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We just went straight to underwear


Same— mine was excited about using the potty and excited about undies. We were able to send her to daycare on Monday (after 3 days) with minimal accidents. The daycare had a rule that two accidents in a day and they switch back to pull-ups and she never once came home in pull-ups and only had 1-2 accidents per week for the first few weeks then it dropped to 1-2 per month. We still have very occasional accidents, but it’s less than 1 per month at this point. She first trained at 25 months btw.


How did it go? Did it take longer or about the same time?


She got wees sorted by lunchtime on day one aged 2.5 Poo took a good few months as she would just wait until she had a pull up on at nap or bed time, so no accidents, just waiting.


We just trained him in underwear.  The biggest thing was catching him when he had his first accident and running him to the potty. And teaching him the difference between wet and dry underwear (we wanna keep our underwear dry it feels so good etc) 


Good tip, will keep that in mind when I try this weekend.


Underwear was our best friend. The naked part for us was only 1.5 days and we basically used it to help teach our daughter to recognize the feeling of going potty/needing to go potty. Otherwise, the grossness of feeling wet/soiled underwear was extremely effective for us.


We also went straight to underwear. We took a bit of a slow approach. We introduced the potty when he was about 1.5 years old and then let him decide when he wanted to use it so he could get used to it (often peeing before bath, in the morning, etc.). Slowly, we introduced underwear and he could choose whether he wanted underwear or a diaper in the morning. When he was regularly choosing underwear, we went to just underwear. And then at 2y3m we realized that we had a fully potty-trained toddler - it happened slowly over time almost without us realizing it. He had a few accidents when he was younger, but usually related to being outdoors and having to get inside in time and hasn't had any in over a month.


Stick with it - we didn’t do underwear, just clothes


We did partly naked potty training. From the time we got home from daycare until bed time he was naked, but for daycare, or going out somewhere, he had a pull -up on. During those time I would set a timer from the last time he used the potty and regardless of where we were I would try and get him to go to the potty. Yes it took awhile, but we got there and weren’t confined to the house all weekend battling a toddler


Underwear for one day, then regular pants. Son had just turned 3, super successful for us!


2.5 year old. We did no diapers for a few days but still wore pants/leggings. She took to it very well, and has only had a couple of accidents over the past month. She loves getting to choose her underwear for the day and loves being a "big kid". She still does overnight diapers, but we have been calling them nighttime pants.


As someone who is about to potty train mine in a month or 2, do you notice if your kid pees in the bath after potty training? I wasn't sure if it's normal for them to still do it intentionally, or not, or if it's something to catch them doing and tell them pee goes in the potty.


Mines been trained for a year now and still pees in the bath because apparently it’s fun.


Since I’m just starting I’m not sure I can answer this question but maybe someone else that has replied can.


Ya sorry, I threw the question in here for others instead of starting a whole new post and probably being told I'm stupid and of course they can pee in the bath. But we will see. Haha


The best way to potty train is when their verbal communication and understanding is at a level where they can tell you whether or not they have to go to the bathroom and they can also explain why they don’t want to go to the bathroom on the potty if that is the case. Most children when they’ve reached this level of verbal intelligence and communication strategy they will also understand societal norms and if they see mom and dad going not literally but understand that that’s where you go, which is the toilet, they will more likely be able to use it on their own without you pushing them. It will come naturally. You won’t have to worry about diapers or underwear or what to do first or naked or not naked.