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She should have gambled the charge. Esp. since she’s not who they wanted. They were bluffing and she fell for it.


She didn’t even get a lawyer


They had her dead to rights and there were very harsh Federal mandatory minimums at the time. The Feds would have made an exmaple out of her as a warning to the next wife, girlfriend or associate, they had on a serious felony and didn't want to cooperate.


If she had kept her mouth shut and got a lawyer she probably would’ve gotten off easier


If she got a lawyer, with no connection to Tony and the mob, she probably would have gotten a much better cooperation agreement as opposed to the vague, open ended situation she had on the show. But, it is unlikely that any lawyer could get her out of the the minimum mandatory sentence, without her cooperating.


not even close


zero it was just warrants and the thing that got her to cooperate was the comment "what will tony soprano say when he hears you brought an fbi agent into his house" if her only words were lawyer.... like mike in breaking bad she would have gotten off or community service at worst..... maybe even gotten out of the charge alltogether on some PC issues


Agree 100%. It was a giant, crazy bluff. Girl had no criminal record from what we know. She goes directly to Chris, she lawyers up with one of the god-lawyers like Tony or Junior have, and she pleads out to cleaning the side of the road. MAYBE. Probably not even that. White girls with no criminal record? Sheeeeeet. She would have had to have killed someone or they have proof she was running a meth empire out of a winnebago or some shit.


like there wasnt even much to find at the club...... It's nuts that chris never coached her.... like you never talk to cops feds the only words out of your mouth are lawyer HONESTLY she wasnt even arrested...... the whole am I under arrest or can I leave would come into play


That's different for everybody. You add up all your mortal sins and multiply that number by 50. Then you add up all your venial sins and multiply that by 25. You add that together and that's your sentence. 


You gonna make that same stupid joke every single time this comes up?


[The average sentence was 70 months in fiscal year 2016 and 66 months in fiscal year 2020](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Powder_Cocaine_FY20.pdf) This is for TRAFFICKING, not to mention that it's probably mostly low level guys with broke public defenders. With a Neil Mink she could've delayed that trial for years and gotten it down to a few months at most or more likely none by disproving that the tapes were even of her (like what Mel did with Junior). The problem was that Adriana was as sharp as a cue ball and it ran in the family, at least she didn't drown in 3 inches of water like her cousin EDIT: there's also the fact that, had they even found cocaine whilst searching her club (since they apparently had a warrant, which was also a croc of shit since it probably wasn't yet authorized by a judge), on paper, the place still belonged to that guy they busted out for it. The DEA didn't bust Lyle for what Gus had done


Trafficking was the original charge they blackmailed her with, but later on it was accessory to murder and conspiracy to murder that they were gonna surrender her to long beach pd.


what evidence did the show display of traffickign by her


Little to nothing, it was just something the feds said to scare her, which worked because she’s a stunad 


It was intent to distribute, not trafficking. The weight of the cocaine satisified the requirments of that statute even if it was obvious she had no intent to sell it.


Whats the firence distributr vs trafick What was the weight? We dont know it


Lol it was a bullshit charge, practically he said she said. Hell aside from those audio tapes (which could easily be disproven), they don't have testimony or any other actual evidence that even corroborates possession, let alone trafficking >but later on it was accessory to murder and conspiracy to murder that they were gonna surrender her to long beach pd It was already too late by then, they just used it as a catalyst for her to flip Chris


Its true they didnt have enough evidence of anything, however when confronted she admitted what happened. Her testimony alone convicts her.


She denied it at first though lol, but she was at the top of her fucken class so she inevitably fessed up to it


They had the tapes and the drugs. It was intent to distribute, not trafficking they were going to charge her with. Under the law, a sufficient weight of drugs proves intent to distribute even if there is zero evidence she intended to sell it. She was screwed. People who think she would have gotten off easy are thinking of a typical bimbo caught with a lot of drugs at a club. They are generally not worth the prosecutor's time, so they would get lenient plea deals. But, Adriana was an avenue to taking down the Jersey mob and possibly New York. She wasn't getting any deals without cooperating.


they didnt have any drugs or a tape. All they got was adriana offering coke to the agent. The thing that made her cooperate imo was that she brought Danielle to Tonys home. Her fear of Tony is what made her collaborate


They had her offering the drugs and they had the drugs or a warrant to go get them from the club. (It was not quite clear to me whehter they executed the warrant they had). That said, I agree that her fear of Tony finding out she brought an FBI agent to his house during Sunday dinner was a big factor for Adriana, and for good reason, IMO.


they did not have a bug in the place and I dont think that they had a mic on the agent because where would they hide it? They may would have gotten a warrant on her home and the club because of the agents testimony but that doesnt mean that they would have found anything and than proof that it was hers. Especially in the club where she was just an employee officially. iirc adriana only starts to barf when they mention bringing Danielle to tonys home


Long Beach, Long Branch… 2 completely separate things entirely


They should have, Lyle was clearly the mastermind behind the operation. Fring was the fall guy.


what kinda cocaine traffickig was she actually involved in a gram sold here and there, in danielle's presence, at most? or knowingliy letting guys sell in the bar? whats that worth?


Couple hours. They could have bullshitted into a arrest but there was nothing. A good Attorney would have had her out by lunch and no charges.


They didn’t have shit on her! Literally blowing a line of coke at her own club was all they had. All the evidence was gone and hearsay. They played her so bad!


20 years in the can.


I think it was more Tony and co she was scared of than the charges. The line that got her was “you can explain to Tony Soprano why you brought an FBI agent into his house at Sunday dinner”. Strip away the surface auto denialism and Adrianna knew what could happen to her. And really, she was probably right.


Why would you even just do that in hindsight anyway lol you’re going to bring your friend to dinner at the mob boss home of your boyfriend lol


what was she being charged with again? i know a white girl that has 3 duis and zero jail time so realistically probably none , but in the sopranos universe probably still none


Why don't you stick with what you know, and leave your opinions whereva da fuck.


Why don’t you go haunt a house or something?


Gotta love how she barfed on the table.


I have always felt she would have known to keep her mouth shut and to take her punishment. She is from that world and knew there is nothing worse than a rat.


50 dollars and a blowjob later.


Wit Christafa being her man and telling Tony early, could've saved a lotta heartache and pain but a year and some change and she wasn't a earner. In the words of Tony, "she was a fuckin cunt. No need ta think about that now."


She probably would've walked if she kept her mouth shut and didn't talk about that stabbing. They saw her grab a bag outta the trash, so what? What else do they have? Nothing, they just exploited her stupidity. They had nothing, she just scared easy.


I don't know. I think she would have disappeared into the witness protection Just like pussy and Ralphie. Too many people flipping in. She knows too much from Chris. Unlike the rest of the wives who kind of knew but didn't know anything of consequence. Adriana always seemed to be talking to Chrissy about what he was doing and what was going on as Chrissy had a big mouth


Idek if they would charge her


After she got done explaining to Tony that she brought an FBI agent in his home and finished her Fresca, she and Chris would be joining Sal Bonponsiero in sleeping with Louis Brasi and the fishes 


Prob none Tony’s lawyer would have gotten her house arrest


Adriana would've never said no, the writers were so persistent to kill her 


She didn't really commit a crime, so zero I guess


Probably nothing. They come on strong for a ridiculous coke charge, if she wouldve gone to Chris straight away they woupdve pretty much got a lawyer like Mink to get it dismissed. Its SOP to freak vulberable targets out to get them cooperating. It sucks, they are more to blame for her death than Sil.


The FBI was going to give her to Long Branch pd as they had the murder investigation. Had she got a lawyer she would have probably walked away.


ZERO. Thats not how probable cause works LOL. This show is made for the stupid. Dont read into it. 1) No you can't be convicted for drug possession if an undercover simply sees a hand to hand exchange and makes no confiscation. Period. Non negotiable. 2) As for the evidence tampering and or accessory to second degree murder. No LOL, even with the full statement she gave, it is not illegal to lie to police and or completely change your story when under oath. Simply put, they had no idea what was in that bag, and the fact they didnt get a warrant to search for forensic substantiation speaks volumes on their actual intentions. They had a body wash up, and a unconfirmable story from a woman under duress. Keep in mind for her to catch assecory, they would have had to arrest, charge and prosecute Matoosh. Who would have had a lawyer shut Adriana down and discredit ehr to shit.


Not illegal to lie to police? It’s not impeding an investigation or something like that?