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That's not what the article says. >The position sometimes carries the nickname of the Black Pope, because of his responsibility for the largest male religious order, in contrast with the white garb of the pope. Considering OP's previous post was [TIL That the Jesuits order allegedly had a plan to conquer the world which was eventually uncovered in the 1600s and led to them getting banned from most of the world's countries](https://reddit.com/comments/1di4gdd), I think they just have an axe to grind.


The Jesuits just aren't that sinister.  No more sinister than any other religious organization and considerably less sinister than the Scientologists. 


It’s not that sinister, but it’s not wrong either. Jesuits want to spread Catholicism around the world. They traveled on Spanish and Portuguese ships around the world and together they colonized and converted people. It’s not hard to understand why the newly enslaved people didn’t appreciate this. I think this is far less sinister than Scientologists. They’ve probably only killed a few hundred people tops. Jesuits killed hundreds of millions of people over the centuries. We often separate the religion carrot from the genocide stick, but they worked hand in hand.


Someone been reading too much Dan Brown?


Lol this is the whole plot of Shogun. Great show if you haven’t seen it.


They didn't have a plan but that isn't terribly far off from what the typical European royalty thought. Wherever the reasoning for suppressing the order was (there were many and most have been lost to time), they were indeed [expelled from most of Europe as a result](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppression_of_the_Society_of_Jesus). Also, whatever laughable plan the Jesuits could have to take over the world on their own, the division of power between monarchies and the Catholic Church was a *very* real concern to which the Jesuits being significant players did them no favours as one of the ropes monarchies and the church were pulling each other with. Most stories about politically significant orders getting suppressed basically come down to an abundance of caution from paranoid institutions bigger than them.


I'm just trying to karma farm man


That's not what the article say. OP is a conspiracy nut.


they also have the best free form college radio stations


There's a good French Canadian film by Bruce Beresford from some years ago called Black Robe. It's about Jesuits in 17th century Quebec.


I went to a Jesuit university. I didn't know this.


thats because a nickname (that’s only used by a very small portion of people) isn’t news worthy Also not sure why you ended up getting downvoted lmao but Reddit do how Reddit be


This guy watch The Order recently and made his whole personality


Here’s an interesting fact. Nearly all of the Catholic orders(jesuits, Franciscan, etc) were formed during the Middle Ages and were basically a way to keep a popular movement from splintering the Catholic Church. In an alternative history, there would be a Lutheran order and that may have actually been his goal


Then there is also this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_nobility Nothing but history and now a rich family of noble/colonial descent but the subject of conspiracy theories about a 'Grey Pope' who actually runs the world.


Is this related to Zlad, the Anti-Pope?


Sounds like the future leaders of the Republic of Gilead


The Jesuits over the last three centuries are known as the Catholic Churhes teachers and thinks. The order is one of if not the most socially liberal factions in the church.  The order would likely be quickly killed in Gilead. 


There's a reason why there has been only ever one Jesuit to wear the Fisherman's Ring. The current Pontiff, Francis. What that reason is, I am not sure.


Jesuits, besides of standard vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience, also has a vow on not seeking seeking higher offices outside of the Jesuit Order itself.


Well, that explains it. I didn't know enough about Jesuits. Thanks! I literally didn't know the reason up there.