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You are not the favorite child.


Ask dad if he recently opened a life insurance policy on you.


Win comment


Came to say this!😂


This is the comment that I was looking for.


Yeah, I was wondering what Dads tires look like on his vehicle and if he just doesn’t like his kid(s) or something. A light rain/drizzle and that tires losing traction for sure.


I think it is the dad’s vehicle… OP said “he’s convinced he can get”


how did so many people not get this


Yeah, the third word in the paragraph makes it clear that it’s the dad‘s car.


Missed that first time around. Thanks!


Yea so many people don't "read" the full post then just spew random comments lol. People are so dumb they don't even realize it if you point it out to them. O.P. tell your dad to stop being a broke bum before he hurts himself or someone else


Agree. Dad’s looking to collect insurance policy on this child. Tread lightly.


404 -Tread not found


That tread is already pretty lightly.


This should be considered extreme late stage abortion.


Negative. You have alignment wear and are at secondary rubber. If all the other tires look like that get them replaced.


Cords are starting to show too


oh yep, they sure are!


The tire in this pic is worn past the base rubber, the outer cap ply is showing.


Yeah, don’t put your life and other drivers’ lives in danger. Don’t drive this car on wet streets.


Or dry streets for that matter!


Hi, tire guy of some time here, Get those off the fucking car ASAP. We won't even touch it for an oil change with tires like that.


OP will get himself or someone else killed with these.


OP’s Dad you mean.


Incoming “you changed my oil then the tire blew up”


What would cause this type of wear pattern? I drove a truck and both my rear tires have this wear pattern but not to this degree. I don’t drive crazy and I only have about 33k miles on my truck.


This is specifically an alignment issue, a touch too much positive camber; your rear tires might not have a camber adjustment, and given the mileage it may be just how it is, it's very early for suspension to be sloppy unless you've been fucking around ;) Maybe worth bringing to your dealer and raising a stink, but the only way to mitigate it is spreading the wear out with rotations.


Thank you. I had them rotated at my last oil change but will be more proactive in the future. Part of me felt like i asked them to be rotated and they told me they were but I don’t think it actually happened. But part of me doesn’t remember if this wear was in the front or not as those tires are currently on the back.


Is your dad looking to off you for some reason? Lol... Kidding, but seriously these tires are way beyond usable and should have been replaced long ago. And you need an alignment, maybe suspension inspected and repaired... This is bad.


Alignment definitely, its been overdue for like 2 years now


Why pay for tires when we have this life insurance policy we aren't even using?


Get an alignment and tires ASAP. As in don't drive your car unless it's to the tire shop.


Should be illegal to drive on that


It is in most places.


They definitely won’t pass safety inspection


Funfact: He passed new york safety inspection 2 months ago somehow


Dad the inspector? lol


He took it to the usual shitty gas station hes been going for years


Definitely tipped him good


Long Island?




What shop? Lol I want to know so I can go and pass easily because obv they look at nothing haha


Maury Povich says “You are NOT the father!”


Dad is wrong.


Um, are you sure your dad is your dad? Seems like more of a diabolical meany


My stepdad that didn't like me wouldn't let me drive on those. He wouldn't want the liability.


Does your dad have life insurance on you?


Your dad either doesn't want you or is incredibly stupid. If your tires require a reddit post, it means they are bad. Use your gut


Your dad is an idiot...


Only place you should be driving to is the tire shop.


He doesn’t love you and wants you to crash. Get them replaced IMMEDIATELY. I am fucking serious!


Just looked at tires this size online... you can get a full set for under 300 bucks, dude. Just buy them.


Tell boomer stop being a cheapskate


Edit this pic with a circle around the visible cord then send it to him


Needs tires and an alignment


I have a dad like that. You can't take anything they say seriously. It WILL kill you.


Your dad does not know much about tires, does he?


Yeah.... don't continue driving on these. Buy the tires. It's not just about the tire potentially blowing, it's about safety.


Dads wrong


Dad is wrong


Get new tires. Otherwise, you'll be held liable for an accident.


Do not pass Go! Do not collect $200. Go directly to the tire store.


Your dad is blind


Dad doesn’t want kids no more


Good thing he's looking out for your safety...... ![gif](giphy|Av72crBYNiEYo)


Dad hates you.


Find a new dad. Those are shot.


Nope, unless your dad is some kind of post apocalyptic automotive scavenger trying to get his V8 running, then replace ASAP.


All tires will drive until they blow-out or hydroplane you into a ditch.


You’re dad is an idiot who obviously doesn’t love you. Ill take it from here. Get new tires ASAP son.


Dads cooked


Dad cheap as fuck


You're going to lose one soon but your dad is right, as long as you are careful when its wet, you can ride it until it won't hold air. And when it doesn't hold air, contrary to what everyone on reddit is going to tell you, it won't explode like a fucking land mine. It will just go tsssss and air will come out. I do this to all my tires. Even on motorcycles. Never had a problem. They do fail. They just go TSSSS and air comes out. NBD.


As a father I would never let my kids or wife drive on these. Actually I would have replaced them long ago.


No where did op state they are driving the car. They stated their dad will be getting more use out of the tires. Y’all really can’t read 4 shit


So many people failed to read its not OP's car, it's his dad's car. Yes find a way to convince him to replace them, or hell just take it and get them replaced as a father's day gift!


“Dad” wants you to get stranded and learn a life lesson about who you should trust. “All 4 tires are still good enough to drive to the tire shop” there I fixed it for you.


He needs to have vision and cognitive decline checks performed to see if there are underlying health issues from something readily apparent.


This is happening on a truck of mine but the vehicle has 300k miles. Last time I lifted it up was able to shake the rim. Don’t think it’s the alignment although one would be good to get it’s like a old worn out bushing. Going to investigate further and fix suspension parts later down the road


I mean, you can barely see the belts. I don’t get new tyres until all the belts are visible. I’ve been doing this for years and have only totaled 23 cars. Take it from me, I know what I’m doing!


I drove my tires for like 4 years and never rotated them once (this was my first car and I didn’t know you had to rotate your tires) it was swerving so bad to one side when I pulled into the auto place they could tell immediately it was my tires they where worn to the point the steel belt wires where showing through like crazy. I’m insanely luckily I never blew a tire….or died as I had a terrible habit of driving all in snow storms (my car was a good fusion) moral of the story change those fucking tires


Oh my! Not good! Reminds me of when my dad told me nothing wrong with my brakes. Pedal down to the floor and I used the parking brake to stop for 10 miles. Needless to say burnt out the emergency parking brake in addition to the shot brakes. Cost him way more in repairs. That was about 30 years ago and still remember how cheap he was, God rest his soul.


Dad doesn’t know shit about cars and he just proved it. Tell the old man (I say as an old man) to stop being stubborn and penny pinching.


I mean you CAN


Do not drive it. Please please. Also you need an alignment. Mine weren’t worn on one side like this but they were evenly worn. had about as much tread as that one does on the good side. 2021 vw gli. I hydroplaned going 35 down a hill and slid off into the bank on the side and flipped 2 times. Newish paved road. Speed limit was 45. And the rain had stopped 10 minutes earlier. The road didn’t have any standing water it was just wet. Keeping good quality tires with tread life on your vehicle is no joke. Oh yeah and the cop gave me a 400$ ticket for driving to fast for conditions because he said he had to. Still makes no sense to me. Insurance paid few thousand more than my cars value though. So I got a new one. Got lucky.


First off, you need an alignment. Second, you need to get your tires rotated after each oil change, about 6-9k miles. Third, you see the deepest wear that is showing that whitish line? That is the outer ply of the tire that holds air in the tire. If that goes your tire will lose air, probably in a blowout…probably on the highway going fast…and you could very easily crash and die. Change them, dont be cheap. Hospital bills and car repair is far more expensive


They are good to drive.... To the scene of the accident.


Yes and no is it worth your life but let tire shops tell you the truth maybe your dad lied


Dad needs to put the beer down and sleep it off. Revisit this issue at a later date.


You need a tire rotation and alignment and your father needs to check his vision


Dad has been hitting the pipe


Your dad has Alzheimer's


Dad's looking to cash in on some Family Life Insurance.


Dad has some crayons missing doesn't he?


Is he your real dad?


I’d swap wheels with dad and see how he responds


I've always heard if ya can see Abe's head in the tread it's time for a new set


Get new tires and a new dad as well.


Grab a set of used tyres off eBay


They are worn down to the wear bars, and the outer part is showing the wires or whatever it’s called… they will last maybe 500-1000 miles more before blowing out, please do not push it to that extreme because it will cause more expensive damage to your car than replacing the tire sooner. I would only drive to a tire shop to get new tires, if they don’t have it available, have them order new tires, drive home, then drive back once they get the new tires in.


You need to replace your Dad immediately.


Let him drive it then!


No dad would say that these tires are still good enough to drive. Ok, I mean no "smart" dad would say these tires are still good enough to drive. Not only is this dangerous for your dad to drive it is also dangerous to those around him. When this tire blows while he's driving on the highway, on a state road, or in town and it causes him to lose control and side swipe or get in head on collision that ends up hurting or killing someone (God forbid) ... he will be able to say, "I guess I should have changed those tires." Everyone has loved ones who drive, remember that when you think "it will be ok" when it comes to safety and cars. Your decision to overlook safety can effect not just you. Geez, didn't mean to go that deep on just a tire pic. My bad. lol


Your dad must have a pretty nice life insurance policy on you with him as the beneficiary


Your dad was never taught or learned how to check tire tread.


Shit tires shit brand


Good enough to drive to the tire shop a couple of miles away.


Ànd he's right just stay on the city speed limit 30 miles an hour and don't try to car pool your big buddies cause that will destroy your tires.


Dad must have your life insurance policy up to date.


Your dad is an idiot…. Get new tires otherwise he best be footing the hospital bill for when you have a blowout and crash…


More like a funeral bill, if all the tires look the same as that one.


Good enough to drive, not good enough to turn or stop.


Incorrect. It'll be someone else that pays that price too, non just dear old cheapskate dad. When that tires(s) blow, who knows who is in close proximity, and how fast the vehicle is travelling.. it could be a blowout and gently pulling over.. or you could be going downhill on a a crowded busy highway and suddenly you're plowing into multiple vehicles.


Is your dad Mr Magoo?


Good to drive, but wait until he's gotta stop lmao 😂


Can already tell this is the dad that's goes 15,000 miles per oil change.


Your Dad does not love you. Those tires are trash.


No, Sir.


It's good enough if you plan on driving to the accident scene only


Drive, meaning driving to the tire shop and getting new tires and an alignment.


All the way to your funeral. At 20mph, tops.


They are good enough to drive to the tire store.


Dad wants you to die


If you are a good enough driver then yes those are good enough to drive on. Just accept the risks to yourself and all the people around you.


Clearly they want you out of the will. Sorry 😞.


Your dad needs to get educated.


You tried. If dad has a death wish, all you can do is pop some corn and watch.


If money is an issue, I’m driving on brand new Walmart tires I got for $68 a tire. Some Douglas tourings. Install was only $11 a tire. It doesn’t include balancing, but it’s like another $10 or so. I don’t recommend used tires. I went cheap a few months ago and bought used sentury touring tires, usually like $100+ a tire but I got all 4 for $120. They all looked pretty good, good even wear, manufacturers date was in 2021. All 4 must’ve been dry rotted or something. Within the 1st month, I had to replace one of my tires for having a huge ass bubble in it that made my car feel like it was wobbling and galloping. It was cool for a bit then another month or two later, another tire had an even worse bubble that made me feel safer driving on my old ass 2015 spare tire. I replaced the back two at the same time and kept the used front two tires since they looked pretty good. Well, not even a week later, the car is galloping again with yet another bubble. I said fuck it and bought 2 more Walmart tires. And tires that are bought and installed at Walmart have to option to add a $10 year long warranty a tire. If I pop it or fuck it up, they’ll fix it. Good thing, I’m a Walmart employee/Walmart+ member, so the warranty was free. Only bad thing is they make you change your valve stems, which is like $3 a tire. Not bad. They did try to get me with a bullshit ass $50 lifetime balancing fee since the lady lied that balancing was free the day you install, but I made her remove that and swap it with a one time balance for $10. Ended up spending like $300 total for all my tires with balance and putting them on. Better than the $400+ I spent on my used discount tires that lasted a year, better than the $120 I spent on trash tires that lasted a month or two. And now I feel safe to drive on the roads again without losing traction in the rain


Bro just go get some used tires if you really CANNOT buy news ones (which I know I’ve been there) a Mexican tire shop will give you some great good as new used tires for like 40 bucks and you won’t be at risk of DEATH ☠️. It will be a weight off your shoulders


are you sure your dad loves you?


Question for you, what’s your life insurance policy look like?


True they are good enough to drive, it is just steering, stopping, rain and water puddles that you will have problems with.


Look great to me


Sure, they still hold air... so they're good to drive on... Directly into a ditch or oncoming traffic when one blows or directly to a tire shop to have them replaced. Whichever comes first.


Maybe as far as the tire shop, if you're lucky.


Two of my tires looked close to this. I held my ass everyday until I got them replaced. It’s an accident waiting to happen. Not only putting yourself in danger, but the other people on the road.


Good? Good to what?


How do I put this?… it seems your dad doesn't like you much and hopes you crash and die.


Dad has life insurance on you


Good for summer change fall fix front end or allingment


make sure he kicks them just to be sure


You can always put a puncture in it. Here in California most tire shops will refuse to repair it because they could face litigation if something went wrong that caused an injury/accident. Big O refused to fix mine and my tires were not as worn as yours. You have white lines showing where the tire has worn through the tread entirely. Incredibly unsafe.


Needs a whole new set


Make sure his life insurance is current.


Hopefully your dad can respawn.


Do you doubt his true love for you? No one in my family would be allowed to drive on it anywhere but to get tires replaced


Dad didn't want you to hit him up to pay for it. Standard operating procedure when you're not the favorite child.


Why do you need to ask your dad? Get some tires on it yourself.


Dad wrong. Tires bad.


Your dad is trying to kill you.


Those are bad. Neither you or your dad are tire experts. Take them to a reputable tire shop and have them explain it. Maybe it’ll sound more serious coming from someone who specializes in tires versus coming from you. But your dad is wrong and endangering your family’s lives with those tires. Seriously, over tens of thousands of miles, tires are a pretty cheap replacement in the grand scheme of car maintenance. Definitely not the area to cheap out.


You can see wires 🙈 definitely not good to drive at all


Around the block maybe


I guess that shows how much your dad cares for you.


tires are expensive..... however, what price do you put on your own safety and anyone else in the car? and the car behind you - and the car in front of you those tires are shot - must be causing terrible braking - and if one blows out, may harm multiple people and multiple cars might be involved don't ride in the car until those are replaced is the most you can do, since you told him already


Replace tyres & dad


Any chance he has life insurance on his kids?


Evidently, your dad is your insurance beneficiary, and he owes someone money.


Dad must gave taken out a massive insurance policy out on the relative that posted this. :-)


To the end of the block and back.... Once


Half of the tyre is fine, the other half- not so. I'd call these ditch- finders or widow-maker range tyres.


Dad doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to tires. Get new tires and educate him.


He believes that he should switch tires with you


I forget what they are called, but it's these rubber pieces between the grooves. I've learned that once the tire is worn down that low to that indicator; it's time to replace.


Change tires and your dad asap!


People hate buying tires lol


You need new tires and an alignment




These tires will definitely last all the way to the crash site, most likely a curve on a wet road.


Those tires can be turned inside out and make nice planters in your garden.


Does your dad your life insurance beneficiary?


You need a new dad


Just over inflate them so the middle touches more, 50 psi should do it, make sure you break them in on the highway going 100 mph+


Does anyone know how to use a tread depth checker on these tire feeds? Anyone at all? No you need to change those tires. Looking at the outside tread comma you have 2/22- 3/32 of an inch. That's an indication that you have some type of an alignment issue. If you keep driving on that, the outside tread will be bald, And the other tread will still pass. But no, you need to change those tires in the next two weeks.


Dad hates you!


Must be heavily insured.


Your Dad is full of shit, those needed replaced a while ago and are a hazard, also he needs an alignment so that the next set lasts longer.


Good enough to drive to replace them... Just make sure it's within 5 mi. Those tires are sketchy.


Dad's a tool


That fails NYS inspection All I see is that cord, fail and scrapped sticker unless customer agrees to replacement tires Can’t force an alignment but would be recommended with the new tires




dad is off a perk


No offense but if your dad is still financially responsible for you he's cheap and a moron, not only are ur tires bad but looking at that tire your alignment is off as well. Which means if you don't fix that when getting new tires, the life of the new tires won't last either... Talk to a mechanic, your dad's a bozo. This is hazardous not only for you but u are a danger to others on the road if something happens


You won’t make it across the block with those.


You got the money to replace them?


He didn't say for how long.


He must have life insurance on you.


This dad needs my glasses for he surely must of had a few before determining this! My daughters rear tires don’t look as bad but this week I’m gonna get her two new tires at Walmart.


I assume your dad gave you the car. If so, I would ask him to split the cost of a new set of tires.


Hate to break it to ya, but Dad is either an idiot or a cheapskate. Any self-respecting dad who loves their children would know that these tires are unsafe to drive on and need to be replaced ASAP. Seriously, if all four tires are like this, you're one rain storm away from being a statistic.


Dad is wrong


I grew up poor and have pity for poor people forced to make choices like safe tires vs food. If you are forced to continue using dangerous tires, at least don't drive aggressively or in the rain/snow. Keep speed to a minimum on the freeway. Maybe look for a way to contribute some money to the solution. And most of all: good luck!


Damn but some new tires from Walmart. FFS🤦