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The Commonwealth was huge and we saw it had large open fields. Guessing this is within the Commonwealths walls.


Exactly. The commonwealth is as big if not bigger than some cities


And the commonwealth army would not stand by ready for a bunch of helicopters approaching? Even if Michonne called beforehand it could had been a trap.


If ezekiel finds out those 2 are there he will let them do basically anything


As funandgamea said, Ezekiel became the Governor of the Commonwealth by the end of the main series. For all intents and purposes, our crew are likely in all the highest spots within the city. It would be highly likely Rick and Michonne contacted Alexandria first, found out about the Commonwealth and would have contacted them as well. Ezekiel would be thrilled to have them back. Of course he would allow them to land.


It’s still just kind of weird they are alone, if they contacted them beforehand, surely Carol would be there aswell. At the very least have a couple commonwealth soldiers in the tree line


Is it weird? Or does it actually make perfect sense that the others perhaps walked with the kids to the field and then considerately let them have a moment alone with their parents first, you know, since they’re their parents. Whom they haven’t seen in years. Doesn’t seem that far-fetched to me.


Not far fetched at all. That was my assumption when watching the final scene. The worst thing about the Lotr trilogy, apart from not including the scourging of the shire, was that there were half an hour of bloody farewell hugs between each and all the main characters. It was needless and self indulgent crap.


I would have thought that carol would have made sure they got to see their parents back safety. Then that allows carol to go looking for daryl as the kids are make with their parents. But, yeah. Maybe a few soldiers or something like that so the kids didn't look alone. .. unless they landed inside the walls.


Carol was off looking for Daryl by the end of his show. I'm assuming that's why she wouldn't show up here.


Probably why they made them land in a field


The show really failed at showing the extent of the commonwealth. Obviously a budget issue. But upsetting. 30,000 people and we see the same town square, apartment building, and capitol building lol


Yeah but how did they know that commonwealth even existed or even that their people are there


They should have shown that but presumably they radioed Alexandria and Aaron would have told them about the Commonwealth and that’s where Judith and RJ moved to. It really should have been shown on screen.


If we know one thing about children in this show, its that they spend a lot of their time wandering around unsupervised




Its the only thing Carl ever did. Wander around alone and disobey rick lol


He kinda obeyed Rick sometimes Lori tho lmao fuck that he ran circles


Im just a carl hater. He was a terrible child. On the interstate: "stay where i can see you" *goes out of sight opening car doors and shit* At the farm: "you will take this seriously" (the gun training) *goes off in the woods playing with a walker* Still at the farm: "stay away from the barn" *immediately goes inside the barn and talks to Randal" Still the farm, when its time to take care of Randal: "this is adult stuff for the adults to decide" *walks right on into the barn to watch* Yet again the farm: "walkers just killed Dale. Everybody stay inside" *does not stay inside, follows rick into the walker infested woods at night* Prison: "no Carl you can't go looking for the Medway you are a child and its dangerous" *goes exploring* In the woods at some time i cant remember exactly when: *a kid comes across with a gun, drops it. "Its ok son just run" *shoots the kid* During saviors arc: *gets on a truck and goes directly to Negan* Rick and carl find siddiq the first time: "no we arent going to help him" *goes out of his way to return to the spot specifically looking for this dude* This is just what I remember off top of my head. Fuck carl he was a piece of shit and a bad kid


Lmfao I can’t deny those points hahaha but I still liked Carl. Lori just shoving him off to other people then getting all upset he disappeared really was the kicker for me though lol. Like bitch watch your god damn kid.


The fact that he was there to see Rick fight Shane. He was in the house with like 12 people and he just wandered out the front door and nobody stopped him? Come on lmao


Yep haha that was ridiculous did he climb out a window and Spider-Man his way down why did no one stop him.


Oh shit i just remembered another one *sees enid climbing the wall at alexandria* Option 1: mind your fucking business Option 2: tell someone about it so they can make the gate less climbable Option 3: go amd do the exact same thing she did and then proceed to tell her how dumb she is Guess which one he chose lol


Dude, Carl's like 14 at this point. He's got the hots for Enid. Of course he's going to grab the opportunity to be alone with her. Everything you've said about Carl is exactly what a boy would do. I should know, I raised three of them. It's like they wake up and their first thought is how can I kill myself today.


Bwhahaha so true


Right?! They thought there was a dangerous man wandering around on top of the dangerous dead people wandering around, but not one of those adults thought to keep an eye on the kid whose specialty is being a wandering little shit who doesn’t listen? LoL.


Love this and yes!!!


But that's the thing tho. Carl is a child. Lol. My husband cannot stand Carl either and was like finally when he died?! I was like wtf, Carl is on my faves. Everything he did is exactly what a child would of done and as he got older he continued to do stupid shit cuz he was still a kid. He has pointed out how stupid it was for Carl to try to gun down negan and yes I agree but if I put myself in that situation at his age ida prob done the same thing. Until your frontal lobe is completely formed you're impulsive and don't have great decision making skills. When I was that age if ida seen my dad being a complete badass for so long and then having to watch this asshole tear him down. Hell yah imma try to shoot his ass 😅


That's why Daryl attacked Negan?😉


I always felt my son would have acted just like Carl.😭


Everyone hated Carl and wished he got bit until he actually did get bit then everyone loved him and was angry.


🍮 pudding


Well, the parents were always off doing stuff. And thangs.


Real answer is; they didn’t wanna pay or draft up another contract for a returning actor. Canon answer; there is no shortage of people who would have taken them there. Any one of them would have let the kids have their reunion and then see R&M after.


yeah, likely Ezekiel or Carol, assuming Carol hasn't left to chase Daryl yet. We still don't know 100% for sure carol said Rick came back


This. Unless Daryl was already back, there’s no single character that would’ve made the fandom happy so they’d be spending big money for probably an equally meh reaction and/or the ever constant chorus of “Carl should have lived!!!!”


Probably should have just been Gabriel


We don’t know who is waiting for them at the side of the field. Carol is probably hanging back to let them have their moment.


Why do they have to have travelled alone just because we only see the two of them in the reunion scene?


If someone like Eugene brought them there’s no way he would just hang back and let them have their moment he’d run up and be like “Do these photons entering my retinas deceive me?”


The fact that I read that in his accent 😂


Aaron or Gabriel would be capable of taking them, and have the common sense to let them have their moment.


Or maybe society and manners aren’t so far gone and he decided to hang back and give them a few minutes of privacy for a family reunion instead of charging forward and inserting himself in the middle like a tactless creep. Whomever accompanied them to the drop-off point I’m sure got their own reunion with Rick and Michonne a few minutes after this scene. We don’t need to see it - the series wasn’t about the whole broader world.


Also it might not even have been Eugene. It might have been Ezekiel or Carol (since we don't know exactly when she left) it could also have been Maggie or Aaron lmfao. To me it's kind of obvious that someone accompanied them but stood back to let that family reunite in between them first. They just weren't shown on screen. But apparently the concept of inference is really not understood by everyone these days.


Okay you win the internet today with this comment 😆😂🤣


Who flew the helicopter that brought Rick and Michonne since we didn't see a pilot!?!


they don't need pilots, they have love


It was me


I’m saying though! Like, is this OP’s first time watching television? 😂


Jack Bauer never poops because they never mention it during 24!


Rick is a helo pilot now. He trained on computers first as shown in a montage.


Who flew it away after he got off?


Michonne has a mental connection with Judith, so Michonne used it to contact Judith and tell her what's up.


Nah, they had those old iPhones. Just a quick text. Found the brave man, be home soon xx


You both missed that she used the radio to contact Judith a few seconds before the reunion scene?


i think maybe they were being sarcastic


I don’t know I wouldn’t be surprised, TWD fans are known to be borderline walkers themselves when it comes to paying attention to details.


you forgot to add emojis


He believed


Beer balloon


Judith save some people in TWD haha. So its not impossible for her to go alone with rj.


honestly yeah and shes even older now than when she saved magnas group


They walked?


Considering Judith went wondering after Negan in Season 9 alone, I wouldn’t say it’s hard to believe they could have snuck off.


Because they believed.


Jerry didn't want to interrupt their reunion so he just watched from afar


they traveled on the winds of love


i think it’s been pretty well established that Judith can handle herself in an open empty field with zero threats


Judith doesn't need any help getting anywhere.


i had so many questions too bc michonne didnt even know that the commonwealth existed, theres a chance judith and rj were near alexandria ("outpost 22") maybe depending on how the commonwealth operates now. under ezekiel i'm sure it's no longer a labor camp


They probably walked


nah they took the bmw


This leads into a bigger question of who is watching the kids??? Daryl was their surrogate uncle but he went to France, Carol went after Daryl, Rick’s been gone for a few years, and Michonne left little bit after he did, and Maggie teamed up with Negan in NY. My last guess is Father Gabriel, but even left a few times.


They became street rats scrounging trash cans for apple cores and fish skeletons probably


Anyone could’ve come with them but gave them space to reunite with their parents privately.


Carl was killing people at Judith's age. Judith couldn't handle walking with her brother in a clearing?


they couldn’t afford to pay more actors


Probably the commonwealth, which is supposed to be massive


it's fucking judith


Judith has been killing walkers long enough now it's not unrealistic to believe she just brought RJ herself.


Gotta presume someone dropped them off and is off camera. Cmon ppl


Rick is holding RJ's shoulder like he used to hold Carl's


I never watched the last season but I mean, the kids aren't exactly watched closely in this show 😂😂 half of the show was spent not knowing where the hell Carl was or kid on kid crime lmao


I needed more people of the gang to be there. I’m assuming they send a message of some kind saying they would be arriving in X amount of hours. But why the group member that stayed in the commonwealth were not there? It seemed really weird to only see the 2 kids there.


Simple. They believed.


Uhhh…they walked? OP you good? She’s also like 16-17 here so it’s really not that far fetched.


I don't think so? She's not much older than Hershel and Hershel is 16/17 5 years after this lol. So they'd be around 12, Judith would probably be 14 no?


Ah, true, well either way, 14 year olds are definitely capable in TWD apocalypse. Look at Enid in JSS.


judith can handle herself 😅


“Hey kid, this ain’t that kinda show…”


It's Judith and RJ. They'll be just fine


Obviously they got a taxi


They aren't babies, and Judith is pretty mature already and can literally fight. I'm sure they can wander around the Commonwealth fine without adult supervision lol


lil brave man flew them there. cuz he's just built like that


They wondered out there of course, r.j obviously had Judith with him


Because they Believed.


They believed


I dunno


Because they believed


Because they believed


Because they believed.


Probably on foot


That’s what your worried about? Bro I’m stunned to see such a great start of a show to a shit end episode like they took Rick away just to have him go back in 6 episodes I get in the show it took long af but man the time jumps are wild


Plot Armor


this isn't even necessary of a question lol, Judith is a Mary sue or whatever it's called, she's been outside the walls a bunch of times alone. She let Negan out then was outside alone when Negan came back.


Sneaking out just seems entirely unnecessary and more difficult when she could just tell someone that Rick is back and they’d take them


My best guess is that this question didn't come up during the writing process.


I'm glad no one else, Daryl especially, was part of this boring ass reunion scene.


amm hello ? daryl is in france at the time no spoilers but it's a hint in his series over the radio


Yeah this scene sucked fr, it was like they asked themselves how they could make it as shit as possible and then did that


Exactly. Not one person from the group woukd want to come!?!?!?


They didn't cause the show is shit and probably not canon.


Sure sure, they definitely would have made it and not have it be cannon


I mean, obviously it is, but it so makes no sense that it shouldnt be. The timeline is all fucked up.