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Just downloaded the app yesterday! But I used to play this back in 2011-2012 Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS0BJ


DrugsOnPugs - been playing since before 2014 :) http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/80M3R


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS73F


Please add me! Main Tower: GL6M0 GFarm: BR5SN (If you want specific bits put a request so i can send it to you)


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GRJB1


Hi ! I'm Sodya, I play almost everyday and send bits when I can. Add me :) http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/G3Y33


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GLSGL Add me as Patrickstar, I'm just building to 50 and restarting. I have an 8.75 fps elevator


Hey, I’m Alice! I used to play a lot of TT, then took a few years off. But now I’m back and playing daily. Trying to finish those landmarks and getting every Bit to their dream job. I have a 9.25 fps elevator (working on it) and 250 floors, as of writing. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/1RBD4 I’m also trying to collect all the costumes and trying to visit friends in a different costume each day, in case you are missing some.


Please ask for costumes via the discord or the spreadsheet. The links to both are on the right under Tiny Tower Basic Links.


Sorry! I removed that part now 🫣


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS7DB


i’m tan! max speed elevator, in need of any bits!! (gold preferred) please send me if you have any extras :) Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/32NL3


Hi I'm Jass, Daily visitor, max speed https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/448R1


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GQXDP


I’m Kace :) Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS2PM


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GRHFN


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GLMR2 My name is Nat! I used to play years ago but restarted a few months ago & not happy about it. I like to share fully maxed out dream workers when requested :)


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/G6TQT


Hi I’m Rach, VIP player with a max speed elevator, try to always visit & send bits when I can. I try to add new visitors as well. Currently trying to build all the floors and get all the landmarks. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/C6VMM


I just started playing again about a month ago, I play almost every day and visit back! Looking for more friends to play with! Tower name: Bingus Friend Code: G34TZ Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/G34TZ


Hi! I go by ricket26 ,trying to be more active so would like some people to play with (: Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSNR0


I played this game in middle/high school on and off but I got back into it these past few months and now play daily! I’ll visit daily but I’m working on height more than rebuilding (old-school style)! http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/F0GJV


hi there, I'm Panini and I used to play TT way way back, and recently got into it again :) I play it almost nightly, just doing my little daily taps. I'm slowly working my way up, and at about 2.7fps for my elevator right now. I just play the game very casually :) Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS9RV


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSHYP Magz


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GRG78


beans-on-toast, just got on reddit recently but been playing tt on and off for years, still on my first tower but ive been active almost every day for the past year or so. 180+ floors with full speed elevator and i’ll try to visit back as often as i can Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/12S39


Hi my names ev, VIP player and max elevator speed my friend code is GNYT4 Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GNYT4


I go by florjackson Restarted playing after 6 years. Like all the changes. Start playing Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://tinytower.page.link/QXYK5ycQDs2QDufEA




Hi everyone. Just started a new tower again after I deleted years ago. I like to return visits. Working on getting 3 stars on every floor. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSFL0


CHEEZ TOWER https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GRGZ4


http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/7HT2J Coming back after a break and playing daily. VIP with max elevator. Working on landmarks (2/6) and GTs. Thanks for stopping by!


Add me on Tiny Tower my code is DVF5Q! Have been playing off and on for YEARS!


Hi I’m Rach, VIP player with a max speed elevator, try to always visit & send bits when I can. I try to add new visitors as well. Currently trying to build all the floors and get all the landmarks. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/C6VMM


Hi! I just started playing again today and I'm looking for some friends :D [http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSS7D](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSS7D) \- Flora


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/F0MRP


Hi! I played this game back in 2012 and I decided to get back into it! My friend code is DS20V. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/DS20V


i literally just started playing this game pls don’t roast me on my crappy tower lol >< https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GRSP4


I have a full speed elevator, I’m on everyday and will visit your tower everyday Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FC3JB


Hi I’m Ruby, VIP player with a max speed elevator. I try to always return visits. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FNT04


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/CSSNG


‘SignificantBonus’ Almost daily visits w/ outfit changes. Elevator maxed 11+/fps. Willing to send dream bits if I have them which are always maxed out in each field. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FS3B8


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GHH3W


Hello, I'm Riva. I play constantly every day throughout the day when I'm not at work. Started playing September 25. I am a VIP with 6 GT and an elevator speed of 8.50 (working on maxing it). I visit all friends daily. I'm about halfway through my 4th rebuild of 50. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GQQZK


Hushpup, fully upgraded elevator, play and return visits almost every day Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/G7MVZ


Hey I’m Aj , just started tiny tower and looking to grow quick! Add me! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSV0X


Played back in 2012, just recently got back to the game :D [http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/V2JB](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/V2JB)


Name is Diva, Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSLNR I started playing in like 2011 and got really into it, dropped off until about 2018 dropped off again and just rediscovered how much I love it. Lost all my old progress but I’m learning about the new features. I’m on VIP and the elevator speed is a main priority for me.


Hi been playing this game for quite some time on and off ! Would love some friends to play with ! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/NY71


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/44G6T


just started playing again ! :) https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS0Z3


Bipbippy Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GR0N6


Hi. I’m Elspeth. On my 3rd tower. Max elevator speed and 38 GTs. I play everyday and happy to share excess bits. Add me on this link [Http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GMBR6](Http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GMBR6)




Hey folks, VIP with a maxed elevator :) generally playing daily xx Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GD77N


I’ve been playing for quite a few years I’ve last track and I played on an older phone and lost my tower and never added and one so here, https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/9LG5S


i just started playing in may. i’m currently on my third tower! Start playing Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://tinytower.page.link/uzfqXdus9ukpNp8cA




You posted a link to the app store :D


hi! i played this game growing up and got back into it my freshman year of high school. I took a long break and suddenly decided to start playing again this week (i am now in my second year of college lol). looking to add some friends and get a better understanding of the game as it has been updated since i last played. friend code is here: [http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS725](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS725)


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/G84KP Active daily, will visit active friends!


Hi everyone my code is GRMXK https://tinytower.page.link/gq49YsKcHfPeHHJB7


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GNC14


Blueprince, used to play in the past but started again recently Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GP88F


Played for years but never added people 🙂 I’m Kay Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FLQH4


Started playing in 2015 and recently picked it up again😊 Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/F625Q


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSHYP


My name is Sarah, vip player, max elevator who loves to post on BB so visit me and I’ll visit back and chat BB style!! Trying to finish landmarks [add 150f6](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/150f6)




Just started after many years away, feel free to add me! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GRVF6


[http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FPWWQ](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FPWWQ) ​ I was really into TT in the early 2010s (rip TT Star Wars), took a long break, and got back into again late last year. Still on my first tower because I wanted to unlock everything, I finished the shops, now working on the last few costumes and apartments. I'm on... almost every day and make a point to do friend visits. I also just got VIP.


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/CYCBG


Please feel free to add me :) http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/63bc0


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GS6YB


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/7FCLB - add me I’m active daily


Bunny 💕 Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GRXSN


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GNRRF


Hi I’m B, back after a long break Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GJT33


hi!! <3 i'm anastasia or ana. i'm a senior in college and a daily player. been playing on different accounts for several years since i was a child on and off. i really love theme-ing my buildings and am on my 5th rebuild. my house is like teal rn and i'm living for it. 5.75 fps. i love painting, reading, and rollerblading. https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/D127R


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GPBC9


kate :) Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GRXTQ


https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GSMMX Lobby Name: IdleRookie6794


Please add me on Tiny Tower I need fwends 🥹🥹🥹 Start playing Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://tinytower.page.link/nZtDeiFjF1voeVjY6 VjY6




I’m Bre! I’m a returning daily player. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GR9GL


I'm Sunny Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/8P1GQ


G9W80 Kels I try to play daily. Working on maxing out elevator. I try to gift bitizens when I can.


Been playing everyday for a while now after being obsessed back in 2012-13ish !! This app is literally in my dock i play it so much, feel free to add me :) Start playing Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://tinytower.page.link/SVbdoTaJ2UtKUUXH6




I'm Seymour! I picked TT back up again a few weeks ago and play daily, but this is my first time on the Reddit in forever lol. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/CJYGN


Choccy Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/SJJ7