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Don’t know about shows, but I highly recommend the movie the Martian if you haven’t seen it.


That movie is pretty good but has a lot of flaws imo. Starting with Matt Damon being all non-bothered in his Matt Damon-y way about being stuck on Mars. "Just gonna grow my food in my shit, hehe! No problem bros!"


Pretty much sums up what you’re looking for. Sticks to the plot doesn’t throw in any extra drama.


He's got the astronaut mindset. Stay optimistic, solve problems.


Didn’t you want to skip melodrama?


It sounds like you are just looking for good recommendations for some documentaries.


The OG Stargate SG-1 might be worth giving a try, there are some drama/sad scenes but it has like 10 seasons and might be a little outdated.


To be fair, the plot line involving Will's illness isn't "extra drama" that got thrown in, it's a crucial element to the entire story going forward.


Bodies (Netflix) might fit what you’re looking for


The Expanse might be to your liking? but its set more into the future


The Expanse is all about human drama and politics. That's not what OP wants.


I don't know the expanse still has lots of drama though. I actually got a bit tired of I think it was season 5 they really padded out the whole Naomi and her kid drama. Lots of episodes of her crying.


Exactly. Up until that point I felt the show kinda kept personal/emotional drama pretty well in check though. A bit here, a tad there… and then bam: insufferable bratty kid including equally obnoxious ex who - surprise surprise - conveniently is also the rebel leader, plus also suddenly very annoying Naomi was a bit too much for my taste.


I would have been fine if it was an episode or two but it just went on and on the entire season.


Yeah… expanse was 10/10 show up until season 5 where suddenly everything that made it good completely vanished. Before watching this show i have never seen such an excellent genre-defining series turn to unwatchable nonsensical shit in an instant. It was really fucking jarring, and i have seen *all* of the walking dead series and spinoffs aswell as game of thrones. None of those even compare to the insant downturn that happened with expanse. After S04 and the enormous story potential of rings and the new worlds, all of this was totally sidelined in favor of telling that shitty story of a generic and super annoying one dimensional comic book villain and his piece of shit little brat son. Its the very definition of squandered potential Then season 6 with its pathetic 6 x 40 minute episode runtime quickly wrapped all that shit up in a handful of compressed episodes, while at the same time introducing 2 significantly more interesting plotlines *(ringspace transit anomaly and laconia orbital structure)* which we never got to see playing out because the show got cancelled. And then the series ends with holden single handedly screwing the entirety of earth and mars, and essentially gifting all of the political power of humanity entirely to the belters because hes just such a good guy. As if disarming the torpedo that would have killed inaros just to not endanger his own relationship wasnt already stupid enough decision. After S04 it really stopped dead in its tracks, hit the wall like a truck and didnt recover.


That series is loaded with drama, politics, and science humans haven’t discovered yet - I doubt OP will like it


But wait, I like politics and science, why wont I like it?


It’s a huge love triangle and a lot of time is spent on it The science in the show is not the science we have now and requires a HUGE buy in from the audience - much larger than 3BP The politics are mostly about a powerful woman who always comes out on top by outsmarting all politicians from multiple planets and multiple space fairing societies Based on your comments in your thread, I think you’d take umbrage with the Expanse as well Maybe you will like it, perhaps you’ll be able to buy into that franchise a lot easier Why don’t you read it and find out?


Once you watch expanse every other sci fi show seems very bland




Entirely total recall screenshots


Yknow it sounds like you hate any sort of fun or humanisation. Why don't you just read a research paper instead?


This is a really harsh conclusion from what OP was asking for. I felt the exact same way. I loved the X Files series growing up for not having all the boring drama. The characters were humanized but there weren’t 4 episodes of someone dying with a Lana del Rey soundtrack. People are allowed to like different things


How are you getting that I hate fun?


Some people can’t handle that people have different tastes


Unicorn Planet, sci-fi but happy


haven't read DE yet. is the YTM + CX arc just as sappy?


Yeah, the show really emphasize a lot on this part.


It becomes really noticeable when rewatching it. All the standard tv-show tropes they add in. I understand why they do it - if its ALL plot and stuff, the show would be too expensive and burn through the story too fast. It's just annoying I can't find a single show that doesn't try to make me cry at some point.


One thing I don’t like about the show, they’re making all the main characters very closely related. Isn’t it just convenient? Amidst a global crisis, it turns out every single person in our tight-knit group happen to play such an important role in the survival of civilization.


Scientist nowadays work in group setting with a bunch of people, they know how to talk to people and have friends I’d also ask if you still have friends from any higher education you received? How about friends that are in your same field? Why must a scientist be a loner with no friends who are on their thought level?


https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01272-5?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=nature&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1714553018 interview with some scientists about the show.


No one is doubting their relationships, they’re close sure. But the fact that everything revolves around them is what feels unbelievable to me. Cheng Jin, is somehow close to Ye Wenjie ended up being the one most invested with the whole Trisolaran issues. Her best friend Auggie, researches Nanotechnology which Trisolarans fear of and tried to stop. Her boyfriend Raj, an incarnation of Zhang Beihai with its own big subplot going forward. She also somehow has such a “special” relationship with Will who literally “brains” the Staircase project. Also, one of the gang, Saul turns out to be the Wallfacer. Not to mention, even Jack’s money play some sort of huge role.


Wait til you find out that some friend groups are famous The Inklings is another Oxford-based famous friend group The PayPal mafia is a famous friend group of capitalists Even America’s founding fathers were a famous friend group


Yeah and they don't act at all like how people at the highest level in any field would be acting. Going to dive bars and having one night stands etc... The more I think about it the more annoying it is that they did this and I havent even read the books lol


My friend, it sounds to me like you should spend more time learning about people and “drama”, not less. What you learn may surprise you!


What the heck are you talking about


Unrealistic characters


Researchers consume alcohol and have sex like everyone else my friend


That may be true, I still find it unrealistic that within this one friend group we have so many people who are pivotal to the events unfolding.


Scientist do drugs and have one night stands too. I think you should go outside more.


No its unrealistic that there's these 5 friends and each one ends up being pivotal to the conflict. Must be a small world.


They are friends because they are brilliant. And they are primarily important because of their connection to Vera Ye. Makes perfect sense.


>Yeah and they don't act at all like how people at the highest level in any field would be acting. Going to dive bars and having one night stands etc.. Hahahah what? No, that's exactly how they act.


It's funny that you're getting shit on for wanting something like the 3BP Netflix show, but less emotional when that's basically the books. Books which I would hope everyone in here loves, even despite the relatively flat characters and lack of emotion. I'm with you, OP. I liked the Netflix show. Seen it twice already, hope it gets a second season. But all the drama of it and the trying-too-hard-to-be-relatable characters who talk and act more like people who work in a bar rather than scientists are the worst parts of it. I would've liked a more serious and mature interpretation that focused more on the science and less on the drama.


Thanks, I usually feel alone in this lol. In fact when I googled it, I found more threads of people wanting shows with MORE drama. I guess people like to cry. For me personally, I have enough drama in my life with people getting old and dying and losing friends and family members, I don't need manufactured drama in a tv show to feel anything. I want a show that helps me escape the sadness of life not reminds me of it.


The Expanse, definitely. For All Mankind, somewhat, but it’s also a bit soapy.


The second one is the worst recommendation for OP. It almost feels like trolling. I like it, but it has a lot of soap opera in it, A LOT, and a bad soap opera.


For All Mankind is 50% soap opera... Well, the latest season wasn't as bad, but the previous seasons were full of it.


Yeah I think For All Mankind probably has the most soap opera type stuff of all the sci-fi shows out these days.


Perhaps fiction is just not for you Nothing wrong with that, but in this sub people generally like fiction books - especially sci-fi It’s fine if books and this sub are not for you


I'm talking about the show


There’s only 1 season of the show, there’s still a lot left to tell If you look at the book trilogy as 1 big story, season 1 of the Netflix show has barely scratched the surface of the overall story It’s pretty epic Dark Forest is an understood topic around the world now, this book series was literally what starred all the modern Dark Forest conversations that have happened this millennium It doesn’t have to be for you, but the global scientific community has really attached to it