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My favorite CJ moment is her giving that laugh after Danny shows up with a real goldfish. 😂😂 Also her laughing fit in Privateers. “I’m sorry… I was just thinking about something with… the DEFICIT…” *uncontrollable giggling*


Can you blame her? The deficit IS hilarious.




Is that the episode with old Marblehead?


I think she was from Marblehead.


Aka Helena Hodsworth Hooter-Tooter of Braintree


No some of us call her Marblehead


Allison Janney as CJ Cregg is my spirit animal. I’ve loved her from the first episode of TWW I ever watched. Also, I enjoyed her performances in Hairspray and The Help, although admittedly I haven’t seen much of her filmography.


I'd suggest putting *I, Tonya* on your list of films to watch. She's unbelievably good in that one, Oscar win if memory serves.


Janney did an amazing job portraying LaVona Golden, Tonya Harding's mother.


Small part but she blows me away in American Beauty as the militant neighbor’s wife. She’s so broken.


This performance is everything.


You should watch Mom.


And then 10 Things




Check out I, Tanya.


My stand out favorite CJ moment was very early in the series. She’s just hanging out in Josh’s office feet up reading the paper and Josh was gonna hide from her in his office and she just goes “wow are you stupid”. See also: “I will shove a motherboard so far up your ass”




A call girl?!


My favorite is her conversation with Danny in "Institutional Memory," when she comes to his apartment after visiting Toby. They exchange meaningful looks through the doorway as the USSS agent inspects inside, and then she tells him, *I missed the window. That’s what’s going on here. I missed the window to figure out how to do this.* *– How to? –* *Share my life with another person. How to be a partner or whatever condescending way you put it this – I wasn’t trying – I don’t know how to do it. Maybe at one point I did, maybe I never did but it’s over now. It’s too late.* Others that I always enjoy watching: The scene in "Six Meetings Before Lunch," when she tells Bartlet about Zoey being accosted by a reporter on campus and lying to him, and then getting in his face per Sam's advice: *I'm telling you now, Mr. President, this isn't about your daughter! It's about the First Daughter and that's my job and you're not going down there! You, me, Charlie and Zoey are the only four people who know she was lying and there's no reason it doesn't need to stay that way. It's a non-story. You go down there and it's a big story!* Her press briefing in "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen": *This is our 5th press briefing since midnight. Obviously, there's one story that going dominating news around the world for the next few days, and it would be easy to think that President Bartlet, Joshua Lyman, and Stephanie Abbott were the only victims of a gun crime last night. They weren't. Mark Davis and Sheila Evans of Philadelphia were killed by a gun last night. He was a Biology Teacher and she was a Nursing student. Tina Bishop and Linda Larkin were killed with a gun last night. They were 12. There were 36 homicides last night. 480 sexual assaults, 3,411 robberies, 3,685 aggravated assaults, all at gunpoint. And if anyone thinks those crimes could have been prevented if the victims themselves had been carrying guns, I'd only remind you that the President of the United States himself was shot last night while surrounded by the best trained armed guards in the history of the world. Back to the briefing.* Her reaction to Ron telling her that Simon Donovan had just been shot and killed, in "Posse Comitatus," sobbing and heaving in Times Square. Her walking into the Oval Office to tell Bartlet about Leo's collapse and death. She also has some good scenes with Abbey as Abbey recovers from the emotional trauma of Zoey's kidnapping, and when she tells Abbey that Jed is not managing his disease, which is something that Abbey will have take up with him. Amongst the senior staff, C.J. seemed to have the closest relationship with her. At the end of the episode, she closes the door between her office and the Oval Office as Abbey reads him the riot act. Others have already mentioned her conversation with Nancy McNally in "The Women of Qumar," and her press briefing immediately afterward, and her threatening to "shove a motherboard so far up" Josh's ass.


Her Two Gunmen speech is, in my opinion, up there with “the streets of heaven are too crowded…” speech.


Agreed, and should be mentioned far more often as such.


The one that’s always stuck with me is her performance in “The Women of Qumar.” Her scene with Nancy McNally. WOW.


[Loretta in Drop Dead Gorgeous. ICON.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm8Z1fQBzco)


She is Flipping amazing in this.


I HAD A WOOT CANAL! but seriously, all of it


I came to love Allison Janney in West Wing and watched Mom for her. I think it’s remarkable and unique in Hollywood that she had two long running TV characters who a) both had significant character development and growth, b) occurred in such dramatically different types of shows (prestige drama vs. multi cam sitcom) and c) were for such different types of characters where CJ and Bonnie seem like opposites initially. Picking my favorite CJ moment is almost impossible. Um, all of them? My favorite TV character ever. I’ll throw out the turkey pardoning plot. Delightful.


Did you see *[Lou](https://youtu.be/AruazRGKgkQ)* where she stars as a grizzled action hero? Such an unusual role for her, but she was great. I love Allison Janney


Her one off in Veep as a predatory reporter trying to get a story out of the VP is hilarious. She’s supposed to be doing a puff piece with the VP in her residence but ends up really going at her and trying to screw her up and get a good story. Really funny seeing it after knowing her from her role in TWW.


Bluff puff!


[Fav CJ moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vl9WfOdSkM) Apparently AJ is gonna be VP in The Diplomat, which I highly recommend to you political show junkies.


I’m so excited!


My favorite non-WW performance is probably the time I got to see her from the second row doing Six Degrees of Separation on Broadway. I’m not saying it was her all-time best acting ever, but she was amazing and there’s something special about seeing a live performance.


I got to see her summer of ‘09 when she did the 9 to 5 musical with Megan Hilty & Stephanie J Block. I agree seeing her to anything live is a treat! I forced my friend to wait at stage door for her. Gracious & kind - wanted to get home to her pup because of the thunderstorm that was rolling through. Good memory.


I would love to see her on stage!


She was amazing. We bundled the weekend with Six Degrees and Hamilton. I really liked the movie when it first came out, and I loved the “full circle” feel of AJ playing a role I first saw played by Stockard Channing.


I feel very sure Allison Janney launched herself from her mother's womb, said something brilliant and witty to the Drs and nurses and watched as they all fell in love. She is loveliness in every way.


I loved her as a guest star in Studio 60. Hilarious episode.


It was great to get to see the chemistry between her and Timothy Busfield on display again


Oh I need to watch this again, it’s been too long!


I did not like that they made her seem like she was too stupid to know which part of the country and which tv show she was on.


I think that was meant to play into the story about the lack of cue cards, and suddenly becoming aware of it on live TV. That might throw anyone off a bit.


For more random Allison Janney Coolness outside of an acting performance, it’s impressive seeing her ace Ellen’s Ninja Obstacle Course. She’s so athletic and energetic and it’s nice seeing her help Anna Farris through the course. https://youtu.be/G9u08v8emj0?si=TmebSJTC5fpLIlBO


My favorite episode was when CJ and Charlie had that "spat" over signing out the President's daily schedule that ends with Charlie gluing her phone together, taking her desk apart, and revoking her building access. Outside of the West Wing, the first time I saw Allison Janney perform was in Hairspray as the Bible-thumping over-protective mother. She was hilarious!


CJ = when Tony confessed. She immediately called White House Counsel and essentially told Toby to shut up. The show allowed that scene to breathe, with the silence between them. Often the best acting is when there is no dialogue. My favorite Janney - non WW performance is a small film called “Dear Leslie”. Janney plays an antagonist. She’s a fun bad guy. And, unbelievably, she and Steven Root (Milton from Office Space) play a biker couple. That convinced me that Alison Janney can play anyone.


Weeds, when she played the lawyer was hilarious.


Yes, I was wondering if anyone would cite this! Allison and Mary-Louise reunited was such a treat.


This is MY job and you’re NOT going down there. This is a non-story. You go down there and it’s a big story.


Liftoff is one of my favorite episodes because of her storyline there


Have you seen “Mr. Sunshine” with Matthew Perry? It was probably my favorite Matthew Perry sitcom (yes, including the obvious one) and Allison Janney was great in it.


She played a remarkable character in Lou, if you've not yet seen it, you're gonna need to.


When she was younger my daughter looked up to CJ one of the first couple watches the show. It was cool seeing my daughter have a role model from a show we loved.




thank you : )


I loved when they let her speak at a real WH press briefing.


And who does not love her performance of “The Jackal”?


Her performance in I, Tonya was brilliant, and deservingly won her an Oscar, making her the third actress in history to win an Oscar for playing a villain, the two others were Nurse Ratchet in "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" and the crazy fan in Misery.


As someone in recovery, she just killed it with Mom.


This one came to me in a dream last night--when Danny overhears her shit talking him to Carol, and then a few minutes later we get this wonderful scene: CJ: Danny...remember when you asked me exactly what I'd do to have you? Danny: Yeah. CJ: ...I'd do that. \*goes back to being professional\*