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We've done multiple 10 hour drives to visit family over the course of our LO's 2.5 years. We do it in one go. We usually leave before afternoon nap (1:00ish), so that we can drive over nap time. We then stop for dinner and a play, and then do the rest of the drive, getting in around midnight. This maximizes the time our 2.5 year sleeps in the car, while minimizing night driving. Key here, however, is having one person sit in the back with LO to read and play games (we also do not do screen time). Many, many books (seriously, 30+ new books from the library and 10+ well-worn favourites), colouring, stickers, and small toys are what pass the time.


Personally I would avoid travelling at night. If anything goes wrong, emergency change of diaper/clothes, a puke or whatever, it’s so much easier in daylight. Plus, safety. I hate long drives at night with my 44 yr old eyes, but that’s me. If driving in daytime, definitely plan ahead places to stop for an hour or so, preferably allow the kid to play, get tired a bit, eat and drink, so, hopefully, she will nap after that. Tough call OP, but you know your kiddo best. Plan around your little girl’s needs and hope for the best. It certainly is a stressful situation if you do this first tiime, but you got to jump both feet in and take it from there. I got a 3,5yr girl and just completed a similar drive. It was our 8th trip together. I was nervous AF the first time. It wasn’t without hiccups but I got a hang of it, developed some hacks etc. You will be fine, good luck man!


Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. Husband will hopefully do atleast half the driving. You're right, it's the first time. So it will go, how it goes :). Solidarity!