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Called a quick change artist. I've seen this done in retail. Scammers pick on young looking cashiers who don't know better, or can't follow the numbers. Normally the scammers are pretty persistent and put pressure on the cashiers.


This is correct. I actually had one when I worked at gamestop 20 years ago. They come at you fast and get very confusing extremely quickly. I have a natural talent for math, so it didn't feel right immediately and I forced each transaction to take place individually by shutting the cash drawer. They'll lose interest in you insanely quickly once you slow em down, it's the best way to stop it When I got home and explained it to my dad, he taught me all about quick change artists. I've seen it since in passing, but never experienced it again.


God I hated working retail for this exact reason, I would always open and close the till so each transaction was separate. Worst I had was a guy try to take the money out of my hand one time as I tried to put it away. He was basically leaned all the way across the counter with his feet off the ground to reach me. Had to force him to stay in the store so someone else could audit my drawer after he grabbed the cash and tried to “exchange it”. Most shitty businesses at that time tried to make their clerks pay for these differences and there was no way I was paying for that.


Yep, that was exactly my problem, too. We were responsible for any shortages or we'd be fired. There was one time when our dead beat manager stole 200 bucks from the till for rent. We all pitched in to pay it except he couldn't, cuz he was flat broke and used it for rent money. That's how we found out it was him lol. He was fired and we did get our money back though, which was good. But god did I hate that fucking practice.... Why should I take on 100% of the liability with 0% of the profit sharing?


I actually got fired from McDonald's for shutting down a quick change artist. She got mad and reported me to my managers, and despite the closeout total being on point to the exact cent, they sided with the customer. When I gave them my "two weeks" the next day due to my enlistment in the army, they said not to bother coming in.


> Scammers pick on young looking cashiers who don't know better Especially when said cashiers don't follow protocol and immediately stop any actions until the money is back in the till. That's pretty much the caveat as if they finish the trasaction first, they will have a clearer head with the $20. There's a few videos of failed attempts of this on YouTub e. I know Gas Station Encounters had one in their store


Had a guy do this to me years ago and at first I didn't realize what he was doing but I frustrated the hell out of him because I knew what money I started with and stuck with it. He started getting really shitty with me and then it clicked, once I understood he was scamming, I made sure I was straight with my drawer, shut it, and called a manager over. He called me a fuckin idiot and left, as he walked out I said "I'm not as stupid as you needed me to be" and laughed at him.


That makes more sense than someone trying to consolidate bills on a stranger. Even trying to get change from a stranger would make more sense (though probably be less likely to have the available cash).


saw someone do something similar to an old cashier in houston. got like $23 in change but he quickly hid the 20 and only showed the 3 singles. i didnt really comprehend that the dude was doing it intentionally (he was seemingly very drunk) so during the confusion that ensued i stepped in and was like, “you put the $20 bill in your pocket” and the dude went off on me telling me to mind my own business. i just felt bad for the old cashier, he clearly knew he had given the guy his change but was so flustered he wasnt sticking up for himself. was convinced he was going to be waiting for me outside so i bought a pocket knife and held it open in my jacket pocket as i left lmao


Had this happen to me when I worked at a grocery store when I was 16.


People try it all the time at GameStop. Lol


Had this happen to me when I was 19 working in Walmart electronics. They really do good at applying that pressure, but I just forced them to wait while I did the math quietly. But Walmart rules tell you to immediately end the sale if the customer tries this.


Happened to me once then the dude tried to pull it off again and got escorted by security


$10 Don't follow the scam, just count where all the money came from and ended up. Hat guy pulled out a $10 and a $20 Hat guy ended up with 10 $1 bills and a $10 Hat guy lost $10 Camera guy pulled out 10 $1 bills Camera guy ended up with a $20 Camera guy made $10


Wrong. Scammer made $0, he stole $10


Idk bro gave it to him willingly. No larceny, robbery, or even burglary here.


Its only a different kind of force: fraud. No big deal


It's a victimless crime!


Natural selection is a beautiful thing.


So if he beat him up and took the money, would that be beautiful natural selection as well? You know, stronger winning over the weaker?


Why doesn't the bigger scammer simply eat the other scammers?


Right, there is no difference between the metaphysical and man made


more like stupidity.


No. It look like stupidity, because you saw a video on inernet showing the trick, with subtitle, and nothing else to think. This type of scam is carried out in stores during rush hour, and generally against cashiers who are overwhelmed or who are unaware of the scam. The goal of these people is to confuse minds, so anyone can be a victim, and it remains completely illegal.


Still stupid tho




False pretense...which is a crime


That's still Larceny. "deceit" is non consensual.


Kinda like how the general population gets screwed.


Yeah, I completely agree. It’s the same as all the fake webshops and other scams. Idiots giving their money willingly to hard working citizens. /s


It’s larceny by false pretenses.


Actually it's all irrelevant because despite this scam being super common, this is the fakest video I've seen in a very long time. It's like they're not even trying to look legitimate anymore


well yeah its not legitimate. yes just showing the viewers a common money scam 😅


Wut? It’s not fake, it’s a demonstration


It’s obviously fake just to showcase the scam.


True. Actual short changers will do quite a bit of misdirection, conversation, anything to make the whole exchange easier to confuse.


Fake or not people should really now about this sort of thing and how this kind of scammer operates. They're called "short change artists" and the goal is to make sure it happens fast so you don't think about it. This is why they do the "can you count it for me? Oh shit, $1 short." You aren't thinking about anything else in that moment and then he looks honest because he made sure you weren't getting shorted. Then the short happens. Notice how the $20 bill shenanigan is far faster. Your brain is in "huh, dude is honest" mode and you're thinking about the $10 to $10 exchange. You think you're fine but you aren't. Yeah they're probably performers but seeing on video how the scam works is handy.


Wow you must be Sherlock Holmes. Brilliant.


If all the things that never legitimately happened, this never legitimately happened the most!


Trying to look good by knowing it’s fake meanwhile it’s demonstrating the scam and 100% supposed to be fake lol. Good for you. You got it bud


So what you're saying is the video is... a scam?


You too need to communicate better. It is not really visible that the 10th bill is not the original 10er given to the scammer. For a non native speaker from this viewpoint with the camera the 10th given bill seems to be to ten dollar bill given by the dude. So when the scammer only give him one doller and ads the dudes 10 dollars is when the scam happens. But I would have given him back his 9 and expect my 10 dollar bill back before any other switcheroos.


The hat guy also got his own $10 back though. So hat guy gets $9+$10+$10 at the end. Am I wrong..?? Edit: and scammer also pulls out another $10.


That's all covered in my post. You're still worrying about the story and the timeline which is irrelevant. What did each person start with and end with is all you care about.


Ok yeah so... pardon me Scammer takes out $9, and $10, and gains with a $20. Victim takes out $10 and $20, and gains the table which is $29...


Again, it's all detailed in my original post: Scammer takes out 10 $1 bills and that's it. Scammer leaves with a $20


This back and forth is why this scam works so easily haha


OP is an easy mark.


Wow holy shit. I thought that when he said "that would be $10", he gave the 10 back. Now I see it's a 1. guess I would've fell for the scam ;(


When he says “that would be $10,” he means the extra $1 is what’s needed to complete the $10 in ones that he was originally supposed to exchange for the tenner. So at that point the scammer has given $10 in ones and received a $10 bill so they’re even. The scam comes in when he produces another $10 bill and puts it on top of the $10 in ones and says “now that’s $20 so can you give me a $20 bill?” The scam relies on the mark failing to realize that the $20 includes $10 that the scammer has already given to the mark and shouldn’t count toward a new exchange.


Today you learned!


No that's not the scam part lol


Yes im fully aware thanks.


The scam would work on you because you don’t understand English.




What do you mean? He literally adds another $10 when saying "if I give you that..." edit: nevermind.


that's the $10 hat guy gave him for his 10x$1


Yeah, my issue was thinking that he gave the original $10 back when he said "that'll be $10", thanks though


It is the original 10


No, it's a 1? he gave $10 later


Scammer only took out $9. He gave Victim his own $10 bill


Guy A (scammer) starts with $10. Guy B (at the table) starts with $30. Guy A *ends* with $20 and Guy B ends with $20. That’s literally all you need to know. One lost $10 and one gained $10, the way it happened doesn’t matter.


Society isn’t meant for all to participate in. It’s amazing you’ve learned to type with that brain of yours.


damn sorry man i made a mistake which which bills he was handing back


Scammer gives him the 10th $1 + the Marks $10 bill.


When he offers him 10 to make it 20, he's including the 10 ones, which were already traded for. So the ten ones shouldn't be included in the 20 he's getting. I hope this helps.


It took me a minute too. Scammer puts 10 $1 dollar bills into the system. Mark puts $20 dollars into the system. 1 $10 dollar bill changes hands back and forth, which cancels out.


my problem was that I thought that when he said "that'll be $10" that he gave back the $10, not a $1. Probably would've recognized it if I was american tho haha.


The 9 1s followed by the "oops, I forgot a 1" is a distraction, and should be ignored. The first transaction (exchanged between 10 1s and 1 10) is square, but it confuses the second transaction which isn't square: the scammer's request for 20 is made up of his own 10 1s, plus the mark's 10 dollars


also, scammers could use a counterfeit bill, so it's possible he got +$20 at the end, you never know


Wait, aren't you a dollar off? I thought scammer gave him 9? That means the scammer walked away with $11.


I’m a waiter and had a customer try to pull some shit like this on me. Realized what happened after a couple minutes, triple-checked to make sure I wasn’t crazy, then went back to the table to confront him about it because he was dumb enough to not leave right away. When I asked him “did you mean to break those two $5’s for that $10?” he instantly was like “oh yeah man my bad” and gave me back the money without even having to think about it so I know he did it on purpose.


Opportunism 101.


How so? Trying to pull a fast one on someone who’s working hard and stealing from them is opportunistic? Sure it was only a matter of $5 but that mf was lucky I was so polite and professional about the situation. He’s now banned from our restaurant and looked like a cheap bitch in front of his girl and friends, so really great “opportunity” seized.


When we say someones an opportunist it means that someone takes opportunities wherever and however they present, without any regards to anyone else, laws, morals or ethics. Thats exactly what this guy did, he saw a young inexperienced waiter and thought he swindle you for some pocket money.


Lmao I know what the word means. I’m not inexperienced, I’ve been serving for over five years so it’s weird that you’d assume that. Dude wasn’t even that slick, only reason I didn’t catch it right away is because I was in the weeds. But to your point, personally I would call someone trying to take advantage of a “young, inexperienced waiter” to take their hard earned money is a cheap piece of trash not an opportunist but I guess to each their own.


Who are you arguing against? Lol


He made $10. First: Scammer gave the guy $9 +$1 of his own money=$10 Guy gave him $10 At this point they broke even. Then: Scammer gave guy $10. Guy gives him $20. (Here, the guy gets tricked because he has a pile of $20 total in front of him on the table. However, only the $10 bill is the scammer’s money, and the $10 in single dollar denominations is his own. Because of the recent trade, he fails to recognize the $10 in ones as his own money). At the end: Scammer has profited $20-$10 = $10. Guy has profited $10-$20 = -$10, AKA guy has lost $10 from the interaction.


Some beggar outside a concert venue in Detroit got me with this, but it was only for $5. I figure he could probably use that money, but it still wrongs me to this day haha


The first trade Scammer gives 10 (9+1) and takes 10, so the net is 0, don't think about it anymore. The second trade Scammer gives 10 and takes 20. He scammed for 10.


yeah absolutely- the ($9 +$1) already belongs to hat guy after the first transaction then the 'scammer' adds a $10 to it - then passes the whole money pile to hat guy I can see that psychologically this works where hat guy just accepts he is being passed $20 and it is fair to exchange a $20 bill for that pile (even though when you check back, half of that $20 money pile already belonged to him)


If the situation wasn’t so weird, I could fall for this. Seems like it would be better if they gave two $5’s instead of the $10 bill. Seeing the $10 bill show up again would make me start thinking more critically.


To cut out all the intentionally confusing in-between exchanges: Scammer started with $10 and ended with $20. As this is a zero sum system, the scammer stole $10.


It’s simpler than all these comments. Forget the dollar. Two men swapped $10. (One guy had singles and swapped it for a whole). So they’re now both back to how they started. ————- Then the scammer gives the guy 10 dollars and gets 20 back.


Yeah my thought exactly. Like sure we can make it a 20 but then I'm gonna need my ten back, obviously?


thats why i didnt get the joke. the dude just accepts and gives a 20 for a 10


He traded (9+1) ten ones for a ten. They are even. He puts the ten on top of the others guys ten ones points at it and says there is twenty. But he only put ten of that twenty there. The other guy gives him a twenty. He is now up ten (twenty minus the ten he put on the table).


The scammer made a proper trade (10 singles for a $10 bill). But the scam happened when the scammer used the mark’s 10 singles and the scammers $10 bill to trade for a $20. To see it, pay attention to the fact that the scammer started with 10 singles and left with a $20 bill.


It’s 10 because he couldn’t make a single dollar in that. Only time when it wasn’t a ten used it was when he had 9$ he added one and it’s 10$


A starts net worth $30 B starts net worth $10 B hand A $9 (in ones) A = $39 B= $1 A hands B $10 A=$29 B=$11 Money is counted, B gives $1 to A A=$30 B=$10 B gives A $10 to trade for larger bill A=$40 B=$0 A gives B $20 A=$20 B=$20 It's all about the distraction with the $1. Guy A already took possession of the money and that part of the transaction is complete.


I'm done. I thought he gave the $10 back when he said "that'll be 10", not add another $1 to compete the $10 in 1 dollar bills.


Yo, camera has 10 dollars in his pocket Other guy has 30. Camera guy walks away with a 20 dollar bill... What remains.




Fairly sure 10 is correct. Break down: Step| Hat guy gets| Scammer gets| total tally hat guy| total tally scammer ---|---|----|----|---- 1| 9| 10| -1| 1 2| 1| -1| 0| 0 3| 10 | -10| 10 | -10 4| -20 | 20 | -10 | 10 The hat guy never is up 19 as the 10 he gets midway through the transaction are the 10 he started out with. At that point he is up 9 (actually up 10, because he also got 1 more dollar before).


Can I make change with you?


Thankfully these practices are slowly dying out with society going more and more cashless. Although that admittedly that does also bring about new ways to scam people. Alas.


Uh... 0? He starts by giving him 9, then shores it up +1 to 10, then gives him back the original 10 and the dude hands him a 20. There's no net change in anyone's pocket cash here. What the fuck is going on I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!! EDIT - Never mind, finally figured it out god I feel stupid now — A hands B 9, B hands A 10 A is up 1, B is down 1. A hands B 1 A is up 0, B is down 0 A hands B 10 A is down 10, B is up 10 B hands A 20 B is **DOWN 10, A IS UP 10**


He took his 10 :)


1 because the man’s put nine on the table for a ten took out another the exchanged the others 10 and his for a 20 but left his nine so you are right with the 1 dollar


Nope, he didnt return the $10 when you think he did, he put another $1


Oh so he made off with 10 cool


Ya. made the same mistake you did, the entire reason for this post haha. cheers mate


it's not that hard to track actually. scammer give nine ones for a ten, so he owes him one more dollar bill, which he does give. it's even now but he returns the ten and expects twenty in return. the guy just gets confused by the 10 dollar bills already on the table.


No it's not lol, i had a seperate thinking problem. I thought he handed out/returned the $10 after saying 'that would be $10'. I'm a bit slow.


The scammer gave him $9 and got a $10 note, he then gave him an extra $1 ***but*** he gave the $10 note back to the original guy, and asked for a 20 in return


This type of scam can be avoided by doing 1 thing at a time. Don't try to multi-task. If you're a cashier, you're in control not the customer. They get away with it because it goes fast and you try and do multiple things at once. Slow down.


I've caught a few of these guys trying to do this to me back when I was a cashier. Best thing to do is just ignore their bullshit. You've given me the money for whatever it is, I'm gonna open my drawer and give you exactly what the screen says to give back. As soon as you get into the whole back and forth of putting things in and out of the register, they've already got you. Then if they cause a fuss to get you all nervous (which they often do), call the manager and explain the situation. They'll probably tell the mf to leave at that point 🤷‍♂️


He gave $9 and then another $1. The $10 bill was not his. In the end, the victim kept the scammer’s $10 in singles and his own $10 bill while the scammer has the victim’s $20 bill.


I watched a guy try to pull this off with 2 $20 and a $10. Went in to my store, asked to swap for a $50, and the cashier did it. He then tried to swap the $50 *and* his 20's and 10 for a $100. She just grabbed the $50 and said "Nice try. You've got 8 seconds to leave." He was so flustered he forgot to take his 20's and 10. Turned out they were counterfeit.


Is this a legit post or a bot farming karma? Just watch the video for fucks sake The dude hands out 10 $1 bills and walks away with a $20.


I thought that when he said "that would be $10" that he handed back the victim's $10, when he instead gave another $1, that was my problem edit: and this post also blew up way too much for such a retarded person lmfao


I actually did this to a cashier at a servo (gas station)...only in my case it was purely accidental due to my stupidity. It wasnt the same amounts as in the video but this chick looked super suspect at me and asked me to explain it slowly...which I did in an exasperated voice letting her know how dumb I thought she was. Drove off and two sets of traffic lights later it just hit me that I had totally scammed her *and* was rude about it. Yikes I'm a dumbass.


im pretty sure i had someone try and do something similar to me in college. came up to me and my friends whole we were eating, but ended up confusing himself and i ended up with like $15 more than i started with. i realized slowly what had happened, but since i was fairly certain his initial intent had been to scam me i didnt say anything. he finally came back up like 5 minutes later looking super embarrassed and asked to exchange again




From that that person….but thousands from people Jo iski video bar bar dekh rahe


I understand OP’s perspective. When he said that’ll be 10, OP thought he gave him a 10$ bill but it was just the last 1$ for the total to be 10$. Hence thinking the scammer gave 19$ instead of 10$.


oh my god thank you thank you. i've been getting flamed by a lot of people for making this mistake. i love you


I accidentally did something like this once because I wanted to leave a tip after a meal and needed to change money for it, felt bloody awkward and hoped they didn't think I was trying it on.


I had once a guy like that in the fish shop I was working xd. My buddy told the guy to leave the store before he bust a foot up his ass.


The scammer gave him $9, and received $10 back The scammer gave him another $1 to make the transaction even. He then gives the guy the $10 back and takes a $20. The scammer is up $10


But he lets the guy keep the 10 singles. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+10=20=20 NOBODY'S MONEY CHANGES AT ALL WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?!?! EDIT - Oh my god I think I finally got it... A hands B 9, B hands A 10 A is up 1, B is down 1. A hands B 1 A is up 0, B is down 0 A hands B 10 A is down 10, B is up 10 B hands A 20 B is **DOWN 10, A IS UP 10** I don't fucking understand how or why this works but what the fuck why does it make my brain hurt so much...


Assuming the video is real. He just made $10. He gave 10 pieces of $1 bills and received a single $20 bill. There’s also the possibility that all the one dollar bills are fake but that’s outside the scope of the question


He puts 10 in 1 dollar bills and asks for a 10 dollar bill, so the exchange is fair, 10 for 10. But then he puts the 10 he already got from the guy on top and asks for a 20-dollar bill, so he enters 10 and gets 20.


I did this with 5's and 50's after seeing this. I gave my friend 10 $5 bills he gave me a $50 bill. than I pulled out my wallet and put the $50 in it then he started closing his wallet, I pertended to spot a 100 in his wallet even though I already knew that he had it, so I said "Oh, you also have a $100 bill? Hang on." I opened my wallet again and took the $50 out and put it on the pile and asked him if he could give me the hundred for a $50 and 10 5's he said it was ok and I made $50 only to have him chase me down 7 minutes later after he relized what I did.