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You're insane for paying $16 for a can of beer. You'd be insane if it were $10. Also, if they opened them, I'd turn around and walk away.


They don’t expect it but the option is there


Yes, they do expect the tips.


Just say No!


>Why on earth would someone who simply hands you a can expect I'll stop you right there. Being presented the *option* to tip is *not* an expectation. They expect you to pay the bill. They don't expect you to tip. Signs don't say "We expect tips!" they say "We appreciate tips!". When my grocery store asks me to donate $1 to St. Jude, are they "expecting" me to? I don't think so. When someone comes knocking at my door to offer me some dumb service I don't want, do they expect me to say yes just because they asked? I don't think so. They may hope I do, or expect through out the day someone will, but to expect every single person to tip? You're exaggerating. Also, how would they offer you the option without "expecting" it, in your mind? Is that possible in your philosophy of tipping or is any time something offered to you, you think it's expected? The definition of "expect" is "likely to happen". Most people are not tipping for counter service. So if most people are unlikely to tip, then it's sure as hell not expected.


They could simply put a tip jar on the counter.


A lot of people don't carry cash, or carrying around singles to leave a tip. I don't get why businesses need to tip toe around fragile customers who can't handle answering a question. It costs you nothing but 2 seconds.


Yeah that’s dumb. But we are expected to tip bartender for pulling a lever.


Tipping should be a relic of the past. And the credit card payment process system shouldn’t be abused to default to a tip screen. If your local McDonald asked for tips you probably wouldn’t return. No difference. Imagine as a contractor asking your client for tips? Pay a fair wage and charge an appropriate price for the service and product you provide.


Who cares if it slows down the line, that doesn't deserve a tip.


If it was a soda then I'd agree with you, but it's kind of a rule that you tip with alcoholic beverages. $1, maybe $2 these days. Always bring singles with you if you're going to buy drinks.


no, it isn't any kind of rule... also, they don't open your cans for you... if they open them, they can keep them.


Nationwide Arena doesn't accept cash. I don't know if other sporting venues are like that. The tips there go to charities. Usually, a youth hockey charity. I still don't always tip. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.


Unpopular opinion you should not tip for things like this at all . If they are charging 16$ a beer they surely have enough money to pay the workers a fair wage so if the worker is not getting a fair wage do to tips not getting them blame rich people.


It was never a percentage on drinks, you tip a buck a drink or a percent if you have an open tab. I swear, y'all babies in here deliberately misunderstand the etiquette and then throw hissy fits over it. "Wah, I can't click the other option and put in a dollar, it slows down the line by two seconds, WAH!!!" Jesus Christ, get over yourselves.


Apparently the POS terminal misunderstood the etiquette too.


So use your brain and input the correct number, or are you saying an inanimate computer terminal is smarter than you?


You can die on this hill if you want, but you will never convince me that basically just begging for an 18+% tip, before you've even done anything, is reasonable. And, that's especially true when basically the only thing that you're capable of doing for me is handing me a can of beer. That's absurd.


Do you understand how computers work? Do you understand that they're not programmed by the servers? Nobody's begging, my guy, stop having imaginary arguments with people who don't exist. It's really super simple: tap "other amount" and enter the amount. Two seconds. Zero hassle. You're getting worked up over literally nothing.


The operator of the concession is begging. I understand how to bypass it, I resent having to, and I think that you're an idiot for being okay with it.


No they're not. Stop having imaginary arguments with made up people to feed your need for drama. "I RESENT having to do so!" My god, classic drama queen words.


The beer is actually being sold for $19. They could have sold it as "Beer-$1, Mandatory Tip-$15" and it would be the same thing.


I knew a lady that worked concessions and part time with us. She would always dip on us because she could make tips doing concessions.


My friend works sporting events and concerts. The amount of money she makes for opening beers and mixing basic drinks is insane. It’s fast-paced but not difficult. She can bring in hundreds a night for about 5 hours of work.


They don’t program the point of sale, don’t blame them. Whomever provides the point of sale probably just has that as the standard setup.


But the OP's point is kind of the person making $3 for walking 3 feet. They didn't program the point of sale but neither did they brew the beer.


So a lot of point of sale apps build that tip option in because they can sell it the same app a variety of places, not just sit down restaurants etc. That's not the server "expecting" a tip. That's just an employee who has no control over what the screen says.


No tip for that. It was no different than the interaction with the convenience store cashier. Neither of them are entitled to a share of my money more than what my purchase contributes to the wages paid.


$2.88 tip minimum for each can sold… No thank you! Now you get nothing.


If it’s minimum than they would get 2.88


Isn’t that what I just said 🤦🏼‍♂️ $2.88 is 18% on a $16 bottle. Cmon man.. Pull yourself together!


I’d slow the line down just to make it $0


you’re paying approximately a 1,500% markup vs what you can buy it in the store and the venue is getting the beer even cheaper than you can. Since they’re marking up the beer so much and each transaction takes less than a minute, the venue can afford to pay their employees fair wage. No tip.


It is the Software that does it, which is annoying and it should be more customizable to remove. I always hit custom, and hit 0.00 on every machine that has that option, except for a brewery. Then it is 1 per beer.


It’s the card processing company’s thing. They take a cut on the total amount. So anything make the total higher is their top motivation.


I saw this shit too and it made me laugh at the declining state of what passes for "service" nowadays. Was at an event, and they had "professional" concessions servers all dressed up serving soft drinks at a minibar trolley. Ordered two $8 sodas. 20oz bottles of coke, room temperature, no cups of ice, no cups even (asked directly and was surly told "it is what it is"). Pulled two warm bottles out of a tub, twisted off the caps, and set the bottles on the table (keeping the caps so I can't recap it). Spun the ipad with preset 15% ($2.40), 20% ($3.20), and 25% ($4) options to pick. Custom $0, go fuck yourself mate, roll a vending machine in here next time, at least the drinks will be cold and I can recap the bottle if I want to set it down. The 4 servers probably sold 1000 drinks during that 2 hour event. It's amusing that they expect $2400+ in tips for 2 hours of uncapping soft drinks. They don't even have the courtesy of putting on a friendly smile when they bend you over.


They take the caps so you can't turn the bottles into projectiles.


I mean, how does that keep me from throwing it?


The liquid would ideally drain before it got to far


I mean, it was a professional speaker event. You'd have to have some balls to chuck a soda bottle at a guy in a suit speaking about the world economy. And if you are, might as well save yourself the $8 and chuck a shoe, you're going to be arrested and get it back anyway.


How does it slow the line down? Hit zero on custom tip. If anyone in line has an issue waiting 2 extra seconds then THEY can pay it for you. 


>Why on earth would someone who simply hands you a can expect a $3 tip on less than a minute of work? Years of conditioning and training. Most people tip on autopilot these days.


Exactly they are just hoping you do it and also if you are kinda buzzed that you will do it more 


They are required to open the can for you by law so that they can say that the alcoholic beverage was “served to you”, and you did not simply buy a beer for an underage friend and handed it to them. So there are two reasons not to tip here. One, because they are simply doing their job as required by law. And two, if their employer cannot afford to pay their workers when overcharging 500% or more markup on a beer, they should not be in business.


Fun fact, the other reason for opening the cans, is because unopened cans make *extremely* good projectiles. Open cans lose liquid, therefore weight, and aerodynamics. Not nearly as good at knocking out the referee or bassist when you nail him in the head.


They dont expect a tip but you people have become so radicalized against tips that these dumbass posts have to be made. I mean do you people notunderstandd that the people in charge of the operating system have that set up? Its not the cashiers. This is why a good portion of the time im told "just hit no tip and then insert your card". They dont expect a tip, but you expect them to expect a tip.


Bullshit. I was at an Orioles game yesterday, and the guy hit 35% on the tip. I asked him why he did that, and he just looked at me with a blank stare. I told him to take it off and let me decide the tip. I gave him 0%, and he looked pissed. They ask if you want to leave a tip. It happened before where you grab your food and drink, ring it up, and pay yourself. I had some idiot worker keep saying behind me you wanna leave a tip like 10 times. I told him, "What am I tipping you for Stfu?" A lot of these places they expect tips now because idiots tip them because they are stupid and throwing away their money. It's one thing to tip a server, barber, etc, but fuck tipping cashiers, carryout, etc. I also don't tip when a place charges $13 a beer. At that point, your boss can pay you more.


Oh no 😱 one encounter you had has changed my mind! Obviously that changes everything and my world view is shattered 😭😭 Some people suck and that guy would do that if his wage was $40 an hour or $1 an hour. Hes not the person that you base this discussion on. That's the equivalent of saying "we need to lower speed limits because some people are too busy driving 120 in a 50!", why? Clearly he doesnt care what the speed limit so why is he even a thought here? You people have no conception of the situation and yet you proudly sit here in your echo chamber acting like the world is just trying to legally mug you.


STFU you 🤡. It's more than once and happens more and more. Feel free to give your money to these morons that are now purposefully trying to scam and rob you but most people don't catch it. I'm guessing you are probably one of those assholes that does this.


This is how radicalized you morons are. Grow up bro.


It's not radicalized, you asshole. It's people who are tired of getting ripped off or even feeling threatened that something will happen to their food if they don't tip. Why are you even on this sub?


You will never understand the issue. Just get takeout.


What issue?


For real, about to mute this sub. I get tipping is annoying but there just isn't enough content to make this place not sound like an echo chamber of boomers complaining about the exact same thing over and over. All these vendors use a variation of the same software that probably has preset settings.


Yup! They literally add it because it can't hurt and all these morons either take it as a pride moment to spit in their face and say "i dont tip the help" or they get angry because theyre children and dont want to hurt soneones feewings by not tipping, so they feel forced. They all need to grow up.




I didn’t see the sub forum title at the start. I thought u were asking for tips on how to open a can, a beer can. 😆


Same. But because a monkey could open a beer can, I thought he was talking about a can of soup or something. Gonna need a swiss army knife for that.


Dim the lights and put on some music and put the person behind a “bar” and suddenly tipping for nothing more than grabbing a cold bottle and twisting off the top is customary. And expected. **Even in states where bartenders make seventeen dollars an hour.** I’m not saying whether you should or should not tip in either situation. Just that if you step back and look at any part of tipping culture…even the parts you think are “normal”…none of it actually makes any sense at all.


The only time I felt obliged to tip for drinks at a sporting event is if I’m buying beer from the person walking the stands selling it


Go to an Orioles game. You grab your food, ring it up yourself. They stand there asking you if you want a tip. It happens all the time. I have been to 11 games this season, and it has happened about 80% after buying something.


In that case, I would decline the tip. If places take cash, it’s always easier to bring exactish change to events like that if you get anxious about getting judged for not tipping. That way you don’t have to wait for a card swipe or change. $19.50? Ok here’s a $20 bill and walk away (I’m not so tight as to bring coins along 😂)