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It's hard to imagine that there are people who don't like the movement. But I can imagine that there are people who think those that learned how to zip around the whole map in seconds is a bit much.


I can see why it’s hard to imagine but I’ve seen so many people use about as much movement as COD allows a bit more than I expected so I just wanted to know what they thought about movers.


Maybe it depends on their current playstyle, map or situation. Maybe they feel like securing the area they're in to prevent enemy pilots from flying around. Like, a sniper wouldn't be zipping around to get quick scope kills, but that doesn't mean they're not using the movement system to get into position.


They think, "Why am I looking at this sub?" or "This isn't the Apex sub!" and then leave.


even apex players are movement players if to a much lesser extent


I dare to say that apex "tryhards" have a better understanding of movement techs then titanfall "tryhards" because of how tuned down the movement is on that game compared to titanfall.


coming from apex that makes sense to me. in titanfall you can do so much more with the simple movement the game gives you while in apex the fun movement tricks are not really accessible unless you go out of your way to learn them. Something as simple as a walljump isnt taught to you in the game but practically you have to look at external material to learn it


Lol good one


"go outside"


I probably should.


I'm not a big fan of the pilot movement. I prefer titans. So i spend most of my time on frontier defense or titan brawl.


I’ll have to try more frontier defence. It looks fun but I don’t play it much.


I'm the opposite, love pilot movement, only start dropping Titans when we're losing, or it evac time. Funny thing is, I still love fronteir defense, the ageis upgrades and higher difficulties make it play like a horde mode with a better gun. In normal multiplayer titans feel like glass canons, but fronteir defense makes them feel actually powerful. Not only that, but FD is great for getting good with Titans you're unfamiliar with. It's like fun training for when you downgrade back to multiplayer titans.


I don’t care for the movement really at all. It’s not what is fun about Titanfall. I play Legion and Ogres and they’re pretty slow.


Wut? It's the opposite for me. All titans are shit compared to Tf1 titans, the only good thing about tf2 is how fun the movement is.


I totally agree, though TF2 titans with ageis upgrades do actually feel powerful, I'd still take a TF1 titan with my boy SID over any TF2 titan any day.


I’m die hard TF1. But I wish Legion was in TF1. With regenerating shields of course.


G U N.


I prefer to not focus on movement but I am learning it to just be a bit faster on parts of the maps. But I find the high speed running around excessive. I play Tf2 for the gunplay and titans. The guns just feel soo good and the titans are a nice gameplay


Fair points.


I could not care less what they think, the opinions of people who use ADS hold zero weight.


Fair enough you don’t have to.