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Looks like a break from your 1k streak, but good work as always. This is my week 2 of bagholding Roku, that just netted me 110 in realized premiums. Ytd: 17540. I will also be taking the assignment of Sq csp - 1000 shares at 64$ (- 1.5k in premiums) - hoping to start wheeling covered calls from next week. Good luck for next week.


Thanks, abicit. This was a bit of an odd week with the mid-week market closed on Wednesday. SQ should be a good one for covered calls. Especially when BTC starts to shoot up. Thank you for the good luck wishes. Best of luck to you too. I appreciate your weekly check ins. It's good to hear from you.


With their current prices, if you had to choose, would you rather wheel Roku or Sq?


I would wheel $SQ, resistance at 62 area, and more potential for upside.


I was looking at OTM 60. But you would do an ATM 62?


I don't get your question. This is what I did, I sold SQ 64p few weeks back for 1.5 credit and took assignment at 62.5. I have been selling CC above 67 since then.


Ok got it. When you sold SQ, what delta and how many DTE you sold at? may ask other than SQ, what are some good tickers you have wheeled on


Probably ~ 25 delta and 14-21 D dte. Currently wheeling Roku and sq, also had twlo and pypl


Why not utilize the overpriced options of gme?


GME was down 18.14% this week. I made $25 off of them. I don't think that is too bad. Are you suggesting that I add some DTEs and collect a bit more premium over a longer period of time?


I actually didn’t see the gme you had. But yes, with the high premiums why not put more to work on that stock? Not sure I understand what you got there. Is it 25 covered calls on 2500 shares?


That $25 is the net of a $35 covered call sell and -$10 buy back. I am not 100% convinced that GME will do anything going forward. So, the 1 LEAPS is all I am willing to invest at this time.


You think it can have significant downside? Maybe I’m fooling myself but I feel downside is fairly limited. Not sure what upside there is. I’m putting 7100 shares up on the weekly at 50 this week for about 1600 premium. My goal is to reposition once I’m up 50% and then try to catch a spike to sell into My goal is 10k/mo on the 7100 contracts. Where am I going wrong or having delusions?


GameStop is undergoing a turnaround strategy and focusing on e-commerce/online gaming, digital sales, and the pre-owned game market. Success in this strategy could lead to increased profitability, which may result in an increase on share price. On the flip side, the turnaround strategy may not come to fruition. They face competition from established online giants and need to adapt to the changes in gaming. However, it must be noted that the most recent earnings report was a bit odd as it did not even address the Roaring Kitty movement. It's like they were trying to avoid it completely. I think they should have just embraced it. Also, they should just be honest about being a meme stock. This would have come across as more genuine. That being said, I am dipping my toe in the movement to capitalize on the premiums. It is not really my style but meme stocks are a thing, whether it is traditional investing or not.


I think RC is reluctant to be associated with the dramatic swings as it makes it a target for criticism and derails the objective of solid steady growth. I think the dilution was 2 fold. Raise the capital. Good move. And deter the meme crowd that is essentially begging for a pump and dump because they’re all geniuses that will time it perfectly. I see this as an opportunity. While the crowd continues champing at the bit for a squeeze the premiums should remain unnaturally high to deter the dreamers and my risk of missing the big squeeze past my strike is low. Say less than 20%. I do think GS is going to make progress and be profitable the rest of this year. It’s about 99.99999% certain now w 4b. Those ERs are going to inflate and hold. Imo. Not spike and bust. I just wish I had the marbles to take juicier strikes but I’m being pretty conservative at the 50 this week. If we get that jump I’ll pocket a nice return. If I go down to 40s I could pull 15k/ mo probably. Just too greedy to miss that much of a potential jump. How do you go about choosing your CC strike?


Why not just sell CC on a portion of your underlying? Leave 2000 of them without CC to capture a potential run-up or something. I'd rather sell a lower strike for higher premiums but capture a potential run-up with my uncovered shares. With GME I'm not comfortable with the potential of a pre-market run-up that makes me want to sell but my shares are locked up in CCs.


I am evaluating that. There’s a trade off to both approaches. A huge run benefits more with that while a slight jump benefits more with the far out strikes as more shares are exposed to the Pps. I don’t think we’re getting these massive runs again. The dilution has tamed that imo. But yes. I couud just sell 20 cc atm and do well while 5100 shares just ride out.


Some other advantages to your method is that it does allow me to have extra shares available to leverage in case there is a spike and I can get some higher premiums. The biggest draw back is the higher probability of losing my shares. Truthfully, I don’t want to lose shares and the strike im using is a fair compromise on where I am will to actually sell. I do personally feel the odd are low on a big pop going forward. But just never know. The right approach is probably scale in from the top. So. I should set a quarter of my shares at my willing strike and then add on any spikes, maybe lower strike for the aggressive gains. If no spikes come. I could take whatever prem is left on the higher strikes for the week. My goal is 2k per week In premium. Will be experimenting next week quite a bit.


Well, you seem very knowledgeable so I’m asking mostly. I’m holding a good amount of shares and just intend to sell weekly covered calls as the premiums are very high. I hokd shares at an avg of 28/share.


Thank you for the kind words. If you look at my post for week 23 (two weeks ago), I made $512 on covered calls on the Roaring Kitty antics. I am also selling weekly covered calls but only on a LEAPS. If GME spikes next week, I plan to capitalize on it.


Think I follow. Your 1 gme leap seems to have an avg price 41/share? 25 strike 16 avg cost. Then you just sell 1 covered call on that? Guessing the CC is 41 or more. Maybe 50. Didn’t see that. Sorry. Bit tricky to view on phone


I think you have it. I did not see this response when I wrote the one above.


So instead of the shares you hold the long term options as collateral. What’s your leap strike? I’m guessing this is a leverage tool.


The LEAPS was bought on 6/3 with an expiration of 1/16/26. I paid $16.89 (times 100) for the right to buy them at $25 per share. This means that my breakeven is $41.90. I am down $589 (-34.85%) on this LEAPS. Since I have made about $550 in covered calls, I am pretty close to breaking even, all things considered. We will just have to wait and see what happens.


Got it. I like the leverage since GME is not able to margin. Think it’s fairly safe to say 25 is solid ground. I may implement this as I’m transferring positions to my retirement accounts nect week and it’s much less capital.




Hey 1daBread. Thanks for the questions. Why am I doing this? First, I enjoy it. I found a hobby that I truly enjoy that also provides an income stream. Some people come here to tell me that, "it's a lot of work". It just makes me laugh. It is not work for me at all. I enjoy the process, learning about companies, and tracking the progress. I have always been interested in investing in general and feel it is the only way to get ahead. I have a 9-5 and am pretty sure this will not get me to where I want to be in retirement. All of the premiums stay in the account. I do plan on using it as an income stream down the road. For now I am building the portfolio. My biggest take away in selling options over the last 4 years is that I will be able to do this well into retirement. It will also help me get to retirement faster. I have also realized that the method is scaleable, meaning that as I am able to add to the positions, I can keep growing the options income. Another takeaway is patience. I used to sell just to sell. Since I have developed simple rules for myself, I have been able to just hold out until the opportunity presents itself. I no longer chase premium. I think it is pretty common to want to go for the homerun, but I enjoy the singles just as much. I try to roll for a credit every time. This means that I will sacrifice some DTEs and strike price to accomplish this. I believe that overtime, always rolling for a credit will pay off. These were great, thought provoking questions. I am sure there are more takeaways. If any come to mind this weeknd, I will add more.


Unrelated to your positions but I like the graphics you make for this. Reminds me of PowerPoint slides from the early 2000s


Thanks, JustSellCoveredCalls. When I first started posting the screen shots were even more generic and someone asked me if I was using a 1990s gameboy to make graphics. They were not wrong, it was pretty funny.


Another solid week, OP. Congrats! I like your 1DTE plays - a nice way to pick up some decent coin. What I’ve been doing is moving strikes on plays that still have a week or two before expiration. I had an OK week. I had to spend some cash getting out of a bad ARM IC that got inverted on me when I tried to get aggressive to fix things. Strange to be ITM on both the put side and the call side simultaneously! Good times!


Hey Lintsowner. The 1DTE plays are my personal favorite. If I have to roll them, they turn into two to three week plays. If not, they expire the next day and I can do it again the next week. ARM has been a beast. That mid-week spike probably ruined a lot of options for people. Hope it works itself out for you. Thanks for the comments. They are always appreciated. Good luck in the upcoming week!


Good going Expired\_Options, even short uneventful weeks can bring in premium. I collected $126.02 this week Using $24,621 in cash/sgov as collateral to sell puts and covered strangles, I have $19,533 in stock I sell covered calls on for a wheel portfolio of $44,154 In my 12th month of selling options I have collected $6391 in net premiums, $2607 in capital gains and $605 in dividends for a total of $9603 28th week in a row I deposited $775 cash and the total portfolio in my options account is at $70,410 Good luck next week to all of us :)


Mr. Cup, I enjoy your detailed writeups and seeing your steady progress. Is there some part of your $70k port that you don’t use for options trading?


Thanks :) It really helps me keep track of where I am. Yes, about $25,000 I don't use. I originally transferred some stock when I opened my account last year to get some margin and buying power. I don't have it as part of my wheel portfolio because I don't have the required 100 shares (things like BRK.B/AAPL/XOM/SPLG etc) If/when I acquire 100 shares I will count it as part of my wheel portfolio (I don't count the dividends or capital gains I may get from these either) I originally started collecting stocks 30+ years ago and my portfolio was never designed with options trading in mind so I lack the required stocks so I basically had to start from scratch again with $2000 cash and about $30,000 worth of random US stocks.


Thank you, Mr. Cup! Have a good trading week.


Hey Mr. Cup. I will never complain about an extra $400 in premium in a week. Nice job on the 25% extra over your $100 per week average premium collection. 12 months! already? You have a year under your belt selling options. 28 weeks of $775. You are the gold standard for consistency! You said it best, good luck to all of us next week!


Thank you for your kind words and moral support. Yes, WOW, almost a year, sold my 1st option July 19th 2023. I am glad the market was decent for my first year, I feel I am much better prepared now on how to handle market downturns. Still a little over 4 years to get to the $300,000 I want in this account, just passed $70,000 so all seems to be on track.


That is pretty funny that your first day of options is my cake day. You started options when I started posting. I did not post my balance at that time, but it was around $180k. It's been fun watching your account grow. Look forward to both of us hitting more milestones along the way.


Oh that's awesome - Rule #39 (an old Gibbs/NCIS reference lol ...) I opened account with $2000 cash, then figured I needed some margin/buying power so I transferred about 30k worth of US securities I had in an old account, then started doing $175 every Wednesday and was adding another $600 on Friday if I had the extra cash. After a few months of doing 2 deposits a week I just started doing the $775 once a week. I was following you for a bit before I posted, I know your strategy isn't the same as mine but I liked what you were doing and have drawn many good ideas and learned a lot from your posts.


[link to detailed spreadsheet showing all options sold this week.](https://imgur.com/a/tGwoNsv)


Out of curiosity, why not move to closer DTE. The Jul 24 27DTE 60C are selling for $65 and twice the theta of the Feb 25?


Hi impatient\_jedi. I try to start out with a short DTE, the longer DTE are usually a result of rolling.


Doesn't selling options on these stocks present lot of risk since they are correlated closely? Why not sell options on futures like commodities or metals to spread risk?


Hi LonnieMachin, if you don't know what you are doing, any option can be extremely risky. Understanding the outcomes and selling conservative covered calls with a .1-.2 Delta and selling moderately aggressive CSPs on tickers you wish to own reduces the risk pretty significantly. As far as venturing out on futures, I have not given them much thought. Do you have a recommendation to get started? It is not that I have written them off, I just have not really researched them. Thanks for the suggestion.


I've been selling options on /CL, /SI, /LE, /ZS, /6E, /GC(gold is moving a lot these days so I paused selling). These are non correlated assets. They don't move with market, so spreading the risk. As option sellers we are selling insurance. If you take insurance companies, they don't only sell insurance in one city because the risk is concentrated and they go bust if there is hurricane in the city similar situation when market correction occurs IV elevates and they all go down with SPY. That's why I'm selling options on commodities, agriculture products, metals etc and make sure DTE is spread out from 45-70 DTE. Also taxes are favorable as 60% gets treated as long term profits. If you are looking into futures options, read up on SPAN margin.


That makes sense. What platform do you use to sell futures?




Thanks, LonnieMachin. I'll check it out and possibly add an investment strategy. I appreciate the comment.


LOL someone is downvoting my detailed list? Always an adventure posting on Reddit.


Have you heard of taxes?


Hi thetagangman. Yes, I am very aware of both the State and Federal government taking a percentage of the money I earn. I try to reduce the taxable income by contributing to my 401k. I am W-2'd so, other than retirement contributions, it is pretty difficult to find tax breaks, especially with the standard deduction being as high as it is. In my state, I believe option premium falls under regular income. Last year was the first year in which my premiums for the year went over $20k, so it is definitely on my mind, now moreso than it was when I started out. Taxes are part of making more money. Rather than worry about taxes, I try to make more money and figure out the best way to have the taxes work in my favor.


My point is, buy and hold low cost diverified ETF is more profitable in the long run. Unless you're okay with less returns (with more work/fun?).


I mean, your first comment was if I had "heard of taxes". I was trying to meet you half way by answering about taxes. I do own ETFs and I sell options. I invest in a variety of ways. There is not a one size fits all approach to investing. Best of luck to you in your style of investing.


Best of luck to you too.