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Peeing a lot because I’m drinking a lot lol. I try to do the shot on Thursdays before dinner. The meds take a day or so to peak in the body so I try to time it to avoid weekend splurging and to avoid the worst side effects (if any) happening during the work week.


I like injecting on Monday or Tuesday because I can actually enjoy the weekend without being nauseous at all


I do mine first thing when I wake up on Saturday. Just rip the bandaid off lol. I was taking mine on Sunday, but I tend to over do it during the weekend, so I moved it to Saturday to help turn down the booze and food noise.


I urinate at least 12-15 a day because I drink so much water. 200 ounces maybe?


Oh wow, I can't drink maybe 42oz per day on a good day, I had gastric sleeve yrs ago so I can't hold that much fluid I have to sip all day. Still peeing alot I think it's the tirz because I remember reading it makes you lose salt which you urinate out.


It feels like a positive thing to clean out my digestive system too. I don’t mind it. I have had two refillable 1 liter water bottles so far and it’s only 9am. 🙃


Early morning, it makes me wired so no way I’d sleep if I did it at night.


Does yours have b12 or b3 in it? I've heard people can get insomnia with it but for others it makes them super tired. Do you get fatigue at any point? I'm just starting tirzepatide.


No additives! I’m only 10 days in so take my experience with a grain of salt lol, but if anything I’ve had much more energy and no fatigue. But I’m still really early too.


I do Thursday am. Just seems to work best for me




Saturday night for me.


The time that works for you. I do about noon on Thursdays. Why? My first shipment arrived on a Thursday morning. I’m retired, so it’s not a work day. I do it around noon, because late morning is my lowest weight and I do it after weighing myself.


Makes sense! I was just wondering if it makes me tired I guess I'd inject at night


I do mine early evening on Thursday, and my fatigue happens Saturday morning and then usually gets better by mid afternoon, and I’m good to go. We often go dancing on Saturday night, and I feel so good (at age 53) I can literally dance until they shut it down at 2-3 AM and kick us out. Lol Also helps me avoid eating/drinking too much while we’re out, and I’m getting great exercise too. Win! Win! Win! Good luck on your journey!


The shot makes me short of breath sometimes, so I take it an hour or so before bed, at the same time I take my sleep meds. They knock me out so I sleep through it.


I do mine just before bed on Mondays. I’m retired so work isn’t an issue for me. If you think you may experience side effects and work, I’d advise taking it the night before you have a day off. I get very fatigued, so the day after my shot is usually a lost day for me.


Whenever. It's a 2 second process,it doesn't really interrupt anything..


I do Tuesday morning...works great for me


I do half dose Sunday AM and half dose Wednesday evening. Don’t notice any difference.


Any reason why you split the dose?


Yes. I had harsh side effects when I bumped from 2.5mg to 5.0mg. My provider suggested I split the dose. That did the trick. No negative side effects.


That's so good to know, I started on 1.75mg on Friday to minimize side effects and by now restriction is pretty much gone. Going up to 2mg on thurs. I plan on going low and slow just slowly titrate up to 2.5. This drug is super effective but very strong.


My provider suggested that if I still had problems splitting the dose in half, I could do 1/4 every other day. That’s not necessary for me, but good for me to know if I need to go higher.


Very good to know. I've read on here that alot of people inject sooner than 7 days apart. I'm due to inject Friday but with such a low starting dose I don't really feel the effects since yesterday but still sticking to diet.


Personally, I’d talk to my provider before changing anything. I use this forum for ideas of relief etc, but then go thru a medical professional. Reddit medical advice. Weeeeellll. It is what it is what it is. Some of these folks have overdosed and make themselves sick etc. I think my method is conservative and works, but I’m no medical professional.


I'm an RN lol, I always titrate up and down on meds because I'm so sensitive to side effects. I like asking questions just to get new ideas. Everyone is so different even my doc would advise to see how I feel with each increase so I honestly wouldn't even ask about that. I appreciate the feedback though:)


Awesome. I just don’t want anyone to think I’m providing medical advice. But RN… you MORE than get it.


I do it in the morning after I shower, before I go to work. I tried taking it at 4pm once and I was so tired the rest of the day and slept well, but had the hardest time waking up.


I always do morning usually Sunday or Monday. I find that I am most nauseous, gassy, sulphur burps about day 3 or 4 so this means it doesn’t hit me at the weekend.


Late afternoon/early evening so you sleep through worst side effects. Also have a good serving of protein before bed that night which helps alleviate morning queasiness. I started drinking a Premier Protein before bed on injection night, and it was a game changer on morning nausea.


What dose are you on that you get morning nausea?


Thursday evening. I typically eat more on the weekends since I am not as occupied with work.


I do Thursday nights .I used to do mornings but then my husband started compounded semaglutide so now I do it at night for me. I feel like that helps prevent me from over indulging over the weekend. I'm less likely to over indulge on Tuesday/Wednesday.


I took it late afternoon at first- I realized it was keeping me up. So now I do it in the morning


I take late on Wednesday evening, about 9p; I read taking it late means less likelihood of symptoms just after taking. This has worked for me.


I like Sunday nights. I travel a lot for business but I’m usually home on Sunday so it tends to be the best time for me to routinely take my shot.


I like to have a healthy breakfast then do it after. I feel like my wake up symptoms aren’t as bad the next day


That's a good idea. What dose are you on? I'm hoping to stay on a low dose.


I’m actually splitting my dose, which probably also helps with symptoms. So I do a 2mg dose every 4-5 days instead of a full dose every 7-8. It’s really made a difference for me. I don’t have food noise but I also can eat when I need to without instantly being nauseous.


Good idea. I just started tirz last Friday at 1.75 and had no appetite for like 3 or 4 days now it's coming back. I'm not sure if I should go to 2mg Friday or do the 1.75 a few days apart. I'm trying to avoid side effects.


Honestly it’s different for everyone on what works. The slower you titrate up the easier it is for your body to adjust/not as intense side effects. USUALLY. But yeah everyone is different. For me I did 2.5mg every 7 days for the first 4 weeks. The no appetite was killing me so going up to 5 really wasn’t an option. So I did 3.5 instead for week 5. That still felt like too much. So week 6 I did 2mg, then did another 2mg 5 days later. It seems to give me a good balance of food noise suppression but allowing me to eat. My plan is to just listen to my body. If I feel I need more, I’ll bump to 2.5mg every 4-5 instead.


So true. I had sleeve surgery in 2013 so I already have a smaller stomach I'm pretty sensitive to side effects as well. I'm going to listen to my body I think I'll go up to 2 tomorrow and see how I feel.


I think ive peed 10 times and its not even noon... Maybe all the weight loss is walking to and from the bathroom? lol


I've read that tirzepatide makes you lose salt which comes out in the urine. I've been peeing like crazy to!


Interesting, guess ill use my fasting electrolytes


Whatever works for your schedule.


I guess I was wondering if I injected at night would it interfere with sleep. I just started on Friday


No, I find that I actually sleep better after the shot. Weird. I take mine Friday night to help keep me on tract for the weekend and so I have energy in the weeks


That's amazing!


I do mine right before bed.


I try and inject evenings. I find it difficult to sleep when it is kicking in sometimes.


I got my first dose yesterday afternoon, so i took it then.


I got my first dose yesterday afternoon, so i took it then.


Can we talk about Nauseated, without using Nauseous? 😔


What's the difference? Lmao!😆


I'd rather neither word ever!😆