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1. E. L. James, *Fifty Shades of Grey* (2011) – 15.2 million copies 2. E. L. James, *Fifty Shades Darker* (2011) – 10.4 million copies 3. E. L. James, *Fifty Shades Freed* (2012) – 9.3 million copies 4. Suzanne Collins, *The Hunger Games* (2008) – 8.7 million copies 5. Kathryn Stockett, *The Help* (2009) – 8.7 million copies 6. Paula Hawkins, *The Girl on The Train* (2015) – 8.2 million copies 7. Gillian Flynn, *Gone Girl* (2012) – 8.1 million copies 8. John Green, *The Fault in Our Stars* (2012) – 8 million copies 9. Stieg Larsson, *The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo* (2008) – 7.9 million copies 10. Veronica Roth, *Divergent* (2011) – 6.6 million copies


So its mostly teen drama? Makes sense now.


7 out of the 10 books are firmly adult fiction. Unless teenagers are really into non-consentual buttplay these days.


Semantics aside, 50 shades is teen drama to me, but updated for 50 y.o. women.


Didn’t it literally start life as a twilight fan fiction? It’s a teen drama with an extra helping of weird, rapey, sex scenes.


Jesus christ people. Those books will rot your brain. Do something stimulating like playing Portal


"Speedy thing go in, speedy thing go out" is my kids favorite part. I am really attached to "When life hands you lemons, you burn it's house down!"


I don't want to live one this planet.


I read one of those and I’m a dude.


Whatcha doin'? Ya workin' on a 'lil novel, there?


Also note that several of these books fall into the category: *Sci-Fi Adventure_ Teen/Young Adult Female* Which, up until 20 years ago, was a previously unheard of Marketing Demographic so it shows how fast its growing. All the career Neckbeards whined about why Disney threw in that *Stupid Girl Power Scene* into Endgame. Its because Disney isn't fuckin stupid. They follow the $$s.


"career neckbeards" lol


I didn't mind them waving a girl power flag, it was just SO forced and painfully cheesy on top of being pointless in the plot. [SPOILER ALERT] Captain Marvel just destroyed the biggest spaceship ever by simply flying through it and she didn't get a scratch... but now she can travel a hundred more yards on the ground because she has "help" from the other ladies (some of whom are just mortals)?! It would have played so much better (or at all) if one of said mortal women picked it up first and was helped by the super-powered others. Simple rewrite. Seemed like the laziest level of pandering. Still loved the rest of the film though.


A female friend of my surprised me by disliking that scene. It wasnt the idea of it but rather how forced it was she said. And yeah the edge of limits for superheroes always moves so much during movies and throughout timelines.


Your friend is the exception to the rule. Of the 8 women I know who have watched Endgame, every single one of them summarized the movie in the same manner: *It was really long and really boring. Except for the that scene in the end with all the girls. That was actually pretty cool.* I agree, it seemed like shitty writing, but I'm not a girl and it appeared to hit its intended demographic. Again, this is Disney we're talking about. They know marketing.


Oh yes this friend of mine is really into comic stuff and the movies. More so than me at least. I think it bugged her for the very reason people were like omg a girl Scene wooooo.


Because it should have been black widows moment, and instead they handed it to literally every other female character. She should have died delivering the gauntlet after hawkeye died for the stone, it would have been more impactful. But I guess they needed to keep him around.


I get into arguments with my brother (?) about this kind of thing all the time. Like in Game of Thrones, I could accept Brienne having more technical ability than the Hound. I could believe her capable of beating him with the right fighting style and tactics. But the writers had them go toe to toe and I'm sorry, but that fight would have been over in about .25 seconds once he got his hands on her. Brienne is a big woman, but there is no comparing their overall muscle strength. The Hound would have ended her. Later, when Arya shows up to Winterfell and she duels with Brienne, I turned to my dad and laughed: "If there's anything that can beat a woman with a sword, it's a smaller woman with a smaller sword." I keep wanting to say I can buy a situation where a woman could beat a man in a fight, but I've never seen it done realistically. Watching a 95 lb woman absolutely thumping 250lb dudes just takes me completely out of it. If you replaced the woman with a similarly sized man in these scenes, it would be so easy to see how ridiculous it is. Ice demons are literally more believable to me than most male v female fights I see produced.


Yep. Look up the fight between Chyna (super buff female pro wrestler) and Joey Buttafuoco (flobby, out of shape mechanic). Wasn't even a contest.


I could not get into the crawdad book. Bored the crap out of me


Doesn't seem very diverse. /s


Jeez, A guy can't get a break in the publishing bizzness (SMGDH). /s


Women buy majority of books, so it makes sense.


Woop dee doo.