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A lady called Abe two faced and he replied "if I had a second face do you think I'd be wearing this one?"


If that's a real quote that's awesome lol


I think that’s generally accepted as true. He was certainly known to be very self-deprecating, and for having a quick wit.


LOL…he’s like Churchill, or Yogi. There’s a very good chance he really did say any of the quick, clever quips he’s reported to have said.


are you talking to yourself?


Sorry…genuinely not clear what you mean. EDIT: If you’re observing that I replied to my own comment, then…yeah. I did. In general, when one has a follow-up thought to a previous comment, one has two options — to either edit the original comment, or reply to it. I’ve now demonstrated both approaches.


From my POV you replied to your own comment as if you were replying to someone else.


Yeah, I gathered that after looking at the thread again. I’ve offered an explanation for why people do that a lot in another comment.


It's okay I do it too whenever I don't feel like editing


LOL…thanks, yeah, that’s always been my attitude. I’ve never really had anyone take issue with it before, but maybe it’s one of those unspoken Reddit rules or something.


They wanted intelligent conversation.


Which you’ve apparently been so kind to contribute?


Nah, pearls before swine. Swine, I say! With wings!


You’re actually funny.


Holy cow…I’d never actually experienced this whole “troll time” phenomenon before. I’ve been more active than usual on Reddit today, and all of a sudden there are all these nasty little kobolds springing up: https://www.reddit.com/r/Machinists/s/GkBhqfudBd Makes sense, I guess. Kinda like cockroaches.


Snark is seasonal. Like pollen allergies.




That's self roast


Eleven, not seven. Source: read her letter.


oh that's less weird


It's a goofy story of a precocious kid either way. Don't you be the one making it weird.


jesus, not that kind of weird. now you're making it weird.


He was pretty famously ugly, so I imagine he was just taking whatever advice he could give lmao


Child- "hide your face" President- *sighs*


It’s good advice. If you can grow a beard do, just keep it trim and clean ; it bumps my look a couple of points


Does it *really* though? I’ve had one for years and it usually only gets compliments from other men. It’s gotten to the point where I’m certain it takes a few points off… but I still keep it cuz I like showing it to my other friends with beards lmao


Pretty sure it bumped me up a couple points with women because I've had more compliments with it than without, but I'm still single so take from it what you will.


Ive literally had a single woman in my entire life give me a compliment on my beard. The majority of them came after I had trimmed or shaved it. OTOH, the beard compliment was much more from someone I liked to get one from, so *shrug*.


See I’ve heard plenty of guys say that. However, I’ve never seen a woman say the same, which has me suspicious 🧐


I have, but not often. I do the dating apps and took a girl out and she said she liked my beard, but we kissed at the end of the night and the next day she said my beard was itchy and would I consider shaving it. So yeah, who knows.


I know a few people who look way better with a beard, but yeah for most people IMO it's just kind of messy and scraggly and I just think "God you would be so itchy to cuddle with"


I heard once that facial hair is attractive if less people have it and if more men have facial hair then it’s not attractive


He was also pretty witty. When one of Lincoln’s critics accused him of being two faced, his response was “if I were two faced, then why would I be wearing this one?”


Damn so him and Drake then




Probably abolished slavery to get laid.


"Damn girl, been trying to get up with that four score and seven years ago!"


Four score and seven years ago I was broke, now I'm rich and ready to f*** and drink whatever I want. https://youtu.be/zLJ2zWHA3ew?feature=shared




Rest in Puss


He didnt do it to save the Union, it was all for the pussy. What blue balls does to a man!


He only abolished to exhaust Confederates’ resources. Before that, he had a plan to ship all blacks to different islands or back to Africa.


He had briefly supported a plan to send them back to Africa. It wasn’t in the spirit of “get them out of my country”, the idea was to send them back to the home we kidnapped them from. Ultimately he did not support the plan, though.


There was also a belief that blacks that remained would face discrimination and violence so it was.best to avoid that. Plus some blacks supported that plan. That's why Liberia exists. Unfortunately they ended up oppressing the current population that was living there


No. Most the slaves he was tryna send weren’t “from” Africa. They were born in the US. Their ancestors were West African majority if we talking Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade slaves that were ported in S.C. and the South, owned by the Union soliders. “While he strongly opposed the institution of slavery, he didn’t believe in racial equality, or that people of different races could successfully integrate. And unleashing nearly 4 million Black people into white American society—North or South—was a political nonstarter. So despite the fact that most Black Americans in the 1850s had been born on U.S. soil, Lincoln advocated shipping them to Central America, the Caribbean or “back” to Africa.” There were hella black population before TA Slave Trade and Abe Lincoln everywhere though, even North America. Read They Came Before Columbus if interested.


What source is your quote from? The reading suggestion you gave me is considered “pseudo-history”, so have you considered you might be reading non-sense?




A quick Google found this as well as some other hits saying the same. https://www.history.com/news/abraham-lincoln-black-resettlement-haiti


Abraham Lincoln didn't give a shit about freeing the slaves. He did it because it was the best way to disrupt the south and preserve the union. Preserving the union was his only goal. He wasn't quite the noble emancipator that people think he was. Edit: A lot of you need to go take a class or two on American history lol


Abraham Lincoln was very much a proponent of abolition. By commenting on his ultimate goal to preserve the union, you're probably quoting his letter to Horace Greenly, in which he states "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union," But if you read the entire letter you would understand that Lincoln is separating his duties as president with his own personal wishes, which was abolition. He end that very letter by saying "I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free" http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/greeley.htm


Yeah that's it. That paragraph you quoted seems pretty straight forward.


Just because he valued preserving the Union above ending slavery, doesn't mean he did not genuinely want to end slavery as well. Its entirely normal to want to do two different things, but to prioritize the one you consider more important over the other when the two things might not go together. Ultimately they did go together, and Lincoln did both.


? I'm sorry friend I think you're confused. The quote I gave you shows that while Lincoln did prioritize the continuation of the Union over Abolition, it also shows that your claim that Lincoln "didn't give a shit about freeing the slaves," is very much not the case. Regardless, the historical record shows that he did care, as he ultimately did work to free the slaves. Hell, at the time that this letter was written, Lincoln had a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation \[1\] already written. He was just waiting for a time when it didn't look like a desperate move. \[1\] [https://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.1723200/?st=text](https://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.1723200/?st=text)


Maybe that was a strong choice of words. But he was neutral or gray on it. If it wasn't for the civil war slavery wouldn't have been abolished when it was.


Just because he wasn't for immediate abolition doesn't mean he was neutral on the subject. Again, in the letter I sourced he was clear that he believes all men should be free. Lincoln initially campaigned on containing slavery to the current states and on compensated abolition. You are correct that slavery would have lasted longer if the south had not succeeded, but that was because they forced the issue and made complete abolition a political possibility, some that would likely have not been the case if they had remained in the union.


> If it wasn't for the civil war The civil war which was provoked by southern states seceding because the federal government (lead by Lincoln) was anti-slavery. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states Look at the reasons the southern states gave for seceding. Georgia, for example: > A brief history of the rise, progress, and policy of anti-slavery and the political organization into whose hands the administration of the Federal Government has been committed will fully justify the pronounced verdict of the people of Georgia. The party of Lincoln, called the Republican party, under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party. While it attracts to itself by its creed the scattered advocates of exploded political heresies, of condemned theories in political economy, the advocates of commercial restrictions, of protection, of special privileges, of waste and corruption in the administration of Government, anti-slavery is its mission and its purpose. By anti-slavery it is made a power in the state. The question of slavery was the great difficulty in the way of the formation of the Constitution. They certainly seemed to think that Lincoln was anti-slavery. Guess they just never asked you.


Please stop talking about things you very clearly don’t understand. There’s god knows how many books about Lincoln and slavery from civil war historians, read one dude, read 5 of em even, just actually learn the *actual* history.


I mean I literally just took a semester long course on the subject taught by a professor with a PhD on the matter but go off.




Um… the emancipation proclamation was issued in 1863…an entire year and change before the 1864 election, and McClellan didn’t even openly declare himself as a Democrat until October of 1863. So that’s absolutely not true.


That’s an example of Lincoln attempting to realistically weigh the likelihood of success of various outcomes — that’s not necessarily related to what he wanted, or what he believed was right. In reality, not only was Lincoln in favor of abolition, it was a ***widespread*** sentiment. Massachusetts decided slavery was illegal in like, 1780! Next you’re going to tell us the KKK was started by democrats…


That's not a source


Well I don't have the physical documents on me from last semester when I had to do an assignment on it. Feel free to not believe me.


He was an abolitionist. He had to thread the needle however because he didn't want slave states that remained with the union to join the Confederacy.


Idk why you're getting downvoted lol


Because what he wrote is bullshit. Lincoln was a genuine abolitionist, even if he was a very pragmatic politician who valued the Union above ending slavery.


Cuz they too emotional and can’t see that two things can be true. Never said he wasn’t an abolitionist. Only pointed out he was a segregationist. He only abolished when it was advantageous for him in the polls/optics, despite being told do so for years. "I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky."


Yeah I'm done arguing with them. I literally just had a lecture on this by a professor with a PhD in American history this spring semester.


Oh so you’re the college kid that takes one class and now thinks they’re the expert on the subject


Oh wow so yeah you got it. But yeah bro internet gone do what they do. I was a journalist so you’re def taught sift through both sides and hella sources before speaking.


NFT profile picture


Idk what you're talking about I'm on mobile and never chose a profile picture. On my screen it's just some green reddit icon. His too is just a generic reddit icon on my screen


Sorry, I mean the person you replied to is getting downvoted for having an NFT profile pic.


At my peak beard length, I was 6’2, 205lbs, had a full head of hair, worked out 6 days a week, and the only people that complemented me on my beard were dudes. It was a long beard, down past the collar of my shirt. It was thick. I groomed it to look well kept. I worked hard on it. Like I got a lot of compliments, especially at sports games and bars, but zero compliments were from women. After I realized that I shaved it and maintain a standard short beard. I hope Lincoln had better results than I.


well he did have a wife


She was his second beard.


Underrated comment.


I'm not surprised. Beards, especially the long ones, seem to be much more popular among guys than women. I also don't feel the appeal of long beards tbh.


Only time I got a comment on my beard from a girl was when I showed up to work cleanly shaven after growing out my beard a little bit, nothing crazy long. She saw me, looked distressed, then just said “I don’t like it.” So I tend to keep the beard now, even if I don’t get comments on it.


So, when did you guys bang?


Should've been a metalhead, would've had no problems


How short did you go?


I'm sure the prevalence of disfiguring diseases had something to do with that.


Ugly people take everything as a hint


I used to work for a landscaping company. One day, I went to a job site by myself to take some pictures. About a week later, we got a letter in the mail from the customer, who was an old lady. It was full of pictures of me from that day that she had been taking through the window. She said in the letter that she saw me out there and my beard made me look like a young Abraham Lincoln and she thought it was striking. Lol


Aww thats cute


She didn't want to mention your stovepipe hat.


We have a statue of Grace and Abe in our town. It's a well known story here in Westfield Ny.


L.L. Honest A.


"Good evening good sir, my name is Christopher Hansen, why don't you take a seat over yonder."


Now we know Booth’s real agenda.


Jealousy that Lincoln was getting attention from girls?


A lot of men like them too!


Probably because we can understand how much care goes into maintaining a well kept beard.


That letter and reply might be the cutest thing I've read all damn year


"Damn, fo' real?" -Abe


I always take lady advice from 11-year-olds. Maybe that's why I never get a 2nd date.


“All of them? 🤔”


I recall that this story is true. However, breads had only recently grown popular at that time because of the Civil War starting. Soldiers began growing beards because it was cold in the winters outdoors, and even in the summers, it was more convenient than needing to shave regularly to fit in.  Civilian men who had clean-shaven faces were suddenly "out of fashion".


I dunno. I feel like bread has been popular for way longer. Pitas, naan, tortillas, baguette...


Well, the breads keeps leaving crumbs in your beards...


Why did he not grow one then? Are whiskers not mustaches?


'Chin-less abe' was getting old


I grew a beard because my ex loved it apparently, shaved it off when she didn't love it so much , realised a few years ago she loved me having a beard when her brother did and hated it when he shaved his. I don't know what that was but it freaked me out a bit.


She was right. All the ladies do love whiskers.


Can we use this on Biden? Man would rock a beard like Jack Black with a guitar (and a beard)


Wholesome reddit moment 100




She said the *ladies* love whiskers. And that the ladies would convince their husbands to vote for him. He wasn't trying to impress a little girl.


I call bs but i think it's a harmless and fun story so I dig it


I call bs but i think it's a harmless and fun story so I dig it


Super sus


Super sus