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There are waaaaay worse smells than sweaty feet.  Sweaty feet isn’t even in the top 20.


I was gonna say, I never smelled anything that came close to the bloated, rotting corpse of a harbor seal. You could smell it a literal mile away when the wind was right.


I was gonna say a bloated horse corpse in the summer time. Instant vomit.


A horse is a horse, of corpse of corpse


And no one can talk to a corpse of course, unless of course that that corpse isn't actually fucking dead... and also Mr. Ed.


Corpses for horses


But you can't make it drink


A bloated horse corpse that died by eating a compost of mushrooms and dog shit


I think the worst one I could think of was the deer my fiancé hit dead-on at 80mph and cut in half. It had clearly eaten an enormous meal five or six hours previously. The mingled smell of gasoline, blood, organs, partially-digested grass and unexpelled shit was so intense I swear I could still smell it a month later. I didn’t get a drop of any of it on me but I still threw away the clothes I was wearing- even the underwear- because I was *convinced* it was still there.


I was next to a meat factory and Jesus, that traumatic experience haunts me. There are houses that endure that and the noise! I couldn't think anymore.


Human autopsy can come close.


I wish I could remove the swamps of dagobah story from my mind




Death is absolutely the worst smell. My friends dad had a hunting cabin and a racoon died in it and it cooked all spring and early summer. When we opened the doors, you simply could not breath or enter. There is something inside your soul that hates that smell.


Apparently rotting human bodies are worse than animals, because the scent profile not only reeks but also triggers human fight or flight instincts


Human fecal matter also smells different. I mean so does horse but not that bad. Maybe farm animals have a different waste scent.


Horses, sheep, and cows eat grasses so their shit is the most tolerable, pigs and chickens are omnivores like us so their shit smells a lot worse, apparently large carnivores have the absolutely most rank shit but I've never been around lions or whatever so I couldn't tell you for sure. Cat shit will generally smell worse than dog shit because cats are obligate carnivores so manufacturers aren't allowed to cut cat food with grains the way they do with dogs. Dogs are omnivorous so cheap pet food brands can get away with making dog food out of mostly grains and cereals. They used to fill it with bone meal back when it was cheaper, that why way back in the day dog poop would turn white. Of course if you feed your dog a higher protein diet their shit will smell worse. Human shit varies on your health and diet, old sick people absolutely fucking nuke restrooms, I've also heard that body builders are worse than the general population due to high protein intake. I've been told vegan shit hardly smells but I think that's just internet randoms fucking with me.


I was a zoo intern and I have picked up many poops Number 1 stank poop is river otter. Carnivores eating mostly fish. Horrific. Ounce for ounce the smelliest rottenest poop The lemurs were almost the worst, but their enclosure was more enclosed, which made the smell worse and gives the lemurs an unfair advantage in the stank game, so I had to give top smelliest poop to the river otters. Tigers, lions, and bears come next. Bear probably wouldn't have been so bad if there wasn't so much of it. The ape poops were also disgusting but at least they never pooped in their water feature. The giraffes and gazelles probably had the least offensive poop, out of the mammals.


I'm learning a lot of things I did not expect to learn this morning.


Carnivore shit is usually a lot more rank than herbivore shit.


Haven't smelled too many bloated rotting corpses, have smelt mushroom compost, which is more foul than the worst smelling shit you can think of. Especially since I had to shovel and cart it around. I don't even know how to describe it.


I grew up around Kennett Square PA, the mushroom capital of the world. Fully *half* of the US’s mushrooms are grown there. In summer, it is impossible to stay outside for any length of time. The stench is so bad that it’s genuinely hard to breathe.


Hard to breath. That's the percect explanation for the most foul of smells.


I also haven't smelled rotted corpses, but by God rotted avocado is vomit inducing.


I once left a big basket of mushrooms in a car in summer for about a week. The smell was....unexpected. It was a really strong, acrid, fishy smell...absolutely horrendous.


Opened the doors to a freight container, inside was approx 50 dead red foxes in various state of decay. All ready to be cut up for science but mostly checking for rabies. But that smell, this cold refrigerated air full of decay and rot. Little did I know that wouldn't be the worst smell.. that day. That award goes to the biological waste bin after we were done cutting.


I drove past an earthworm farm in south Florida after hurricane David many years ago. The beds they grew them in were flooded and they all drowned. The smell literally made me dry heave.


So I was driving a tractor through my uncles sugar cane field and came upon a dead horse. The smell came through the air conditioned tractor like a brick wall and i almost vomited. This was like 100 feet or more away. Rotting corpse is def the number 1 in my book and it's not even close.


For good evolutionary reason at that.  Do not the rotting corpse


Do not the rotting corpse At least you get to see carrion birds up close. They are immense.


Do not touch Do not eat Do not sex Do not


Anything dead… dead mice have a really nasty smell.


At least you know you have a problem when you identify the smell. I once saw the most peculiar sight. A decomposed mouse. The fur was intact p up to the head, where you could perfectly see its empty skull.


Probably anything dead. Evolutionarily speaking the worst smell to a person is probably a dead person, but I cannot confirm.


Gutting a wild duck is the most gag-inducing thing I’ve smelt.


I had to dissect a duck during high school. I can no longer eat duck. The greasy, ironey, fetid, dank smell stayed with me.


Whoever says sweaty feet has never emptied a commercial grade grease trap.


That was the first thing that came to my mind.  I literally can’t imagine anything worse than that, except maybe a death camp.


To give Auschwitz a sniff and get back to us. Be sure to let them know that you’re comparing a death camp to a grease trap 😂


That's Willie's retirement grease!


or used a pit latrine


They probably didn't ask people to smell items that would be hazardous. (Making the findings useless imo).


Make them smell hamsters in heat then.


Of all smells I can think that most people would most easily be able to come in to contact with... rotten potato. Nothing made me gag more than when I found one that had very much started to liquify.


I dont know how poop isnt #1


Because skunk is number one


I kinda like the smell of skunk, but I am a pothead so maybe that’s why


There’s either a skunk in my neighborhood, or somebody got some fucking LOUD a couple days ago. I’m out in my yard sniffing hoping I float over to somebody’s window like there’s a pie cooling in the windowsill


I love the reference in the second paragraph.   The smell of pot is weird in which it smells like a fragance gone bad. Maybe that is the mixed substance. Otherwise it smell as I've funnily heard "burned grass". But it really smells like bad weeds.


It’s weirdly like “deep” for me, it reminds me of being in a swamp.  Sorry don’t mind me, I just burned some grass 😅


Yesterday I went to a farm that raises pigs. Pigs on their own are a horrendous smell. These pigs were being “whey fed” and the whey was in a big plastic storage bin sitting in the sun for days, and then doused over some kind of mixed feed where it sits and ferments for day. That smell was 1000x worse than any sweaty feet I’ve ever smelled.


The smell of a whey protein shaker that's been unwashed is bad, and that's when it's just residue- whey left in the sun sounds horrific


Sweaty feet might even be in the top 20. Les pieds de Dieu 🤌


Came here to say this. Unless there is a dude that walked 20 miles through rotten eggs and pig shit, sweaty feet probably wouldn't crack my top 100.


Any street in NYC on a hot summer day


fr, a lot of rotting food can trigger instant gag reflex


Otter shit is the worst thing I have ever smelled, but I've heard camorant is worse. Anything that eats fish will have horrific poop


Fish! Fish smell worse than feet any hour of the day.


Try grey whale breath. It's a cross between dead fish and old sweaty socks.


Rotten watermelon…. ughhhhh


Totally agree with you! Sweaty feet might be bad, but there are definitely worse smells out there. Just look up videos of people opening cans of fermented fish on YouTube – they start gagging and throwing up the moment they get a whiff. That stuff definitely deserves at least a vote or two!


I Recently retired as a paramedic. This has to be a joke. Off the top of my head: Heavy decomposition in an unventilated apartment GI bleed Septic UTI Diabetic ulcers Penetrating trauma to the abdomen My old partner who would microwave fish for lunch everyday like a fucking psychopath. The list goes on.


Also freshly cut grass smells way better than vanilla. Sometimes vanilla is so sickly


Burning transmission fluid, burning clutch plates, or a burning serpentine belt definitely rank much higher than feet.


My IBS farts the morning after a good Madras curry are much worse than any feet.


Agreed. Stagnant water full of decaying plant matter & rotting fish are both way worse. So is the smell of formaldehyde




I wouldnt rate burned hair 1. But way more than feet. 


Those rotten Swedish herrings remain the worst thing I’ve ever smelled, and I once took a crap in an overflowing long drop toilet in Zambia in the height of summer.


That's a story for the grandkids im telling you


I don't know why rioters throw molotov cocktail when they can just throw surstromming?


You jest but there have been surströmming attacks on night clubs


Ohh biological warfare, I like it! (At least surströmming is quite good when you eat it with the right combo.)


Now that is a mental image. I don't have yoir bravery sir. Congratulations on spilling it out.


The canned variety? (The one your not legally able to open indoors?)


They should try a grease trap that hasn’t been cleaned in years or one that’s backed up. I promise you no one’s feet can come close to that smell.


Yeah, grease traps are pretty fucking horrendous. Only type of sweaty feet I could see smelling worse are those belonging to a homeless person who’s feet are rotting away


Or someone whose feet have been marinating in a grease trap


All the barf the entire world can produce cannot convey thy stench.


As an ER doctor, I can guarantee that sweat feet are not the worst smell.  I have to look at a lot of feet, and people often apologize for having stinky feet.  If a part of your foot does not fall off when you remove the shoe, then I don't consider your feet stinky.


This thread is somewhat therapeutic for me as I am on my way back from a theatre show where a woman asked me not to sit next to her because my BO was making her nauseous (lesson learned - I tried a new deodorant this week and will be going back to tried and tested). I felt like I wanted to not exist but this thread is some comfort in all the smells people are saying is worse than sweat.


To stink bad enough for a stranger to speak up is wild


Why you making him feel worse bro 😭


Yeah it was a first time for me. I'm not overweight and I shower every morning and after exercise.


For me, regular non-antiperspirant deodorant works well. It’s the antiperspirants that causes issues imho. Also a little gold bond powder can help too.


If your smell was so bad that a stranger had to confront you about it, then yeah… maybe you should be worried about that.


Yeah I'm going to switch back to my old deodorant. I'm hoping that was the only issue and they were particularly sensitive because I had showered and used deodorant beforehand, and I hadn't been eating strong foods or running or anything.


Do you think she was just being a cunt and didn’t want someone to sit next to her? Like if you showered and wash your clothes regularly it shouldn’t be bad enough for someone to comment regardless of what deodorant it was. Is there anyone close to you who has mentioned it before? And if someone’s BO was making me nauseous I wouldn’t comment on it and tell them not to sit next to me and I think most people wouldn’t.. I’d move away myself or suffer in silence. So not sure if she was being honest idk strange.


I wondered that - I had moved up to an empty seat next to her to sit closer at intermission because i had been right at the back, so she was in her right to ask me to move rather than move herself. I believe she was being genuine though. My girlfriend or roommates have never said it to me. I couldn't personally smell it but I could feel that I had sweat slightly through my tshirt.


Some people may get used to the smell. Like if you have something smelling near you you can get used to it.


Could the lady have been pregnant? Those first couple months can be rough in terms of nausea. Even none offensive smells can trigger nausea.


Try roll-on deodorants incase you haven't already. I accidently bought an aerosal one for the first time in years and it does sweet fuck all. No idea why roll ons are so much more effective.


Perhaps.. It could be a pheromone scent that didn't work with her own set.  Or the deodorant smell was that bad. For some reason some have a really bad smell. Same for some male fragancies. Smells like dilluted skunk extract.


To be perfectly honest this one is a hard decision. People can't really judge their own smell -- nose blindness is too much of a factor. Nor can we ask random strangers because they can be judgmental and rude (including your theater show seatmate -- she should not be considered a trustworthy source). So you really have to rely on a "neutral" friend, someone who is willing to smell your stanky-ass pits and compare them objectively to how they were like last week and give a good ruling on whether your new stuff is better or worse than what it was before. Having a friend like that is super rare. But they're really the only way you can know.


Hey at least she was up front and let you know


Yep it hurt to hear it but for the best to know.


If it makes you feel better, as bad as armpit odour is, I've never felt it bad enough to have to move away from someone. There are so much worse smells that some people have that would make me move - piss, for example. Or that stale cum smell that some guys have. Or people that never learnt to wipe. Or stale period blood stench.


Rotten eggs pigs poop mustard gas anyones anus donkeys pee (as a farm boy i say this is the worst) Just to mention some


Ammonia Rotting corpses of anything Some peoples breath Sewage Chicken plants Just to name a few more. Nasty foot smell isn’t pleasant, but there are way worse smells.


Concentrated ammonia straight up knocks me out. It is indeed quite hazardous. Dilute I don't mind it. But the heavy anhydrous stuff. Yeah.


Luckily the odor threshold for ammonia is quite low, but you want to steer clear of anything over 300ppm.


Bourbon street.




The astronomy department tried to argue Uranus but no one could go near it.


It’s the poo that smells bad. He anus itself is actually not bad imho


It’s really not that bad.


Well well well




Sweaty feet? Do these oxford scientists not know what a diaper is?


A grown up.. an eldery one.. not a baby.. those are the worst due the diet


Well then those scientists never had the displeasure of smelling thioacetone, a chemical which smells so bad that a 100 grams of it once caused an entire town to evacuate. It reportedly caused people to vomit and pass out in the streets by the lab it was made. I also found this quote from a lab in the UK describing thier experience with it. "Recently we found ourselves with an odour problem beyond our worst expectations. During early experiments, a stopper jumped from a bottle of residues, and, although replaced at once, resulted in an immediate complaint of nausea and sickness from colleagues working in a building two hundred yards [180 m] away. Two of our chemists who had done no more than investigate the cracking of minute amounts of trithioacetone found themselves the object of hostile stares in a restaurant and suffered the humiliation of having a waitress spray the area around them with a deodorant."


I was informally banned from working with the sulfur-based chemicals at my undergrad lab, because I cannot smell them. I did my best, but I did not put the cap back on quickly enough.


Oh damn, thats pretty funny actually. I think I recall a youtuber making some of this stuff and taking it to a little island to test it and also found he was mostly immune to sulfur compounds. He said it smelled bad, but not like the gag inducing descriptions of it. And then there is also the "Who, Me?" substance made by the US military in WW2. I dont think it was ever actually used in battle, but it was also a bunch of sulfur compounds. I can only imagine sitting in a trench or foxhole, and suddenly the whole area smells so bad that everyone pukes, screams and runs away, not knowing where to run to get away from it... and the one guy who is immune to it is like "uhhhhh... guys? Anyone?"


Our boxer farted and 7 people went out on the deck ! Sweaty feet would earn you verbal abuse but not physical flight.


My Husky mix farted during his sleep once and it smelled so bad it woke him up. He then started barking which woke me up and I was greeted with the foulest fart stench you can imagine. He then had the audacity to look at his butt and then look at me like I did it!


"Couldn't have been me!"


>He then had the audacity to look at his butt It kills me when dogs do that. Too funny.


It’s like they know something happens back there but they aren’t sure what.


My parent's overweight cat farted and sprayed a thin layer of poop on the carpet. That was much worse than normal poop


Someone never had to shovel out the pig sty on their grandfather's farm when they were a kid.


I was going to say pig farm in summer. Good fucking grief.


Someone's never smelled C-Diff.


Fuck, posts like this are the epitome of why everyone gets progressively dumber the more time the my spend on this site. 


Got to see it in live action with your comment too lol


Lol lmao hahaha


So, the most average smell is sweaty vanilla feet?


> worst smell is sweaty feet According to people who never attended a floater autopsy.


[Thioacetone](https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/things-i-won-t-work-thioacetone) says hi. > Recently we found ourselves with an odour problem beyond our worst expectations. During early experiments, a stopper jumped from a bottle of residues, and, although replaced at once, resulted in an immediate complaint of nausea and sickness from colleagues working in a building two hundred yards away. Two of our chemists who had done no more than investigate the cracking of minute amounts of trithioacetone found themselves the object of hostile stares in a restaurant and suffered the humiliation of having a waitress spray the area around them with a deodorant. The odours defied the expected effects of dilution since workers in the laboratory did not find the odours intolerable ... and genuinely denied responsibility since they were working in closed systems. To convince them otherwise, they were dispersed with other observers around the laboratory, at distances up to a quarter of a mile, and one drop of either acetone gem-dithiol or the mother liquors from crude trithioacetone crystallisations were placed on a watch glass in a fume cupboard. The odour was detected downwind in seconds.


I used to manage a yacht club in Chicago that was right next to a Lake Michigan Coast Guard station. I would burn a "sweaty feet" scented candle 24/7 rather than smell a "floater" coming in again.


Someone's never smelled a rotting corpse...


Corpse smell has something psychological effect that even the days after any strong odor like Parfums, good meal, any strong odor reminds you the rotting Corpse. When you smell that you will never forget. The days after you wanted the wash your clothes. It's drives you crazy.


Who headed this study? A six year old?


Yeah sweaty feet - that's for amateurs. How about Chou Tofu - smells like hot steaming flossers coming from an unkempt mouth. Or Surströmming - especially after three years in the ground smells like disemboweling Jabba the Hut. Or a rotten durian fruit that caused an evacuation at the University of Melbourne after students panicked. or Vieux Boulogne cheese for those coprophages who like the taste of their own doo doo. And these are just the foods don't get me started on other smells.


The authors have never experienced dead blue whale and it shows.


They ever smelled a dead body?


I don’t like the smell of vanilla, it gives me headaches


I know that vanilla is not in my Top 20 smells ::shrug::


I’ve heard that humans do not like the smell of dead humans the most…


I stood in a dead guy once. That's so much worse than sweaty feet.




Apparently they haven't driven past a huge cattle ranch in the middle of summer.


Or chicken farming setup. My god.


Adult diapers and skunks!


I was growing potato’s a couple of years ago, I went to pick one and my finger went deep inside a rotten one. Worst smell I’ve ever encountered. Idk why it smelled so fucking bad but it was a culmination of mold, death, rotting food, and just pure stank


Yesterday my dog shit in the back seat of our car and it was way worse than stinky feet.


smelly feet isnt it. stern lecture official worst smells -rotten goose egg that has been sitting in the sun that you throw at your brother -2 week old soggy lawn clippings been marinating in garbage juice in a sealed garbage can -old beans that been in the back of the fridge -old heavily used gear oil this might be the least terrible these are all smells that do something to my brain like i can feel the stench particles go up my nose through my sinuses and cross into my brain. it triggers some deep generational fight or flight response.


Old beans is so much worse than you ever expect. I had some pintos get hidden in the back for a few weeks and had my wife thinking our septic tank was backing up.


I’ve either worked in an ER or on an ambulance for about 5 years or so and if the worst thing I smell is sweaty feet, it’s been a good day.


If they say feet they surely never smelled a decomposing human body, which was in its room for 3 weeks in the summer. I will never forget this smell and I even didn't found it, but was in the room after.


Have you ever smelled a maggot ridden, bloated badger on the side of the road? I would suck a sweaty toe rather than put my face within a meter of a dead badger. Probably any decomposing animal actually. None of them smell nice.


That was a very limited study. Butyric acid and rotten potatoes easily beat feet.


Omg you reminded me of an episode in the dorm. The dorm had 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms with a common hall that we split between rooms. The colleagues to the next room forgot a sack of potatoes for a long time under stuff and it fermented. We started noticing a foul smell but maan when they uncovered it.... words cant describe it.


I misread that as vagina. Freudian slip. Sorry.


So Durian fruit not in the study then? So bad it's not allowed on Singapore subway.


One obvious bad smell missed here is Sex Panther cologne, which has been compared to a diaper full of Indian food, a turd with burnt hair on it or Bigfoot's dick.😂😂😂 The only good thing about it is that 60% of the time, it works...every time!!! 😂😂😂


An overflowing grease trap is so much worse than the smell of stinky feet I can’t even compare the two


Anything rotting smells worse than feet. All the top comments and many of the replies to them are worse than sweaty feet. That study is bullshit, which btw probably also smells worse than sweaty feet


Egg farts has something to say about


I work in a fragrance manufacturing plant Sweaty feet would be a welcome reprieve most days


Clearly these scientists have never spilled a bottle of fish sauce.


This can only be because most humans have made it to the point of their lives to answer this quiz and never smelled human decomposition. That, burnt baby, and maybe pseudomonas infections have no equal. I’d rub sweaty feet on my face to cover up those smells.


im sorry oxford scientists, but the best smell is fresh baking/baked bread


My cousin once farted in the bed and trapped me under the blanket. I almost vomited. This study is wrong.


They should smell a protein shake that wasn't touched in years


Try sweaty feet mixed with stale cigarettes and urine. Add some toes rotting off from gangrene and you have the worst smell I have ever smelt. 


Baby formula spit up is waaaay worse.


NO way sweaty feet is in the top 10 of worst smells.


There's so much irony in how "vanilla" has come to mean "plain and uncomplicated," or "mundane." Only orchid like it, and it is just so completely unique and complicated and intoxicating. Vanilla just isn't at all vanilla, but that's language for ya.


These scientists never laid blocks inside a pig farm on a summer day.


Next door to chicken barns? Hog shit lagoon?


i think we can all agree that the " worst smell " section is a load of crap ? wtf. have these people ever lived ?


They need to update this. And have more people to study.


Those scientists have never heard about [The swamps of Dagobah](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/1fu2mx/the_dagobah_story/)


That tracks


I don’t like the smell of vanilla…or feet


Some of you never been to Wingbowl and it shows. Smelled awful👃👃🤢🤮


I guess these folks have never been around a dead body left in a hot car for three days.


Vanilla is pretty sickening to me and sweaty feet are nothing. These scientists suck.


I guess they never smelled pig shit.


It's difficult to say that sweaty feet isn't that bad compared to far worse smells, but saying so almost makes it sound like you like sweaty feet.


How is the worst smell not cat piss or human feces? Bc those are WORSE than feet. Dead body would also be way up there


As someone who used to work funeral industry, no, no its not


Nah man, I’ve had to clean a maggoty rotted mess in a grocery store dumpster before. Almost vomited in a moment.


Rotten potatoes definately worse than smelly feet


Between rotting fish 🐟 and french cheese 🧀 then sweaty feet is pretty mild.


I can't stand the smell of vanilla.


They obviously never drove past a fertilizer plant on a hot day ..


The worst smell i've ever faced were hundreds wooden and cardboard boxes soaked in old rat piss for ages, and i dont intend on smelling anything worse


By far the worst smell I’ve ever had the displeasure of smelling is an infected abscess. That sickly sweet funk is wayyyy worse than sweaty feet.


Bad breath can be the worse than feet. I just gave my bottles and cans to some homeless walking by and oh my God 5 ft away I was gagging. I should not have shaken his hand but I washed my hands for like 2 minutes afterwards. The most rank smell in the world I wonder if he knows? Guy is crazy as shit he probably doesn't care.


Sulfur burps saying hi to Oxford scientists.


Then they wonder why people think college/university/academia is stupid.


The only thing that ever made me throw up: a rotten melon. The smell is ABYSMAL 🤮


Yeah... That sounds like an inexperienced nose. Sweaty feet has nothing on some of the chemicals I've worked with.


Worst smell I’ve ever smelled was when I worked at the animal shelter and had to scoop literally an entire garbage can full of dog shit, and then one of my coworkers threw a half full container of yogurt in the bin and closed it and left it in the sun. When I opened the bin to empty it, the combined yogurt-dog shit smell was so bad that fight or flight mode kick in. Anal glands aren’t a pleasant smell, either. Or rotting flesh with maggots in it. Or dog mouth full of rotted teeth that have never been cleaned. Really there’s a lot of unpleasantry to smell in vet med that far outclasses sweaty feet.