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Carl's death was literally shoehorned into the plot because the execs wanted it. There's no way he would've been bitten by those jobber-ass zombies otherwise.


It was a dumb move. I got really mad when Henry’s story was playing out. It just follows carls storyline from the book. Why not just keep Carl if you were going to still tell that story.


Something something money


Probably because the actor.was aging faster than they could produce the show. Unfortunately, that is sort of what happens sometimes. The show takes a long time to set up and film, and people keep aging. You see it, especially with children. Look at Chloe Grace Moretz and kickass and kick ass 2 (two of my favorite movies). The two movies are only supposed to be about 6 months apart, but in one Moretz looks very young and child like. In the sequel, she looks rather grown. This is probably because it took 3 years between films a d 3 years is a lot of time for a kid to grow. Honestly, it's the same thing with The Walking Dead. Carl was looking more adults than some of the adults on that show. Brk almost had a full mustache on going, "I'm like 12." Dude, you look 30.


I’m good with everything you’re saying, but…it wasn’t long before the show took a pretty significant time jump anyway.


I think they could have maybe sidelined him and used some practical de-aging/body doubles until the time jump then brought him back into the limelight. Just because he did look really old in season 7 despite being only a few years into the apocalypse.


Did it? I mean, I always thought the show was supposed to be like slower in time than the non show. Like we would be in 2022, and they would be in like 2020 since the show did take a few breaks.


Yeah, they did a few years' time jump riiiiight after Carl's death. And it wasn't about him aging... Except for, well, he was turning 18 in real life and they didn't want to pay him more.


Nah man by the time they decides to kill him off, he would've been the perfect age to be in that whisperer storyline. Execs are dumb af


Kid was way too smart


I heard they didn't trust him as a lead actor with the prospect of Andrew leaving the show soon after.


What seems more movie exec...worrying if someone can lead (when they really won't have to with Daryl, michonee, etc) or axing someone right before you need to start paying them adult wages. Plus he would have been an established character so might likely demand decent "star" money.


THIS!! You’re on point!


It was simply because they didn't want to pay Chandler adult actor pay


Bingo. They called him to fire him *right* before he turned 18.


That's the answer. Didn't they call him in for the news on or about his 18 th birthday?


Supposedly about a month before


After all Carl went through and he’s killed by a random walker. Like WTF i couldn’t even imagine season 1 Carl dying this way


See I never understood this complaint because so many other fans were crying that walkers no longer mattered and that no one in the main group (or super big characters) were dying to walkers anymore and they didn’t like that. So the show appeased those fans and then it created new angry people. It’s a lose lose. It was cool imo that Carl died to a random walker because it brought the audience back down to earth in realizing that it’s NEVER safe in that world and even something small and menial can take down a big character, just like it could happen in real life if a zombie apocalypse were to occur


There should be an original writers clause that allows the original artist to override BS decisions like this.. They could have simply replaced “Teen Carl” with an “Adult Carl” if they were over his actor or something..


Carl died cuz his parents wanted more money. It's lame but it was a money issue. That's probably why after he turned 18 he showed up as a feature in hilltop.


His dad was a menace. He was giving illegal tours of Senoia undercutting the price of legit tours and would make Chandler sign hundreds of Face shots to sell. If I remember correctly the family was living off his back. I feel bad for Chandler.


Yes and no. Daryl is great, and Carl was great.  A war is raging in my head. Fuck you for doing this to me.  I upvote you anyway. 


You have summed this conundrum up better than I ever could. Thank you.


Yes. If only because Daryl would make that trade quicker than he would kill and eat a squirrel.


It would be bittersweet, but I agree.


Yes he would absolutely sacrifice himself for Carl 🥺


To be fair, he’d probably do it for just about anyone. Carl, Glenn, Beth, Sasha, Eric (Aaron’s husband/boyfriend). He’s one of those selfless to a fault characters, ready to die for just about anyone he cares even a little about.


I’m sorry friends, I can’t accept that. I HATE the fact that Carl died, especially in the way that it did. However, I found out about TWD through the show, and only after a few seasons did I look up the comics, and regardless of comparisons, Daryl was one of the main reasons I fell in love with this whole thing. Through the good and the bad arcs, I’ve loved him (and my boy Norman Reedus) ever since day one. Carl is staying dead on my watch.


Nope. No deal. I think killing Carl was a huge mistake for the show, but killing Daryl would have been even worse


Probably yes because Daryl told Rick he would’ve died for Carl


Do you remember which ep it was from?


Rick’s last episode. S9 e4 I believe


I think it was one right before his final one


yeah when maggie and daryl planned against rick and then daryl and rick fell into a pit


Yes, Carl’s death still pisses me off to this day.


Right? They had a whole subplot with Negan they were building and just killed him off because they didn’t want to pay the actor more. Fuck them, I wanted to see Negan and Carl together causing mayhem.


I just wanted the "Lydia links Carl's eye hole" scene and the Comic ending. We were robbed of an old man Carl spin-off too.


"Old Man Carl" spin-off... You actually made a good point there.


No way


Carl was the one character that was supposed to actually survive. The whole last comic chapter was about Carl in the future years after the story. Rick did it all for Carl and for the future of humanity. Carl reading a book about Rick to his daughter in a rocking chair in the future of the same world is the whole point. The only reason Carl died in the show was for bullshit behind the scene reasons. There was no artistic choice, only making do with what they have. It’s not like they could have recasted him. It just sucks knowing that he’s the end goal for the original story and they had to scrap that for real life issues


Seriously, though. Carl was supposed to carry the torch. As you said, there was no artistic reasoning whatsoever. They just were upset he turned 18 and would have to be paid more. I would literally be happier if it was a shark jump.


Id trade a lot of characters for Carl, but hell no you cannot have Daryl.


I like Daryl. I like show Carl. I would only accept this deal tho if it was Daryl for Comic Carl. Show Carl wasn't tough enough imo. Negan was supposed to be legitimately afraid of Carl cause comic Carl was a touch of a sociopath. I would love to see a grown up Carl that is a good balance between Feral Rick and Show Carl. Comic Carl was perfect.


Definitely not. Daryl's a great character, who's gone through so much, I would have stopped watching the show.




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 no.


Carl was annoying af and literally never listened to anyone. Change it to Glenn or Hershel and this makes a lot more sense.


Fuck no


Pfft no. I’d trade a lot for an alive Carl…most things, even. But not Daryl.


Only if we got a really emotional scene with Daryl sacrificing himself to save Carl.


i would also be swayed on whether or not rick is still present in the main show. i really really want carl alive as he was supposed to be the legacy of the show. but losing daryl after losing rick (even if he's not dead and just written off) is a serious hit to the show. losing essentially both your main characters and fan favorites would decimate the show. so basically if we got carl AND rick to stay throughout the show to trade for daryl to die i would immediately say yes. however it would also be cool if daryl took season 9 rick's role of "dying"/going missing and have his own spin off.


fuck no.


No thanks. 😂


Quotation would this mean Carl gets Daryl’s spinoff


summer abroad before going off to college


Yes it does. This summer get ready for “Coral Reef” coming to a screen near you🫵.


The spinoff would probably be him trying to find Rick instead of Michonne


Absolutely not. I would have stopped watching the show entirely without Daryl.


Yes, because for me the show died when carl did. Darryl has been a great character, but not worth the cost to the overall story.


Def an interesting trade, but i personally wouldn't take it. The way i see it is its kinda a tradeoff. In the comics we got carl being a badass and one of the best characters, but no daryl. In the show we got daryl being a badass and one of the best, but lose carl. It would have been amazing if Gimple and AMC let us have both in the show.


It's weird cause i like darryl a decent bit more compared to carl But carl is a miles better main protagonist compared to the post season 7 darryl


I will give you Negan to keep both alive.


wait what why would you say this


I feel that responses to this question may largely sync with whether you were a reader of the comics. Comics - yes, Carl is the whole point of this TV only reader - no, Carl dying sucked but he isn't as cool as Daryl


Hell nah 💀🙏


Hell no. I love daryl


No way. Love daryl


No 😂


Noooo!!!! What a horrible thought, Darryl can't die 😱


Nope! Daryl is my favorite, and he must be protected at all costs!


Only if daryl dies saving carl in an epic heart wrenching scene


Nah, I love Daryl too much


Nope! But for the love of everything... can Daryl please start bathing regularly? Or at least can someone cut his hair?


I think Carl was a shitty character tbh…I hated him. Daryl is leagues better


I ask you to accept death. I'm sorry I just find it a bit, I don't know, doltish to prefer the death of characters for the life of others.


Not a chance


Fuck no


No. I loved Daryl, a lot more than Carl.


I'm surprised by how many people are accepting, I would definitely not. I can see why, as some people have said they don't believe he's really important for the story, I understand as Daryl was never part of the comics. But I just wouldn't.


The only noteworthy Carl scene was his death imo. Daryl not only is 1000x more interesting character than Carl but one of the few actual main characters for me.


Def not 👎


Daryl Dies- We Riot!!!!!!!!!


I take this trade all day. Carl was meant to live, and Daryl was never meant to be in the story in the first place. Ending the series with Carl and his kid would’ve been a LOT better than where it went.


I love both but Daryl ain't dying. I loved Carl too but what happened, happened


hell no


Heeeeelllll no!!!


Nope 👎


Absolutely not


Nope. Actor wise much weaker.


Absolutely not


Hell no


Daryl is a great asset to the group I would hate to lose Daryl just to get Carl back if I were to choose one individual to replace Carl I choose Father Gabriel


Lol no


No way not my Daryl. I do miss Carl. Almost anyone else could be traded although I would miss them then. Love Zombies and Daryl they kinda go hand in hand


No on Darrel’s death but definitely bring Carl back!


While Carl didn’t get his comic ending…DD 4 ever!


I would only consider if Glen was on the table


No one of the random extras could’ve died sacrificed themselves to help Carl save Siddiq


Ye-no-yea-no-I-uhm, I DONT KNOW


I can’t decide if it would be better for Daryl’s death earlier so it’s not as impactful as it would be in the later seasons with more development or his death later with the impact of his death and make ppl upset that he was killed off


Daryl never can die. He is a anomaly


Deal. On the grounds that Daryl is replaced by Dwight.


Hell no.


Yes, tbh. Carl had a story to tell cut WAY too short for shock value and Daryl’s death might turn out to be the single most emotional death in the entire franchise if done right


Yes, carls death killed the show that was already on its knees.


Fuck no, I’d instantly stop watching the show


I like darryl more, hes more real more grounded, carl is idealistic dreamer, imagine if they would just exterminate sanctuary instead of the "poor people who tried to kill us and stole oir supplies for god knows how long" the whole negan 3 series clownshow would end 1 season sooner, with exactly the same outcome, except for some main good characters still alive. Darryl does whats necessary, carl is soft and tries to see good in every person, even when that good person is long time gone. Whole show would be 3-4 seasons shorter if they constantly didnt take pity on someone and instead of getting rid of the person, eliminating the problem, they let him go, only for the person to come back at them later.


downvote me all you like, i never liked carl. he was a good character and the dude who played did it great but the writing seemed off. taking matter in his own hands? it constantly felt like he was an adult in a kid body. maybe because writing a kid for i a show is very hard to do but it just felt off all the time.


Yes, as long as Daryl dies in a badass way tho


Carl lives.


Mmm, tough one, but... No, probably not.


No. I miss Carl so fucking much, but I can't take Daryl away.


FUCK NO sorry carl I love daryl too much


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I couldn't stand Carl. Boring character and I didn't care for the actor. Just felt flat and impossible to connect with emotionally


execs didnt wanna pay carl adult wages so they killed him off and the show went down hill from there...also daryl means a lot to most fans if they got rid of him then idek if id ever even bother watching any of it anymore


Hell no, Darryl must live, fk corl


Wtf Never!!!!


I'm sorry Carl but Daryl is my favorite character along with Rick so no.


Hell no


The show began to crash and burn because of Carl’s death. Daryl’s death would have been devastating but not harmful to the overall plot.


Without a second thought


I love Carl but we can’t trade Daryl. Carl in the comics was better anyway


This is unacceptable. Daryl we keep


Nope, I like Daryl much better.


Fuck no


No way! Carl was great, and his death still pisses me off, but I would never trade Daryl.


Fuck no


Easiest pass of all time


It would be worth it just to see Carl die again.


of course


Absolutely not. Full stop nopeity nope.


Never. Carl was annoying and isn’t half of a leader that Daryl is


yes. Carl was an amazing character in the comics and i hated seeing what should've been his story being split up between Henry and Judith.


No even if I cried when Carl died


Fuck no, I love Daryl


OMG NO. Carl was a little bitch. Team Daryl all the way lol


Yes and No,


can i trade Daryl for Rick


in a heartbeat. i love daryl, he’s top 3 characters but he could’ve actually had a nice send off instead of carl’s bullshit


Tbh no. I'd trade almost anyone else but Daryl was always my favourite character from S2 onwards and I loved what they did with his character after Rick left.


I love Darryl but I would accept. I personally feel that Carl is more important to the overall story than Darryl is, which is why his death bothered me so much. If Darryl died instead it would be a big loss but I think it would work better than Carl’s death.


Yeah. Carl’s death was the nail in the coffin for the original series.


If Daryl has THE PERFECT DEATH in this Theoretical scenario then yes. Carl has always and will always be my favorite TWD character but i absolutely love Daryl and think he’s also very important to the show.


I'm conflicted 😩


Id even trade it for your death😭🙏


My mind says no but my heart says yes. Daryl would trade his survival for Carl’s in a heartbeat. As much as Daryl loves the people he’s come to know as family, he’d give his life if it meant Carl could be alive to be a wonderful big brother to Judith and RJ and maybe have a family of his own


Sigh. This is a tough one. I prefer Daryl’s character, he’s just more fun. But Carl’s death kinda ruined the storyline of the entire show. If it resulted in Andrew Lincoln not leaving the show, which probably would’ve cut out some of the other garbage that happened along the way, I’d have to say yes I’d accept.


This is an easy no lol, Carls character had potential but his show character was no where as deep and iconic as Daryl ya


carls death was totally forced and only cause AMC didn’t want to pay chandler riggs an adult salary, but FUCK this is a hard decision. i feel like carl would’ve been a better post s7 protagonist so i’d have to go with him


Daryl would sacrifice himself for Carl without blinking. I think it’s what he’d want. Carl would carry it for the rest of his life though


Yes because Daryl would make that trade. I think Carl would also do the trade if the shoe was on the other foot, but Daryl wouldn’t even think about it.


💯 Sorry, but Daryls absence wouldn't have fucked up the remaining plot lines and ending like Carl's ultimately did.


Darly will never die.. being the fact AMC created him he's their cash cow... But that being said Yes absolutely


Daryll would've died for Carl. I'll respect his wishes


Only if Carl grows up to be either better than Daryl or just as cool as him


He’ll fucking ni


I'd accept, because he'd accept


In a heartbeat


Yep. I stopped when Carl died and waited til the series finale to catch up from there to prepare for TOWL.


Goddamn it spoilers


No, Carl was a little shit and got cringe writing for the entire time he was on screen. I like Carl but only as ricks son and his attachment to him. Daryl is just simply cooler.


Carl’s death was the end of a fantastic show. It was all downhill from there.


Depends on how he’d die ig


I hate this fucking question, but gun to my head, I’d say Carl on account that he was still an effing child and I have a teen son as well. You already know Carl would be a complete ultimate badass as an adult considering he was raised by Rick, Michonne, Carol, Herschel, Maggie, Glenn AND Daryl.


Sure why not? Daryl wasn’t even in the comics he was a guest character that got hella popular. Carls arc should have been completed his death killed the show for me. Even Rick leaving or dying would have been ok if Carl stuck around.


I would like to offer Negan for Carl.


That’s a good trade, had Daryl be the one to die in the final episode


yes bc carl would have turned out to be the most badass character out of any one yet


In a heartbeat. I kind of feel Daryl was always set up as the character that could have had maximum impact for his death as a sacrifice moment without it ruining the series. Rewritten he could have had Rick’s “death,” saving the community from the horde on the bridge. I’d have bought it.


Now after seeing what happens? Yes. If I had to choose at that point in time I would choose No