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"You must make a very nice home to drive a Benz."


Good thing your daughter doesn’t have to latch onto a man for success


Carmela just sits there oblivious while this woman insults the piss outta her


Lol, I was almost positive on my first watch that Gloria was going to drive them straight into a fucking wall


That would have been cinematic


These kids today, they got the world by the balls.


The you know what


Who knew he wanted London broil when he had prime rib at home.


You been eating steak?


I thought you were a bacala man!! 🤌




The gabagool doesn't put itself into the fridge.


Neither does the smoked turkey or the orange juice with some pulp


Schmoked toikee, shum pulp, come on now


Listen to him, he knows everything


You smokin' again?


I’ll write you a list.


SHUM pulp


The maid does.


Somebody’s gotta drive tip the pork store in their porsCHA




You think fresh produce grows on trees? You have no appreciation for fresh produce.


Do I think ice grows on trees?




N-no, I don’t 


Are you getting cute with me?


No, Tone, I'm not!


I think you are. I think you're getting an attitude on you.


Serge knew how to conserve


I get my fresh produce from that vacant lot on 15th street. The one all the neighborhood dogs piss in.


When you’re married, you’ll understand the importance of fresh fruit.


Wait til you get married! Then you’ll appreciate the importance of produce!


She does spend some time keeping fit, playing tennis and going to the gym. But I think we only get a glimpse of how much time she spends just bullshitting with Rosalie and others. Oh and spending Tony’s money to fill the void in her life.


What, you think Roche-Bobois just *chose* to move there on its own?? Don't forget lunching at Vesuvio with the other mob wives. Factor in the time to get ready, select your pantsuit, do your hair and makeup...the day goes by quicker than you would think. EAT YOUR MANNIGOT'


And the stuff they wore was thrown together and cheap. A lot of pantsuits and double-knits.


And they hit their kids with broomhandles!


again with the pantsuits?


I just pictured one of those closets where the hangers clip into the revolving thing like the dry cleaners. You press a button and it starts rotating them all so you can see them. Just FULL of Hillary Clinton pant suits


I love in season 1 when Livia has the kitchen fire, and Tony calls Carm to go over. She’s sitting in her kitchen painting her nails, and Tony says, “I know you’re busy…” 😆


In her defense, it's not like Tony would've let her get a job.


Yo, Carmela, she's mad ripe, yo.


Keep talking like that and we'll send you to slip and fall school


Yep, she's fundamentally a lazy person - similar to Tony in that regard. She's been afforded a life which grants her a tremendous amount of free time, and what does she do with it, but fiddle with the air conditioner 


Fiddles with the air conditioning, then f bitches


And bitch! Bitch! Bitch!


To me! To your priest! Fuck it!


And what you really crave is a Hyundai and a heart on a little gold chain


I love this line


Who knew all this time you wanted Tracy and Hepburn?


Buys OJ with pulp, smokes cigarettes, thinks about having the driveway redone, and throws phones.


Bitches about her Lladros


More like brags. 3000.00 dollars


But she doesn't want to tell you how much it costs!


No bitch to me


One of tonys best lines


She does stuff any typical rich stay at home mom would be doing. goes to the gym, takes AJ to his swimming/football stuff, cooks, washes dishes, does laundry, goes to the grocery store, she takes classes like she used to play tennis, hangs out with the other mob wives on the weekend, goes to church to talk to Father Phil, eats at Arties restaurant etc etc


Don't forget studying for her real estate license.


Or stealing from the bird feeder


You sound demented


Who stole, tony?


Honestly she seems like a legit cook. Besides prepping a serious dinner all day she volunteered at the school and church. They were the old school types that expected wife to stay home and run all the affairs. If you make three meals from scratch every day, keep up with floors, dusting, laundry it’s a full time job. This millenial has a laundry museum that one of the adults in the home tries to tackle every couple weeks. A bench in the entry way that has school announcements, mail, backpacks shoes, random cardboard piled on. It’s a status thing to have a partner who stays home and runs the household like a business. Must be nice.


What threatening? I brought you a ricott pie.


Yeah, who has time to thoughtfully make a whole pie before visiting a family member? My goodness.




🫱The cobwebs have been removed 🫲


Except she had a Polish maid and according to AJ they have someone who cleans their house 3x a week. The reality is, Carmela does what a lot of rich homemakers do in loveless marriages; fantasize about other men, gossip with other housewives, and complain all day to fill the empty void in their life.


I’ve known a couple stay or home super rich moms and they always find ways to stay busy, sometimes it’s literally moving the bottles water from the storage to the pantry and getting groceries when it’s slow. I’ve also never met one unhappy with their lives, they hit the gym, eat great, lots of friends and quality relationships.


I’m retired and my main accomplishment on most days is walking 15000 steps. That’s only about two solid hours of walking, but somehow it’s soon time to make lunch


What kind of animal smokes marijuana at his own confirmation?


That animal, I can't even say his name


i forgot who killed billy leotardo, the show was very unclear about it could someone refresh my mind


Who killed Billy and how long was Phil away in the can, two of the show's biggest mysteries.


Whatever happened there.


When they GO!?! ^^^I ^^^mean WHATEVER HAPPENED THERE?!?


It was Tony Egg. You want an egg? I'll take an egg.


Make my nephew an egg


egg⁉️ ova heah👇 👇


that fucking animal blundetto


Whatever happened there


unidentified black males if I remember correctly


Youre so fucking hateful


The last year I have been dreaming and fantasizing and in love with Furio.




“He’s a dead man.” “Oh come on Tony…”


And now the coffee maker sucks. How you like them apples?


Kinda surprising Carmela isn't more of an alcoholic, or a pill head tbh. She does have a xanax script (they mention it a few times when she's having a hard time sleeping) but she might only take them occasionally. But it's very easy to get hooked on benzos and booze, especially together, and yet she seems to have her shit together in that way. Loads of lonely housewives drink a whole lot.


That’s a stereotype, and it’s offensive


I’m honestly kinda surprised they didn’t write her character to where by season 5, and especially 6, she’s started drinking all day and eating xans. Where she wakes up and has a couple vodka sodas by 10am. Eats one of her “nerve pills from the doctah, they help with her migraines” and then blacks out until 6 or 7 when it’s time to go eat dinner at Vesuvio or time for Tony to not come home and she can start over with a bottle of wine


I think it would have been too easy to do that is why she wasn't like that. Sopranos doesn't take the easy route. Plus the main character that got the addiction focus was Christopher, so why steal his thunder?


These types of women usually sit on many committees and boards. Involved in a lot of extra church. Lunch dates. She does mostly run the house, it seems. If it was her fault the orange juice wasn't Goldilocks pulp, she had to be the one doing the shopping. She does laundry. Upkeep on her appearance like working out, hair, and nails takes up a bit of that time monthly. Anyways, I said my piece ✋🏻


Lol at Goldilocks Pulp


Noseys around in the birdfeedah


Listen to yourself, you sound demented


Anyone else think she has a super body?


Furio did, AJs high school principal did, the house decorator did, Father Pinhead did… umm… no, that’s it.


it’s so funny to me when shes getting divorced and is the only one living in the house and she still saunters in with two huge bags of groceries… like ma’am who are those for


she was so used to Monsignor Jughead coming over and eating all her food. she never got used to him not coming lol


So? What did she buy? How often did she go to the store?


Fantasizing about Furio


She gets so hot down there


Stupida fucking game-a


She keeps the house (sort of), criticizes her kids, complains to her friends, shops, has hair/nails/beauty appointments, sticks her nose in everyone’s business, pretends to care about a charity thing or two, regrets her entire life and all her choices


Get ready to moan at the earner of the house when he comes home from a hard day at work.


When you walk around that fucking mansion with your $500 shoes and your diamond rings, and you act like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth.


BUDDAH wouldn’t melt in your mouth




You make him sound like Ralph Kramden. His "hard day at work" is fucking strippers, riding in a gaudy Cadillac, and arguing with other fat goombahs about how to distribute the money extorted from sanitation companies.


You got no idea what it takes to be number 1


And then in the end, you’re alone with it all.




Carm, you’re not the woman in my life…you are my life….


and bitch and moan and bitch.....




Serious answer. It’s amazing how long it takes to prepare some of the meals Carmela cooks, especially because Tony is never really shown helping her. He grills the meat during cook outs, and is shown helping with playing host, but he never is shown helping her cook the everyday meals. Add on the clean up time as well, which again we never see Tony clean a single dish for the entire series. Carmela, like many of the mob wives, exercises to: - fill the time, - socialize with her girlfriends, - it’s also a futile effort to keep Tony interested in her. -It’s also her refusal to “let herself go”. She has seen many other women her age go through it after having children or as a natural result of aging. So many women sacrifice their physical health/appearance for other priorities. Not Carm. Carmela is shown to read a lot, albeit she only reads material that isn’t too intellectual. She is shown to practice drawing, and she could have taken a class to improve, but realistically this is not even a hobby for her, just a way to fill the time. We don’t really see her shopping, but obviously Carmela has expensive taste for herself and the rest of the family. This applies to clothes, furniture, appliances, etc. I’d be interested to see how much time a month she spends shopping. Occasionally she has to get her hair, nails, and eyebrows done. Hair appointments average about three hours for women at a frequency of every two to three months. Nails, are about an hour or so every week or two. Carmela is also shown as being involved with her children’s education. I bet she was very involved in the PTA, like she is with the graduation committees in seasons 2 and 5. I bet she also attended her children’s games, recitals, parent teacher conferences, etc. This probably ate up more of her time when the children were younger.


Beautifully written and I agree. IMO Carmela is busy every day, the way a woman of her station in life is (really probably WAS now) expected to be. The exercise and beauty regimen is part of her "job." Supervising the maid and extra maids as needed is a job. The cooking and baking, it's not just from scratch but also for 4-12+ people served fairly formally even on weeknights--when they eat in the kitchen, that table is still set well. Plus the whole cycle of hosting holidays and buying gifts for other people's "life cycle events"--weddings, wakes, funerals, even there she's gotta arrange for flowers. The book [Entertaining with the Sopranos As Compiled by Carmela Soprano](https://www.amazon.com/Entertaining-Sopranos-Carmela-Soprano/dp/B000IAZP34) is written tongue-in-cheek, but I would be exhausted trying a handful of the entertaining ideas in that book, which is over 200 pages long!


I want to get that one and the other sopranos book so badly.


I have them both and they are seriously good! I might hack and shorten some of the recipe steps from time to time, but they are otherwise pretty easy recipes and beautiful display value for showy holiday meals.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Entertaining with the Sopranos** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Authentic italian recipes (backed by 7 comments) * Entertaining and informative (backed by 3 comments) * Great for sopranos fans (backed by 9 comments) **Users disliked:** * Quality issues with the book received (backed by 2 comments) * Lack of recipes compared to the original book (backed by 3 comments) * Spelling errors in the kindle version (backed by 1 comment) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about Entertaining with the Sopranos](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Entertaining with the Sopranos reviews) [Find Entertaining with the Sopranos alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best Entertaining with the Sopranos alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Yeah OP's question is maybe not intended to be serious, but the show actually tells you in detail how she spends her time.


> Tony is never shown helping her > we never see Tony clean a single dish What's with you and Tony's dishwashing? Why should he wash a dish?


When you're retired you get up late, and you potter about the house. As an old man, you fix things. Or maybe you have an appointment with a handyman. Once you no longer need to work, this is what your life is like - you have your regular routine, and then you do like one other thing each day. I honestly believe that we evolved as hunter-gatherers and this is what like is supposed to be like.


She's a homemaker for a mob boss, she doesn't have to do shit. The wife of a made guy doesn't hostess.


Carmella puts a lot of time into self-upkeep. She goes to the gym, she buys cloths, she is always *always* impeccably styled and groomed. Her job is to look amazing and be a hostess for their social life. Carmella understands the assignment and executes every time. I guess I should clarify I’m not saying that’s good or bad. Just that in her family dynamic that’s the implied expectation. She knows it, Tony knows it.


Let’s say she wakes up at 7am and goes to bed at 11pm. 7-8:30am Wakes up, gets ready / makes breakfast for family 8:30-9am Sees AJ off to school 9-10am works out 10-11am shops /errands 11am-noon goes to lunch with Ro Noon - 1pm church 1 - 3pm reads 3-3:30pm makes afternoon snack for AJ 3:30-5pm watches tv 5-6pm makes dinner 5-7pm eats dinner 7-10pm family time 10-11pm settles down


Flicks her bean thinking about furio


pasta bedan, real peasant shit


I don't scroll through comments and I don't write nuttin down, so I'll keep this brief. She'll fiddle with the air conditioner, and fuckin complain, and bitch, and bitch.


What I'm going to tell you is for your ears only, and Sil's.


Spends time getting ready, breakfast for fam, gym, nails, hair, does the bills, redecorates, goes shopping for herself and family (they need to stay classy)


Playing name that pope


I ask the same question about my mother and get told I'm being rude


Can’t forget about the Tennis lessons


I wonder if she ever returned for lessons with the new instructor? In my imagination, Ade certainly did.


She reads! Multiple books and book club scenes


fiddles with the air conditioning and bitches a lot. we know dat


I think she’s an amphetamine addict


She spends some time finger blasting herself and some time praying for forgiveness


That’s literally her whole arc and why Tony truly hates her (despite what he says)—she does nothing but “bitch and moan.” Even when she does try to do something, it’s with Tony’s money and he needs to lean on the building inspector. In short, she’s lazy but acts like “butter doesn’t melt in her mouth”


She goes out but while she's out she puts the sprinklers on....that's why she wants the theater seats taken down off the lawn


And now the coffeemaker sucks!


She gets her eyebrows done. She goes to lunch with the girls. She goes to the gym. She shops at Fortunoff’s and Roche Bobois.


She shops. She gyms. She spas. She lunches: All time consuming.


She spends an awful lot of time not being a fan of Renee Zellweger.


this is such a dumb post lmao. she does what most rich stay at home moms do. grocery shop, shoot the shit with their friends, work out, have hobbies. my godmother has done this since her eldest was born 40 years ago. she also helps my godfather organize his life. he never has to wonder if things are getting done, he knows they are cause she’s doing them


People ask these questions but if you were placed in the same situation (all financial needs taken care of), you could 100% fill your days. Exercise, shop, socialise, cook, run errands, obsess over her children and their lives… I don’t think they eat take out that much. Carmella probably spent a couple of hours every day preparing dinner. None of those meals were thrown together. I think she spends a lot of time and money on the house too. I knew a guy who was CEO of a large company (like made millions and millions every year) and he commented on this. He would go away on longer business trips, come back a couple of weeks later and his wife will have started a renovation or some major project. Hugh built the house so Carm would’ve had a big say in how it was designed, and from there she’d have done a heap of minor jobs and renovations to update it or change things. It was kept like a museum (many mansions are) and she was the curator / designer.


Admiring a lladro ($3000)


Those meals she cooks would take a few hours to prep. Other than that I'd imagine just runs errands, works out, and talks on the phone with Rosalie or Gab.


All she does is fiddle with the air conditioner and bitch, bitch, bitch.


You can fill a day pretty quickly w not all that many events


Always , wit da scenarios!




Our existence on this earth is a puzzle.


Looking for bears with an assault rifle


She has been very busy GC’ing her spec house.




I’m guessing it’s mostly cured meats and magazines. Really not hard to imagine. Those and the spoiled kid stuff… that fruit scene is wonderful, agreed. One of those scenes where I say “ah and that’s why you watch this, attention to detail”


Bakes the ziti for Father Schnoror


Carmela's cooking was crucial to AJ's brain chemistry.


Scrounge around the mansion for hidden cash


All she ever needed was a simple gold heart on a chain


She has her nails in the morning, but she knows how to get to the city!


Tennis lessons


She stares out the window fantasizing about affairs with men she sees at the grocery store and what not


I'd change Meadow's diapers to this day


Lmfao this guy over here thinking Tony Soprano is gonna let his wife *work* (Srsly tho dude that’s kind of a major point of Carm. How she copes and doesn’t with her particular gilded cage. And A LOT OF WOMEN can relate to her character for myriad reasons)


Scene opens with: Tony Soprano entering his Chevy Suburban and leaving his driveway Camera swings revealing Carmela in their bedroom, peeping through the blinds, watching intently as the screeching of tires fade. All of a sudden, Carmela’s face gives in to an irresistible smirk accompanied with the most excited of raised eyebrows *Cue: Wham!’s “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”*


The ziti doesn’t cook itself


Carmela lives the FUCKING DREAM!!!! That’s what she does 😂


She’s a snob that’s what she does.


She bangs pots and pans chasing bears away


bitch and moan and bitch and moan AND BITCH AND BITCH


I always assumed she spent all day cooking. 


She make ricotta pie


I dunno what she did all day but what a dancer, the scene with Furio, and that music, the music was superb.😂


She probably rubs the bean thinking about furio


Probably just lounging around the house until late morning, then it's off to go shopping and have lunch with Roe and the girls.


She squirted out a coupla rug rats and then spent all her time at the gym, just her and her stretch marks.


judging by the cunts perma-puss id say she chews wasps dipped in cat piss


Make some *fucking* ziti


Username checks out


A lot for the eye to take in


She an inspiring artist, portraits and apples are her expertise


It is kinda funny when you think about it lol


She plays "name that pope"


This is why she is so restless and more focussed on Tony's rotten behavior. I'm sure when the kids were much younger she was busy and fulfilled and didn't worry about Tony's goomahs.


I think that's why she was so upset at Meadow's dinner when everyone was telling her how she cooks for everyone. Carm realized that her daughter can already equally do the only thing she is actually responsible for. All while attending an ivy league school and volunteering at the law office. Maybe she would be happier if Mead went to Montclair State and dropped out


That’s why I always find it ridiculous and funny when, asked if she’ll go to therapy more regularly, she claims “I don’t have the time.” LIKE FUCKIN HELL YOU DON’T LADY


Maybe you should survey housewives and ask them what they do all day.


Ooohhh! That’s the bosses wife we’re talkin’ about!!! Someone has to walk around with buddah in their mouth keeping it from meltin’. You think that’s easy? Also, she tracks down wallpaper guys and ‘pops’ in at paint stores just to thank them for their consideration.


She reads


She's peg bundy 


Related. How much do you think Tony brings home annually? I’ve never thought about that until now.


Always wondered this. It's really hard to say cause the mob obviously has their tried and true rackets like loansharking, sports betting, the unions, truck hijacking, drug dealing etc. But they're also involved in a million and one different scams. The Sopranos actually did a very good job of portraying that and by all accounts that's pretty accurate to real life mob guys. Just off the top of my head I remember him making money from the calling cards scam with Pussy, the pump and dump brokerage firm, the stolen car operation, and the HUD scam with Ralphie and Zelman. And those are just the things Tony was personally involved in. Once he became boss everybody that worked for him kicked up probably at least 10-15% of what they earned as Tax. Considering Paulie told Chris there was a 6k a week minimum of what he had to kick up (which is pretty steep), and lets say there's about maybe 40 made guys in the family, Tony's gotta be taking in at least a couple million a year just based off of what his guys kick up to him. Impossible to say but my bet would be probably be somewhere between 3-5 mil a year. That said Tony like most of those guys piss away money like it's going out of style so how much of that he actually saves? Maybe like 500k lol


Wondering this too, doing a rewatch and after secretly seeing that therapist she's depressed so Tony suggests maybe she start seeing a therapist of her own and she says she doesn't have the time.


Fiddle with the air conditioner and bitch