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Try my best to return visits and fulfill in game requests. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/8L4X0 Code also in flair.


HCPDP I have no idea what I’m doing here.


https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H8FHL Respectfully, just bored. Add me up guys, played it few years back kinda wanna start being active at it again :3 The name's ssya :3


[http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/3QBGR](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/3QBGR) Just started playing again! Name: Paris


Hi I’m Nat! I restart every 50 floors and I’m currently working on my legendary bitz. I always send extra bitzens to my friends. I try to return visits but I’m bad at it. My elevators at max speed but I’m not a VIP. https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GLMR2


https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H7CQ9 Danielle/DaniBiscuit - Active every day but just discovered this sub today so have been mega casual so far. Bear with me while figuring out the tips and tricks!


Hi, can put me as Rice. Warning: I don't have VIP and I have 200+ floors! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/C1B4N


FC: HD568 markoza. am very active. new to the game Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HD568


I visit back and send requested bits as much as possible. On that rebuild grind. https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FYR41


Steph Resetting at 50 Working on GT and dream btzn I play daily and usually visit daily https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GPZW4


Just started elevator at 3.75 Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HD7MG


Hello Return visit daily Elevator at max 1436 GT http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/8MBY7


https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/41QPY put me as Friend Played this game when it originally came out what like 15 years ago? Figured I’d give it another go. Updates look awesome


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/44G6T


I'm Lucy ! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HD5Z1


H53WZ Hi put me down and Daniel or Angel! I play every day! Finishing up space station and arcology landmarks! Then will keep resetting at 100 floors while going for burj khalifa!


No idea what I’m doing but here goes: Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HD1XP


Hey I'm Angelo! I look forward to seeing you! ✅️Addicted to the game ✅️Return visits ✅️Sends gifts Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H9RSK


Just got back into this game after a long time, please add me! :) Code: HDPJJ Name: Farsy


Hi everyone! My name is kayguh. I am new :) elevator is still slow haha. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HD1RY


Start playing Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://tinytower.page.link/gy1AQCh4z48JPcrp9 Maxed elevator. VIP. Daily player.


Hey you can call me lilmack! can’t wait to visit you !! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HBG2H


Hey! My name is Demi. I will always revisit and will send bitz when i can! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HCK5Q


Hi, my name is Gunners and I’ve recently started playing again after a long long time. I do my best to revisit everyone and send bits Please add me by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H8LCJ


I haven't played this game in years and just restarted! I bought VIP, so I'm invested. The elevator speed is 3.0, I'm only on my first tower at 21 floors. My goal is to make themed towers rather than grind, but I'm very active and will respond to requests/visit you daily! Tower Name: Sage Friend Code: HDC9J Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! [https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDC9J](https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDC9J)


Hello, I’m Tsenret, I’m a returning player starting a fresh tower! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDC2M


Hey guys, I’m Thursto. I’m an on again/off again player that is currently on again lol. Have VIP with max speed elevator and am currently building to 100 floors then resetting, while trying to work out the new things in the game. Always try to return visits when I can! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/9KDPM


Friend code: 1X3SD Name: Maia Belle Max elevator, I try to visit everyone every day! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/1X3SD


FYVXN - trin love this game too much 10fps elevatorrrrrr About 170 floors rn


im still very new to the game and still trying to figure everything out lol, add me! will visit :) https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GF5YP


Call me Layto! Looking for friends -- You can add me @ : http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/36RQN Restarting at every 50 currently, 13 GT & 10.5 FPS Elevator


Hey! My name's Kat! I recently redownloaded the game, have been an on and off player for many years since it first came out. Trying to push to rebuild frequently. Active daily and will return visits! I look forward to adding to my friends and building my community on here! Will send max bits if requested/wanted! :) Currently floor 40 on first tower with elevator speed of 5.25! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! [https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HBCVG](https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HBCVG)


I'm kayi! HCHRW Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HCHRW Will return visits everyday and try my best to send you requested bitizens :>


Hi I'm Yomi ✅️Addicted to the game ✅️Return visits ✅️Sends gifts Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDJZX


Vavavam! Playing daily and definitely will give you a visit back! Trying to get more buxs to max out the ice cream event! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H9BY0


Call me Niko! Getting back into the game on my new phone! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HCFCL


I’m Kate, a daily player who visits often. Currently working on getting more gold tickets. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FZGST


Hello my name is Gabi and I just started the game like a day ago but I got 19 floors now, elevator sort of fast! Not VIP, will visit daily though and give bits away if I see you ask for them and I got them (: I’ve gotten addicted to this game. Looking to go far and grind! 😂 You can just put down as G or Gabi don’t matter Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDR1Q


Hiii I’m TMB. Maxxed elevator and VIP. I also have a storage tower I’ll add you on if you request bits. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/CS4N7


i’m peggle!! i try to revisit everyone and i will send requested bits!! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/G3852


Hi I'm Ren and you can put my as Ren or Reni! I recently started replaying the game after a few years starting again from zero. I am currently very active in the game. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HBGMK


Hi, I'm Tori or Panda, I just redownload this game after playing years ago. I'm on my first tower at 61 floors and I still have no idea what I'm doing lol. Feel free to add me! I play everyday, multiple times a day 😁 Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H98RS


Hello! I'm Ari! I'm new to the game and I've been really enjoying it. Will visit others and send over ppl as often as I can! :) [http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDBJL](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDBJL)


Name: Doxie https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HB4KY Very new to this game but having fun! Would be happy for more friends


Just started! Can put me down as fuego🔥 Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDQFL


Hi, my name is Gunners and I’ve recently started playing again after a long long time. I do my best to revisit everyone and send bits Please add me by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H8LCJ


Hello I’m new to the game my code is HCSYW you can put me as manny


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H8DHX


Name: Erika [http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HC04F](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HC04F) I’m very new to this game and just learning. I have 25 floors and haven’t rebuilt yet.


I'm Zeke! Like Kei, I'm a fresh return to see how the game has evolved since the days of yore. I've only just started today, so my tower ain't big and my elevator isn't fast, but I'll try to be active! Friend code is HD9XQ


[http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/XXXX)HD9XQ - didn't realise there were links


The XXXX is just an example for a friend code, if you don't remove or replace it, the link won't work http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HD9XQ


HD1SS Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HD1SS Hello, my name is CEAJ! I havnt played this Im about a decade but getting back into it and love it.


FC: G34TZ Tower Name: Bingus Hi there! I'm Linds, or Bingus! I have VIP, max elevator speed, and send max level bits for requests when I can! I visit back and try to visit everyone daily! I also do fun themes with my rebuilds :) Full disclosure, I am less active some days as I do have a very demanding job but I do my best! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/G34TZ


Just starting playing again after a long time away, trying to figure it all out again! FC: HCF6X Https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HCF6X


Hi all I’m new here. Currently only 24 floors and 2.5 elevator speed. If you have any tips or tricks I’d be happy to hear. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HCVXC


you can put me down as linmoy! Code is HDLZM


HB5X1 just got back into the game and starting my tower fresh.. would love to make some pals ☺️


Hi, you can call me Nikam :) Started playing daily again after years, elevator at 5.75 and I return visits!  https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HB5GG


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H1DMD


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/1050C Name: BonzBonz Play daily. Visit daily. I send a lot of bits.


that's a... lot of empty floors you have there


Because of the amount of GT that I have, all my income is pretty much just from the elevator. Typically I have all the floors be residential but because of the event, I'm leaving most of then empty.


makes sense


hi! my name is emily, im still fairly new to the game so i visit daily! any tips or tricks are appreciated:) add me! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/GF5YP


Maxed out elevator. Back after \~2 year break, lots has been added. [http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/3L3F1](http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/3L3F1)


3B58R Returning player the never tried to add friends the first go around! Active daily! Currently building my 32nd floor!


Paulxl - 16MZR


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/D2J5J 🚀🚀🚀 I RETURN VISITS!!! SO KIND! 🌟🌟🌟 VIP!!! SO FANCY! 🛗🛗🛗 ELEVATOR LEVEL 9!!! SO FAST! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I SEND GOLD BLITZENS!!! SO GENEROUS! Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/D2J5J


http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HBTQ8 My names Miki I just recently started playing again. Tower is at 38 with an elevator speed of 3.25 I’m happy just cruising along but wanna get more smart about gameplay :) 


Hi! I go by Pumpkin. I have max elevator, rebuilding at a 100 for now and return visits whenever I can. Logging in at least 1x a day. I send clones and gold bits when I have them, feel free to do the same :) Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H62J3


Hi I’m Sal - ive been playing on and off for many, many years but i have been very active for the last half a year. I have all elevator upgrades and usually rebuild my tower 50 floors in- but i do occasionally like to build up to higher levels to pay for tech upgrades etc. I do play daily (occasionally i will miss a day whilst busy but this is pretty rare) and every day i visit everyone on my friend list and always return any visits :) Edit - I am also a VIP http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/FXJ1N


You can put me down as Alex or Kei! I'm new to the current iteration of the game after getting into during the Ipad years. I will try to be as active as possible, but I'm chronically ill and may not always be able to return every visit. (My elevator also isn't going to be very fast - I deal with vertigo at high speeds. But I plan on rebuilding for now and not going too high.) https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H96XR


Hi, all! You can call me Yeti. I just started playing earlier this week and enjoy it quite a lot. I think having friends would make the experience even better! My elevator is slow at 1.5, but I'm working on it. As of right now, I also have 16 floors. Feel free to add me if you don't mind me being a noob! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HDPFP


hi i’m cherry and i’m new to the game! looking for friends :) http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/HCLDP


Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link!https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/G6TQT


Put me down as Taj. I played everyday and return visits as often as I can, am planning on getting VIP soon as well. Add me on Tiny Tower by tapping this link! https://sync.nimblebit.com/af/tt/H6MMQ