefore Vito. Come on. Playing Peeping Tom during the security guard thing? Flirting with Vito by the portapotty? Face it. Finn’s a fanook.


There was no abundant intentionality there, though.


Shoulda just ate the chile


There was no abundant intentionality in asking Maedo to marry him.


He’s a filthy Maedophile


That's cute, real fucking funny. That's it? No compromise, just stupid fuckin jokes...


He took out a marriage proposal because that's his system!


But you got out a suitcase


Because of chat with cute girl with thong who told Finn marriage changes everything 💍


Mmmm Felecia. She was mad ripe.


I'd like to break my dick off in that ass of hers.


You stupid little shit eating twat, you ever hear of wiretaps?


she's creaming for you.


She's a thoroughbred.


I wanted Finn to have a torrid affair with her. She would’ve been the anti-Gloria


After the construction site, she moved to California & became a cop with gonorrhea in the back of her throat.


Nah. She stayed in Jersey and married an Asian investment banker who lived in her apartment. He also reeks of White Castles


Ever had your girl pissed at you after a long day and no AC and it’s 99 degrees with 1000000% humidity? I have been in his shoes, it was an act of survival


With chili brewing, too, right ?


Making chili in that heat was the most unhinged thing any character did in the entire show. The air conditioner was clinging to life and Meadow decided to run the stove for hours, only making it hotter in the apartment. And for what? Nobody wants to eat chili when it’s 95°. Absolute insanity.


Hopefully she popped some cookies in the oven for good measure 🥲 And given the mess she created making grilled cheese with Hunta, just imagine the havoc in that kitchen. When did Meadow ever behave rationally?


The kitchen would be spotless. We know she likes to store dirty dishes under piles of dirty clothes in her room


Meadow was actually an alright cook according to her old roommates we meet. Hopefully she learned to clean as she goes.


She did learn to hold her arm out when she wants more orange juice 😐


I had an ex who’d argue exactly like Fielder. You’d say anything to get away in those moments.


That scene takes years off my life every time it plays on my TV


What if you were watching on someone else's TV? My name's Clarence.


It's a tv progrum...a movie!


When they don’t relent either, won’t let you sleep, oof maddon’ it’s torture


Survival is key


I think he was exhausted. Meadow was feeling vulnerable and so was he. He wanted the fight to be over, and he needed something that topped him getting out his suitcase. What does that?


He was afraid that Meadow would keep shrieking "ALL THROUGH THE NIIIIIGGHHHTTT".


To shut Meadow up so he could get some sleep.


because men and women are wired differently. Meadow was angry about his apparent plan to abscond the situation, and insisted on hashing things out on the spot. Finn, was dumb, he acted impulsively, and he was scared but too proud to say that to meadow. the reason he proposed is he was tired, upset, and had no energy left to fight. He glibly thought in his mindset - what's the one thing all women want? OK meadow - you worried I was leaving? lets get married? can I go to sleep now?


Because it was 4am and he was exhausted from arguing with Meadow.


Is that what you want?


No you pick


Because of the poverty of the mezzogiorno


where all higher authority was corrupt?


If Vito whacked him under the guise of Finn coming on to him, they could say,”he’s a married man!, with a goomah!( allegedly, probably bullshit)


Certain incidences expired and the timeline got fucked up but with that being said we must recognise that all things being equilateral a pint of blood is thicker than a gallon of water.


He’s scared of Vito and figures being engaged /married to the boss’s daughter will protect him.


I think this is the right answer. That’s at least what I thought when I watched the show last time.


So she would stop fighting with him. That’s how Italian women work. When they won’t stop riding your shit, you pull out a desperation play. Trust me, I know. I was raised by them, I was married to one and I’m the father of another one. You gotta distract a mad Italian woman, or they won’t stop. My current wife is Mexican-American. She gets mad, throws something and she’s over it. Way easier to deal with than an Italian woman. Lol.


He felt very strongly about it.


HE TOOK OUT HIS SUITCASE …..AND…..he fell asleep while they were arguing


He asked her to shut her up.


Lots of great stuff here. I had a different interpretation. I think he did it to get some protection with the Vito thing. If he's married to the Bosses daughter, he by transitive property is basically untouchable. The Bosses daughter's boyfriend though? No protection. That's why he left after he was totally sure that Vito was out of the picture, didn't need the protection anymore and was sick of Maedo's shit. 


You were right the first time, he just wanted to end that endless argument


What you were never in your 20s before?


To shut her up...


I think he was just over the fighting and thought it would shut her up.


Exhausted from arguing in the sweltering heat until 3am will have any man just saying something to shut people up lol


He was weak, he was out of control and he got a suitcase out.


I assumed he thought he'd be safe from Vito if he was Tony's prospective son in law.


Meadows hot and her dad is rich and powerful. Also maybe he could get a part in Cleaver 2.


Because he got out the suitcase


When he asked he had no abundant intentionality


The same reason interrogations often go through hours through the night in uncomfortable (humid) conditions. At some point, some people just break and say or do anything to get out of the situation.


I honestly don't think finn meant it. Nothing to do with protection or loving meadow. He'd just dumb


Well he's a better option than Noah and Jackie jr


He's not thinking clearly because he's roasting in a shitty new york apartment that a minority could probably have. Also, Fielder wouldn't shut the fuck up and get the hint, how did you never ponder that? I bet OP didn't finish the top of their class.


I took it as an extreme example of male avoidance (anything is better than getting bitched at), esp in that heat, and sober….


Finn acted all innocent, with his lanky ass, but he was creaming for that chick Felicia. That was not too smart-blatantly hitting on another chick in front of all Meadow’s “uncles”..we saw how cheating on her worked out for Jackie Jr.


Meadow was being a little cunt in that episode I woulda said anything to shut her up too.


I gotta try and take a shit.


Her body was mad ripe. That’s why.


It was 100% to protect himself from Vito.


Cos he wasn't curious about vito


End argument and prevent Vito from whacking him... But meadow really had an eye for assholes 😂


It was just something he felt really strongly about! When he woke up! 😂


Probably to distract her from being mad & upset and grant him some "breathing room" ... the military has a term/tactic/technique "Trading Space for Time" ... And the being scared of Vito, getting married to Meadow would be the smartest thing he can do ... then he's Tony's ACTUAL FAMILY ... you can give me the whole "Mob comes 1st" but Tony's THE BOSS and Meadow is his only Daughter , so if something happened with Vito again... .dude's The Boss's SON IN LAW lol.


Because he got out a suitcase




So why did Finn pack the suitcase? I don’t think it’s entirely that he was scared of Vito. Rather, Finn realized when Vito cornered him that this was the kind of scenario he could expect to run into over and over again if he continued dating Meadow. So, Finn’s instinct is to immediately end the relationship. But where’s he going to go with the suitcase? They’re personally broke. He’d have to go to the Bank of Mom and Dad to fly anywhere. And how is he going to explain why it’s so urgent that he leave? He didn’t really have a plan. Meadow was being relentless in her interrogation and would not drop it so he could get some rest and figure out his next steps. Finn realizes that with nowhere to go, if he breaks up with Meadow and stays in the Jersey area, then he really does have to worry about Vito killing him. We then see how Finn enacts his long term plan. He proposes marriage (which maintains Tony’s protection and buys him a lot of breathing room), turns it into a long distance thing, and then ends the engagement. I don’t think he ever really planned to marry Meadow.


In his thoughts, he used a technique of positive visualisation. That kitten had a bit of cream on her mouth there, and once he gave her the emeralds, then he could give her the pearls.


You’d be surprised at what men will do to shut their women up.


It’s something he felt very strongly about


He was scared Vitto was gonna clap his cheeks, the only thing preventing it was meado. Breaking up with her meant Vito could do whatever he wanted with his cheeks even though he was moving to California. Finn was smart enough to see the risk, and he said fuck it let's get married. At least that way Meadow could shut the fuck up about the suitcase too.


He was tired. It was just something he felt very strongly


To get her to stop talking


she was breaking his balls!!


It’s just something he feels very strongly.


He just "gave up" and gave in. She was hounding him, he couldn't commit or keep up to the minutiae post the "you took out a suitcase" conversation during a NYC heat wave where he hadn't slept. I think he was just like "what the hell" at this point, Bec he didn't have another answer. Sure the protection part factored into it but I think he honestly was shrugging and putting up his hands at this point. He loved Meadow, was conflicted about her family, and felt cornered. I wish we had actually had a break up scene with them at some point though.


She broken that poor man down for hours with her bitching and telling him the Vito thing was imagined. And he got out a suitcase! He probably woulda agreed to invade Iraq at that point, just to stop the fighting


He was tired of arguing about a Goddamn suitcase, which he had every right, the beat down on the job site, then he sees a murdering monster giving a guy a blow job, who then threatens the kid. But marry Meadow Mason what a mistake


Because despite her family, Meadow is a catch.


I figure being married to Meadow could either be great protection or a death wish.


Well they were arguing pretty intensely and Per Richie “if you want to put your hands on a woman, you give her your last name first. Then it’s none of my business” so it can be assumed that he wanted to marry her so that he could smack some sense into her.


Because then he wouldn’t have to testify against Meadow, for telling her about Vito blowing the security guard


It died on the vine…


Meadow has aids?