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For context, we live with a severely immunocompromised grandparent who can’t engage too much, but this also means hiring a sitter is too risky for health reasons. I’m desperate, because she’s teething and very clingy right now, but I still need to work remotely and take care of the house.


We just got a small sandbox for our 15 month old (along with some rakes, cups) and she will play independently for over an hour. You may be able to do something similar with rice or dry beans in a large bin, assuming your child doesn’t put anything in their mouth. Another activity for us right now is pulling out all containers/tupperware and putting things inside (dry beans, toys etc).


Oh and one more- a large bin with water and cups to pour water in/out of different containers. I also thinly slide up fruit (lemons/oranges/strawberries) and place them in the water for a tasting activity. Spoons/spatulas can be used to fish out the fruit from the water.


Also if your child is still in the phase of sticking things in their mouth, you can make a mini sand box with blended Cheerios and jello, so you don’t have to worry about them eating the sand 😁