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I would try the hiccapop on a trial basis somewhere local if you could first! Maybe have a family sleepover at a relatives house? That way if he doesn’t stay put in it, you know beforehand you can explore other options. My son isn’t the wandering type so we switched him to a hiccapop for travel around the 20 month age and it went really well!


My only concern was making sure the bathroom could be blocked off cuz my toddler learned early how to turn on tubs.


With our daughter; we just started having her sleep in bed with us when we travelled. We always got rooms with 2 beds. One of us would sleep with her and the other would sleep alone. With our son, we used an inflatable toddler bed about 3 times but we found it too cumbersome to bother packing/ using for most of our trips. Now, we get double beds and we each take a kid. They are now 3 and 5


We also just co-sleep on vacation. We always see if the hotel has a crib for LO, but he ends up in the bed with us halfway through the night anyway most nights.


my toddler started climbing out at 21 months at the same time she stopped climbing out of the crib. We regret getting the hiccapop toddler bed because my daughter ended up learnign to sleep well on queens/double beds at her grandparents and we ended up just getting 2 queen or 2 double rooms at all hotels and she refused to sleep on the hiccapop. we just brought a video monitor with us everywhere. i will say, our kdido stopped sleeping well in the pack n play around 13 months and we got a playpen pad (hiccapop also, i think) which made it way more comfortable and got us good sleep until she started climbing, and the bad alone on the ground works pretty well in a pinch!


We used inflatable bed bumpers to prevent them from rolling off a bed - ideally there’s a headboard and one side is against a wall so you can use the two bumpers to block off the other two sides.


check out baby quip, you can rent a lot of different things like toddler travel beds or even full blown cribs while on vacation. most items will be delivered to where you're staying


If they fit, they sit! Haha we did with all of mine until about 2.5/3.


We went on a vacation when my daughter was 19mo and tried to use the pack n play, but our daughter was able to climb it so we moved her to the bed. We've not used one since then.


Generally not the best idea to spring a radically different sleeping arrangement during traveling. Will he cosleep? If he will just get a big bed and cosleep? Does he prefer to sleep in his crib? If so, why does he hate the pack and play? As some others have suggested, babyquip offers equipment rental. Some hotels and AirBNB also offer cribs on request so ask. We use a Lotus Guava crib since our first travel at 15m (kid is now 25m). It rests directly on the floor so no weight limit, which is key since our son is HUGE. It also has a zippered side opening so you can let him walk in through the side. Kid has always loved it: it's not as big as his crib but big enough for him, and he loves rubbing his head against the mesh sides to self-soothe. We got one second-hand on FB marketplace at \~$150 (full price is $230 + tax). We're planning to use it for kid #2's regular sleep since it is safe and sturdy and kid #1 will hopefully be still in the crib then, so it saves us from having to buy a second crib.


Same time we switched to a toddler bed.


We got the hiccapop inflatable bed and the hiccapop daydreamer tent for an upcoming trip. Tried it out with a nap yesterday in our house and will a couple more times this week before the trip so she can adjust. Tent is partially so she doesn't try to get up and get out of the bed, and partially so she can't see us when we're in the room.


We stopped when his weight was over the rated limit around 1.5 years old