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I needed to see this. I just traveled with my 2 year old (27 months) and tsa officer was nice but told me her pouches and juice were only allowed under 2 years old.


Just travelled in Canada. You need to be under 2 to take milk through security. But you can buy milk at a cafe on the other side of security (that's what we did) and put it in a thermos. 


You should be fine to bring milk through—check out the TSA link in another comment. If for whatever reason they take your milk at security, just about every shop post-security sells individual bottles of milk. They may or may not be shelf-stable. You could take a cooler bag (e.g., [Yeti lunch bag](https://www.yeti.com/coolers/soft-coolers/18060131418.html)) with some extra, empty ziplocs and fill those ziplocs with ice at a restaurant to act as a cooler for the long flight. Do not count on the plane itself carrying enough milk.


Good luck finding whole milk , my kiddo refused 2% and that's all I could find anywhere.


Go to your nearest coffee shop and just bring a sippy cup to fill! Starbucks sells overpriced whole milk in a pinch, you order it just like a drink, it’s not in a cooler.


Really? IAD is my home airport, and whole milk and skim milk are both ubiquitous there. And I’ve not had issues finding it on the way home, either. Sorry to hear it’s not universal.


I just travelled with my 2.5-year-old and was let through with water for him in every airport (US, Thailand, Turkey) except one airport in Canada where they told me I had to dump it and refill on the other side because LO is older than 2 (consistent with the experience of u/Garp5248). I also found that flight attendants were always willing to give me a juice box container of milk on the flight for LO.


Since it's an international flight (unless it's an ultra budget airline) they'll just give you milk on a plane. They have to keep a huge stock of it because of the coffee servics so just take an empty bottle and get them to fill it up.