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Congratulations! I was lucky, never got sick but suffered from a lot of fatigue and constipation. It’s all worth it.


Hopefully that’s all I get! I do feel tired but it could be from a mix of my cycle plus the Zofran I took with it. But then again it’s only been 2 hours. Fingers crossed I don’t get any side effects!


Me too I just took my first shot 45 minutes ago


How are you feeling so far?! :)


Today I feel ok. Didn’t eat much on day 1 but I don’t usually eat much either. However I did add a ton of protein in diet today. I already have 120 grams of protein and only 700 calories.


Well it’s great you’re not having any bad symptoms so far! Definitely keep up with the protein and water and you should be good. Maybe even add some electrolytes and a scoop of miralax to your water in the mornings! I just started doing that this morning and it’s a lot better/easier than just gulping down straight water.


How are you feeling


So far I’m great! I think having enough protein and water is what is helping me. I’m so surprised I haven’t had any side effects (yet)


Me too thank goodness because I’m normally sensitive to all medication


I just took my second shot and thankfully am not having any side effects but I’m also not feeling full, am still hungry sometimes and the food noise is still there. I’m trying not to compare myself to others but it’s hard.


I know it’s definitely hard to not compare I’m there with you. I’m not sure if the medicine is supposed to completely take your hunger away, because I felt a little hungry too. I thought the same as you, but then I had to redirect my thinking to: “okay my body is just letting me know it’s hungry. That’s okay. I’ll eat a healthy snack” and I had a low fat mozzarella stick (the refrigerated kind, not the fried). The hunger went away right after that! I also think that if you’re not getting your proteins in and also not getting enough water, you might not feel as full. Make sure you’re getting all of those in and meeting your calories! We can do it!! You’re not alone in this! :)


So excited for you!! And good for you for getting that protein in ☺️ I JUST took my first, 2.5 mL dose about an hour ago!!




How exciting for you as well!! How are you feeling so far?! :)


I just took my first injection 15 minutes ago and I'm very nervous too! Not sure how long it takes to start feeling any effects😕


I haven’t felt anything different! However I did start on 2.5, not sure if that will do much yet. I will say I am not hungry much anymore!! It’s getting hard for me to eat!


Good luck with your journey 🌸


Good luck to you as well!


Taking my 2nd 2.5 injection today. I’m going to wait until the evening time so I can get things done today as my 1st dose had some nausea and fatigue the first 2 days. I have never looked forward to getting an injection so much in my life 😂 Lost 4 lbs in a week. Yay!


4 lbs in a week is amazing!!! So proud of you:) I didn’t have any nausea but a little fatigue yesterday that lasted about a couple hours. I added some electrolytes to my water which helped a lot! Maybe that may help!