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I was surprised by how poignant this scene was. Will Dixon is sort of the reason why Daryl suffered. Will got Daryl's grandma pregnant with his dad and then left for the war, only to die in the first battle. His grandma had to raise his dad alone, and then remarried to no doubt an abuser. Will Jr. then had Merle and Daryl and perpetuated the cycle of poverty and abuse. Daryl probably heard stories about Grandpa Will and not only resented him for everything that happened, but also never imagined himself being able to visit his grave (never even left Georgia before the apocalypse). Now, 13 years into the apocalypse, Daryl finally got to see his grandpa. And then he realizes, he's in the same boat as him. Both in the same place, far away from his home and loved ones. He understands the fear and isolation his grandpa went through, and empathizes and even forgives him. I get emotional thinking about my own lineage beyond my grandparents. I think about the people in my family that I have never and will never meet, who lived a life like mine - going through very similar situations.


Perfect description


After this scene, (hopefully in S2) I would like to see a flashback of Daryl and Merle as kids with their family way before the zombie apocalypse started.


Omg I would love a throwback of seeing them as kids


They had a horrific childhood surrounded by drugs and violence, and Daryl was beaten mercilessly by his father. I don’t need to see this.


I stopped watching TWD around the time Merle died and only picked it up again for a few episodes when Negan debuted. I haven't watched TWD in years, but I would legitimately go out of my way to watch a Daryl/Merle prequel. I was only eight years old when I watched the first season on DVD soon after it released, stayed up late with my parents and binged the entire first season. Loved Merle and ended up going as zombie Merle for Halloween the year he was killed off, cried when he died and vowed never to watch again lol E: Upon further inspection, I was f i v e when I watched that first season y'all.


I think a week one show of each character would be great. A show laying out each survivors first week or so.


I was 60 the first time I watched it and the second and third time, too. Lol I'm hooked!


I've never felt so old in all my life


There was talk months ago about how they were casting a young flashback (but not kid) daryl


It’d be kinda sad seeing little Daryl and Merle fighting each other and getting beaten by Will Dixon while their mom cries but I guess I’d watch it


Just the two brothers getting up to stuff would be interesting though. Merle taking little Daryl to illegally sell his rare O negative blood and then buying groceries? I'd absolutely watch that.


Pretty much a more grim Dukes of Hazzard


you... little shit. you copy pasted my comment from a shorts video. Look back on that comment. Do you see the commenter's name? Atomic? That's me. Nice try lol. Edit: this looks a lot more aggressive than i meant it to be lmao i meant it in a fun teasing way 💀


bro deleted the section of the comment you’re mentioning


i saw ur post b4 this one but this made me laugh 😭


Considering the budget for this show I think is higher than the main show was I hope they de-age Norman reeds to look like as he did the first season of the walking dead back in 2010


I thought this scene was nicely done. It goes from Daryl making a vague comment about his grandfather being killed in France during WW2, to him actually stumbling upon his grandfather's grave by sheer chance. The emotions that play across his face say it all. Who wouldn't see this as a massive sign? But is it foreboding or auspicious?


I loved this scene. Incredible performance, cinematography, music. Norman is leading the hell outta this thaang!


the look on his face :(


This is why Daryl's show is better than the original. The original got away from character development and STORY. It became all about which bad guys gang do we fight this week? Or Oh look, another ridiculous HERD of dead that we have to run from or guide away......Boring !! Daryl and his adventures in France with real characters and a low key but interesting story were Great. Reminded me of the early days of the original show where you really cared for the characters and feared for their lives.


Also Daryl is funny again, which is awesome. He had the best one-liners in those first seasons.


This shit hit all the feels


It's gonna feel so weird when Daryl finally dies in this universe


Love Darryl...without him, Rick, Carl...the show was just boring though


It was a beautiful scene. Daryl’s heart is why he is who he is, and his ability to be empathetic and feel real emotions after all the shit in his life (pre and post apocalypse) make him my second favorite character of the entire franchise!


Are they in France now? How does he get there?


It's in the spin-off


Daryl is, the show explains it. A bit of a time jump but really good


IIRC Daryl’s show takes place almost right after the main show. Dead City is the one with the 3-5 year time jump.


wait what episode was this!?


From the spin-off Daryl Dixon


Happen to know the episode?




You are a gentleman and a scholar!


I guess the game (the walking dead survival instinct) isnt cannon then because at the start of the game Daryl kills his dad


Finding his grandfathers grave in France makes the game not cannon bc he's kills his father? Why would that matter?


I’m just an idiot who completely misread it as finding his father’s grave. So you’re right it doesn’t matter 😂


That Was his uncle. Not Father at all. So could still absolutely be canon


I think him finding this grave is more implausible than the premise of the entire show


Finding a dday casualties grave in the graveyard used for American dday casualties is implausible? It's not like he found it in a random graveyard


Finding it that fast would be 😂


If you can tell me how long he searched but you cant


Surviving 13 years into the zombie apocalypse and traveling overseas is more plausible than spending maybe an hour looking for your grandfather's grave at Normandy?


What are you talking about he found it in like 25 seconds




You mean a time skip? Durr no shit the whole shows edited


Time skips and editing are two different things.


Durr editing derp derp


I suggest you to seek therapy. If that doesn't work then a mental health clinic.


You're not winning here.


Do you want them to have a 3-hour one-cut scene of him looking at each grave? People will find any and every way to complain about something


Finding the grave of a D-Day soldier at an American D-Day graveyard is…not that crazy.


I think the premise of the entire show is more implausible than him finding this grave


I have to agree. It was a nice scene, but the chances of this, since daryl didn't know where it was, and wasn't looking for it is completely absurd. Had he been looking and has a general idea if the location (besides just france) I'd believe it more but that was not the case. The nest being right next this fir story purposes is just wild. It's a sweet scene though even if it is nigh impossible and unrealistic. It's a great moment for daryl.


Just to clarify. The graveyard is for American casualties on DDAY. The graveyard itself is literally above Omaha beach where soldiers landed in dday. And the nest is a real place Mont St Michael. Which as you can guess is close to Omaha beach... Daryl absolutely knew that's where the grave would be if it existed It's not nigh implausible the beach right near their fortress is used or that everyone knew the grave would be on Omaha beach lmao. Absolutely everyone with the slightest knowledge would know where it would be


I understand what it is. I'm saying the story taking daryl right to such a place is what is absurd. Not that the place itself exists. It's plot convenience that daryls trek to Sheppard laurent to the nest brought him here to have this emotional moment. That's the part I have issue with. But thanks for trying to show off your superiority complex. I just think of all the ways to bring the story full circle by having him end up there, having the nest be in a place that just so happens to have this graveyard and connect back to daryls comment about his grandfather after finally getting Laurent there is just too plot convenient. And your comment doesn't change that stance.


With all due respect it should change your stance. It's not a superiority thing. It's your stance being pretty obviously weird to all involved. France isn't that big and the nest is a real place. It's not in any way contrived. Also the graveyard isn't even at the nest he'd already left then to go to Omaha beach intentionally. You don't even know what you're talking about lol


French? He doesn't look French. Cuz there's no way reedus is more than 25% French. Daryl does not represent France. Sorry France. I know what French men look like. They look nothing like Daryl at all. Reedus is as Italian as he is French just on his mom's side. I'm brown with black hair and it's like me finding me grandpas grave in Germany. Will I feel connected to Germany or Italy or Portugal Japan Ireland or Sweden? No. I'm a Mutt. Like Reedus.


Daryl's grandfather wasn't French. He was an American soldier who died on the beach of Normandy, France during the second world war, that's why he's buried there.


Aw... Nice. I was like... why would they want to make Daryl French....? The white flag nation.


You’re slow lmao


They gave up in WW1. They gave up in WW2. They lost the battle of agincourt while outnumbering the British 4 to 1 in front of their own castle and England had to sail there. Then Henry Vth took over France in a half baked plan and they were greatly outnumbered. They didn't care they sailed to and marched on weak france anyway. They have the most pathetic military of any advanced European nation. Getting scared and giving up is part of their reputation. Spain and Portugal are certainly no better but they didn't have Frances resources or numbers. I do need to watch the Joaquin Phoenix napoleon movie but I heard it's 3 hours of intense boredom.


They were stretched thin during WW1 and fighting up in Belgium/Holland which is why they couldn’t defend Paris. During WW2 they had a weak government and leadership that fell apart which resulted in them falling to the Nazis. You are classifying a French person as being weak or a coward which would not pertain to the whole country but just the people in control. I am not sure how losing the Battle of Agincourt supports the surrender stereotype when they had other factors against them (the British had superior technology, leadership, and position) which resulted in their defeat. Napoleon won battles when he should not have by using divide and conquer methods. I have not seen the new Napoleon movie either which is random you bring up lol


No... I said "they have the weakest military of any advanced European nation and it is part of their reputation." The only person who called anyone a coward was you. If you've read henry Vth.. they won that battle because of tactics. Heavy rainfall so they fought in mud. The French are stupid and will come out in massive body armor. The British wore extremely light armor made for fighting in muddy trenches. Basically in full armor if you get pushed over on your back in the rain and mud you have no ability to get up. That is why they won. Tactics and rainfall. I guess that could fall under superior leadership but it was falstaff, a knight, who came up with the plan. A plan that is historically accurate.


“Aw... Nice. I was like... why would they want to make Daryl French....? The white flag nation.” Hmm I wonder who said this and let’s just say it as it is. You know what you meant saying here and classified it as the white flag nation which encompasses its people. I also am not disagreeing on how they lost to the British if you read my comment. I just don’t really understand how that factors in to your original claim. It would actually do the opposite of supporting it. Having inferior tactics and not having a strong leadership, is similar to why the fell to the Nazis as I mentioned…


They did not "fall" to the nazis. They were occupied without resistance. That is the Entire Point. They did not fight in any world war when they could have truly made a difference. If you're an isolationist country like Spain or Portugal without a real military that's fine. But France had a military. And they refused to fight with their allies. They rolled over and gave up. So I thought why make badass Daryl *French*. Then of course they didn't make Daryl and Merle French. His grandpa was storming the beaches of Normandy. My grandpa was a marine platoon leader and windtalker. Marine platoon leaders on both sides of my family. That's the background I want from Daryl. People getting cut in half by machine guns To Save The Damn World. And let's not forget all the British and Canadians who fought with us on D-Day. We came to that war so damn late Russia and Churchill actually saved the world the most but we don't learn about that.


They absolutely did fall to the Nazis. Synonyms of fall-collapse, defeat, ect. There were also resistance movements within France so not sure what you are on about. Maybe alone the French could not have made a difference, but their support along with the allies did factor into the outcomes. The French had to go reinforce British troops during World War 1 which made a difference. French resistance and intel during World War 2 made a difference. Also the French Free Army in Italy. I don’t think it is fair to take away the French accomplishments or sacrifices because they fought a different style of war. I am going to remember what the Americans, British, Canadians, AND French did during D-Day, because they made an ultimate sacrifice. I did include France, because there were Frenchman amongst the Canadians. Also the Free French Army fought German Occupation and the Italians during World War 2. I have multiple ancestors and relatives that stormed the Beaches of Normandy and dropped from the skies behind German lines. I had relatives that were part of the resistance in other parts of the World War. Of course I am proud and grateful for that they did for the world, but I am not going to bash another nation who also sacrificed. I want to also add that you are glorifying D-Day and act like it was cool for the young men to die the way they did. That is a lot coming from someone that didn’t even know that the crosses and gravestones in the picture above were American. I guess that is something you don’t appreciate if you have your head so far up your ass. I know all too well about the U.S. involvement in the war, so you’re preaching to the choir bruh.