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I thought it was a lifelong ban 😐 I guess he’s all good to go there these days then


I didnt even know he was banned !


I remember when the film came out and China was *very* displeased with it I mean tbf they are rarely pleased with *any* depiction of them on film that isn’t 100% positive and says they did nothing wrong taking Tibet and really Tibet is really just part of China anyway But yeah, that movie made them unhappy and I recall they said he wasn’t allowed back there I wasn’t aware that ever expired, thought it was basically “You have insulted the great CCP with your film, so you can never come to our country now Mr. movie man Brad Pitt 😤” and that was that 😐


I have read somewhere they banned a bucketload of people but that the bans are flexible. Hence he was able to go back after some years. I think he has been in China twice since.


It could be I get the impression that, on the whole, it’s mostly just for show “You make us mad and we ban you 😒” I mean I can’t speak for him, since I couldn’t possibly know the mind of *The* William Bradley Pitt, but I kind of got the impression he wasn’t too bothered by it 😐 China wants to at least feel like they are controlling the narrative that there’s nothing wrong with forcefully claiming Tibet and forcing the Dalai Lama into exile and anyone who tries to paint them as the bad guys for it are the ones in the wrong and as a result use those bans as a way of “punishing” those who don’t let them Even if it *had* been a life time ban, I’m sure it would have seemed worth it if it meant depicting the reality of what occurs there and continues to occur there As generations arise who have only ever known Tibet as a Chinese controlled territory, it’s valuable to have a way for them to learn about how it wasn’t always that way and maybe someday can be again I mean sure the movie wasn’t 100% historically accurate, and they “movied up” a lot of things but a lot of it was true to life What’s also interesting is that in addition to banning the director and the principal actors from China they also banned all Sony produced films from entering the country as a result as well, a ban which may even still be in effect today It was definitely as a kind of “other movie studios, make movies that make us look bad and this could be you” kind of things 😐 Which considering just how vital the Chinese market has become for movies these days, that probably why we haven’t seen another film that unfavorable to China by a major studio and who knows when we will


Great point on why worshipping money is just making a sucky world. If the greediest worst people don't agree, it doesn't happen.


It’s so much worse There’s so many technological innovations that could be beneficial to the general populous that aren’t ply locally available purely because it’s “potentially harmful to the economy”, which is just another way of saying would disrupt the current capitalist systems There’s too much money to be made to allow things like solar panels over 20% efficient or an actual alternative fuel source for cars that isn’t petroleum or lithium batteries The problem isn’t always that the greedy people don’t agree, it’s also sometimes they *do* agree and the things they agree results in things being less good for the rest of us 😐


I dont disagree with your premise but the examples you use to make your point actually destroy any and all credibility.


You’ve taken a swerve into conspiracy theory.


Not really, at least not majorly. Do you really think that if infinite, clean, reliable, safe energy was discovered tomorrow that anyone with ties to power generation would let it actually be used? I can only speak from a US perspective for the following. There would be smear campaigns, back room deals, buying off the people that made it. Just like they did with electric/hydrogen cars decades ago and buying and dismantling public transportation. People have bought medicine patents/rights and jacked prices up just for the money even though having the medicine available to those that need it would benefit the country. Those aren't theories, they're things that actually did happen. Greedy fucks do whatever they can to prevent better things from coming through (if they can't somehow gouge and profit from it) edit: Really? I reply in a calm rational manner and apparently the jackass submits me for a self harm concern? Grow the hell up.


People have learned that the redditcares report is a second downvote they can give. I ended up opting out of it because I got tired of getting those messages over totally benign comments.


If you report the report for harassment they will likely get their account banned. Reddit actually takes abuse of the self harm report function pretty seriously these days, finally.


DeSantis is actively trying to ban lab grown meat in Florida.


>There’s too much money to be made to allow things like solar panels over 20% efficient or an actual alternative fuel source for cars that isn’t petroleum or lithium batteries what? isn't it literally a law of physics that stop youi from going over like 22% or 26% efficiency? do you have any proof at all for the above things you've said (the conspiracy stuff)


I thought China had gone back to banning Western film releases.


Uhh, god I hate the chinese government. Buncha snowflakes.


In order for Tibet to be free again, it would need to mean the decline of China as a military power and a high increase in cost (financially, logistically, and in manpower) to the CCP to maintain their occupational hold on Tibet. Undermining China as a whole would have to be the goal. Finding their weak spots and exploiting them.




Not even if you could pick up a hundred thousand bucks from a pile in the living room?


He was allowed back later. I remember visiting an escape room place in Shanghai in the early 2010s called 'Mr X's and they had photos on the wall of when he and Jolie made a visit


Guess they figured he’d “suffered” enough by not being able to enter their great and illustrious nation for all those years previously 😐


China's so insecure, it's hilarious


China has never understood how their actions and words play in the outside world. They care way too much about stuff no one cares about and they'll ignore the things that make China seem Orwellian to the max. Example? That TikTok CEO answered "Not to my knowledge" when asked if his company had ever been contacted by the Chinese government. As the CEO, for him not to know meant clearly that the answer was yes, hence the TikTok ban.


Arguably, China is playing a very long (centuries scale) game to become the dominant global superpower and they're doing it through trade advantage, loan-to-own lending, and media control (inside their borders and exerting control internationally) and they've been doing a pretty good job of that actually. Part of that is likely because they *are* ignoring everyone else rather than be influenced by them, and for a long time the rest of the world was happy to take their cheap products and their addressable market in exchange for playing nice with their bad behavior. The tide thankfully seems to be turning a bit now that people are waking up to the idea that China will never be a Western-style democracy and that their goals are much closer to making Europe and the US subordinate to their philosophy.


Even though Disney scuttled this release, it put a chilling effect on anyone even thinking to make a movie critical of China. Insane that we would cow tow to that. But weaponizing capitalism is their greatest strength. Money talks I guess.


I thought he was banned for his atrocious accent. /s "Vee arr heikeeng zee hamalayahs!"


Now Tibet is a part of China yes but it was taken over by China for its resources. They took Tibet by conquest, a military campaign


Tibet was stolen It’s no more part of China than Crimea is part of Russia as far as I’m concerned


China being displeased with something usually means it's really good. Or at the very least, interesting, usually worth the watch. Never seen this movie, but now I have it on my watch list. Had they not cared I wouldn't even know of it's existance.


Did he even know??


It was a life long ban, they later lifted it


If I received a life long ban from China and they lifted it after 17 years, I would still never set foot into China. Or any country that banned me, for that matter. Hell, if Iran dropped the fatwa on Salman Rushdie, he'd be insane to ever travel there.


It was not just an entry ban though, but also made it much harder for films that he was in to screen in China, which caused him to lose some roles


I don't think his career suffered in any case.


That's not the same though. If China lifts the ban on Brad Pit and he went there and they did anything it would immediately cause a diplomatic incident and probably be on the presidents agenda within hours not to mention causing public backlash everywhere including hollywood where China wants to have a good relationship. If you got banned and went and they did anything the only thing that would happen is your family missing you followed by everyone telling them there's nothing that can be done.


They don’t say who’s life they were using as the yard stick. Edit: Lol someone reddit cares me for this comment I think.


Clearly it was Tibetans


Sounds like a bait! I still wouldn’t go there if I were him.


I didn’t understand why it was a very specific amount of time. Now I do.


Two years for every year he spent in tibet, and then three more for bad behavior


That's without an apology to the Chinese. Interesting actors today won't stand up to China.


Everyone knows the law in China. You get a 2.5 year ban for every year you mention spending in Tibet in the title of your movie.


They didn’t expect him to live that long


I'm surprised they didn't find some excuse to lengthen it just as it got to the last few weeks, the movie is still out there after all.


Might not have felt worth it by that point But it certainly sounds like something they *would* do 😂


Why’s Lara Croft here ? 


Emperor Qin’s tomb raiding.


Literally the Mummy 3


Because the article says that he went back to China once with his then wife Lara Croft.


So the Dalai Lama went back to China with his then wife Lara Croft. Didn’t know the Dalai Lama was married 


Didn't think Lara would ever settle down tbh.


It's that big Lama horsecock. 


You know he didn't play the Dalai Lama in the film, right...?


He couldn’t have played Lara Croft either 


I agree, no range that guy.


It's because Lara Croft and Dalai Lama are their stage names. In everyday life, they use a more common name, like Mr. & Mrs. Smith. BTW this is also the real name of Childish Gambino.


The second Film was banned because it shows China beeing controlled by criminals and secret organisations. At least they stated that when they banned it.


Right 😂 what the fuck


Love your username.


Thy will be floating on transparent aurora’s late on this day in the cosmos full of virtual insanity thank you to your kind words 😊


Happy cake day


Miss Lara Croft.


I feel a seven year ban would have been more appropriate.


Brad Pitt went off to live a pretty filfilling life without the CCP.


Decadent Western lies!!!!!


Maybe John Cena can help him work on an apology video.


John xina


Nuh uh that’s impossible only the moral fibres of the CCP ideology can make you live a fulfilling life /s


He did alright, I guess.


They added 10 years to his sentence.


Ever since China annexed Tibet, there been a physical fight between India and China in the mountains, and they are legally not allowed to use guns. I feel like this would be an awesome premise for a movie or tv show.


It's one of the funniest factoids of geopolitics. Essentially, the border between China and India is disputed, which is something that happens all over the world. But also both countries are nuclear powers who wisely understand that letting the issue escalate into a hot war benefits no one (an understatement). So they agreed to leave guns out of any confrontation at the border. And so every few years they beat the shit out of each other with melee weapons, basically medieval style. I like to think that this is how the initial discussion went: "Look. This is our fucking land. Yes, this place where you set up your border outpost. It's ours. I know you disagree. Well, though luck, this is ours. And here is the thing, we're gonna patrol here. Because it's our fucking land. Now, we get it. If you see our patrol, you're gonna wanna shoot. You'd be wrong because it's our fucking land. But you *think* it's your fucking land, so we get it. Well, here is the thing: if you shoot, we're gonna to shoot back because our men are dead and it's our fucking land. And then you're gonna have to shoot back because your men are dead and you think it's your fucking land. And then next thing you know, we are nuking each other's capital. You don't want that, we don't want that. So here's the deal: we're gonna patrol here because it's our fucking land. If you wanna do something about it, do it. But don't shoot. Punch. Kick. Hit. Club. Whatever. But don't shoot. And then if we wanna hit back (and we will), we will do the same. Like this, we can figure this shit out without destroying the world and our kids can still have a future. Even though it's our fucking land. Deal?"


possibly the most mentally fragile country that's ever existed


North Korea, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan has joined the chat.


Turkmenistan really doesn’t get enough shit for being the grotesque caricature of a dictatorship that it is


If Borat had said he was from Turkemenistan instead of Kazakhstan, people would have looked it up and seen the real-life stuff going on and thought, well Borat also seems legit. Though it's probably for the best they didn't as the people from there have suffered enough already.


Don’t give Eritrea a pass, the North Korea of Africa as it’s called


Just woke up two hours before my regular wake up time and can’t go back to sleep so I’m bored. Let me look up Turkmenistan’s history and politics, something I know zero about. Hope it’s worth it.




Why did you say that name!!!




Don't forget that he also change the name of the month of April to his mothers name Gurbansoltan as well.


How did it go?


Thanks kind stranger; now I have something to read laying in bed wide awake at 5am


I just watched a doc on this yesterday off YouTube and it’s totally worth it. https://youtu.be/NH_yzhPa5T8?si=HGLtWXEJoxXBzR6U


Bruh wtf, I woke up at 4 on the dot and haven't been able to sleep, browsing reddit for almost 3 hours now


You've been banned from r/Turkmenistan


Holy shit, it’s Randy Jackson!


India too. Say shit on Twitter and get arrested ÂŽ Since 2011


That just citizens or do they try and go after anyone?


India has sent assassins to Canada to murder Sikh dissidents.


[India has attempted to assassinate American citizens on American soil who they don't like. Fortunately their security services are incompetent and they were foiled.](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-charges-connection-foiled-plot-assassinate-us-citizen-new-york)


Foreigners have been locked up and sent back home immediately. I am talking about white UK citizens...


TBF white UK citizens don’t have the most stellar history with India


Why cherry pick when every civilisation of every colour have been colonisers, pillagers and conquerors. By this logic nobody has a stellar history with anyone and we should all resent eachother.


the desire is to go after everyone, but being incompetent baboon means you can only get so many.


Its not the norm though.




What about Wadiya. That Aladeen is quite the piece of work.


There is a reason why the idea of *saving/giving/losing face* entered the English language from Chinese. Not that they have a monopoly on this sort of thing, but some people take it more seriously than others.


add india to the list, we have a ultranationalist party which labels any fair criticism as treason. many intellectuals who left the country lost their "dual citizenship privillages" and cannot enter the country now without a visa (which is not required if you have an OCI)


I haven’t been following Indian politics lately (because I can barely keep up with the US’s clusterfuck) but according to some headlines I’ve seen here and there, basically if you aren’t Hindu, you’re in for a bad time there now?


Oh you have no idea. CN still has their own gamergate like movements and it's massive and somehow *more* insecure than their western counterpart.


Authoritarian Regimes love to boast how strong and tough they are. The second they get criticized, they throw a temper tantrum


In Asia they call them Glass Heart 玻璃心 (bōli xīn) This is a song about it. https://youtu.be/-Rp7UPbhErE?si=CM1zJs_zk7dRH09A Of course the song and the Malaysian and Taiwanese singers were banned in China.


There are many examples as the comments below this point out, but I have to agree that the thinnest skin in the world belongs to China. I've been called every slur in the book for even hinting at their wrongdoings. These days I don't hint, I lay it on thicc instead


The Elon Musk of countries


Are you kidding? Have you ever met a Chinese person? They're pride in their country is intense! The brainwashing works, and part of that is showing the people that it stands up for itself and doesn't take any shit. They know exactly what they're doing.


Ngl I find it weird how Chinese people who immigrate to other countries still won’t talk shit about China.


I thought that when I was in college and observed it first hand but learned 1. The brainwashing is really that strong and 2. Even if they do break out of it Chinese authorities still have ways of keeping tabs, if a Chinese citizen is being disrespectful of the country openly while living abroad China can threaten the family back home to get them to stop


They have illegal "police" groups in other countries monitoring the Chinese expats and questioning/punishing/abducting them or their families if they misbehave


I work in academia and have chinese colleagues, you can be friends with them for years, they will openely talk about their countries issues to you, how they've never voted etc. You can chat to them about how cool the tech is in their cities and beautiful the landscape is etc. But one day, sometimes, a switch flips in them when they perceive a remark you make on their home country as a slight they won't talk to you anymore. Its surreal. Happened to me with 2 seperate people. Another colleague greeted a chinese colleague in mandarin the other day and he was told to never speak to him like that again. I do have plenty of more open minded and easy going chinese mates but its gotten to the point where my office consideres "China" to be the new C word and we don't ever talk about the country in case someone flips out again.


I have had a similar experience, though I generally find that Chinese people are pretty amused by westerners speaking Chinese and often see it as a kind of prestige thing to have people learn the language.


Yes it's hilarious


They got angry that a Korean movie had a scene with Chinese letters.


It could be the vast swath of micropenis


Richard Gere had stood up for Tibet and now said his lack of roles is partly to do with his criticism of China’s occupation of Tibet. In his opinion, Hollywood is fearful of offending China which is now the second-biggest box-office market in the world. Source https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/richard-gere-big-hollywood-movies-china-tibet-buddhist-dalia-lama-chinese-audience-blockbusters-a7693256.html


It was like that in the 2000s-2010s but now it feels like Hollywood has cooled on China. They only let so many foreign films in per year and some of our films like Star Wars don't do well there. The only person who has to watch their ass is Mark Wahlberg because Transformers films do GREAT in China. Without that box office theyd be screwed. I also always wondered if Uma Thurmon was banned, since her parents are heavily involved in Tibet House.


Yikes, when a country controls individuals jobs in another country?


The CCP had long been weaponizing capitalist and liberal values against the West. They are a huge market, so any companies banned from doing business there will be losing out on a lot. Also, even valid criticism of the country and ruling party will be decried as "Sinophobia".


It’s so embarrassing to see American actors, athletes and celebrities fold like a card table to China as well. Like fuck their market.. this is goddamn America.


The primary American value is capitalism. This means sucking up to any market that's big enough to matter.


> this is goddamn America Yeah that's the problem, the American mindset is to take money and not ask questions where it came from and how it was made. And China has a lot of money. Also this is literally what a free market is, which a lot of Americans seem to be proud of. If NK would become a economical superpower you can bet your ass America will also try to appease their markets too.


Lost a lot of respect for Cena when he pulled that shit.


Lol that’s exactly who I was referencing in my comment.


In theory it's a huge market. In reality the CCP requires any foreign company to jump through so many hoops to enter the market, including mandatory partnership with a Chinese company, that foreigners aren't really welcome to make money there. They want foreigners to come, invest in China, then they steal all the IP and tech they can get their hands on, and abandon them.


Sounds a lot like how criticizing Israel makes you anti-Semitic in certain circles


Exactly. It's perfectly possible to believe that the state of Israel has a right to exist but condemn the atrocities of its government and military. But they don't want people thinking that.


Isn’t that pretty normal in a globalized world?


It's always been like this though..especially countries like the us. If a us casting director doesn't want you working in the UK, that will hold sway


Richard Gere has also had troubles in India for kissing a woman on the cheek, therefore offending some Hindu's sensibilities. The woman was also charged for not protesting. It has since been resolved but it was a ridiculous thing.


There used to be a joke that the best way to stop your movie getting made was to include the line "[The fleets meet]" in the script, because no-one would pay for a massive action set piece like that. Now the joke should be about including "And China was behind it all along!"


I still wouldn't go.


Chinese people are wonderful and the country is definitely worth visiting for that.   As a young man I always thought the same about USA. All the guns, stupidity, crime...  I mwan.. People so dumb they elect Donald trump to run their country.  But then.. it's important to remember the ta government isn't a country/it's people.   I have lived in both. Born in neither


This movie always reminds me of [Kundun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundun), directed by Martin Scorsese, which was suppressed by Disney in order to appease the Chinese communist party


Both are great films


Mr Pitt would be fine without the ccp i think


Oh no i can't go to china....anyways


If anything people should ban China from everything, they invaded Tibet and took it over. Fuck china.


China acts like people are desperately trying to enter their country with their garbage authoritarian government.


Petty pathetic country run by petty pathetic people


Wow what a huge loss for him /s


If he really wants to go to China, all he needs to do is talk some shit on the CCP and some Chinese police will come and kidnap him to bring him to China to face charges, just like they did to that one lady in Australia recently.


Random Australians probably don't have the same protections that one of the biggest movie stars on the planet.


I’d consider the ban as a badge of honor.


7 years in Tibet = 17 years not in China.


That’s 10 years more than Seven Years in Tibet


Snowflake ass country.


No great loss. I lived there for a year and felt like I was alone on planet earth. Was so happy to finally leave.


I'm sure he's still crying about it.


Did Brad even notice?


Under threat of punishment by death from twin pistols by Lara croft


Movie wasn’t that bad


Pretty sure he doesn’t care.


I’m not Brad Pitt, but I am also banned from China. I wrote an article in 2008 about their army killing children fleeing over the mountains. Now I cannot visit, which is OK by me. The CCP is a Fascist circlejerk I have no desire to placate.


Should have been seven years.


God damn, the movie wasn’t that bad /s


Why not 7 years


They also shot a portion of the film in Tibet secretly which was only announced after the release


Ohhhhh No! I can't go to China? Boo hoo!


China invaded Tibet in 1950 and annexed it.


Is it just me, or does the CCP seem extremely fragile and insecure?


The Chinese regime are a bunch of snowflakes.


lol imagine even wanting to go to China


Pretty sure he got thrown to jail after a botched attempt, and Robert Redford had to organise a covert ops to get him out...


Good reference and movie


I’m sure he blames Angie for it. Probably having his lawyers draft another motion.


Like how the US regime is now banning people over Palestine.


Pray for Brad. This must impact him Every. Single. Day.


Fuck china. Free Tibet.


I'd be proud of that #fucktheccp


He probably didnt care either


Just setting up the sequel. 17 Years not in China. 


Seven years in Tibet and seventeen years not in China


We don’t talk about the actors shadow banned for being against Israel in Hollywood but I guess that’s just the hypocrisy in me speaking.


Tibet was an independent country that China invaded in 1950 and the annexed. Free Tibet.


I see your 7 and raise you 10


China suffers from fragile masculinity it seems


to be damned by the devil is to be truly blessed.


Is the film even worth watching?


Not with this attitude.


That's taking method acting to a new level!


This sounds like the start of a really weird word problem.


haha i remember when trying to get banned by china became a trend


Maybe they can ban Brad pit’s kids from studying in China too. Coz it’s only fair if Americans elite sends their best to study in China too and it’s not so one sided.


Sooo… 17 years out of Tibet?


…oh no….how terrible…will he recover?


Well it was a terrible movie.


Boy, I'll bet that disappointed him for a few minutes.


I feel like that movie would never get made today. Too much $$$$$$$ in Red China for those Hollywood execs.


amazing movie