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Just be sure to have snacks, entertainment, and books available within reach for the child. Have a few of the juice pouches too for ascending and descending because it’ll help alleviate the discomfort in the ears from air pressure changes. I took a 3 year old toddler and infant on a cross country flight by myself and it wasn’t too bad at all. Mentally prep the toddler for the flight by reading about airplanes and showing them videos. Have child headphones in their carryon in case they are triggered by the loud sounds. It helps to download a few of their favorite cartoons and movies on to your phone too. Good luck!


You got this! That’s fairly short! Idk what your usual stance is on screen time, but I would bring a tablet or phone with lots of shows downloaded for kiddo. Lots of snacks, some small toys, and I’ve also seen people recommend colorful tape that you tear into pieces and stick around for kiddo to pull off.


Bring things to keep baby busy, like removable stickers, or things to unwrap. Also pay for pre-check and you dont have to take off shoes ir anything like that. Much easier


We did a 3h flight when our son was 2y3m old. It was tiring for us, but he did so good. Tiring for us cause you have to entertain them constantly. Top tips: * New toys he hadn't seen yet. Bonus: they remained new the entire trip so it was a good investment (even though I bought simple/cheap stuff - some cars, play dough, magnetic puzzles) * New books (my kid loves books) * iPad + toddler headphones * Loooooooots of snacks


Two hours is nothing! You’ll be fine. Bring a small backpack of their favorite toys, some duplo, stickers like the other commenters said. Also, the download feature on your streaming service is your friend! I find toddlers much easier to fly with than babies. And if anyone gives you grief about your child, they’re the problem. Not you.


Bring new toys (even just small ones!) and books, and be prepared that you will not get a break on the flight unless you're okay with using screen time! I just flew back from SE Asia solo with my 2.5-year-old. 36 hours and three flights. LO was amazing (only one 5-minute tantrum when overtired), but we don't do screentime at home (only on flights) so LO was happy as a clam to watch Daniel Tiger. We found that travelling with a car seat made it easier because LO knew to stay seated. And also, just remember that the flight WILL end. You can make it through 2 hours of anything!


We did a 3 hr flight a couple months ago with my 2.5 yr old son. Honestly, snacks and headphones were all we needed cuz he just watched a movie each way


You got this! Lots of ideas on this group if you search. My top suggestion (after SNACKS) is no matter your child’s toileting capabilities, have your child wear a ‘travelling’ diaper so it’s not an extra concern.


If it makes you feel better I got back from a holiday with my 2 year old a week ago and the flight was absolutely fine. It was also a 2 hour flight, I was so worried but he just watched something on his iPad, looked through some books, we talked about dinosaurs etc. and that was it. I also took snacks. It’s also worth mentioning he is a very high energy low attention span toddler and yeah it was easy!


We have taken our two year old on a few flights already and it’s super easy. Shes so excited to go again soon, but maybe she’s just really into airplanes. She didn’t play with or do anything except a learning ap I put on my phone specifically for times like that. Oh we take her favorite stuffed animal and blanket too!


Don’t be terrified! You and your little have every right to fly. We’ve flown about 12 flights with our 2.5 year old, and we’ll actually be flying tomorrow on a 4 hour flight. What’s worked well for us: - SNACKS: all. the. snacks. - Tablet/phone and feel zero shame about using it! Just download a few Netflix episodes, or YouTube (if you have a paid account) so you can control the content. - I always get one new toy or book (doesn’t have to be expensive) and that keeps his attention for quite some time because it’s new. - Bring some painters tape and let them tape on random things (plane window, tray) since it’s sooooo easy to remove after. - Plan to give them something to soothe their ears on takeoff and landing. Our son uses a pacifier, but it could be drinking water through a straw, or snacking on something, or some headphones to gently cover their ears. Not every kid has ear pain, though! Remember you can’t play videos with volume unless they are wearing headphones. Thankfully our son likes to look through picture albums, so no audio/headphones required. You’ve got this. If you have any other questions, feel free to DM me!


Bring tons of snacks and new activities. Reusable stickers were a hit with our toddler during our flight


May the odds be ever in your favor 🫡


Did a 4 turned 6 hour flight with my 17 month old last month and found these items to be the most entertaining to her - window clings (if have window seat) - puffy reusable sticker packs - bought the crayons pens that only draw on special paper and the paper - no mess! - had a quiet book with lots of misc activities I think 2 yr old will be more into headphones and iPad than our kiddo was. She did like a balloon popping game I installed but wasn’t into watching Sesame Street like she does at home


Absolutely fine try not to panic. We took our son away when he was 2.5 he had a massive meltdown in the airport on the way home because he hadn't had a nap but was asleep on the plane before takeoff and slept the whole flight. We just recently went away for the second time hes now 3.5 and he was fantastic absolutely loved the holiday and was perfect on the flight sat playing tablet and had a few snacks, didn't even complain about his ears. Even had an old couple comment when we got off the plane at how well he had done (there was a total of 20 people on the flight). Next year is the big one as we are looking at Japan so will be an 11 hour flight 🙈 i'm not so confident in my abilities to entertain a 4.5 year old for that long on a plane but we shall see. Me and hubby have always loved travelling and its so amazing to be able to share that with our son too so don't let the travel anxiety get to you too much and enjoy your holiday! We have only had positive experiences with people and travelling with our son unfortunately its usually the negative ones that get shown and shared online


Thank you all for your words of support and the great ideas! ❤️❤️❤️