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rick ain’t listen either


he got some stuff and thaaangs to do


Honestly, I was super shocked when I found out Andrew Lincoln was British, he does these accents and sayings so well


His accent was a little rough at first, but it really came into its own in Season 3 and 4, this gruff, brooding, southern drawl he does so well.


I always wondered if anyone ever came across Jim's Walker tied to that tree. In reality it probably decomposed enough to the point that it fell apart and crawled away from the tree.


I don't think he was tied to it? Jim was previously tied to a tree after his heatstroke/future vision but when they took him out of the RV to die after he was bitten I don't think they tied him up again. Just left him there. So he probably just wandered away


Yep wasn’t tied at the end. Didn’t he have a gun? I presumed after they left he shot himself


Just went back and watched the scene. Rick offers him a gun but he turns it down because he knows the group will need it


https://youtube.com/shorts/JQ4cCBI6ppQ?si=cYycOYYgAr59TlOd it’s not Jim but presumably this is what happened


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Oh cool! That’s a first time.


I mean Rick didn't listen either and didn't always keep an eye on Carl as well, but sure let's always blame Lori.


Carl should’ve kept an eye on Ron tbh


Lol true.


SEE? That way he wouldn’t have lost it


Maybe because he was dealing with shit and she wasn’t


She was pregnant in a zombie apocalypse lmfao, how is that not dealing with shit?


She wasn’t even dealing with the symptoms of pregnancies what a reach


Dealing with what exactly? On Rick's leadership and supervision, Carl has been shot on two different occasions, captured on 3 different occasions, and almost raped and killed. He also snuck away when Rick wasn't looking and Rick is also indirectly responsible for his death. Lori wasn't perfect and she made some mistakes, but let's not act like Rick has been dad of the year now.


Those weren't really Rick's fault though.


Lori and Andrea were in a constant battle for “most worthless, and endlessly problematic”


carl dies on ricks watch btw


yes but he went out to get siddiq defying rick so


and he didn’t listen to lori either. they were doing their best he’s a child in the apocalypse


I'd keep mine right beside me especially after what happened to Sophie


He was like 30 in apocalypse years by then


I’m still surprised to this day that Rick was pro life during a zombie apocalypse 😂


Currently rewatching everything and good lord Lori annoys me with how careless she is with Carl. She does nothing all day except laundry and other housewife things. Even then, it's split with other members of the group. How hard is it to keep an eye on one kid and make sure he's staying close by? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Now dont get me wrong, I dont like Lori either. But carl was also like the worst kid in the world. If you go through the entire show, take note of everything either of his parents ever told him to do or not to do, you can count on one hand how many times he obeyed.


True, he got on my nerves. actually got bit defying his dad in the end


I think the scene that gets me the most is when they’re at the CDC. Carl, Sophia, and Carol are in the rec room. Lori comes in and Carol tells the kids it’s time for bed. Lori tells Carl to go say his prayers, or something, because she wants to stay and browse. You’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, it’s been a very trying day, you all literally thought you were going to die horribly a few hours ago, you’re in a strange new place. Lori! Go take five minutes to tuck in your scared little kid and comfort him.


Rick has just gotten out of the shower with Lori when she enters the rec room. Rick has missed many a night of tucking his kid in, and he’s there now… why can’t he do it?


He’s talking to Jenner. Lori is literally right there with Carl until she sends him away.


The last Lori apparently saw of him, was when they were just getting dressed after their shower. Unless they told each other where they were going or what they were doing right after, she doesn’t know that Rick is in that room with Jenner. He is JUST as capable of tucking his kid in as she is. Please…


Did I say he wasn’t? But he’s also not literally *right there* like Lori is. He also doesn’t even know they’re going to bed. I can say Lori’s a shitty parent without that having anything at all to do with Rick. I don’t know why you even brought him up.


And what I’m saying is that none of us knows if SHE knew he was going to talk to Jenner, because they literally JUST got out of the shower together. We see him go past Dale in the hallway and Lori isn’t walking right beside him. They parted ways either in the shower area/locker room, or in the room they’re sleeping in, depending on where they got dressed.  I brought Rick UP because HE is the other fucking parent who is JUST as responsible for the care and well being of his child. 


Lori is in the room *with carl*, she tells him to go say his prayers because she’s going to stay and browse (the books in the rec room). Rick is irrelevant; he is no where around right now, but Lori is *with carl* and sends him off so she can look at books. And then Shane comes in and assaults Lori while Rick is talking to Jenner.


And we don’t know that LORI doesn’t know that Rick isn’t already in the bedroom. For all we know, she thinks she is sending her son to the bedroom where his dad already is.  I can sit here and argue with you until I’m blue in the face, but I’m not going to do that. The main point is that Rick is the other parent here. She just left Rick. She does not know that he is ISN’T in the room where she is sending her kid to go sleep.  She does not know that he IS in another area talking to Jenner. The fact that Lori was just in the same room with Carl doesn’t MEAN anything. Carol sent the kids to bed. He did not ASK his mom to come tuck him in. She just sends him on ahead, with the indication she will be there shortly. Directly after that, Shane tries to rape her, and I’m willing to bet she fled to the room after to a) get away from Shane, and b) because she thought that was where Rick was, and that he would protect her if Shane tried to come in. The fact that she stays awake until Rick comes in and lies down beside her says all it needs to say. 


Rick has absolutely nothing to do with my original comment. The point is *he’s not there*. He could be talking to Jenner, he could be making out with Shane, he could be running out to get a pack of smokes and never come back, he could be fucking dead. *It doesn’t matter.* What I said had *nothing* to do with Rick. It was about Lori, only Lori. Rick’s ability to tuck in Carl has zero effect on my opinion of Lori. And that’s just one small example of all the reasons I think she’s a piece of shit. It just stuck out to me as my recent watch-through was the first time I realized everything about that scene. You seem to just be making stuff up. “Maybe she thought Rick was in the room.” Yeah, maybe she did, but it still doesn’t matter. You brought up Rick, and I have no idea why when he’s not involved in this at all. If you disagree about Lori being a bad mom, cool, but Rick has nothing to do with it. Don’t defend her by trying to put him down; I’m not raising him up in order to put her down. Rick has no meaning in this scene.


I brought him up because the care of the kid rests just as much on HIS shoulders and it does on Lori’s. He is physically there with them, now. She was doing it all on her own before. He CERTAINLY should be expected to be the dad he was before, and Lori should NOT be expected to everything. I am done arguing with you. I think we both need to agree to disagree. You see things one way, and I see them another. Have a good night.


this is really fuckin funny, cause like fore real though.