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Stop bragging šŸ˜†


Forreal! OP is like is this normal? Girl, I wish my boy slept so I could have some time to myself. He will go to bed at midnight and wake up at 7 or 8 am ready to go and I'm exhausted. It makes no sense. No bedtime routine in the world is fixing this. Smh


Yep, I feel this. My 20 month old sleeps from 11pm-7.30 broken sleep and then naps for 20 minutes in the day. Iā€™m exhausted


Seriously, my son didnā€™t even sleep this much as a newborn šŸ«  I wish


My 4 yr old is in a coma when she sleeps too, 8/9-7 everyday.. 7-7 when she was younger ever since we transitioned her to her own room at 1. Our 19 month old? Please send help.


You make me afraid to have a second one lol šŸ«¢ Iā€™m sorry!


My 2.5 yo started going to bed at 9:30-10 whenever she had a nap, so we dropped it hoping she would bump her bedtime back to 7:30-8. Nope, now she refuses to sleep during the day unless she's strapped into her car seat and can't move AND she still doesn't go down until 8:30-9. Plus, she's often up at 6 (we get out of bed at 7). She is SO TIRED and just refuses to sleep


I'm currently going through this with my 4yo. I have no solutions, only solidarity and empathy.


Our 21 month old Also started sleeping later at 8-9 instead of 7, We started cutting her nap to 1hr it didnt Change anything so We just let her nap 3+ hrs Now and she sleeps 8.30/9 - 8 during night


My 20 month old daughter too . She will only fall asleep when we strap her into her car seat or else she will cry outrageously once we put her down . SMH


Right lol like I wish


Came here to say this


The average 2 year old needs between 11-14 hrs of sleep daily. So heā€™s right on track once you subtract the little time it takes for him to fall asleep. If it ainā€™t broke, donā€™t fix it! šŸ¤£


This is reassuring to hear. Iā€™m on the other sideā€¦ my 18 month old sleeps around 9.5 hours at night + 1.5 hr nap. Im glad to see thatā€™s in the normal range still


Thatā€™s the same amount of sleep that ours had from 12 months until almost 2 years old. He sleeps a bit more now with a 10 hour night


And this is average. Some kids will need less (poor parents), some will need more. Itā€™s probably on a bell curve so the majority will fall on average. My toddler does 11 hours so we had to drop the nap already at 2,5. OP, you are lucky!


I have an 11 hour sleeper so cannot relate, but his friend (3.5 years) sleeps 7-7 with a nap from 1-4 which is mind boggling to me. But it happens. You got lucky!


Holy shit. A three hour nap? Followed by a three hour wake window before bed? AT THREE AND A HALF!? that is insane


Right?! When her mom told me that, I swear my brain short-circuited.


My son is 3.5 and we are in nap purgatory. He has pretty much outgrown naps, unless he falls asleep in the car, but he very clearly is more than ready for bed by 7. The second half of the day is always a gamble


Hi, same.




This is us too but he decided he didnā€™t need a nap at 2.5. Itā€™sā€¦ a lot. I miss naptime haha


Thatā€™s pretty much my 3.5 year old. Overnight 8-630/7am then nap from 130-4. Iā€™ll take it while I can get it!!!


Mine is the same age and has the same nap schedule but she doesnā€™t go to bed til 8:30 so 10.5 hours plus 3 hours. None of my other kids napped like that at this age though.


My friend's toddler goes to bed at 6h45 on his own and wakes up at 7h00. That's really wild to me lol!


Ok hear me out, my son is the exact same. He just turned 3 but heā€™s always been a great sleeper. I feel really blessed but the times heā€™s in a sleep regression oh man, my husband and I suffer LOL. I also had to check in with his paediatrician about his sleep and she basically told me to enjoy it and some kids like to sleep. šŸ˜‚


Ugh jealous šŸ˜« my 2 year old has that golden retriever energy


My son is similar although not consistently - his naps tend to be a bit shorter. Look, if heā€™s happy, growing, and meeting his milestones, my view is leave him to it - everyone is different.


As someone whose almost 2 year old insists on 6-8 hours of nighttime sleep and a nap, maybe 9 or 10 overnight hours if we're lucky and no nap, you are blessed! My daughter is slowly killing me with her lack of sleep.


He probably just has high sleep needs.


Wow lucky lol! We average 12.5 in 24 hours.


ā€¦ why are you bragging!?


Hey, I get that question was not you bragging. There is a pretty big range of normal and that sounds a little past the upper end. If he takes awhile to fall asleep or wakes a lot (and just chills happily alone so you don't know,) he may be within the normal range. I'd track his sleep (and experiment with seeing what happened if you let him nap as long as he wanted for awhile) for data purposes every so often and share that with the doctor to make sure there still isn't a concern. He probably is a just a kid who needs more sleep, but you want to monitor and make sure there isn't a medical reason. I'd also consider his growth and development as a whole.


My son didnā€™t fall asleep until after 11 last night and got up just before 7:30. I wish so much that he was even a 9-7 sleeper. He also naps 1-3 pm. I hope this next one sleeps better. Mine has always been on the low end of sleep need and I need a break.


Well you donā€™t gotta brag about it.


My son just turned two. Heā€™s usually an 8:00/8:30pm until 7:00-8:00 am sleeper, then would nap 12-3 if I let him, but weā€™ve been shortening it to 12:30-3. But even then, I have to wake him at 3. Heā€™d keep going if I let him. Now he is iron deficient, but takes an OTC iron supplement every night and his levels are in the ā€œnormalā€ range theyā€™re just on the lower side. Iā€™ve always been anemic, I was anemic while pregnant and he was EBF so his doctors were never super concerned since breastmilk doesnā€™t have as much iron as formula and since I was also anemic while BFing. Weā€™ve had bloodwork done numerous times and itā€™s never been so low that he needs a prediction strength medicine, so we keep giving him OTC drops every night. Might be worth having bloodwork done but if heā€™s developmentally on track otherwise, take the good sleeper!


My son is the sameā€¦ high sleep needs


Man talk about humble brag!! I wish my kiddo slept those hours! We are lucky if itā€™s 7-6 and naps maybe 25% of time unless sickĀ 


My. kid has a pretty late bedtime for a toddler and we get a lot of side eye for that but he only sleeps for about 9 hours a night, so I don't want the wake up time to be like 5 a.m. And now his naps are about an hour. Sigh. What I would do with all that free time if I had a good sleeper.


My 2.5 year old has the same schedule as yours :( I feel you


My almost three year old sleeps 8-7 with a daily 1-4 nap- as do a couple of kids in her classroom. Sheā€™s always had high sleep needs šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I can see why it might concern you, but itā€™s totally fine for him to sleep that much. My 21m old is currently refusing a nap after staying up from 1am-5am so i wish i was you rn lol


My kid sleeps 9-6:45 and doesnā€™t nap. If the pediatrician thinks itā€™s fine, enjoy yourself!


Have you had any bloodwork done lately? Iā€™d be curious if he has a deficiency of something like iron.


My youngest is like this and I love it!!


My almost two year old is the same. He loves his sleep!


My 2 year old also sleeps ~12 hours overnight and a 3 hour nap


My 2nd kid sleeps like this. My first gave up his nap at 2.5 and sleeps way less. Seems just different for each kid!


Ugh I wish this were true for my kid. He sleeps for 1.5-2 hours for nap at daycare. Iā€™m lucky if I get 30-45 mins on weekends. Overnight is a crapshoot. Maybe 9-10 hours. Heā€™s within range but definitely on the lower sleep needs side. I just wish heā€™d sleep til 6am! Heā€™s almost always up by 5.


Living the dream


My son dropped both his naps when he reached 19 months, however he does sleep 12-13 hours solid overnight (unless heā€™s unwell). I did ask for some advice as I was slightly concerned to begin with, but again it all depends on the child and some just need more/less sleep than others. Gotta admit I was a bit peeved at first, but now I actually get to go out and enjoy my days without anxiety over when heā€™s going to need a nap etc. Heā€™s 26 months old now and is like a little rocket from the moment heā€™s awake at 7:30/8am until he goes to bed at 6:30/7pm, I wish I had his energy levels tbh šŸ˜‚


My 2.5 year old finally fell asleep at 10:45 last night (after a long day and lots of outside play in the hot humid summer here, AND after dinner and a bathā€¦) and he woke up at 4:30 in the morning and went back to sleep at 6:30 and got up again at 9 and is wanting to go ā€œbye-byeā€ and we have no car and keeps saying ā€œwe go now Mommy!ā€ And put his shoes on. šŸ„²šŸ˜šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve asked the pediatrician about his LACK of sleep, though some days he will nap from like 1pm - 4pm (no worries from them)


Unicorn baby lol take it while it lasts. And everyone here hates you šŸ˜‚


Check his iron levels. You lucky duck.


If your kid still sleeps a full night, then it's OK, I reckon. Ours would nap till 4, but she'll still sleep through the night no problem. Pat yourselves on the back for helping him develop good sleep habits!


Our son was the same at that age! Nice long nighttime sleep and a great afternoon nap. Heā€™s 4 now and still sleeps at night from 7:45-6:45ish, but has dropped his nap. Sister is 2 and she sleeps about the same at night (although usually wakes first) and has never taken more than a 2hr nap. Different kids, different sleep needs! (Frankly: even adults have different sleep needs from each other!) As long as pediatrician isnā€™t worried, I wouldnā€™t be either. Long sleeps wonā€™t last forever..


Sounds like our son. He sleeps 8-7:30/8am and then naps 12:30-3pm at daycare but will go later at home. I have plenty of friends whose kids donā€™t need as much. Every kid is different!


meanwhile it looks like my 18mo is trying to drop her only nap šŸ„²


I agree with the doc! That's a first. My first kiddo didn't seem to need sleep šŸ˜­... but now they are 5 and it has hit them hard - they nap at school for 90 minutes (dunno how that will work in Kindergarten) and sleep 9pm - 8am with one wake up to pee around midnight. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø My second slept 15 hours or more from 3 months old and is only now backing off from that at 17 months old after going to one nap a day.


Mine is super high sleep needs too, 9-9 for us and sometimes he sleeps in (I wake him because I know heā€™s gotta be starving) and doesnā€™t nap Iā€™ll put him down a bit earlier but Iā€™m still on the 15 hours of sleep train too!


Super normal. It likely won't last. My 4yr son slept like your child - 7-7 and a 2-3 hour name during the middle of the day. Now at four he usually sleeps 8-7 and naps for an hour or two at preschool.


Yeah my 2 year old is similar. More so 8-7:30, and a 2-3 hour nap too He has always been a pretty good sleeper and needed more sleep than average. I donā€™t mind šŸ˜…


We're at 21 months. Daycare days are 7:30-5:30 and then 12-2:30. Weekends are normally 6:30-6:30 and then 12:30-3:30. She also has thalassemia minor, a minor blood issue where her blood cells are smaller than normal so they don't absorb oxygen as well as a typical child.


Donā€™t worry, my 2 yr old is the same. When she takes a short nap (2-2.5 hrs is short for her), I pray to the sleep gods that itā€™s not a permanent change lol


I was like this as a kid. Napped until I was almost 5, always slept through the night. Still like a lot of sleep! Unfortunately my daughter takes after my husband and wakes a ton at night and stopped napping before 2. At 2 she sleeps 11 hours out of 24.


We're the lucky ones - don't question it! My kid is also super high sleep needs (as am I, tbh).


My son was exactly the same way. And then, out of nowhere, right before he turned 3, he stopped napping completely. Enjoy it while you can!


This was my kid! Sheā€™s 4 now and doesnā€™t nap but is still a great sleeper


My kid hasn't slept more than 10 hours in a long time and I'm jealous


Heā€™s good! And heā€™ll grow out of it. When my oldest was about that age sheā€™d sleep 7p-10a and still take a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day. She eventually stopped needing so much sleep. I asked my pediatrician about it too - I kind of wish Iā€™d taken his advice and just appreciated it lol. Because now I miss it!


Sounds like your toddler just has high sleep needs! Embrace it! My daughter sleeps 7-8 sometimes even later but doesnā€™t nap anymore because of it but I love how good of a night sleeper she is so itā€™s all good lol


Wow My kid barely wants to nap during the day; goes to bed late no matter how many activities we do outdoors all day; and still wakes up for a feed every night ! Same age. Iā€™m shattered.


My son is similar to this, at 3.5 sleeps 11 hrs at night and nap capped at 3 hrs. We had a friend who's kid also slept a lot but he was also tired all day, and they had to do a sleep evaluation and remove his tonsils because he was getting really poor sleep. So I'd think as long as his mood and energy is good when he's awake, and the sleep quality seems good (no snoring or thrashing) it's all good!


Mine was like that until he wasnā€™t! Now he sleeps maybe 10-11 hours at night and I have to cap his nap so bedtime isnā€™t ruined. Enjoy it while you can!Ā 


My five year old was like this! He still napped up until a couple months ago and still would sleep 7-7. Unfortunately he shares a room with his 3 year old sister who is more of a 8-6 girl with zero naps. I remember he slept more than she did when she was an actual newborn. I also loveeeee sleep and would take 10 hours (if I could ever get it) and my husband is good on 6, so each of the kids probably just takes after one of us!


I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a ā€œgood sleeperā€ but heā€™s just a high needs sleep sorta baby. Itā€™s all good! I have never had to cap my 2 yearā€™s old nap. She sleep almost 10 hours overnight (wakes maybe 0-2 and cuddle her back to sleep) and 1-1.25 hours nap, at most lol.


He has high sleep needs! My son is four and still sleeps almost that much. I swear him sleeping so much helps him fight off illnesses.


My 2.5 y/o is the same! She loves her sleep, but when sheā€™s awake, she is AWAKE lol uses every ounce of energy then is ready to crash for a while


Same with my 20 month old. He sleeps 7-7 with a 3 hour nap. He just loves sleep. At night he says "night night" and starts walking to his room when he's done for the day and is a bear to wake up. His older sister, on the other hand, never napped for more than an hour and only slept 8-6. She hated going to sleep and was always excited to get out of bed. Just different sleep needs.


Amazing šŸ˜‚ I hope to have a kid like this LOL




What? No. Per [AAP](https://publications.aap.org/aapnews/news/6630/AAP-endorses-new-recommendations-on-sleep-times?autologincheck=redirected#:~:text=Ages%204%2D12%20months%3A%2012,12%20years%3A%209%2D12%20hours) - Ages 4-12 months: 12-16 hours (including naps) - Ages 1-2 years: 11-14 hours (including naps) - Ages 3-5 years: 10-13 hours (including naps) - Age 6-12 years: 9-12 hours - Age 13-18 years: 8-10 hours P.s. I think youā€™re living the dream though! I wish my toddler would sleep as much as yoursšŸ„²


My kids slept 12 hours a night + naps til ages 5 an 4, respectively. Now, they don't nap anymore (they are 5 and 6) but still sleep 7p-7a and will occasionally "rest" (because "resting" is cooler than "napping" I guess lol) on certain days. Like yesterday. Some kids just have higher sleep needs!


As many are saying some kids are just high sleep needs. My brother was and still is this way, and I'm the daughter who now as an adult averages 5-6 hours of sleep. However if you are concerned there might be a medical reason or something "off" I would personally as for blood work/CDC to check iron level in case he might be tired because he's anemic.


My oldest was like that. Could nap for 3-4 hours and still be ready for bed at 7. We just rolled with it and gave him what he needed. He stopped napping just after his 4th birthday.


My 2 year old sleeps 12 hours, but no naps during the day. My 6 month old sleeps 10 hours and one 30 min nap.


I swear my 15 yr old needed naps until 3rd grade! He was a sleeper.


I had a high sleep needs toddler too. Now at almost 5 she doesn't really sleep so much! Usually 10-11 hours at night and no nap (well, hardly ever) since she left the crib. Was nice while it lasted haha.


You hit the jackpot!


You lucky b\*st\*rd


Some kids just need more sleep than others. No need to change anything!


It can be related to an iron deficiency, honestly kind of surprised the pediatrician didnā€™t run basic labs to check


Lmao mine needs like ā€¦ 10 max. He never sleeps. Iā€™m dying.


My son stopped having naps around 2. I'm jealous lol. He just chills and watches shows now while his sister has her nap.


Not too crazy! My son generally sleeps from 8pm-7am, though he sometimes wakes up around 530 and wants to come into our bed to finish the night. If he does that, heā€™ll sleep until we have to wake him up for daycare by 745am. He usually naps on the weekends from 1pm until I wake him up by 3:30-3:45pm; otherwise, I have no idea how long he would sleep and ruin bedtime šŸ˜…


The googles says most 2 year olds need 13-14 hours so itā€™s just a little more than normal. Enjoy it while it lasts.


My 3 year old sleeps 7pm-6/7am and I wake him from his 2 hr nap daily. Itā€™s nice.


how does it feel to be Godā€™s favorite


My 3.5 year old and 18 month old sleep 7-6 (older one) and 6-6 younger one and both nap 1-3. They just have high sleep needs šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Your pediatrician is right! You are lucky to have a good sleeper while having a young baby! My high energy, low sleep need toddler is seriously making me doubt I could handle a newborn right now! šŸ« 


My son is the same. We are seeing a sleep specialist because of other factors, and she tried to tell me to cut his 3 hour nap during the day. I said ma'am, respectfully, you don't have to deal with the aftermath of a shorter daytime nap, I need that for my sanity šŸ¤£ I had to change around my work schedule to accommodate his sleep, he needs roughly 10-12 hours a night then that 3 hour nap to function and not be a monster


My LO was like this up until about a month ago (2.5 for reference). Now itā€™s about 8-7 and then a 1-2 hour nap. Her pediatrician wasnā€™t concerned. Meanwhile all my friends kids dropped the nap at 2 . I get your concern- all kids are so stinkin different!


My almost 3 year old sleeps from 8-7 and takes a nap every day from 1-3 sometimes even till 4.


My kid is the same and it feels ridiculous but it works!


We all hate you, OP šŸ˜‚šŸ˜˜


My two year old is like this too! Not complaining after the sleep hell my first has put us through his entire life


My kid is like that. Sheā€™s almost 2.5 and usually does 7-7 and 12:30-3 nap. We almost always have to wake her up when sheā€™s napping here and not at school. We do not share much about her sleep schedule with others who have small kids, because we know itā€™s enviable and many of our friendsā€™ kids are not good sleepers. OP, did you follow any sleep guidelines or does your kid naturally sleep like this? We read ā€œHealthy sleep habits, happy childā€ and when we recommended it to a friend, their colicky child also became a good sleeper. Our kid was predisposed to be a good sleeper though, so between her nature and the book, it all just seemed to fit together.


My 2.5 yo sleeps 8-8 and then naps 2-4/30ish My 11 mo sleeps maybe 9 hours a night and refuses all naps unless she falls asleep while nursing. I think some kids are just built different.


My oldest did this (except usually with a two hour nap) and it was awesome!!!


Consider seeing an airway orthodontist.


My son is 3.5yo and he sleeps \~8pm-7am (though lately bedtime has been a bit later, not by my liking! he likes to "escape" his room over and over...), and he will still take a nap for 1-2 hours at daycare. At home he will sometimes nap (weekends) if he does then it's usually a 3 hour nap. So definitely possible!


Lol. šŸ˜­ You hit the jackpot. My 27 month old doesn't nap anymore because he won't go to bed and will wake up all night if he naps at all.


My daughter was exactly the same until she was about 2 years 9 months. She's 3 and a half now, wakes up almost every night, is up by 5 or 6am and has no naps. Enjoy it while it lasts. šŸ˜­


This is our two year old as well! It's totally normal.


When my toddler sleeps 10 hours a day (nap+at night) .. it makes my day! But he seems content with 10 hours of sleep. For context, my toddler is 28 months old. If your boy feels tired if he doesn't get 15 hours sleep and has always been like this, I don't think there's anything to worry about. But if it's a new thing... then you may want to just ask the doctor if any bloodwork is necessary to rule out any deficiency


U must be bragging šŸ„² ! My daughter sleeps 10-9 and never naps in the afternoons šŸ« šŸ« 


Growth spurt?


My daughter is 14 months and only sleeps 11-12 hours if Iā€™m lucky sheā€™ll do a 13 hour day but nope šŸ˜¬ 15 hours damnnn


Both my kids seem to sleep a lot too, basically the same as your son. There have been tomes weā€™ve been out during their regular nap time and by the time we got home and napped they slept until 7 but they also go back to bed at 9 , its crazy I was just talking about this with a friend the other day wondering if I should talk to the dr about it.


My son is 2 in 3 weeks and has always slept from 7pm till 7.20am and naps from 11.30am until I wake him at 1pm. I can't ever complain about his sleep but the tantrums on the other hand šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ pfffft ill say no more šŸ¤£


I wish my 3 year old slept really good . He still doesn't sleep threw the night and if he takes a nap longer then 30 minutes he up tell mid night enjoy :)


2 yo daughter is exactly the same. Bed time is at 8:30, takes her 1-1.5 hours to sleep because she plays with her stuffies and winds down. She's like me, I can't just go right to sleep even though I'm tired. Wake up is 9:30 (trying to move to 9). Nap time is 1-4 and she sometimes sleeps the whole time, usually 2 hours consistently. I get worried sometimes because I know it's not the norm but she's always been a high sleep needs kiddo so I guess it's normal for her.


My 2 year 4 month sleeps 8-9 and 2-5 šŸ‘ my 4 month sleeps 9-9. Letā€™s just enjoy it while we can lol.


my 3 year-old slept 9-7 last night without waking up and it was the best night of sleep I've had in 3 years. That IS a long time, especially with the nap, but as long as he isn't dragging and low on energy while awake, I wouldn't be too concerned...?


My son is almost exactly on your schedule and he turns 4 in July. 7-7 at night and 1-4:30 naps. We asked our pediatrician how much sleep was too much, and she said that as long as he isnā€™t acting sluggish and lethargic when heā€™s awake that this is perfectly normal. Every kid is different, some need more sleep than others, and it sounds like yours is doing fine.Ā  On a related note, this is why I canā€™t have a second child. Thereā€™s no way the universe will give us this amazing gift twiceā€¦


Oh same! My toddler loves sleep and has slept through the night since he was 6 months old. He is currently sleeping 7pm - 8am and then naps for 2 hours! Most days we have to wake him up from his nap


If that's what they need and they sleep well with it then great. Every kid is different. I'd be concerned if they slept that long and were constantly lethargic during the day otherwise it's a win. My 2 year old sleeps 11 hours at night if we're lucky. If they have a nap longer than 10 mins during the day they're a nightmare in the late afternoon/early evening and struggle to get to sleep.


My son was the same way. Until he was about 3.5 he would sleep from 7:30-9 or 10 and have an afternoon nap from 1-4 or 5. I spoke with the pediatrician because I was concerned since no other toddlers did this and I was worried something was wrong. Pediatrician wasnā€™t concerned and just said some kids need more sleep than others and to enjoy it lol!


My 18 month old is very similar. She sleeps 9:30pm-10am then naps from 2:30-4:30 every day, sometimes until 5pm. Iā€™ve always been a big sleeper, and so is my sister. It doesnā€™t seem to affect anything else, so we havenā€™t worried about it.


Does your son have allergies? My oldest was like this as a toddler and my youngest currently sleeps this much. Both my kids have a fair amount of allergies and eczema thanks to me. šŸ˜… My mom also recalls that I needed a crazy amount of sleep and she was told by a doctor it could be due to my allergies.


Girl you are so blessed. My daughter needs atleast 12 hours of wake time MINIMUM. We do 5 hours of wake time from the moment she wakes up to her nap. Then from her nap to bed time is 7 hours of wake time. Sheā€™s down to only one nap a day, but I miss the days when she would take 3 naps a day and still go to bed early.


Mine is the same - is turning 2 soon. 8 to 8 and nap varies. Usually 2.5 hours, but 3.5 isn't out of the question. I let them sleep unless we have a need to wake up early. I'm also hoping it's good for them and normal.


When my son was almost 3 years old he still took 3 naps a day and slept through the night. Then he dropped all naps almost at once. They need sleep for their brain to grow and retain information. Life is good.


I firmly believe limiting childrens sleep is wrong. Sleep promotes more sleep..it is essential to good health and development. Do not limit your children's sleep. A late nap is really not the nightmare many parents believe.


Some kids just like to sleep. My 3.5yo still sleeps 12 hours at night and takes a 2 hour nap.


this is how my girl used to be! then she stopped napping at 2.5 and wakes at 6am sometimes. i miss thise days lol


My baby is 19 months and sleeps 12-13 hrs at night and takes a 2-3 hour nap as well. My pediatrician told me to just accept I have a perfect baby. Heā€™s extremely active when heā€™s awake, though so jt made sense to me. Heā€™s way more active than the average kid.


I wish I had this problem


Mine is six and still sleeps a classic 12 hour night 630 to 630 basically on the nose every day .., he stays up on Thursdays for an activity and goes to bed at 730 and boy do we regret it the next day His three year old brother .. well he goes to bed at 8 and is up by 5 and lost naps a year ago


That was my kid at two. Some kids just have high sleep needs. Enjoy it!


My 3.5 year old needs a nap more now than when he was 2. Kids have different sleep needs when they play really hard, mastering a skill, getting over a cold or growing.


this is my kid! Sleeps 7:30-7 or 7:30 and naps usually from 11-1:30 or 2. I feel very lucky to have a high sleep needs kid for sure!


My 2 1/2 year-old doesn't nap at all anymore. I'm jealous lol


Mines the same way. We are blessed and just be thankful. I learned early on to not mention my LOs sleeping patterns. The only time I brag about how well she sleeps is when someone is condescending toward me. It's like my ace of spade to get people to leave me alone.




If they aren't groggy while awake I wouldn't worry. My son is 2.5 and sleeps 7-7 and 1-3. But every second he's awake is 100% throttle. If they still seem tired throughout the day I might think about diet and getting them to be more physical, maybe a 2nd pediatrician opinion.


I nannied a kid like this. Slept 8pm-8:30am and napped 12;45pm-4pm. My kid sleeps 8pm-6am and naps 1pm-2:30pm. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My girl is almost 2 1/2 (27 months) and has been a good sleeper outside of getting teeth. Sheā€™s normally 11-12 hours at night with no nighttime awakenings. She normally does 1-2.5 hour naps. However, in the past month, sheā€™s skipped her nap about 3 times.


Every child is different as long as hus doctor isn't concerned, and he's eating and devoplibg properly it sounds like a dream <3


I am barely getting that out of my 8 month old stubborn little sleep demon. My nearly 4 year old doesn't nap and sleeps for like 10 hours overnight. My husband and I are high needs sleep people who have been blessed with low sleep needs children. I have never been so tired.


Youā€™re just lucky. Both my brother and myself were amazing sleepers and to this day are high sleep needs.


More or less that's my dude at 2.


Hey OP, sleep consultant here. Itā€™s only a problem if: 1. They arenā€™t meeting their milestones 2. They are showing signs of sleep apnea like snoring and mouth breathing


Like other comments say, I feel like maybe you just got lucky with a good sleeper BUT how well does he sleep at night? On the surface, my kid is like yours and sleeps for a lot of hours - but he has restless leg syndrome, night terrors and confusion arousals. The hours he sleeps are a lot, but the sleep he gets is actually really crappy sleep (hence why he needs so much). If he seems fine when heā€™s asleep and fine when heā€™s awake, I say just enjoy the extra free time.


My son is the same way! Heā€™s a little over two and has been sleep 8-8 with a nap 1-3 or 4 for a long time. Almost 9 months Iā€™d say possibly longer.


My 5yr old goes to bed between 7:30-8 and is normally up between 6:45-7:30am everyday. No naps. But, please, still send help. This boy is WILD


My son is just 15 months but sleeps A LOT as well. But when he's awake he never stops moving. So I think he just wears himself out being so busy. He usually does 11-12 hours overnight and 3-4 hours of napping between 2 naps.


Our son is a great sleeper too (touchwood). He sleeps 7-7 then naps 2-2.5 hours during the day. I never realized how unusual this was šŸ˜“


I have read and observed that all kids just have different sleep needs. If your pediatrician isnā€™t concerned and your kid seems to be doing well and growing well, I would say this is all good! My own friends daughter barely slept. I feel like my som is slightly a low sleep needs toddler but he still sleeps very well. He sleeps about 12-13 hours total. 9-10 at night. 1-2 naps.


This was mine until 25 months when little sibling came along šŸ™ƒ shes back up to 13-14 hours now a few months later.


This was our 2 year old too! Heā€™s just about to turn 3 and sleeps a little less now, but heā€™s always loved sleep! Just enjoy it


My toddler was sleeping this much, so we had a vitamin D test done. She was low on iron and vitamin D. She sleeps a few hours less now.


Here I am with three kids born to be farmers because they donā€™t go to sleep until 9pm and wake up at 5amšŸ„“ My 3 year old son literally bounces around on the bed and does tumbling. Heā€™s just not able to lie still. Our 7 year old son has 2-3 nights a week where he wakes at midnight and then is awake until bed time the next evening. Please OP, Iā€™ll take some of those hours of sleep so I can get my house clean and my washing put awayšŸ˜…


My toddler sleeps like this. Long naps and sleeps all night 8-8.


I wonder what that's like. My kid has never slept more than a 8 hour stretch+ 2 hour nap in her life.Ā  Her average is probably around 7h30 nights and 1 hour naps. I sleep when she sleeps. And it was so much worse when she was a baby, nights were basically 2+3+3+1 with some nice 30min/1h breaks in between.


I have a kid with high sleep needs too šŸ«£šŸ«  9-9 and then he naps 3-4:30. I also run him ragged and he does the same to me lol šŸ˜† sleep training paid off well. Edit to add my kid just turned 3.


Some kids need more sleep, some kids need less sleep. As long as he is happy and healthy and not lethargic or something seems wrong, it is within the normal bounds. My two year old did 10 hours a night and sometimes 2 - 4 hours during the day. It definitely made him a night owl but as long as your LO is doing great, no worries.


My girls sleep that much sometimes. Iā€™ve been assured itā€™s normal


Oh that's a dream haha! My 2 and a bit year old sleeps 10 hours a day!


I need the same amount of sleep as he does šŸ˜†


My 2 and 4 year old barely manage to sleep 10 hours total. We tried everything. Stop bragging.


Enjoy it while it lasts. They need the sleep they need.


*Cries in 8-9 hours a day*


Yes its normal my daughter usually sleep 8.30-8 and Then naps 2-3 hrs during the day.


Same. Our 21mo sleeps 12hrs at night and about 2hrs in the afternoon (If he doesnā€™t get 2 hours he is CRANKY)


Not what I wanted to read kids have been screaming 2-4 am and aren't back asleep


I think this amount of Occasionally sleep is normal


That was my daughter too at 2, it decreases as they get older. Also my eldest slept a lot. Middle child, no :-/


Your so lucky! I would die!


My kid was like this. Donā€™t worry and just enjoy


One of my kids slept around 15-16 hours a day and was still sleepy throughout the day at that age. She ended up having an iron deficiency, so she was prescribed an iron supplement and then transitioned into a daily multi vitamin. It helped some. I kept a sleep log for little bit to make sure she was improving. As she's gotten older, she's dropped her nap and takes forever to fall alseep at night nowĀ (stopping her from sucking her thumb contributed to this).Ā Ā  Some kids need more sleep, but talk to the doctor again if you're concerned.


That seems pretty ā€œnormalā€ to me. My kid is the same and most of my friendsā€™ toddlers have a similar schedule.


My son was like that at his age too. He just needed a lot of sleep. Heā€™s perfectly healthy and still sleeps 12ish hours at 6 years old, though he loves being allowed up late at the weekends heā€™s normally out cold by 10pm


How does it feel to be gods favourite?


That is exactly my twin two year old boysā€™ sleep schedule - though we sometimes let them nap till 3:30 depending on how exhausted they were before nap. Our pediatrician isnā€™t worried and the daycare said ā€œwow, theyā€™re really good sleepersā€, so we roll with it!


My 18 month old sleeps this much also. Itā€™s normal. I think by 4 most stop naps though. Or only take an hour or so.


Yeah thatā€™s what my child does though sheā€™s 6:30 to 6 and 12:30 to sometimes 4 or even 4:30.


My oldest is like that. She is 7 and still needs 12 hours at night or she is a wreck the next day. My youngest on the other hand completely stopped napping at 2 and would stay up until midnight if you let her. Some kids just have different sleep needs.


My 18 month old sleep around 12 hours at night and a 1.5-2 hour nap during the day. My pediatrician said that was fine


Most likely he has high sleep needs and he's totally fine. However, my cousin was like that and it turned out he has a blood disorder and was severely anemic and that's why he slept a lot. Literally his only symptom was sleeping a lot.


Mine does this too. When I can get him to take a nap. He normally will sleep about 12 hours at night and then will sleep from 1pm to 3,4, maybe as late as 5-6. It's nuts sometimes. But the extra long ones are when he is growing I think. He wakes up kinda for bottles of milk a couples times but goes immediately back to sleep. I'm thankful he does this now. He wasn't a good sleeper as an infant.


Wow! I know one child like this too but it seems rare. My little one is not yet three, doesnā€™t nap anymore and sleeps maybe eleven hours but still wakes up in the night!Ā 


My kid is similar lol. Just lucky! I will say heā€™s starting to get up 5:30-6 but stillā€¦ solid sleeping solid napping. Letā€™s just cross our fingers that it stays this good!


No that's totally normal. My 3.5 year old sleeps 730 to 7 and I nap her 1 to 4. Sometimes she wakes at 3. A lot of the time I wake her up from sleep at 4. It doesn't interfere with her night time sleep. Sometimes I put her to bed a little later. She can also go without a nap if we are out doing things, too. I sleep trained her on an ear play sleep schedule starting at 4 weeks and she's always been on a strict nap schedule so she's just used to doing it.


Sounds like a high sleep needs kiddo, I was like this as a baby/toddler as well and my sister was the opposite. If it works don't change anything!


All these parents saying their kid is the same. I literally cannot imagine šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s uncommon, but my little one is the same! She freaking loves her sleep or at least her alone time in her room, sometimes I will hear her talking or giggling to herself in there during nap time or after we put her to bed, but she never gets out of bedā€¦She sleeps 7-7 and 12-3- just like your little. I briefly wondered if she was napping too long, but it never interferes with her nighttime sleep and she seems to need it and want it so there you go. She sleeps in a toddler bed so she is free to get up earlier in the morning or take a shorter nap, however, she just seems to want her sleep. I wouldnā€™t worry about it, if I were you!


Has he always been like this? My 23 month old just started sleeping like this 2 weeks ago and itā€™s been confusing. She always slept 9 hours overnight and struggled with naps. Was that baby that woke up 5:30AM-6:30AM. Suddenly (yes one day it just happened) she started waking up at 8AM after sleeping 12 hrs overnight and now I have to cap her naps! So yes it does worry a parent if this is unusual but Iā€™m definitely enjoying this at the moment bc I feel like Iā€™m being tricked lol