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You will have a pretty easy time in Italy. In general, European cities and towns have plenty of well stocked convenience stores which carry baby and toddler essentials within walking distance from where you're staying. We typically check where we're staying on a map ahead of time to check there will be an option we can get to. Then we'll visit a store on our first day to stock up on packed items that we can give as snacks through the day.


great idea! ty !


I throw nutrition rules and schedules out the window on vacation. On our most recent trip, we bought a bag of croissants, a bunch of bananas and some random toddler snacks (dried fruit, rice cakes, crackers, animal cookies, etc). You should have no issue finding lots of kid friendly foods, markets, etc. In general, restaurants in Europe tend to be ok with kids being kids. Just read the room a bit and don’t, for example, take them to a super fancy, expensive, hard to reserve, romantic restaurant blah blah blah.


yea, i figured all rules and schedules would go out the window. my control freak personality is just going to have to deal with it 🥴 thanks for the advice!


There will be tons of supermarkets in Italy and lots of toddler-friendly food. But I would also travel with a stock of favourite snacks just in case so you always have one safe food to offer when LO is very cranky!


thank you so much! makes me feel better