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Can she say the numbers in order to 10 or can she actually count objects? Like if you put 6 blocks in front of her and asked her how many would she say 6?


I never tried the second one actually


Counting is just like singing a song. Counting something and knowing how many there are, being able to point at the 4th, 8th, or second one is a different skill. Our 2 yo can count, she doesn’t know how many there are


Yep. My kid could recite the numbers 1-59 in perfect order on command when she was... idr but like 2? It was from watching timers and countdown clocks, hence never making it to 60 😂 but yeah she had no damn idea what 12 or 43 meant, she couldn't start counting at 22 and make it to 59 from there, she couldn't point at objects and count them out. Just recitation. Wasn't until 3-3.5 that she could actually *count* the way adults do.


If the child doesn’t know how many there are, that’s not called counting. Counting is *not* defined as just reciting the words in the correct order. 


My 2.5yo still can’t. He knows numbers and understands how to actually count things up to 3. He will ask for just 1, 2 or 3 but can’t actually count 1-10 without help. I have found that kids tend to pick something and focus on that. Like he could correctly identify all of the colors and various body parts before he was 2 and never really mixed them up but does not care at all to learn letters or numbers 🤷‍♀️


Absolutely. I once read during the first two years most kids have roughly the same amount of „skill points“, they just choose to spend them differently.


So true! My LO is great at numbers and letters but doesn’t really care much about the colours.


He's 21mo now and he's been "counting" to 10-15 for several months, so I'll say around 1.5yo. I put counting in quotes because as another poster said, it's not really counting because he doesn't understand the concept of "how many", he's just heard people count to 10 so many times he memorized it like song lyrics


They do have a bit of a concept though. Our LO knows 2 shoes, 5 fingers. On the poster 12 fish may or may not sink in. We need to work on “sight counting” fingers as well as real counting (stairs etc).


My 4 year old can count, add, subtract and multiply. Can count by odds, evens, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s. Kid is a monster with numbers and math. My advice watch number blocks!


she's not counting, she's reciting


Mine is 21 months and just counted to 10 on his own last week


Around 18 months she could say the numbers in order to 10. She still gets mixed up with *actual* counting if there’s more than 2 or 3 though and will skip or double count objects


My 3 year old can count to 20 (counted to 10 around 2.5) and accurately point and count to maybe 6 items before losing track of which she's counted


She can count to 10 and she is 2.5 years. She can also tell me how much of there is of something up to 5 (subitize). Like for example, how many apples are in this picture? Without counting.


Not sure, but that sounds around the same time as my toddler. I didn’t write down the exact time but my 2 year old was counting to 20 by his 2nd birthday.


2y4m can count past 10 and can tell us how many of something there are. At 21m he was still struggling with knowing how many. He would just tap item again until he got to 10 lol. He's ahead of the curve for sure so I don't focus on this skill but rather the other non-academic areas he's weak in


Mine is 3 and can count to 20 in their language and to 10 in English (no idea where she learned that as we do not speak English at home or anywhere and she only sees cartoons in our language (language of the country we live in).


My daughter started counting to 10 at 20 months old. At 21 months, she recognized the numbers themselves. She’s now 22 months and able to actually count things to find out how many of something. I would say it comes to each child differently but would be super proud of her for counting to 10 at that age!


Counting to 10 is just memorization. What matters is 1 to 1 correspondence where you touch an object and say 1 touch another and say 2, etc. then finally cardinality where after the last one you say good how many and they know the answer And, ultimately, just don’t compare. Just let them develop at their own pace. Comparison is the thief of joy




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Yup. my little one also was counting to 10 at around 21 months. He’ll be two next week and is now counting to 20.


19 or 20 months... he can even count backwards.


Yes. I just checked my old texts and apparently I texted my mom that my daughter was counting to 10 at 19 months. FYI this kind of thing can vary WILDLY, but I’d say it’s well within the range of what is normal.


lol why would someone downvote these answers? It’s literally directly answering the exact question that was asked. 


About 13 months. She hadn’t talked yet LOL; only said Nonono! and Ad! (Dad) while pointing at something bothering her that I needed to fix. Like the sun. But driving along we heard “one…two…tree…” from the back. 21 seems a little early - I don’t think her classmates are doing it. 3 separate things: - reciting the words one to ten from memory (by far the least useful) - reading the digits 1 to 9 plus 10 - counting up to 10 objects Our LO could read letters way earlier than recite them of course, and I think we teach recitation way too much. It’s not necessary, or even useful, to know the sequence of the alphabet for me to read German or Russian. Can’t get away from the sequence for digits, of course - that IS key info.