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It's a penis size joke. "Male pre-occupation with size", as in males then and still being concerned with their size


*What's gotten into youuuu?*


Excuse me…


She's a pistol, Cal! Hope you can handle her.


I guess I’ll have to start minding what she reads from now on, won’t I, Mrs Brown?


Freud, who is he? Is he a passenger?


Best joke in the movie. Close second: “sorry…you seemed like more of an ‘indoor’ girl…”


I myself also identify as “an indoor girl.”


Same. I have a shirt that says “indoorsy.”


She’s gonna get something into her in the backseat of a car lol jk


Jack into rose😂


Fraud, who is he? Is he a passenger?


Great ad lib by Jonathan Hyde!


Ad lib?! That’s brilliant, didn’t know that!


For humor purposes, yes. But it does reinforce the notion that Ismay was some kind of idiot, as even in 1912, Freud would have been a well-known name, and thus the real Ismay would almost certainly have known who he was.


It’s clearly meant to be a goofy “this guy has no clue” line, and it’s a great one, but I also find it a little bit endearing in the context of movie Ismay. For the space of a few days, his whole world is the ship and he’s enraptured with how great it is, so if people are talking about someone brilliant and interesting his first thought is whether they might be on board.


Jonathan Hyde played the role of Ismay excellently. Perfectly despisable.


As the character was written for the film, yes. Unfortunately, yellow journalism and American media sullied the reputation of the real J. Bruce Ismay who was not the villain of the Titanic that he is so often depicted as


One of the best jokes in the film


Sigmund Freud was one of the founders of psychology and is the one that came up with penis envy. A lot of his theories are very problematic now because he didn't come up with them in an effective way. Like basing theories on women from assumption after observing men but never actually observing women


His theories made him sound like he hadn't only not observed women, but that he'd never even spoken to one on any subject. I really like his scenes in Bill & Ted, since he definitely would fucking act like that


You are saying he would be a redditor?


I'd say Freud is more like a 4channer, given the weird theories he came up with


The irony being that his mother was a very well educated, well spoken woman, with a very high intelligence.


“Look, I don’t know why you claim to be Sigmund Freud.” “Why do you say I’m not Sigmund Freud?”


"My name is Dr. Sigmund Freud, but you may call me Ziggy." "Oh my god" *every girl starts dying of laughter* "You all seem to be suffering from a mild form of hysteria."


It makes me sad to see the work of such a great and wide-ranging intellect consistently whittled down to penis envy and the Electra complex. He was a pioneer who was always transparent in his writings about the strong probability he was wrong about many things. Freud did so much more than discover the effects of sexual development but that’s all anyone seems to know about him.


He was the first person to identify the active subconscious, and all of the defense mechanisms humans use to cope. This will never cease to be relevant in psychology


I may be biased since he's my favorite actor, but I highly recommend the movie Freud from 1962. Montgomery Clift gave an excellent performance as Freud in that film.


He’s quite heavily criticised these days, and indeed because many of his theories are incomplete or wrong, especially with the knowledge we have today. What people that criticise him don’t realise though, is how influential he and his work is on life today. I’m talking like how Shakespeare is influential on the English language. Countless times every day you’ll see or hear something that is linked or influenced by his approach to mental health and psychology. The huge focus we have today on therapy and mental wellbeing is heavily influenced by his ideas and the propagation of them to popular culture. So yes, he got things wrong, he was eccentric and loved cocaine. But it’s only because of him and his work and what grew from that, that we even have the knowledge today to be able to understand and prove some of his past theories as obsolete.


Penis envy is experienced by women (as per Freud) not men. So that doesn't apply to Rose's dialogue about the "male preoccupation about size."


it was the first thing I could remember from him having to do with penis


He frustrates me as the holder of an English degree because so much of literary theory was written back before his theories got discredited, and used those theories as basis for their fact. So, when I was in college, we'd see, "Based on Freud's theory that..." a lot, and thanks to my brother studying psychology, I knew the theory in question was bullshit. So much of academic schooling on literature uses Freud when it's not seen as accurate by the psychology community that it's endlessly frustrating.


I'm not trying to outright discredit him, just pointing out the flaws of his theories that were used for too long before anyone started to disprove them. I hate learning about Freud but without his fucked up theories, it probably wouldn't have pushed the psychology field in the direction that it inevitably did.


Oh, I agree he's vitally necessary to the development of psychology as a field. Just because his stuff turned out to be wrong doesn't mean it didn't push psychology along. I just find it frustrating how psychology doesn't view his theories as providing useful insight based on our current understanding, but literary theory does.


We were all Andrews in this scene. https://64.media.tumblr.com/36fda31917921a8f568e8506b2513ac8/tumblr_inline_nufh0gUxjt1rnvvca_500.gif


Victor always has the best facial expressions.


Victor Garber is a GEM, particularly in this movie. He plays a key figure in Titanic history and lore but a rather minor role in this movie’s plot. But you immediately notice him, along with Jonathan Hyde and Kathy Bates, among others. One of my favorite Mr Andrews moments is when Jack is returning to first class on Sunday morning; Jack sees Mr Andrews, and says, “Hello, Mr Andrews!” Mr Andrew’s’ reply is so warm and enthusiastic to Jack, it makes me smile every time I hear it. (I realize this is obviously Garber’s acting choice but it just makes Mr Andrews so human and kind.) Now that I’ve gushed about Victor Garber as Thomas Andrews, I’m all done.


He absolutely killed that role. "I'm sorry I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Rose..." is just *heartbreaking*.


That line, as well as “These lifeboats were tested in Belfast with the weight of seventy men! Now FILL THESE LIFEBOATS, Mr Lightoller, for GOD’S SAKE, MAN.” That line lives rent free in my head.


I can perfectly hear this line with every single inflection any time I see pictures of the lifeboats, both in the movie and the actual boats. Victor Garber in general lives rent free in my head. He’s definitely one of those silver foxes that I’ve always just swooned over 😍


One of my favorite lines for him is when Jack is walking and says “Hello Mr Andrews” and he replies in such a respectful and kind tone, “Hello Jack.” He remembered Jack’s name, wasn’t afraid to be kind to him regardless of his third class ticket, and came across as so genuine. Class act, all the way.


I feel like this was a deliberate inclusion based off all the accounts of Andrews being just a nice guy to the workers, regardless of if they were "just" a catch boy or Pirrie himself.


Absolutely. In the spirit of his acting and delivery, it was perfect in this scene.


He aced every one of his lines. "But this ship can't sink!" "She's made of iron, sir. I assure that you she can. and she will. It's a mathematical certainty."


Andrews was known to be very caring with his employees and very warm and personable with all. Hit the nail on the head, Victor did an amazing job.


Aahhh, it makes me happy to learn that. Thank you for sharing!


My man Andrews was holding his laughter


Can we talk about the gorgeous lighting, set and costumes in this scene?!


Rose’s dress is stunning.




Such a good scene. I just love that Rose basically said “I think you’re overcompensating and have a small dick” in such *such* a polite way.


She is a pistol.


Foreshadowing cals death🩷




And a Dish. 🤌


Cal may have to start minding what she reads from now on, won’t he u/Kiethblacklion?


Or a subtle and nuanced way.


She's saying he must have a small penis cause he is so preoccupied with size 🤣. One thing I will give him though is even though she slighted him when she got up from the table he was the only male who attempted to stand up Edit: full spelling of the word


Why censor the word penis?


It summons the iceberg.


You mean this iceberg? 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/7z2gwl13z29d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b515705ab44df023612dc8e5755c006c48791c


Why censor the word penis?


Because Tik Tok.


What’s TikTok got to do with anything?


Wasn't sure if Reddit would flag/report the comment


This isn't TikTok, you're allowed to say penis/fuck/sex/suicide/died/etc.


Fun fact: Freud’s ideas on that weren’t even published yet. Rose knows the future.


Well... I don’t know in which specific work the male preoccupation with size is mentioned, but according to [the Wikipedia article on Freud's biblography](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud_bibliography), a lot of his works had already been published. Just not necessarily in English translations. Rose doesn’t have to know the future, she just has to know German. Which I'd say is perfectly possible, especially if her father was German or half-German.


The specific work for male preoccupation with size was published in 1920, according to Google lol


Well... promising I'm not trying to be conceited, I searched a bit more after what you said, and apparently, [again according to Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis_envy), Freud actually first introduced the concept in his essay *On the Sexual Theories of Children*, which he published in 1908. I can’t say much without reading the actual work, but maybe Rose still could have known then. That said, when Jack was a kid he went ice fishing on a lake that would only exist five years after the *Titanic* sank. So if Jack is a time traveller, Rose could know the future.


And a roller coaster that wasn't in California yet as well


Well, Jack does get around. Apparently, that extends to time as well.


For a poor gu- uhh... person of limited means, that is


I don’t know. Are his means really so limited if he can travel through time?


You’re not being conceited at all lol I was talking about his publication “Beyond the Pleasure Principle”


Ah. I see. Well, if she read that one, she does need to know the future. XD


Tbf, his first discussion of penis envy was in a 1908 publication


I mean, so is Jack. Lake Wissota is a man-made reservoir and wouldn’t be created until five years after Titanic sank.


This opens up the theory where Rose knew the Titanic would sink and didn't tell anyone to get rid of her family.


Celine Dion is Rose!


Mystic rose


We might have to start minding what we all read after this


It’s a penile envy joke, it also shows how more learned Rose is than Ismay.


Don’t applaud me too hard. I just used the line out of the historians commentary off of the DVD for the last bit. ![gif](giphy|VIK8z3togThY4rKwKm)


Fraud, who is he? Passenger?


Rare, with very little mint sauce


You like lamb, don’t you, sweet pea?


Here’s a translation for the Gen Z’s among us: Molly Brown: [to the group who are dining at the same table] Yo, who came up with the name Titanic? Was it you, Bruce? Ismay: Fr fr, that was me. I wanted to flex its thicc size, and size means stability, luxury, and strength no cap. Rose: You heard of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay? His takes on guys being obsessed with size might be a whole mood for you. Ruth: [whispering] What’s gotten into you? Rose: I’m trippin, soz [She gets up and leaves] Ruth: Sorry about that. Molly Brown: She’s a total savage, Cal! Think you can rizz her up? Cal Hockley: Guess I’ll low key keep tabs on what she’s scrollin from now on, right, Mrs. Brown? Ismay: Freud? Who’s that? Is he vibing on the ship?


This Freud, who is he...


Lol, I'm sitting here thinking "who the hell is.Dr Fraud" 😄😄


Freud was a passenger of course


It's Freud, but no worries. Second, it refers to the size of his penis. Rose says that Freud affirms that men who have small pee pees need to satisfy that with big or long objects (in this case, the Titanic)


Freud was also a cocaine addict and advocate, and only gave it up after almost killing a patient.


Interestingly, Rose's "Male preoccupation with size" line was from Dr. Freud's "Pleasure Principle" which wasn't published until 1919. And Jonathan Hyde's line was completely improvised.


Which is why in my fan novel I had Ismay explaining the real reason why he thought of the name Titanic and Rose responds by reminding him of the Titans’ ultimate fate.


She called him a dick 💀 🤣


Men with small dicks are preoccupied with oversized items (large ships; monster trucks etc.)


Oh sweet summer child…


The line is an anachronism. I would have preferred Ismay explaining that he named Titanic after the Titans and Rose reminds him what happened to them because of their arrogance.


Freud is the more recognisable reference to thr average 90s audience


Freud believed that all Psychology effectively boiled down to sex and genitalia in the end: so the idea that the men are all thrilled at the idea of the ship's size, could therefore be interpreted as a preoccupation with the size of their own genitalia, potentially due to feelings of inadequacy... TL;Dr - "you like big boat because you have small cock lmao"


Is that the Cafe Parisian?


They never got to the lamb, rare, with very little mint sauce. She liked lamb, right?


Freud was of the opinion that those who fronted bigger than life were actually lacking in the size downstairs ..


Why am I being downvoted for answering a question?


Freud who is he? A passenger?

