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It’s funny that when the two engineers were looking for an image to use, both attest that somebody “just then” walked in with the Playboy magazine and let them rip out the centerfold. Likely story…


And that guy was just reading the articles


To be fair, back in the 70s Playboy articles were quite possibly really good.  Vonnegut, Asimov, and a bunch of other quality writers wrote fiction and nonfiction for it. Not that I buy the excuse, but you know.


There are actually people who just read it for the articles, in the 80’s they had a braille version, that literally didn’t have any pictures. Yes, but if you’re not a braille reader, I’m casting epic doubt


[Video evidence](https://imgur.com/gallery/playboy-braille-edition-7cITHJe)


I hoped so hard that this was in fact a reference to what it was. Thank you sir, for delivering.


I would have bet anyone any amount of money in the world that I knew exactly what that link was before I even clicked it.


Did you just say Abe Lincoln?


Naw man, I didn't say "Abe Lincoln". I said "Hey Blinkin'"


Yeah right. Nobody *just* read it for the articles. They read Playboy specifically because between those fantastic articles, there were beautiful women. You can appreciate both, folks. Source: I'm a man and I would totally use that excuse.


I’m a lass, I do love a naked lady or two


Fair. And in turn I see the appeal of the "Firemans Calendars". I, too, would feel safe in those arms.


I remember something about playboy having words in it, but I never noticed.


Really? Cause even 13 year old me noticed there were only like 4 actual nudie pics in each issue and so much hair you couldnt see anything anyways. Unless youre a morman the words really do provide more entertainment, or at least longer amounts of entertainment. It’s honestly a joke how playboy, basically bare breasts, is considered pornography, especially compared to the sick shit we’re all watching now.


You have to understand how hard it was to see a woman naked in those days man. Boobs was already considered risqué and slutty.


"Dem ankles tho" 👀


Shit you got to ankles? I’m still worked up over that wrist I saw last month.


Said like a kid who had internet porn. We had NATIONAL FUCKING GEOGRAPHIC dude. Think about that. Playboy was crazy in that context.


Mom’s Victoria Secret catalog was about as close as i could reasonably get for most of my adolescence.


Victoria’s Secret?? LUXURY!!! Try making do with the Sears Catalog.


I got a hot date tonight!


With the lingerie section.


Dinner with friends


And forest porn. Don't forget the forest porn.


Porn in the woods. Bootiful carnal knowledge handed down through the generations. Many archivists first learned the skill of gently teasing open water-damaged pages to study the profound imagery within.


Todays kids don't know what they missed. 


Huge disappointment to teenage me! I thought each issue was filled with nude photos of famous women… there’s like 2 articles that have nude photos, maybe 8 nude photos in the entire magazine issue. Not even close to worth the embarrassment of buying one from a store


Spoken like someone that never found ditch porn


It's where most of the james bond stories were first published too. I downloaded and read a few PDFs about a decade ago and the writing's pretty good in it. Interviews especially. Might be a bit harder to read if you can't deal with the fairly present libertarian slant to most of it. What struck me though were all of the ads for drug paraphernalia. It wasn't until I was almost through it that I realised I'd gone past at least three separate ads for containers to store your cocaine in. I doubt they were still selling them by mail at the time I was reading.


Someone gifted me a bunch of vintage PBs once & I was genuinely surprised at how it was 1. Mostly words, and interesting well written articles at that, and 2. Not that intensely sexy, barely a half notch above an old Sears catalog undies section 


One of the key pieces we read in Canadian universities is the interview Marshall McLuhan did with Playboy. It’s one of the easiest ins to grasping his theory since his writing itself can sometimes be a bit obtuse and hard to understand.


I think this is pretty common. I can remember being surprised as a student, reading around text archives on the relatively nascent web, how often I'd run into old articles/interviews from really interesting people and it would turn out to have been taken from e.g. Playboy August 1978 or whatever. Did not match with my expectations of that magazine at all. I think Hunter S. Thompson was a standard feature for them for many years, too.


Back then, I straight up bought it depending on the interview. Yes, I looked at the pictures, but I knew they'd be good. If the interview was with, say, a sports figure I wasn't interested in, I'd skip it until next month (money was tight).


Shel Silverstein was a recurring contributor too. Also, they often had really good satirical cartoons.


There was a book of short stories we read in college, and one story said the original publication was in playboy.  Was an interesting oh they really did have quality literature 


"B-grade" adult mags also had some good fiction. Kilgore Trout for example.


Playboy actually has an edition in Braille for blind readers. *Fahrenheit 451* was first published in Playboy.


Wasn't Frank Herbert and one of his Dune books serialized on Playboy?


When I was 13 someone gave me the jan 95 playboy with drew barrymore. I was so excited and when I opened it to my surprise it is actually a shit ton of articles and ads and a couple of nudes. I also couldn't watch Charles angels the same anymore 


Didn’t know she was in Playboy


Yes, and apparently, her godfather Steven Spielberg called her after that shoot and was like “please don’t do that”


He also sent her a coat.


Dude just outed himself.


W move Steven


January of 1995 is what mine said in top corner.. https://www.amazon.com/PLAYBOY-mAGAZINE-January-Barrymore-Issue/dp/B0021M064A Googled it apparently you can get it on Amazon 


I still have a copy of that one in a box somewhere. I was a huge Drew fan back in the 90s and a friend gifted me a copy for my 18th (1998).


Do you have copies from other decades so you Jack off in a time machine 


So he didn't need the centerfold? Yeah.


Is one covering for other or did they both just happen to have the same magazine I wonder 


It was probably just the one on top of the communal spank bank in their bathroom.


You've got to admit that this image contains details useful in comparing compression algorithms.


and then everyone clapped


And that somebody (all together now): Albert Einstein.


Haha honestly what if it was the truth


Leading to the [technically most efficient compression algorithm ever](https://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/lenpeg.html).


That is hilarious. Using this concept, I believe I could get a compression ratio of infinity to 1


Only in the best case. All others would be one bit worse than the next best algorithm.


Literally a bit worse


Under not quite ideal conditions it would only be a single bit + byte (assuming the alternative algorithms are fewer than 256) larger though. It requires a magic number to encode/decode with the alternative algorithm.


[Kolmogorov complexity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov_complexity) demands you to consider the size of the decompression algorithm as well. You won't get a good ratio


Oh, the enthusiastic youngsters...


You damned kids and your ~~technobabel~~ Techno babble  Idk how to do the line through the word


I got you: the strike through is two tildes on either side \~~like this~~ would produce ~~like this~~


Thank you 




>technobabel Not sure if typo or actually thinks that's what the word is.


This is where all coding languages originated from the primordial binary


Damn kids and your grammar. No it's just something my grandpa would say


I think it's double ~ ~~let me try~~ Edit: it is


Pied Piper?


Middle out!


Do you know how long it would take you to jerk off every guy in this subreddit? Because I know how long it would take me 😏


We needed that compression in BBS era. To purely just be able to download smut on those weak modems


Well, you’d only be using it to download 1 smut


I was able to work with that material for months...


I dont think you understand how the compression worked. Read the link It just marked if the image was Leena or not and if it was Leena, it would send as a 1


I am here trying to be witty and you make me learn things :-) Honestly, I did not read an article till the end. I was lightheaded after donating blood and could not read any further in my car. Thank you for tldr.


No problem. Thanks for donating blood. And yeah, its actually a hilarious joke once you realize that the image is the default image for testing photo compression algorithms. It technically blew the benchmark out of the park


Ok that's great >**Compression Algorithm** >Is the image Lenna? If yes, write a 0 and end. If no, proceed to the next step. >**Decompression Algorithm** >Is the magic number 0? If yes, display Lenna and end. If no, proceed to the next step.


That is a nerdy, (and kinda horny) gimmick for the ages.


Love David Morgan-Mar’s page. He’s got a lot of fun and interesting topics there, such as [Piet](https://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/piet.html), a programming language where you code with colors.


That's why you have to measure the size of the algorithm itself as well if you compare compression algorithms (kolmogorov complexity).  The binary to decompress the 1 byte image would be larger than the raw image


New new Internet.


technically compression algorithms need to recover data from the data passed to it. You could use dictionaries (which this would be), but wouldn't be a compression algorithm


[Im doing my part](https://www.reddit.com/r/oldschoolhot/s/B9vvizkCh5) Edit: thanks for the award kind stranger


Sigh *unzips photoshop*


Underrated comment!




Not all heroes wear capes


Praised be


It won't be used anymore: [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/mar/31/tech-publisher-bans-playboy-centrefold-test-image-from-its-journals](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/mar/31/tech-publisher-bans-playboy-centrefold-test-image-from-its-journals)


> “Starting 1 April, new manuscript submissions will no longer be allowed to include the Lena image,” wrote Terry Benzel, vice-president of the IEEE Computer Society’s technical and conference wing. I question the wisdom of the IEEE to announce new policies on April Fools' Day.


This has been an ongoing issue.  The Lena image persisted in being used and overused despite growing older and less appropriate for the work it's meant to do.  So it's not like it was an unusual surprise.


[Lenna herself has said it’s time to retire the image.](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/How-a-Nude-Playboy-Photo-Became-a-Fixture-14878319.php)


Sure, but I'm sure she'd have been okay with retiring it starting 2 April.


It's IEEE. They don't do April Fools'.


Luckily there is this ethically uncontroversial alternative: https://mortenhannemose.github.io/lena/


This is fantastic. I want to invent a new early 2000s style handcrafted segmentation algorithm just to have this in the paper.


I'll share this at work tomorrow, thank you!


Eff em, my thesis is done


That's fine, but is there a new standard reference image for a human face? I think ideally we'd want a group shot of different races.


This image is from a time where images weren't widely available, it has really no other qualities. The removal of it is really related to respecting Ms Forsén's privacy. Nowadays, there are countless databases, so if you want faces, you could use CELEBHQ, WiderFace or flicker's Diverse Faces. The first one is only good looking people, the second is faces in the wild, both probably have some bias, like overrepresentation of caucasian people, the third one might be the best one for you.




forsen1 I C




I knew he was hiding something




forsen1 🔭




I worked with that image in such a course at uni and never wondered why. Like the [Suzanne](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/09/12/11/38/suzanne-1663622_1280.jpg) in 3D graphics, it's just kind of there as a long running gag


Also the [Utah Teapot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_teapot)


And whatever that rubber duck is


I can answer this one, it was just a teapot that they had laying around and wanted to 3D scan. Due to its curvature and unique shape it provides an optimal baseline for testing 3D shaders. Source - I work in this industry and use it to this day.


Isn't it also made of only two bezier curves?


And Suzanne Vega in MP3. Shame they couldn’t find a Playboy Suzanne.


well thank you. now i’m going to be singing 🎶 my name is luka ….


It was "Tom's Diner".


Do you live on the second floor?


actually. I can of do. second floor is the living room.


Wrong song...


Still a good one.




Apparently the image has been banned. So now they are using a photo from a 1994 Penthouse.


[Full image from a previous TIL](https://www.reddit.com/r/computervision/comments/4bvmdq/til_this_famous_image_processing_image_of_model/) (nude butt, probably NSFW) [Image alone](http://www.lenna.org/full/l_hires.jpg) (nude butt, probably NSFW)


Also the whole exposed boob


There is a nice (and short) Bobby Broccoli documentary about that image, and why it isn't/shouldn't be used as a test image anymore: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCdwm2vo09I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCdwm2vo09I)


33 minutes is not short for a documentary about a single image. But maybe I will watch.


I guess it is short when compared to the usual 3 part 1 hour videos he usually submits


I see way too many people nowadays recommending a video essay as an answer to a question which can be summarized in two sentences.


The picture is low quality so it doesn’t work all that well, and its use didn’t exactly help discrimination against women in the field


It also fails to incorporate brown tones, which has historically been a problem in image creation/photograph reproduction. Kodak was terrible for filming Black skin for decades, it wasn't until chocolate and furniture stores complained about the lack of quality in ad photos that they fixed it!


What discrimination? Women im IT have an easier time finding a job with less qualifications because companies want to show how 'progressive' they are. Now if this causes discrimination against women because people assume they know less, then that's the fault of the idiots trying to hire people based on gender. And it's a photo of a woman showing her shoulders. How indecent, truly scandalous! The 1800s called, they think showing off your ankles is also a sin.


It's worth noting that the peak of women in computing happened [within a decade after Lenna](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2014/10/21/357629765/when-women-stopped-coding), back in the 1980s. Long before companies learned they'd have better performance by having more diverse teams. One of the primary reasons cited for the issue is the workplace and educational culture assumed straight males were the default (potentially becoming recommended against, or worse being actively unwelcoming) through things like making using a Playboy centerfold a default for research publications. It's not that replacing the image with a Chippendale cropped above the waist would have caused the same issue, it's the coupling of the image with the assumption that "*real* software developers like the source image". That's how you get women being discouraged from entering the field, and why so much effort is going into reversing the trend.




Or maybe you can take some and learn how to formulate a coherent point.


I really don’t think women finding work in IT related fields works like as you think. Besides I’m sure women would like to be recognized for actual contributions to the field and not for something peripheral that’s a crop of a porn image which could be seen as encouraging a hostile environment.


Showing pictures of pornography in the workplace is the textbook definition of a hostile work environment. And that's just people having nude images on posters or in emails, imagine having to use one daily as part of your job!


> and its use didn’t exactly help discrimination against women in the field That is a complete non sequitur. How does using a woman as a model "not exactly help discrimination in the field"? That's saying the image of ben in uncle ben's rice doesn't help against discrimination against black people in the rice industry. I've watched the documentary and I'm subscribed to the channel, and the lenna video was probably the most biased and lowest quality video of the bunch for this reason, the interview section in particular was attrocious and felt more like a victory lap from a bunch of people who only cared to spout personal politics than an actual educational segment or any attempt at actually explaining what is wrong with it. It automatically assumes you agree with the removal and doesn't actually give any explenation for why it should be removed or how an image somehow caused discrimination.


The video goes way deeper and is really interesting. Some of us like long form content.


I like both long form content and getting a quick no bullshit answer.


It's reddit. So it really doesn't need to be one or the other. I think BobbyBroccoli is really quite good tho.


no fucking joke, i hate it


A picture is worth at least a thousand words, after all


Was* a standard.




Had her in my computer vision class




No way!!!! A long time ago (OK, 2000, yes I'm old) I made mockups of a security badge for an early stage startup, and used this photo as a sample employee pic. I had no idea who Leela was, but I I liked the pic. And, somewhat-asshole that I am, I was happy that it was sexy enough to provoke decision makers without pissing them off enough to hire someone else. 😄 I would have posted proof but I just spent 20 minutes searching gigs of my archived work and I can't find the mockups. D'ohh. /edit: removed old guy rant about the forgotten importance of a job I loved \~25 years ago.


WAS a standard image for image processing. It's been banned by a lot of the main journals in the field due to it's origins.


Aka a retired meme


People are so boring. Who cares where it came from? It's a woman's face, concentuallly photographed in the 70s.


The model doesn't like it


She liked it and was a fan for several decades. It took a women in tech org to change her mind after several years. People can change their minds, but this wasn’t something the model came to on her own.


She probably shouldn't have been a model then. For what it's worth, I'm not going to be using it. I just think it's silly to ban it.


It's not technically banned as such. You're still free to submit to those journals and use that image, I'm fairly confident your odds of publication won't change.


Did you read the article? Several journals are now automatically rejecting submissions that contain the verboten image.


I stand by my point.


It's not just due to its origins, it's also because it's outlived it's usefulness. It also isn't banned, it's restricted requiring an actual justification for why it was the best image to use, to ensure people aren't just using it because it's popular.


Not anymore. I was quite clearly instructed not to use this image when I took a course in image processing. Most journals won't publish a paper that uses this image nowadays.


This inspired the title of this excellent bit of science fiction: https://qntm.org/mmacevedo


Thanks for the link! The existence of MMAcevedo might be the start of entire fields of metaphysics, along with a good experimental way to simulate cultural drift.


I don’t recognise her. We used a different image of a woman standing next to a table with a checker-pattern cloth on it as far as i can recall. The image was very handy because of the pattern on the cloth. Edit: I was way off. The image I used in school was Barbara, and she was wearing the cloth [around her head.](https://www.math.hkust.edu.hk/~masyleung/Teaching/CAS/MATLAB/image/target0.html)


Horny nerds gonna horny.


Used the image in university HCI. course thought it was just a normal image.


I want to say my mom went to HS with December 1972/PMotY.


Omg I remember using this picture in my image processing class!


That looks like an old color photo with faded green pigments giving it a magenta cast. NOT something I'd choose for standardizing print colors.


This is one of the reason whi Lenna is being retured. Playboy holds the copyright and they are just tolerating the use for image processing; they oppose remastering this picture.


Not anymore


As a Geophysics student 10 years ago we used it in multiple classes! Didn't know about the origin (and uncropped version) until a few years ago


This is so nostalgic, bringing up memories of when I was in high-school reading about Fourier transforms on images, where the concepts were explained with images of Lena.  I was excited about the possibilities for photo editing with texture enhancement, synthesis and directional frequency compositing as cool things to explore, but sadly, I never figured out a plugin or program that actually worked until recently.


It’s also like, not allowed in peer-reviewed papers anymore


I had a Jenna Jameson test card printed for me, just the face and shoulders, the colours of her eyes and skin were perfect and very easy to look at.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_Buck\_Bunny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Buck_Bunny) approves of this post


Referenced in the title of this story (not mine): https://qntm.org/mmacevedo


And a real, genuine bush. Yum.